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Best WoW Dragonflight Mythic+ Tank Tier List - Ranking Every Tank On Dragonflight Pre-patch

11/16/2022 5:36:58 PM

This is the guide about ranking the tanks in multiple categories in WoW Dragonfight beta. This will primarily be for Mythic+ with M+ builds in challenging content, tuning in proper gear will also change this when Mythic+ actually comes out in Dragonflight. Let’s get straight into this Word of Warcraft Dragonflight tank tier list & rankings for M+. 

Best WoW Dragonflight Mythic+ Tank Tier List - Ranking Every Tank On Dragonflgith Pre-Patch

The categories will do the following: damage, covering a mix of their single target AOE and overall with a bit more weight towards single target. Tankiness, for how well they survive with their mitigation defensive cooldowns and a proper group set up with considerations of magic, bleed and physical damage. Self-sustainability, for how Reliant they are on the healer's attention and for the group's ability to stop damage. Fun, the subjective experience on how enjoyable the class has been. Difficulty, Dorki’s take on how hard each aspect with regard to picking up and mastering. And finally, a total ranking for what will be the best thing. Here’s the best tank tier list for Dragonflgith prepatch, we rank these Word of Warcraft Dragonflight beta tanks on a scale of 1 to 5.

Damage Ranking - Most Damage Tanks Ranked By Tier


It’s one of the Dragonflight best tank classes, it is insanely buffed, so much so that they gave it a 50% aura buff to almost all abilities except for Moonfire and rage of the sleeper now gives a big damage boost. After all these buffs is definitely one of the highest damage tanks in both single target and AOE, B warn though, bear is very mall reliant now. This was Bear's biggest weak point before, but after the buffs, 4.7/5 (0.5 for mark of the wild). 

Death Knight

Blood DK, the damage is very strong, more so after the big buffs to almost everything recently. Single target is strong and especially once backed into bloodshot while maintaining good blood shield uptime. However, not having a group buff definitely hurts. It's also hard to spec into a lot of damage options without sacrificing survivability, 3.9/5. 


This is one of the best Dragonflight tanks for Mythic+, has very high damage with potential to be one of the highest. The recent Nerfs didn't do a whole lot to Warriors, Warriors can play very greedily with their talents utilizing Battle Stance and how they spend their globals, specking into bloodborne, tough as nails and dragon roar CDR. Battle Stance removes the 10% damage reduction from defensive stance and gives 3% more crit. Rage and globals can be spent heavier on executes and revenge for damage. Solid damage across the board with a lot of potential. However, with a conservative build and play style in mind 3.8/5 (+0.5 for battle shout).

Demon Hunter

This is good damage across the board. The recent fatality change has nerfed their potential damage, but overall a buff for most players in M+. SoCleave does good single target when combined with frailty, AOE is just as good as before with Spirit Bomb and cooldowns are powerful when stacked with frailty. Good single target, good AOE and not much sacrificing for damage, 4.1/5 (+0.5 for chaos brand).


Paladins can be built more offensively, most of Paladin's damage comes from winds being so powerful and divine soul and AOE similar to shadowlands. It's got the highest single target, one of the highest AOE and one of the best overall damage. Problem is paladins will have to build more defensively, resulting in way less damage. With a full defensive build in mind 4/5. 


Brewmaster is currently the king of damage with how broken Resonant Fist is at the moment. Their single target is very high with every CD up and their AOE damage is insanely high because of Resonant Fist charred fashions and the exploding keg boneless brew combo. Damage is definitely the highest 5/5 (+0.5 for mystic touch).

Tankiness Ranking


Bear tanks are very tanky after major buffs, moonfires now reduce the damage you take by 10%, and after the wildfire heals for an insane amount, rage is a sleeper and barkskin are both on a short CD while providing tons of defensive value. Leech from raging a sleeper and gear is also more impactful now that bears do damage. The Tierra set now gives a ton of extra passive healing making it the strongest tier set for tanks. The reworked tree brings back blood frenzy and two second longer iron fur, with the extra rage incarn can be under 2 minute CD. Strong across the board against all types of damage, 4.1/5. 

Death Knight

Blood tanks are one of the best and worst tanks at surviving. Unkillable with how much resource they generate now, blood shields, large AMS and the amount of defensive CDs they have make them a lot less susceptible to spiking like crazy. Also really good at all types of damage, but particularly good at magic and bleed over other tanks. However, they are still the type of tank that will reach a threshold where they will eventually get one shot when misplayed, 4.2/5. 


