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New World Best PvP & PvE Builds (Weapon Combinations) 2023

1/3/2023 3:34:53 PM
Tag: New World

Here we update the top 5 New World New Best Builds featuring the best weapon combinations for PvP & PvE in 2023.

New World Best Builds (Weapon Combinations) for PvP & PvE 2023

To help you set up the new meta builds for both PvE and PvP, for each and every single build, we will explain what attributes weapon masteries and even weapon and gear perks you want to have, then what gems and specific gear you want to use to get out your stats as much damage as possible, as well show you the best gameplay of using different weapons so you would know which abilities you want to use first on your enemies and much more. Now let's dive into it.

Top 1 - Greater Axe Warhammer

This Great Axe and Warhammer weapon combination is very high damage mainly browser build that will give you high tankiness and high DPS potential. If you're looking for a super fun melee build that will give you a fun playstyle with high damage that is the build for you.

Primary Weapon: Great Axe

Abilities & Perks:




These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Greater Axe Warhammer

Secondary Weapon: Warhammer

Abilities & Perks:


Path of Destiny

Breaking Ball

These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Greater Axe Warhammer 1


These are the attributes you want to have so no matter from which level you start using this build:

Strength: 300

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 5

Focus: 5

Constitution: 210

First of all, get your strength to 200 and then get 100 points in Constitution and continue putting everything else in Strength, then around level 60 and 625 item score gear you should have around 300 Strength and 300 Constitution. The yellow bar color indicates the attributes that you get from level 60, the blue color indicates the attributes that you get from gear, and then the purple color indicates the attributes that you get from your food, and lastly for your gear you want to go with the medium category which means using the heavy helmet, heavy chest armor, medium gloves, light pants, and medium boots.


Great Axe: Empowered Orichalcum Great Az of the Soldier

War Hammer: Commitment

Hevery Cheatwear: Baleful Protector

Medium Gloves: Footmain's Grips

Heavy Footwear: The Heavy Burden

Light Legwear: Regular Pants

Medium Headwear: Raider's Hat

Amulet Jewelry: Champion's Amulet

Ring Jewelry: Forgtottem VoW

Earring Jewelry: Doom's Chance Earring

Items: Infused Regeneration Potion, Cleansing Elixir, Healing Elixir, Carrot Cake, Cunning Heartrune of Detonate

This build will work fine with any gear as long as you're using the same attribute and weapon setup. On your board,  you won't use the health and region portions then get the cleansing portion or any other portion depending on what activity you are doing and then lastly use the carrot cake and then, of course, don't forget on your character to equip the heart Rune of detonate.

Gameplay Tips - Best Way to Play this Build

For the first weapon Great Axe - Your first q spell is the Maelstrom which will perform a fast spinning attack that pulls all Targets in 2.5-meter range and thus a bunch of AOE damage, then the second ability - the Gravity well which will swing your axe and create the Electric Storm in which your enemies will be stunned load and will take a bunch of damage, and then lastly we have the Charge which is a simple mobility spell that will make your character dash for 10 meters while at the end doing 120 of your weapon's damage. 

Then for the second weapon Warhammer - Your q spell Shock Wave which will slam your Hammer into the ground causing a 3 meter earthquake that deals damage and staggers and roots your enemies for 2 seconds, then the second skill - Path of Destiny will create the powerful ground strike that does a lot of damage in this AOE range, lastly we have the Breaking Ball which will strike the ground with your Warhammer dealing damage and at the same time knocking down your enemies.

Rotation - No matter if you're farming mobs in PVE or doing PVP, the same principle and roll supply. So at the beginning of the fight, we want to start with the Great Axe and use the Gravity Well and then dash into the enemy with the Charge ability then now the enemy will probably try to run, so use the Maelstrom and pull him back. Then now let's switch the Warhammer and use the Shockwave and the Breaking Ball, then lastly finish off your enemy with a Path of Destiny.

Top 2 - Greatsword Sword

This Greatsword and Sword with Shield weapon combination is super fun to play, and as you're using medium armor you can take some damage and at the same time do very high DPS numbers.  If you're looking to do high damage and you want a fun Greatsword build then this is the one for you.


These are the attributes you want to have so no matter from which level you start using this build:

Strength: 200

Dexterity: 150

Intelligence: 5

Focus: 5

Constitution: 101

If you start from Level 0, get your strength and dexterity to 200 then start building your Constitution, and around level 60 you should have 200 Strength 150 Dexterity, and 100 Constitution. Last but not least for your gear you want to go for the medium category - Use one of those circle shaped small Shields as well each shell type has a different weight, so don't forget to use the lightest Shield that still will make you in the medium category.

