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WoW Dragonflight 2v2 Tier List (Best DPS & Healer PvP Classes for 2v2 Arena Comps)

1/3/2023 11:28:43 AM

A new expansion means a new 2v2 tier list and this time we're going to be doing something slightly different. In this WoW Dragonflight PVP Tier List, we rank the best melee DPS, Ranged DPS, and Healer Specs for 2v2 Arena Comps.

WoW Dragonflight 2v2 PvP Class Tier List - Best Ranged DPS, Melee DPS, Healer Specs for 2v2 Arena Comps

We will rank each spec based on its relative power level, so you can see how each melee, ranged, and healer compares and with this, it will be easier for everyone to understand what makes for a good or bad 2v2 comp. Assassination Rogues for instance are clearly an S-tier melee, and Resto Druids are clearly an S-tier healer, so once you put two and two together, you can get an idea of how well the combination of these two specs will perform together. Things get a bit tricky with double DPS comps but we will give you some suggestions along the way as to what specs work well in double DPS setups. In general though what you will find on this list is a meta-dominated by one thing sustained pressure, the best DPS are the ones that deal the most consistent damage with powerful MSFX and the best healers are those who are equipped to pump out huge healing per second even during dampening. 

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WoW Dragonflight 2v2 Melee DPS Tier List - Best Melee DPS PvP Classes for 2v2 Comps

Here we rank all the melee DPS PvP classes to help you figure out the best melee DPS specs for Arena 2v2 Comps:

1 - Assassination Rogue (S Tier)

This spec has the highest average response among all our Pro players and that is for a good reason. With dampening now ramping quicker in 2v2, it means The Perfect Storm for a spec with not one but two separate healing reduction effects and insanely high consistent damage output to absolutely dominate the latter. Even after their recent nerfs, playing against an Assassination Rogue is like being on a timer for some healers, at a certain point the damage becomes mathematically impossible to heal for something like Resto Shaman. And even for some of our high tier healers, they still present a massive execution test. 

2 - Demon Hunters (S Tier)

Demon Hunters coincidentally also have insane damage output combined with a relatively powerful MS effect. The main difference between Assassination Rogue and DH is that demon Hunters have a secondary win condition through some of the highest possible burst damage in Arena. Despite its Nerf, the combination of the Hunt and Essence Break are enough to chunk the majority of a health bar in just a single global. 

3 - Feral Druid (A Tier)

Feral Druid has an almost identical damage profile as assassination, but with weaker healing reduction. Ironically Assassination Rogues are the gatekeepers of Feral Druids in the bracket and remain one of their most difficult matchups. Outside of this, however, they are still able to put some matchups on a strict timer where their raw damage output eventually becomes unhealable in deep dampening.

4 - Survival Hunter (A Tier)

Survival Hunters do well into Rogues, Demon Hunters, and Feral Druids on paper, especially when playing with a preservation evoker since the combination of mending bandage and cauterizing flame can be a nightmare to deal with. But ever since the removal of Craven Stratagem Hunters are lacking their get out of jail free card which means they can get bullied by other melee DPS. The fact they do so well versus the meta giants but struggle against other melee is reflected in the data we got from our polling, where rank 1 players seem pretty divided on where Survival Hunter falls in the tier list.

5 - Windwalker Monk (A Tier)

If you played any Arena early expansion, you already know how Windwalker burst was insanely over-budgeted, so much so that Blizzard decided it needed a nerf in a recent hotfix. Without this nerf, Windwalkers would likely be in contention for S tier but we are left to see how things play out for the remainder of the Season, until then they are still easily one of the best melees.

6 - Unholy Death Knights (A Tier)

Unholy Death Knight was hit pretty hard with some early expansion nerfs to its defensive kit, but these should be offset by the recent buffs to its overall damage output. When you combine this with its unique healing reduction Unholy DKs are well-positioned to be a dominant force in the 2v2 bracket. 

