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New World Starstone Mutation Guide - How To Get Basic Gear To Advanced Combat Tricks on M10

1/7/2023 3:15:09 PM
Tag: New World

The Starstone Barrows and Amrine Excavation Crossover Expedition is the newest mutated expedition in New World. In this New World Starstone Mutation guide, we'll talk about a ton of skips as well as tips and tricks to make the dungeon as quick and easy as possible. This guide isn't meant to be a speedrun, but moreso a collection of tips that make Starstone easier if you know about them and can also be used in PUGs/groups with randoms. This guide also explains how to best fight Simon Grey, Foreman Nakashima and Greundgul the Regent. Thanks to Limos, we can even skip one of the bosses altogether. Some expeditions and gold in New World require two types of ward gear and Starstone mutation is one of those, needing both Ancient ward and Lost ward. This in-depth How-to covers everything from basic gear to advanced combat tricks for bosses in this dungeon on M10.


Ward Gear/Items

When you have multiple randoms, when it comes to gearing for expeditions, you should know the basics regarding gems and stuff already, if you don't I will make a guide about that in the future anyways, for this particular Expedition, you want to have ancient Ward and lost Ward, as well as ancient Bane and lost Bane ideally, additionally, if you want to go the extra mile, you want to have a strike board and a slash World amulet for the bosses.


Start of Run

Let's talk about more things as we make our way through the Expedition, you want to start the expedition with ancient world and ancient Bane gear, when entering the first room, you'll have a small group of mobs, but that can easily be pulled down to the next group, this should be possible with most capable tanks that are a little bit experienced with this dungeon, you can pull this group even further into the next group and fight them all together, but that is more of a speedrun strategy, that is a lot more risky, you want to clear most of this group, but what will sometimes happen especially if you don't have graph well is that there is a javelin here sitting on the outside and kind of doing his own thing, if he's not low enough by the time the other mobs are killed, you can also ignore him and move to the next ball, because then you'll come around the corner and follow you anyways, for this next ball, you can simply group up all of the mobs since they're all melee anyways, watch out if you're in the back line as a Healer, because the Crawlers can hit you pretty hard if they jump you, the next group of mobs which includes the named mob centimus, can either be pulled to the big circle area, in front of the bridge or before directly on the bridge depending on how comfortable you are with that, during the fight, ideally the group Sila can drop down a sacred and start opening the door while the others are still busy with the mobs, just to speed things up a little bit, in the seal chamber, you find a very easy to kill group of mobs, to the right side is a small chamber with a laser in front of it that includes one of the star metal notes that one of your group members can mine while the rest are fighting these mobs, you don't really need five people for these, next you want to go to the room to the left and crawl under the laser, after the respawn Shrine there's a small group of mobs that you can range pull together, this is a very easy group, so if you have a dedicated gate opener that is not your tank then that person can already run ahead and start doing the next part.


Laser Parkour & Shortcuts (Forbidden Passage)

Once you enter the Forbidden passage, to the right, you will find a star metal vein if you care about that and you will have to have at least one person making it to the end of the Parkour in order to open the Gateway for others, you can have everyone running, but that effectively just increases your risk of someone dying doing so, so we would recommend just having one person and having the Healer help out from range,  if you're not the person running you can just take the lazy route to the left, you just jump down and then you can actually go to the right around the laser, you don't actually have to bother with the timing if you drop to the right and after that you can also avoid the second laser if you want to by just going around it to the left, so you actually don't have to bother with a single laser if you don't want to, and then you just want to go down to that little ledge, make sure you don't miss your jump over depending on what mutation effect it is, then you're not slowed down so you don't fall down, and then you just wait there until stairs appear from the perspective of the person running you want to run down to the middle pathway and then walk along the right of that and hold block, there's a little ledge that you need to jump over you can't keep holding block, and if you mess that up then you will die, but this is a massive shortcut, and it allows you to then just drop down, go around the first laser and then actually deal with one laser that you have to walk through, when you get to the next part there will be an Archer, but if your healer is ranged attacking them, then the Healer can actually aggro them once they have been initially accurate by you and you don't have to worry about them at all otherwise they can be a bit annoying, the other mobs you can simply ignore and just go over that little ledge jump over there and you are at the place where you can open the gate for your teammates, we'll then get the stairs and just one of you needs to hold the torch, obviously, there are different splits on how you can do this, you can also have everyone run this, but generally, we think this is an easy and safe method especially if you have the tank running the whole thing or the Healer pulling Echo, it's very easy, but that's obviously not a given in every group, the Dodge allows you to disable the lasers blocking your way.


The Amphitheater

Get to the next rumor where you definitely want to touch the respawn Shrine, the first laser here is pretty normal and easy to pass through, and after that you have to kill a small group of mobs, the laser after that however probably has the highest kill count in the entire Expedition, this laser goes fast, sometimes up up to three times in a row, the safest way to pass this laser is to wait until it goes down fast and then up slowly, and that moment you know it will be slow for a while and that is enough to pass through, you want to make sure that your tank comes with you, because the next room the amphitheater is a little bit messy, there is a name Mop iwane as well as an Archer here, since most of the mobs in this room are melee, ideally you want to pull them towards the Archer, also if you can try avoiding the Crawlers on the left side of the room, the staircase that follows is an extremely annoying place to fight, so I would recommend just running up and hiding around the corner, so that both The Archers as well as the Crawlers will come to you instead, the Crawlers will trickle in very slowly, so if you're confident in your group, you can actually just kill the first cluster of mobs and then move on to the next mob group and just let the Crawlers follow you, if your group is not that good then just clear them first, View group is very good, you can also just kite all of the mobs into the next cluster, but that's a lot riskier in this next group you have a name mob that takes quite a while to kill which is irine and to the right of, it is a soul Spire that is Guided by a few crawlers, if your tank has a range pull they can just pull it otherwise you can have your healer pull it and then someone can mine the soul spire and also this is again a fight that takes quite a while, so during that fight somebody ideally healer can already start opening the next gate.