Primary Weapon: Greatsword

Abilities & Perks:

Cross Cut

Skyward Slash

Steadfast Strike

These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Greatsword Bow

Secondary Weapon: Warhammer

Abilities & Perks:

Leaping Strike

The Shield Rush

Shield The Bash

These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Greatsword Bow 1


Sword: Primeval Longsword of the Soldier

Shield: Crystalline Round Shield of the Knight

Hevery Cheatwear: Orichalcum Heavy Breastplate of Sentry

Medium Gloves: Footmain's Grips

Light Legwear: Shadewalker Leggings of the Sentry

Amulet Jewelry: Reinforced Pristine Onyx Amulet of the Priest

Ring Jewelry: Reinforced Pristine Onyx Ring of the Scholar

So then last but not least for the Greatsword and Sword with Shield you won't use the Oppo Gem and then for up your gear use three malachite into Onyx gems, and then lastly on your character you won't equip the heart Rune of detonate.

Gameplay Tips - Best Way To Play This Build

For the first weapon Greatsword - In your first Q ability is the Cross Cut which will perform three quick slash attacks that with each attack will do more damage, then use the second skill Skyward slash to swing up your sword that will stagger due damage and apply Advance tax on the enemy, lastly perform steadfast shark that will stab your enemies and can do up to two hits which will do damage more and more and restore Mana Upon finishing the animation and in PVE this skill can be used to aggro all the monsters as well

For the second weapon Sword with Shield - Your q spell is the Leaping Shark which will make you leave forwards that will do damage and stagger the enemy, then use the second skill is The Shield Rush to quickly make your character rush forwards while dealing damage and pushing back your enemy, this skill is great for counter attacks to cancel the enemy animation or to help out your teammates, then lastly perform the Shield Bash which is a short skill that will stun the enemy for 2 seconds and this is the longest stunning ability in the game.

Rotation - If you are farming mobs in PVE or doing PVP the same general principles and will supply, so at the start of the fight you won't use the sword and shield, and use the leaping shark to close the distance between you and the enemy then now use the shield rush, then when the Stagger ends right away use the Shield Bash which is the longest done in the game, so then in those few seconds now switch the greatsword and use the Cross Cuts and keep spamming the heavy attacks. When the enemy starts dealing back damage to you then now we use the Skyward slash to do damage and stagger. Lastly, we use the steadfast shark and then from here we just keep on using the Greatsword attacks till the enemy gets eliminated if you ever get in trouble then switch back to the sword with shield and just keep on blocking the enemy attack by holding the right click.

Top 3 - Ice Void Gauntlet

This void Gauntlet and Ice Gauntlet weapon combination is very high damage and you have a lot of abilities to put together and it works very well in PvP and as well PVE. If you're looking for the best solo mage build then this is the one for you.


These are the attributes you want to have so no matter from which level you start using this build:

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 300

Focus: 5

Constitution: 150

If you start from Level 0, get your Intelligence to 150 then start building your Constitution, and around level 60 you should have 300 Intelligence and 150 Constitution. Lastly for your gear you want to go with the medium category, and the best gear setup is to have heavy helmet, heavy chest armor, medium gloves, light pants and medium boots this will give you 22.9 kilogram weight which is exactly just below the heavy weight category.

Primary Weapon: Void Gauntlet

Abilities & Perks:


Petrifying Stream

Orb of Decay

These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Ice Void Gauntlet

Secondary Weapon: Ice Gauntlet

Abilities & Perks:

Ice Spikes

Ice Storm

Ice Shower

These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Ice Void Gauntlet 1


Void Gauntlet: Orichalcum Void Gauntlet of the Scholar

Ice Gauntlet: Orichalcum Ice Gauntlet of the Scholar

Medium Gloves: Orichalcum Plate Gauntlets of the Sentry

Medium Footwear: Infused Leather Boots of the Sentry

Medium Legwear: Profane Pants of the Artificer

Amulet Jewelry: Reinforced Pristine Onyx Amulet of the Priest

Ring Jewelry: Reinforced Pristine Onyx Ring of the Scholar

For the gem choice for the Void Gauntlet, use the opal gem then for the Ice Gauntlet get the malachite Gem, for of your gear Rings amulets and everything else use the Enix gems.