7 - Fury Warrior (B Tier)

There were a slew of Nerfs to the slaughterhouse in a recent hotfix causing it to stack slower and for stacks to not refresh, which combined definitely hurts their sustained pressure in a bracket built around healing reduction. Fury Warrior was also hit with a minor Nerf to its passive survivability and when combined with its healing-based defensive cooldowns this might mean it will struggle a bit into higher-tier DPS. 

8 - Arms Warrior (B Tier)

On the other hand, arms Warrior is a spec we are actively keeping our eyes on. With some recent Buffs to their entire damage toolkit, Arms Warriors might wind up being as good if not better than Fury and 2v2. After all their healing reduction is more consistent and sharpened blade continues to be a huge pain point for healers during higher levels of dampening. 

9 - Sub Rogue (B Tier)

Sub Rogue is always interesting, at the start of every expansion, they find some gimmicky One-Shot build which gets nerfed within a week until they find another One-Shot build which well also gets nerfed within a week which is what happened with secret techniques. Sub will continue to be strong post nerfs but might find it difficult to play with healers and instead seems well budgeted into double DPS setups to complement its explosive play style.

10 - Outlaw Rogue (B Tier)

As far as Outlaw is concerned, this is a spec you should really watch out for in the coming weeks. Even though they aren't quite as popular now, they will have one of the best tier set bonuses for season 1 which will give them a massive modifier to Ambush which in case you weren't aware is a core Outlaw ability. For now though we are keeping Outlaw on the B tier, but you should definitely expect to see them pop up more frequently on the latter in the coming weeks. 

11 - Frosty DK, Enhancement Shaman, Ret Paladin (C Tier)

Frosty DK, Enhancement Shamans and Ret Paladins aren't really cut out for the bracket, the two hybrid specs really got hurt by the change to dampening since a lot of their passive defense is built around healing.

All of the melee on this list can succeed while playing with healers, but the specs (Feral Druid, Survival Hunter, Sub Rogue, Enhancement Shaman, Ret Paladin) we've highlighted now are the ones that can perform well in double DPS setups.

WoW Dragonflight 2v2 Ranged DPS Tier List - Best Ranged DPS PvP Classes for 2v2 Comps

Here we rank all the ranged DPS PvP classes to help you figure out the best ranged DPS specs for Arena 2v2 Comps:

1 - Demo Warlock (S Tier)

The clear point of separation between demo and other range DPS is that they are the spec that is the least bullied by melee.  With lots of passive pet damage combined with multiple forms of control, Demo is actually able to fight back against Rogues and Demon hunters. The one thing demo has going for it is a healing reduction effect which gives it a unique strength as a wizard in a dampening meta. Demo warlock was the only range DPS with majority S tier votes.

2 - Shadow Priest (A Tier)

Although the spec was hit by some Nerfs to void volley, this might actually have been offset by Buffs to the majority of its damage toolkit. Overall though Shadow is a really flexible range DPS in the bracket and is one of the few specs that can do well in double DPS comps thanks to its expansive utility options.

3 - Elemental Shaman (A Tier)

This was a bit of a tough one, clearly the fall off from demo to SP is quite large and the separation between priests and everything else also seems fairly substantial. With that said we think elemental shaman could be an outlier despite lower levels of representation. Although they received some Nerfs to Elemental blast the spec still has some incredible damage output.The majority of this can be done on the move making shamans fairly well-equipped to handle the melee dominated meta.

4 - Marksmanship & BM Hunters (B Tier)

At the moment it seems clear that Marksmanship is the better are the two but that might be changing in the distant future that's because double tap is actually being gutted entirely, meaning a core part of his win condition will simply be gone. For now, we think both Marksmanship and BM might be slightly behind other ranged DPS despite relatively high levels of representation which in many cases is simply a result of overall popularity rather than core strength.

5 - Arcane, Frost, Fire Mage (B Tier)

In a similar position, we have all three Mage specs, clearly Arcane is the strongest and most popular out of the three. Just like other Wizards Mages are still prone to get bullied by some of the meta-dominant melee DPS, most notably Demon Hunters Assassination Rogues as far as Frost and fire are concerned, we are actively keeping our eyes peeled for these specs. After they both received huge damage Buffs in recent hotfixes while it is unclear just how far these changes can push each spec we expect to see better performance from each in the coming weeks.