Shattered Obelisk (God Pull)

We enter the Shattered Obelisk, and this is where Super Omega discovered the absolute guard pull, he runs into the room and throws a hatchet at the Archer sitting on top of the stairs which makes the archers come down, just enough to meet with the other mobs and you have all the mobs grouped up in one place immediately, if your tank is a random or doesn't have a range pull, then you can also stand to the right side of the stairs and this will pull most of the mobs together most of the time, there are two Souls pairs together here, one is left off the entrance of the room and one is to the right of the stairs, now we have to go to the Fallen pillar on our left, and this is the moment where we would recommend changing gear from ancient Ward to Lost Ward, since Daston has some mixed mob groups later, we have grown the habit of Simply running one weapon with ancient Bane and one weapon with lost Bane, so I also save on Coatings, so if you're doing that you don't need to swap weapons here otherwise you might want to swap to a lost Bane weapon here.


Boss Skip

The best way to do the next boss up the stairs is to not do it, since this Expedition has a hidden boss that is much faster to kill, there really isn't any reason to deal with this relatively tanky, relatively high damage guy, that's just the repetition of what we had in Lazarus anyways, if you need to fight him, make sure to dodge a block when he slams because that one can hurt, instead what you want to do is have the person with the key go straight to the right of him to the ancient Shrine activate that and then run, they say star metal Vein on the left side of this room, but that should usually be pretty manageable, if you go a little bit further down you will get a respawn shrine, at this point you can clear out some of the mobs, and then you can continue down the path and here you really have to start considering how many of the mobs you want to clear, there is a soul Spire along the path that you probably want to pick up and later down the road, there's also another star metal, but there are a bunch of mobs here that you can just ignore and run past, if you need to get a lot of extra mob kills to finish the Expedition or to get New World gold, then obviously you want to pick up some along the way, ideally the melee is, because the archers are just a lot more annoying to deal with, but often you will be able to run through the vast majority of this passage, the next part is a little bit trickier, and you want to make sure that your tank gets up there as one of the first ones, there are multiple arches and a bunch of spearmen, stacked together and the more you can pull them into one group with different abilities, the better the easier they are going to be to clear, if one or more of your group members are significantly behind, this is one of the more likely wipe spots in the dungeon.


Hidden Named Boss (Limos)

After that if you want to get the full multiplayer for named mobs, you want to go to the left first after entering the room, he'll find the hidden boss Limos that you can then pull to the other boss Airbus, technically your healer can do that on their own but if your healer gets stuck somewhere there and then you are dealing with the other name boss already it could be a bit of trouble, you can also play the safer and clear both of the bosses separately, if you want to play it even safer, you can also open the door behind the boss first and go to the respawn Shrine.


Greundgul the Regent (2 Skips)

After touching the respawn Shrine, it would be time to put on your slash protection amulet if you have one, also if you have a high enough gear score ranged weapon or anti-heal weapon, for your office event, the first phase of grand gorilla Regent is pretty easy, he primarily uses slash attacks with a relatively wide radius, but if you stand a little bit to the left of him, most of these won't hit you as a melee, you want to have everyone close to the boss including the Healer, because occasionally grown ghoul will throw you a bone literally, this bone spawns some extra skeletons and needs to be destroyed if you don't want it to spawn skeletons, if the bone is close enough to ground goal then both can be hit at the same time, the second phase is where XI has figured out the multiple things to make this boss a lot easier, first, since this is a respawning boss, and that responds with a new health pool, it basically gets a heal, and that means if you apply anti-heal to Grand call, shortly before he goes down in the first phase that will actually apply to the second phase and he will start with significantly less Health from the beginning, so that's what the anti-hill is for, but in the second phase the boss also starts jumping, the normal strategy to avoid this is to just stand close together and then Dodge the shock waves that come out when he Slams on the ground, but these are Advanced Towers, we can do better than that ground, Guild actually has a very interesting mechanic that XR told me about which is a headshot mechanic if you shoot ground goal in the head when he lands from his slam, he will actually get staggered this, not only puts him in a long stagger animation, it also prevents him from doing further jumps, he will just go back to his normal Attack Phase until the next jump phase, in order to achieve this, you want to hit ground cool in the face, the back of the head doesn't seem to work at least not reliably, what we found is that with certain weapons like the throwing Hatchet, you have a bit of a harder time actually hitting the hitbox of the head, even if you hit the head sometimes, it will hit the body instead it will not trigger the effect, the best weapon that we found to actually trigger, the effect is is the life staff, it's still good to have multiple ranged attackers because the mechanic is not super easy to hit, so that when he jumps at least one person will likely hit them in the head, also because not everyone will always be at the ideal angle to hit, if you manage to do both the anterior and the Stagger effectively, the second phase of this boss is an absolute joke and super quick.

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