Gameplay Tips - Best Way To Play This Build

For the Void Gauntlet - We have the first Q spell Oblivion which creates a circle around you and your teammates, inside the circle will be getting 20 damage increase but on the other hand, your enemy standing in the circle will be taking boy the damage every second, and a really nice thing to do is while standing in the circle do a bunch of medium jumps and because of the perks we have selected we will be getting plus 15 stamina each jump so this will give us the ability to dodge more enemy attacks and get more stamina at the same time. This feature was very useful in one of me once to escape enemy attacks or in PVE where the mobs couldn't catch you and much more. Then for the second ability, we have a petrifying screen which when used will unleash a void scream and this will stagger and root enemies in front of you. Lastly, we have the third ability the Orb of Decay to fire this orb which can go through your targets and each enemy that it hits, it will deal decent damage and reduce their damage observation and then later that orb will come back and heal you for few seconds and lastly if you hold the right Mouse button you can regain more Mana but in exchange, your health will go down. We would only recommend using this mechanic if you really are at full health and your Mana portions are on cooldown, so then use it for a second or two, and then you should be good to go. But as for a non-healer build, you should use this mechanic super carefully.

For the Ice Gauntlet - Your q spell is the ice storm in which all enemies standing in it will get damaged and slowed, and the more enemies you hit the higher damage you will get. Then use the ability Ice Shower to create an ice wall, and if players go through it, it will stun them, and this ability is very useful in chopping your targets. Then lastly activate our third ability Ice Spikes to create the trail of spikes in a straight line which deals damage in AOE range and if the target is below 30 Health, a lot of times you can one-shot him, and the way it works that if you are too close to the enemy when you're using the ability the ice spikes won't explode with the highest damage to the enemy, so what you want to do is when using the spell and you see that the player is one second away from getting hit, then press the right Mouse button and this will detonate the spike which will deal very high damage. 

Rotation - So as far as your ability combinations go for the ice Gauntlet when farming mobs or even players the best Spell combination to do is place the ice storm AKA The Q ability on grouped-up enemies, and if you see that enemy is stunned, then use the Ice Spike ability and do a bunch of damage or another way to set up your Ice Spike ability is to run into the enemy and place the Ice Shower spell, and if the enemy touches the ice wall, he will get stunned. So then you can use the ice spikes and it will be easier to hit the enemy. The thing that you need to understand about the ice Spike ability is that the trail of spikes is actually a pretty small line so especially in PvP it is pretty hard to hit moving targets.

For the Void Gauntlet, you want to hit the enemy with the petrifying scream and then right after place the Oblivion spell, and while dodging keep on hitting the enemy. Then when both these abilities get on cooldown use the Orb of Decay and then after that switch to the Ice Gauntlet or keep on using the void Gauntlet depending on which weapon deals more damage.

Top 4 - Fire Staff Ice Gauntlet

The Fire Staff and Ice Gauntlet weapon combination right now is by far the best DPS slash the highest damage build that you could have in New World and you can use it for PVP and PVE as well. If you're looking for the best and highest damage build for the mage class, then these are the weapons for you.


These are the attributes you want to have so no matter from which level you start using this build:

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligence: 300

Focus: 5

Constitution: 100

First of all, get your intelligence to 150 or even 200, and then start building your Constitution at the end game, always have this three-to-one ratio so have Intelligence 3 times more than your Constitution, and around level 60 you should have 300 Intelligence and 100 Constitution. For your gear you want to go with the light category and the best setup is to use one medium chest piece, the rest light armor this will put you at 12.7 kilograms which is the closest possible weight just below the medium category.

Primary Weapon: Fire Staff

Abilities & Perks:


Pillar of Fire 


These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Fire Staff Ice Gauntlet

Secondary Weapon: Ice Gauntlet

Abilities & Perks:

Ice Storm

Ice Shower

Ice Block

These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Fire Staff Ice Gauntlet 1


Fire Staff: Rallying Forsaken Fire Staff of the Scholar

Ice Gauntlet: Orichalcum Ice Gauntlet of the Scholar

Light Headwear: Shadewalker Mask of the Monk

Medium Chestwear: Profane Coat of the Brigand

Go from 98 possibilities to even 100 or even more on your fire staff and Ice Gauntlet you want to have one or two of these perks which is the keen and it gives a 10 percent crit chance, then the second perk is Enchanted giving 9% damage to your light or heavy attacks, and lastly, we have the third perk The Vicious to increases 10% critical damage. So if your weapon has one of these perks or even two then you significantly increase your DPS. Then lastly on your gear, have refreshing Pillar of Fire which reduces its ability cooldown by 12% per enemy hit, and then the second ability the Empowering Fireball which makes your Fireball ability deal 28 more damage. As a new player we would recommend only copy this build's weapon masteries and the equipment and when you get to level 60 and you really want to max out your damage then start buying your equipment with these perks and start using honing stones and everything else. For the Ice Gauntlet, use the Cut Pristine Emerald gem then for your fire staff get the Cut Pristine Diamond Gem, and then for your gear amulets and everything else use the Cut Pristine Onyx gems.

