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New World Best Greatsword, Bow & Blunderbuss Builds 2023 - New World Best Meta Build 2023

2/7/2023 6:11:28 PM
Tag: New World

Today we will show you the top 3 best meta builds in New World 2023. There is a new meta and that's why for each and every single build, we will explain what attributes, weapon masteries, and even weapon and gear perks you want to have. Then talk about what gems and specific gear do you want to use to get out your stats as much damage as possible. We will show you the best tip for using different weapons so you would know which abilities you want to use first on your enemies and much more.


Top 3 New World Best Meta Builds 2023 - New World Greatsword, Bow & Blunderbuss Builds Guide 2023

First, we are bringing you the best greatsword and Hatchet build in New World 2023. If you're looking to do high damage or you just want to use one of the best aggressors builds, try this one out. The second New World best meta build is the bow and Spear. If you are looking for an amazing ranged build that will give you a fun play style and diversity, then this is the build for you. If you're looking for the New World best Blunderbuss build that you will be able to use for crazy damage, then this build is for you.


Top 1 New World Best greatsword Build 2023

This is a greatsword and hatchet weapon combination, right now is one of the best builds in New World 2023. This build will give you good survivability while at the same time giving you a massive amount of damage.


1. Attributes

No matter from which level you start using this build, you first of all want to get your dexterity and strength both 100 and then get 50 points in constitution and then continue putting everything else in dexterity and strength. Then around level 60 and 625 item score gear, you should have around 200 strength, 150 dexterity, and 150 constitution. 


2. Gear

Weapons - Orichalcum Greatsword of the Soldier, Orichalcum Hatchet of the Soldier, Infused Leather Coat of the Soldier

Armors - Shadewalker Handwraps of the Soldier, Infused Silk Shoes of the Sentry, Shadewalker Mask of the Soldier

Jewelry - Primeval Pristine Diamond Earring of the Soldier, Primeval Pristine Diamond Ring of the Sentry, Champion’s Amulet

Items - Infused Health Potion, Infused Regeneration Potion, Powerful Oakflesh Balm, Carrot Cake, Brutal Heartrune of Detonate


3. Weapon Masteries


First things first, you want to select the spark and then unlock the first stability called the relentless rush and then get 2 perks. Move over to the other side and unlock the second ability called the calamity counter and then get one perk. Lastly, unlock the last ability called the steadfast shark and then get two perks. From this point and onwards, you're free to pick and choose which perks you want to unlock next.




First of all, you want to unlock this berserk ability with two perks. Then afterward get the second ability called The feral rush and then get one perk. Let's move over to the other side and unlock the steel perks. Lastly, get the last ability called social distancing, and then get one perk. From this point, you're free to spend your points.


4. Tips


-Your first Q ability is called the relentless rush which will Dash through your enemies while spinning and applying a 20% slow for the next 4 seconds.

-For the second ability we have the calamity counter which will give you a block for two seconds. Depending on how many times the enemy continues to attack you, the more counter damage you will be able to do after the 2 second block expires.

-Lastly, we have the steadfast strike which will stop your enemies and do up to two hits which will do more damage and restore the mana upon finishing the animation. In PVE, this skill can be used to aggro all the monsters as well. 



-First Q ability is called the berserk after you activate it, you will enter the berserk mode, which will give you speed self-healing and attack damage increase. This skill is amazing just used in the open world to catch players or run away from them. 

-For the second ability, we have the feral rush which will make your character leap forwards and do damage twice. If you hit the enemy from behind, then you will stun for 2 seconds. 

-Lastly, we have the social distancing skill which will throw a hatchet dealing damage and inflicting slow for 30%. At the same time, your character will do a backward dodge and become vulnerable for a short duration. 


5. Rotations 

If you're farming mobs in PVE or doing PVP the same principle and rule supply. So at the beginning of the fight, we want to start with the greatsword. First of all, use the relentless rush to do AOE damage and close the distance. Afterwards, use the steadfast strike than now switch the hatchet and activate berserk mode while spamming basic attacks and using feral rush. If you need to dodge the enemy attacks and become invulnerable, then use the social distancing and then again switch the greatsword and use the color magic counter to block 90% of the damage and then counterattack the enemy.


Top 2 New World Best Bow Build 2023

This bow and spear weapon combination is a very high damage build that will give you the perfect playstyle for close and distance fighting.


1. Attributes

No matter from which level you start using this build, you, first of all, want to get your dexterity to 200 and then get 50 points in the constitution and then continue putting everything else in dexterity. Around level 60 and 625 item score gear, you should have around 300 dexterity and 200 constitutions.