6 - Destro & Affliction Warlocks (B Tier)

Just like our other mid-tier ranged, both of these specs can easily get bullied by high-tier melee, while the damage potential of Affliction is nearly unmatched it is on a pretty strict timer against highly mobile melee. And with the popularity of throughput based healers like Evokers, Resto Druids, and Mistweaver Monks, Affliction damage isn't nearly as threatening in the current meta.

7 - Devastation Evoker (B Tier)

While Devastation Evoker can pump out some huge damage, it comes with one glaring weakness that its defensive kit is terrible. Outside of hover evoker is fairly immobile and one of its main defensives is healing based which of course makes it relatively weaker into high levels of dampening. 

8 - Balanced Druid (C Tier)

In general, the spec has struggled in 2v2 for multiple expansions since it is more of an accessory to other DPS rather than being able to win games on its own which sometimes forces it into awkward double DPS comps.

Overall though most ranged DPS might struggle in the current 2v2 meta which continues to be dominated by melee DPS, if you don't have an answer to Rogues and Demon Hunters then your comp will generally struggle. And Demo Warlock, Shadow Priest, Arcane Mage, Fire Mage, and Balanced Druid.

WoW Dragonflight 2v2 Ranged DPS Tier List - Best Ranged DPS PvP Classes for 2v2 Comps

Here we rank all the PvP Healing classes to help you figure out the best healer specs for Arena 2v2 Comps:

1 - Resto Druid (S Tier)

Resto Druid really shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone familiar with the bracket. Their raw healing output continues to carry in 2v2 with lifeblum being one of the most efficient healing spells in the game. Outside of this, Resto Druid has enormous flexibility with its play style and can contribute to setups offensively with both CC and damage. Above all though Druids are some of the least prone to Mana issues given their ability to run away and drink and prowl.

2 - Preservation Evoker (S Tier)

Not only does evoker seem to have zero Mana issues but its healing output is also incredibly strong. Currently, preservation is doing well in every bracket and despite lower levels of representation in 2v2, they're still in contention for the best healer in the game. One of the unique advantages brought by the spec is the fact that it doesn't really need to hard cast many healing spells, this leaves it with free globals to contribute with damage. With the ability to immune three CC effects in a row, evokers can be a nuisance for comps without offensive dispels which combined allows them to avoid some of the pitfalls that plague other healers.

3 - Mistweaver Monk (A Tier)

Mistweaver Monk is arguably the third-best healer behind Druid and Evoker. Just like these other specs, Mistweaver Monk output and Mana efficiency are super high. Ever since they resigned to talent trees, monks have had nearly every CCDR category available to them with a leg sweep, in cap song of chiji disarm, and ring of peace to both initiate offensive setups or stall enemy damage.

4 - Holy & Discipline Priests (A Tier)

Here we have both priest specs with holy taking a slight lead over discipline. Holy took a huge Fall From Grace following its dominance throughout Shadowlands. With the removal of a few key conduit interactions, holy priest output is in a much weaker state especially coupled with some glaring Mana issues which is a massive problem in a dampening heavy bracket. This forces holy priest into a relatively awkward playstyle using Redeemer for the solo purpose of free casting zero Mana cost heals. With that said not all is Doom and Gloom for priests as their damage toolkit is still more than enough to support with kills making them fairly strong in the 2v2 meta. 

5 - Resto Shaman (B Tier)

We were really excited for Shaman prior to the expansion, it is still far and above the most explosive healer with thunderstorm lightning lasso and storm keeper which is capable of hitting over 100k with a single global. With that said their biggest weakness continues to be single target healing output, in a bracket with increased levels of dampening Resto shamans need to end games before the two-minute mark. Since the damage from Ass Rogues and Demon Hunters become borderline unhealable at that point.

6 - Holy Paladin (C Tier)

With everyone accounted for we have a summary of the Healer meta in Season 1, Holy paladins appear to be the weakest in the bracket, once a jack of all trades they seem to be a master of none these days with other healers simply having better healing CC and damage.

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