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New World Crafting Guide 2023: Best Way To Craft 600 Gear Score & Increase Crafting Odds

1/12/2023 11:33:55 AM
Tag: New World

New World players have been asking questions about crafting. Such as how can I craft 600 gear? Why is my crafting capping at 580 and I just maxed armoring now what? In this New World crafting guide 2023, we cover everything you will need to know to craft the best gear you can in any crafting skill.


New World Crafting Guide 2023 - How To Craft 600 Gear Score (GS) In New World

New World's crafting system is crucial to the experience. At launch, the highest gear score a player can get via crafting is 600. You'll need more than the maximum crafting skill for your chosen craft if you want to get to 600 GS. To be noted, we won't be covering how to max level any crafting ability in this New World gear crafting guide. Instead, we will be looking at here when you hit 200 and you excitedly set out to craft some 600 gear score gear. There will be however some important things you will need to know first, as well as a few steps you will need to take in order to become a true master crafter and that's the New World crafting tips we hope to clarify here.


New World Crafting Types

There are basically four different categories that you can break down the items you will be crafted into.


1. Named Items

For some of them, you will be given the recipes simply by the merit of leveling your skill and others will be learned using schematics you will find in supply crates throughout the game. These items will always require the same materials and will always roll the exact same for example, the same perks attributes, and item level. Regardless of the trophies and gear and stuff you use to craft them, they are just static crafts.


2. Patterns

These are awarded from events, and special drops from PVE Arenas and can even be found rarely in aptitude crates. These are a bit different from the previous category because they have very different roles depending upon the pattern in question. However, the one thing that is important here is you can only craft these once, and then the pattern is consumed. So if you are wanting to craft multiples of these for whatever reason, you will require multiple patterns. These patterns come in 2 very different varieties.

-First, there are the guaranteed 600 gear score patterns which of course will roll legendary 600 regardless of your armor trophies or whatever you use. You will receive these from events of course and there are 3 sets of these that you can farm from the various PVE Arenas. They can also be contained within aptitude crates. However, this will be the only way you can reliably craft a legendary shield with the aptitude to create a recipe.

-The other variety will be a little different and will operate like a regular craft and will depend on the trophies and such you are using. These patterns may seem exactly the same as a regular craft, but not exactly. These can offer you bonuses like the ability to choose attributes, cool and unique skins, and modified perk buckets. The benefits are unique to the patterns themselves, but these do require significant investment to really get the full potential out of them.


3. Artifact Items

The way these work is quite simple. You will require a certain artifact item in your bag or shed in order to even see the recipe. But once you have it then you can gather the required materials and craft it. However, keep in mind once again that once crafted the artifact item is then consumed and the recipe will disappear until you have once again collected that artifact. This applies to every single artifact crafting type such as the weapons, armor, and the basic and major trophies in both tiers that require an artifact to be seen in the crafting menu.


4. Invest Items

The final category will be the crafts which will require you to invest in different items that will impact the values of the regular crafts like tier weapons and armor. This will beware you will craft the best gear in the game.


New World Crafting 600 Gear Score 2023

1. Cooldown Material

In order to craft gear in New World, you will need to invest in your character quite heavily to see any success. The first thing you will notice is that the quality of the materials that you choose to use to craft will impact the overall outcome of the gear score of the item. In order to even have the potential to craft 600 gear score items, you will need to use cooldown materials in each slot available in the crafting window such as asmodeum, runic leather and phoenixweave, and glittering ebony, these sorts of materials. If you even substitute one of them with a regular or rare tier 5 material, your outcome can never reach 600 gear score.


2. Crafting Buff

However, one thing you will quickly notice as a new crafter is that this alone is not enough. Even with all of the materials, your crafting potential will not be 600 gear score. This will only make crafting a 545 to 575 care score possible. So you will need much more than just the skill and the materials to be an effective crafter. Then there’s another buff you will want to have, the armorer's inspiration or whatever it is for your chosen craft. This is a town buff that is activated by the town owning company. You will receive this buff if you own a house in the town in which it is activated no matter if you're a member of the owner's faction or not.


First, you will require the crafting armor set associated with the crafting ability you're attempting to craft within. In this case of course armoring, these armor pieces will provide you with a plus 2 per piece worn to the crafting potential gear score of the items crafted while wearing it. This is a plus 2 to the base and the ceiling and this is an important distinction. So we have plus 10 to the base and the ceiling of the potential item, making it now a 555 to 585 crop potential but still not 600 that we are after.


3. Crafting Food

Next what you will want is the crafting food for the appropriate crafting skill. For this example, it will be cabbage soup because we are armoring. But each crafting skill has a tier 5 food item that adds plus 15 to the crafting skill. So now that we have consumed the food as you can see we now can craft 600 gear score gear. In order to hit the potential to craft 600 gear score gear, you will require your armor set, cool-down materials, and crafting food. But this is only the first step because as this is 570 to 600, so your odds of rolling 600 will still be very low.


4. Earring

With the extreme cost of the materials, you will want to do a lot more work to improve these odds. So the next thing we want to do is increase our floor because our ceiling is already maxed. Your first step will be the easiest and that will be the earring. This is a plus five to crafting skill base rolls and one of these exists for every crafting skill. So this will now up you to 575 to 600.