2. Gear

Weapons - Warden’s Answer, Honor of the Night, Royal Lagoon Chestwraps

Armors - Tactician’s Gloves, Supplicant’s Shoes, Regular Pants, Sinful Glare

Jewelries - Nimble Eye, Heart of Aviva, Reflected Mayhem

Items - Infused Health Potion, Infused Mana Potion, Infused Regeneration Potion, Fried Albenaja, Cunning Heartrune of Detonate


3. Weapon Masteries


First, you want to unlock all three abilities called the penetrating shot, explosive arrow, and rapid shot, then get five perks. Go over to the other side and get all five perks. From this point and onwards, you can unlock all the other perks and whatever you want. 




Unlock the skewer ability and then get two perks. Now get the second ability called the perforate and then two more perks. Move over to the other side and get one perk and then unlock the last and final ability called sweep and then get two more perks. From this point, feel free to pick and choose which perks you want to unlock next.


4. Tips


-The first q spell is called the penetrating shot which will shoot a special arrow that does a lot of damage and can go through multiple targets. 

-Then the second ability is called the explosive shot which will fire an arrow that explodes in a 2.5-meter range.

-Lastly, we have the rapid shot which will shoot three arrows in a second or two and each hit will do even more damage.



-Your first Q ability is called the skewer which will make your character rush forwards and deal damage. While at the same time, making your enemy bleed for 10 seconds. 

-The second skill is called the perforate which will execute three quick piercing attacks. Each one deals damage and applies a bend to the enemy armor.

-Lastly, we have this wave ability which will sweep your enemy's legs making them knock down and deal a bunch of damage.


5. Rotations

If you are farming mobs in PVE or doing PVP, the same principle and roll supply. At the beginning of the fight, we want to start with the bow and from distance, shoot one normal shot, then a penetrating shot, then again one normal shot, and an explosive arrow. Lastly once again shoot one normal shot and then use the rapid shot and then keep on using the bow till the enemy gets close to you. When he does, switch the spear and use one normal attack. Then skew over, then sweep and then finish it off with the perforate. 


Top 3 New World Best Blunderbuss Builds 2023

The last and final build is the hammer and blunderbuss.


1. Attributes

No matter from which level you start using this build, you want to get your strength to 100 or even 150 and then start building your constitution. Around level 60, you should have 300 strength and 150 constitution. But if you are a super hardcore player with 600 item score gear, you are free to go with 50 more constitution by using the food and full endgame gear. For your armor, you want to go with the medium category. The best setup is to have a heavy helmet, heavy chest armor, medium gloves, light pants, and medium boots.


2. Gear

This build this warhammer and blunderbuss weapon combination is very good because you can survive for a very long while at the same time being very mobile by using the medium gear and then as well being able to do massive amounts of close-range damage. For your best New World Blunderbuss build for PVP and PVE, you want to use the opal gem. Get three malachites and two onyx gems. On your character, you want to equip the heart rune of detonate.


3. Weapon Masteries


-First of all, you want to unlock one perk and then the first ability called the shockwave and get two perks. Then afterwards, get the second ability called the path of destiny and then get two perks. Move over to the other side and unlock both two perks and then lastly get the last third ability called the wrecking ball and then get three perks. From this moment, you can spin your points in whatever way you like. 



First things first, you want to unlock both two abilities called the azoth shrapnel blast and claw shot, and then get four perks. Move over to the other side and unlock the last third ability called the splitting grenade and then get five perks. From this point and onwards, you're free to use your points in whatever order you want.




-The first Q spell is called a shockwave and we're using the spell, it will give us the ability to slam down a hammer and create a smaller earthquake. All players standing in, it will get stunned for a few seconds then. 

-For the second ability we have the R skill called the path of destiny which will create a huge electric wave and all enemies standing in dispatch will be taking a bunch of damage. 

-Lastly, we have the F ability called the wrecking ball which when used strike the ground with your Warhammer dealing additional damage and flattening your target.



-As we already covered this weapon twice so we will just take a closer look at the last skill which is called the claw shot. This will shoot forwards this harpoon dealing damage and then rooting the enemy in front of you. Then lastly you will automatically get pulled closer to the enemy.



Let's take a closer look at your best kill rotation that works both for PVP and PVE. The way you want to attack an enemy is by first using your warhammer, then using your shockwave, and then wrecking ball, and this will stand and flatten your target. From here switch back to the blunderbuss and shoot the splitting grenade then the claw shot and then the finish off with the azoth shrapnel blast. This combo should one-shot the enemy. If the target just has still a little bit of health, then switch back to the warhammer and finish him off with your path of destiny.


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