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New World Turkulon Event 2022: Turkey Terror Rewards, Giant Turkey Spawn Locations & Hunting Tips

11/16/2022 7:13:45 PM
Tag: New World

It's time to celebrate Thanksgiving again, and the annual Turkey Terror Event - Turkulon in New World also brings brand new rewards to players, but again you will undoubtedly need to hunt the giant Turkey to unlock them! Follow us to discover all details about the New World Turkulon Event 2022! 

What is Turkey Terror Event in New World?

Turkey Terror Event also known as the Turkulon Event is an annual event that takes place in New World to celebrate Thanksgiving every November. During the event, the feathered giant monster - Turkulon roamed the fields of Aeternum much like Baalphazu, go hunting and kill him, and you are able to receive special rewards and drops.

New World Turkulon Turkey Terror Start & End Date

The Turkey Terror starts on November 16th and runs for 3 weeks until December 7th. 

New World Turkulon Turkey Terror Rewards & Turkulon Drops

By hunting and taking down the giant turkey boss - Turkulon, Feathered Avenger of Death, you will get a chance to receive the below special rewards and drops: 

1. Massive Turkey Leg (Cooking Ingredient, 5 Per Day)

Massive Turkey Leg that drops which you can combine other ingredients to make Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner which increases Constitution by 33 and Luck by 5% for 40 minutes. Be sure both the Massive Turkey Leg and Turkey Dinner will be expensive on the Trading Post. This is going to be very sought after especially if you are playing on the new start servers where you're farming for those trophy mats or whatever then the luck bonus is certainly going to be worth it.

Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner Recipe

To craft the Roasted Monstrous Turkey Dinner you need the following ingredients:

1x Massive Turkey Leg (Artifact item)

5x Potato

3x Cooking Oil

1x Parsley

1x Parsley

1x Rosemary

1x Thyme

2. Feast-o-Plenty Food Trophy (Housing Trophy, 1 Every 31 days)

The other legendary drop is the Feast-O-Plenty Food Trophy, this is actually a very good drop indeed since it grant a plus 25 food buff time when you eat beneficial food, so in other words if you eat any food Buffs like for example the roasted rabbits and vegetables that's going to give you 40 con for 40 minutes, but with this 25 buff that's going to give you 40 con for 50 minutes, so this is a really good Trophy and every single player that is playing New World right now want to get their hands on. 

3. Turkulon’s Juicy Calves Box (Housing Item, 1 Every 31 days)

During the encounter, by killing Turkulon, you will also loot a Turkulon’s Juicy Calves Box, open this box to claim the turkey feet-themed skin, you can apply it from the Select Skin menu. This essentially is a boot skin and they just look like turkey trotters or turkey feet, it is cool so we are certainly going to be rocking that from now on for the Thanksgiving event.

4. Turkulon Egg Seat (Housing Item, 1 Every 7 Days)

This is one of the Turkulon's giant eggs, but it dud and can not explode, so you can put it in your house

5. Turkuless, Disgruntled Fowl (Housing Item, 1 Every 31 days)

You also will get a cute fowl to put in your house by defeating his creation - Turkulon, Feathered Avenger of Death.

New World Turkey Terror Rewards Drop Rate

All of these rewards come with a high drop rate, and after you kill a giant turkey 16 times, you are guaranteed to loot all these drops!

New World Gaint Turkey Turkulon Spawn Locations

Here are the Turkulon Spawn Locations in Turkey Terror Event 2022:

New World Turkulon Spawn Locations

  • Zone #1: Cutlass Keys, Balmy Veldt

  • Zone #2: Cutlass Keys, Rubble Shores

  • Zone #3: Cutlass Keys, Salty Marshes, Salty Foothills

  • Zone #4: Monarch's Bluffs, Riverseat

  • Zone #5: Monarch's Bluffs, Moonshade

  • Zone #6: Monarch's Bluffs, Corsair's Rise

  • Zone #7: First Light, Elder's Bluff, Saircor

  • Zone #8: First Light, Millberry Hills

  • Zone #9: Windsward, Stoutmarch

  • Zone #10: Windsward

  • Zone #11: Everfall, Emberwood

  • Zone #12: Everfall, Valle Tempus

  • Zone #13: Everfall, Salt Hollow

  • Zone #14: Brightwood, Bronzegrove

  • Zone #15: Brightwood, Wolfbough

  • Zone #16: Restless Shore, Bubbly Bay, Townview Beach

  • Zone #17: Restless Shore, Bubbly Bay

  • Zone #18: Restless Shore, Sunshade Plains

  • Zone #19: Mourningdale, Stormglade

  • Zone #20: Mourningdale, Flooded Plains

New World Gaint Turkey - Turkulon Spawn Time

Only one Turkulon can be alive inside a territory at any given time, and they respawn every 45 minutes. It might appear simultaneously in several territories.

New World Turkulon Hunting Buff & Tips

How To Get Turkulon 2022 Loot Drops? Here we give you some tips to help you farm fast and easily:

- We can actually kill the turkulon five times per day, this one will give you a Massive Turkey Leg every single time you kill it, which can obviously be crafted into the boost food you, then also have a chance to get all of the other jobs as well.

- You are limited to one of those items every 31 days other than the Turkulon Ex which you can get once every seven, so if you wanted a couple of those, you should have the chance during this event to get a couple of drops if you're lucky. Of course, the Massive Turkey Leg gets reset every single day so that you can farm up to five of those every day if you want to.

- It takes multiple players to defeat the enormous turkey known as Turkulon. He will travel around the area depositing eggs that burst and has a ton of health. You will sustain harm from the explosion if you are standing close to the egg.

- Infused Turkey Coating and Infused Turkey Ward Potion are two new event consumables that have been added this year to assist you in defeating the enormous turkey. There is a daily cap of 5 drops for each of those. You must first collect Turkulon's Claw by skinning turkeys all around the map in order to get them. Once you have the claw, put it on and continue to skin! You now have the opportunity to discard the coating and the warding potion. Keep the Turkulon's Claw close at hand! It is only available once every 31 days, so if you misplace it, it is lost forever.

- During the encounter, Turkulon drops explosive eggs, laser eye beams, and young corrupted hatchlings to fight alongside Turkulon. The skills are not particularly challenging to avoid. Basically, you just need a large enough group of players to deal enough DPS to kill the monster.

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