5. Trophy

So the final thing you will now require to finish this off is the trophies. There are trophies for each crafting skill with the exception of furnishing and in a way Jewel crafting. For jewel crafting, you will require the armor trophy as well. People have developed this idea that crafting 600 gear score is impossible without trophies. The role trophies play is to work as a way of increasing your chances at 600 gear score by narrowing the roll by increasing the floor.


New World Trophy Crafting: The major trophies will finally achieve the desired 595 to 600 rolls. But if you had the basic or minor trophies, you would still have the 600 caps, you would simply have a lower base. So with 3 basic trophies for example you would still have a 592 to 600 instead of a 595 to 600. So you can still craft reliably similar results without having to invest in major trophies right off the bat. In order to maximize your crafting potential, you will need the following things

-Tradeskill to 200

-5 pieces of tradeskill gear

-An earring with the tradeskill Mastery perk for your chosen tradeskill

-3 trophies: basic, major or minor

-Tier 5 tradeskill food

-A house in a settlement with a trade scope buff active


How To Increase Your Crafting Odds In New World

Now that we have covered what you will need and why, let's look at a few other things that have been added to the game to further your New World crafting potential.


1. Azoth

When you use this in crafting it basically guarantees the item will roll the max possible attributes, perks, and gem slots onto the item when you hit a certain gear score threshold. You will always want to use this in your crafts because nothing feels quite as bad as rolling an item and getting a 600 gear score. But having it roll green or blue 600 gear score. What investing azoth does is ensure that if the item rolls a 600 gear score, it will be legendary.


2. Perk Option Window

This is an important part of crafting. This allows you while crafting to lock a perk using a perk item, you will have in your inventory or shed. When you lock this in, it will guarantee that this chosen perk will be rolled onto the crafted item. This slot can also be used as a way to ensure a certain attribute. Certain attributes will be on the item instead of locking in a perk.


3. Timeless Shard

This of course brings us to an item that was added a few months after release because people wanted the ability to lock a perk and an attribute role and that is the timeless shard. You will receive timeless shards upon completing any Expedition as well as inside the aptitude crates associated with each crafting skill. You can purchase them from the market if you needed them. When you use these you will be able to choose your perk and use 10 of the attribute items associated with the attribute of your choice. Then be able to craft an item knowing what attribute and what perk you have locked in. 

Now, these items will still of course have to obey the regular crafting rules. Meaning you will still require everything we discussed earlier to roll 595 to 600. You will still need to use all of the top-tier cooldown materials. Even though you've invested heavily you still may roll in epic 595 items. Nothing insures 600 gs in New World.


4. Stop Watch

Stopwatch is another item you can use while crafting gear in New World. This was again an item added much later after launch and what it does is increase your bass roll while crafting. So instead of 595 to 600, you're now looking at 598 to 600. This item is crafted at the stone cutting table and it is not cheap, at least not for a newer player. This will cost you 500 azoth, 500 umbral shards and 10 runestones. On top of that, you can only craft it once per day. To a new player, this may seem great, 598 to 600 roll, but it really isn't. 

In order to even do this, you will require 3 infused fragments plus the stopwatch, making this already a very expensive craft. But then you will also require all the normal tier 5 cooldown materials and you can only select either 1 perk or 1 attribute, not both like with the timeless shards. You will still need to invest further azoth beyond the cost of the stopwatch itself to ensure if you roll a 600, you get all the potential perks. So with all that said you could still roll something completely useless and the roll was quite costly.


5. Tempest Replica

A far cheaper option to this will be the tempest replicas for somebody at this stage. These replicas, unlike the rest, already give you a bonus to your base role of 597 to 600. So instead of going through all the other trouble getting 10 desecrated flesh will be much cheaper and easier for basically the exact same type of roll.


6. Golden Scarab

If you are looking to invest heavily because you are after a very specific and potentially best in slot item what you are going to be wanting to use are the new golden scarabs. You will get them from doing acid chests and glyph chests in Brimstone Sands. What these are is basically a way to turn timeless shards into super timeless shards so these work exactly the same way as timeless shards except now you will require 25 of the attribute item instead of 10 and 3 timeless shards instead of 1. We'll now give you the ability to choose the desired attribute as well as 2 of the desired perks. This then is a huge way to reduce your odds of getting undesirable rolls and further zero in on that perfect item you are wanting to create. 

This is of course risky and you will still have a big chance of rolling epics with 2 perks you chose, so this is an activity for the true end game when you have the New World coins to burn. Because rolling armor in this way to create best in slot gear is quite unforgiving and anyone who has done this will tell you. You can easily burn 500k coins and still not get the right legendary best in slot piece. So don't be fooled into thinking this will make it easy for the investment.

7. PvE Arena Pattern

If you are a newer crafter and a fresh 60 attempting to gear, a great first step can be farming the patterns from the PVE arenas. What makes these especially amazing even better in some ways than the event patterns is that they always roll a 600 gear score and they do not require cooldown materials at all. You can craft these with any old-tier garbage materials. You are not required to invest any azoth as they always guarantee all perks and you can still select a perk you desire. Where you may experience some issues is that the attributes on these items will always roll random, unless you lock in an attribute in exchange for making the perks roll 100% random. 

But in the end, you get a bound piece of 600 gear score gear, it will give you an expertise bump much like any crafted 600 item will and it won't squish because you crafted it. So this can be a great way for newer crafters to roll armor for themselves if they tend to run PvP Arenas regularly.

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