Gameplay Tips - Best Way To Play This Build

For the fire staff weapon - The key ability aka the burnout is a big dash spell which you can use for mobility or if you see enemies while dashing they will take extra burn damage, then use the other ability pillar of fire only on groups of mobs or players but never in one we want because it will deal decent damage but you have to stand still for a second while casting the spell and by doing this you become an easy target to hit, so basically only use the spell against multiple players. There is of course another way to cancel the animation by using the spell right after dodging but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, so we prefer to save it for only worse or PVE Expeditions. Then lastly we have the ability fireball which is a very powerful damage spell and as it is an AOE you don't have to hit directly an enemy, you can just aim it at the ground where the target is standing on and it will damage him as well.

For Ice Gauntlet - Your Q spell is the ice storm which all enemies standing in it will get damaged and slowed and the more enemies you hit the higher damage you will get, then your R ability is ice shower which when used will create an RS wall and if mobs or players go through it it will stun them, and lastly, the last startability is basically like an ice block which by using you put yourself in a block where players cannot damage you and of course you can go off that ice block by pressing the same F key or instead press the left Mouse button and make it explode and do even more damage to the enemies.

Rotation -  As far as your ability combinations go for the Ice Gauntlet when farming mobs or even players the best Spell combination to do is place the ice storm AKA The Q ability on the ground and then go ice block by pressing the same F key in players or mobs standing in the storm will be taking a lot of damage every second and you will be fully protected in the ice block, then of course place the ice shover AKA they are ability whenever you want a stun an enemy or run away from him and this will create a wall which the enemy cannot go through. And then as far as your fire staff abilities go use the Fireball and pillar fire on grouped up enemies or to run away from someone or even do more AOE damage use is the burnout ability and dash through them. We would definitely recommend to only use light attacks and don't bother with doing heavy attacks.

Top 5 - Greatsword Bow

This great sword and bow weapon combination is the current highest damage PVP build in New World and this build will not only give you very high damage but as well you will be able to fight in mainly to long range your speed is insane, so you can catch your enemies in PvP or to run around the monsters in PvE. If you are looking for the most fun and one of the best DPS PVP builds, then this is the one for you.


These are the attributes you want to have so no matter from which level you start using this build:

Strength: 26

Dexterity: 300

Intelligence: 5

Focus: 5

Constitution: 150

First, if you start from Level 0, get your Dexterity to 150 and then start building your Constitution, and around level 60 you should have 300 Dexterity and 150 Constitution. For your gear you want to go with the light category which means using one medium chest piece and then the rest light equipment.

Primary Weapon: Greatsword


Cross Cut

Relentless Rush

Calamity Counter 

These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Greatsword Bow

Secondary Weapon: Bow


Penetrating Shot

Evade Shot

These are the weapon masteries you want to have:

New World Best PvP & PvE Builds 2023 - Greatsword Bow 1


Sword: Blad of the 19th

Bow: Ironwood Bow of the Ranger

Light Gloves: Grasping Futility

Light Footwear: Infused Leather Boots of the Sentry

Light Headwear: The Solemn Cowl

Medium Chestwear: Dragatacht

Medium Legwear: Regular Pants

Light Footwear: Shadewalker Shoes of the Ranger

Amulet Jewelry: Champion's Amulet

Ring Jewelry: Tempered Pristine Emerald Ring of the Ranger

For the great sword and bow you won't use the Opal Gem and then for off your gear use the diamond gems and then lastly on your character you want to equip the heart Rune of death on 8.

Gameplay Tips - Best Way To Play This Build

For the first weapon Greatsword - Use your first Q ability Crosscut to perform three quick slash attacks that with each attack will do more damage, then the second skill Relentless Rush will Dash through your enemies while spinning and applying a 20 slow for the next 4 seconds, then lastly we have the Calamity Counter give you a block for 2 seconds and depending on how many times the enemy continues to attack you, the more counter damage you will be able to do after the 2 second block expires.

For the second weapon Bow - Use your first Q spell Penetrating Shot to shoot an arrow that can go through multiple enemies dealing very high damage, then apply the second skill Explosive Shot with visual fire and airboat to deal normal damage but then on the enemy impact the arrow will explode dealing plus 130 percent more additional explosive damage to all targets in 2.5 meter range, and then lastly we have the Evade Shot which after using will make our character lay back while using one last arrow and this is great for dodging enemy attack while doing high damage.

Rotation - First of all, keep your distance between you and the enemy as much as possible and from the range keep on using the normal bow light attacks, then when the enemy gets closer and land the decent shot they now use the Explosive Arrow then one light attack then right. After use the penetrating shot, the next switch the great sword and use the cross cut and Relentless Rush depending on how close or how many enemies you are fighting, then from this point the enemy will do damage to you so now we want to counter him with the calamatic counter, and then lastly we switch back to the bow and use the evade shot to leap back and then we finish off the enemy from distance.

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