The kings of surviving, so much so that they are now one of the best at dealing with magic and bleed, which was unheard of for warriors before. With the added leech, permanent ignore pain, cell block, 100% uptime on shield block, an extremely short CD on shield wall, demo shouts, prowers are basically immune to damage. Warriors also have an insane cheat theft from their talent battle server veteran. The only minor weakness with Warrior is if there's too much magic damage, bosses like the last boss of Ruby Life Pool or Jade Serpent third boss will run Warrior CD's dry, 4.8/5.

Demon Hunter

Hunters are solid across the board, demon spikes uptime is much higher and their HP no longer spikes as hard as they used to with all the added passive damage reduction talents. Still great all types of damage including bleed and magic. Tiny bit weak against very high frequent damage 4/5. 


After playing prot Paladin with Sentinel fix, this talent is insane, patterns have the most defensives by far giving them answers to almost every type of damage out there. However, the 40% change did heavily affect their Word of Glory healing. Paladins definitely feel like the tank that can mitigate a ton but struggle to sustain without some healing. In the right hands with a good healer, this is probably the most unkillable tank right next to Warrior, 4.3/5. 


Brewmasters are the squishiest tank, they do have a lot more defensives now compared to before and have answers to occasional high damage. However, unlike other tanks, Bruce struggles heavily with constant magic and bleed damage. Without, CDs Brewmasters fall over quickly. Before present change also heavily affects Brew, expel harm and Celestial Brew are noticeably smaller. Healers require a lot more healing into Brewmaster. This could be hard to tell since brew has always done better with more gear and stagger getting stronger, but for now 1.4/5. 

Dragonflight Self Sustain Ranking - Best Self-Healing Classes Ranked


The recent changes bear sustain is much more powerful. After a wildfire does insane amount of healing to both yourself and your teammates, Rage of the sleepers on a one minute CD with added leech makes bear insanely tanky while it's up. Above the tier set, also provides bear a lot of extra passive healing. Bear's also quite good at stopping mechanics with Roar and typhoon 4.1/5. 

Blood Death Knight 

This class is literally designed to self-sustain, DK benefit the most from the 40% change since most of their healing isn't affected. Also great at dealing with mechanics going off and can stop a lot of mechanics with two charges of grip blining sleet and s68, 5/5. 


This class struggled with recovering from damage taken. Warriors are basically immune to damage, and when it does take damage it is easily healed back with the added leech indomitable or impending victory. Stormbold, Shockwave, fear and spell reflect are all great at dealing with mechanics, 4/5. 

Demon Hunter

This class has always had decent self-sustain through soul healing, but now with leech and frailty healing as well, 10 seconds chaos Nova and Sigil of misery are also really good at stopping casters. Healer externals are a bit more important on DH than other tanks, 4.2/5. 


Paladins have always struggled to use Word of Glory because of heavy holy power cost and gcd. During winds, Paladin self-esteem is very good, but outside it is way weaker. The 40% change is very noticeable on Paladin, definitely healer reliant on harder pulls without CDs and could use some externals. This class is one of the best ad carrying pugs with the insane interest ropes from avenger’s shield and short Hammer of Justice, 3.7/5. 


Brewmasters have always struggled with healing and it does need a little bit of healing to get going. The higher stagger you can get, the more cell feeling you do. Brewmaster doesn't have much cell feeling aside from orbs, expel harm and big purify Gain Plin. Overall, the 40% change hurt bad and brewmaster is definitely having trouble staying alive, 1.5/5. 

Fun Ranking


Bear is probably the least enjoyable tank, but it is slightly more interesting than the shadowlands version. The loss of doing insane pulls within card definitely hurts the fun factor. 2.2/5. 

Death Knight

Blood DK is back to the old DK, but with infinite resources, the fun in bloody DK has always been living on the edge and trying to stay alive on your own. Death striking to keep up icy talons and sitting in d d all-time sucks, resource management is also not as interesting but the thrill of surviving dangerous polls is still there. Tombstone is now more of an offensive CD and it's great having an extra offensive CD especially for aggro. Having no downtime definitely feels great as well, 3.8/5. 


You're super fun on a more casual level because of how ridiculous it can feel with all the button mashing. Going into a poll of CDs every time and having a lot of damage cooldowns to burst with feels great. However, it does get a little old when resource management or mitigation isn't as big of a deal, 3.5/5. 

Demon Hunter

Vengeance has always been a fun tank, just frustrating before doing low damage and feeling squishy outside of meta. The added flavor of frail tea and a couple of extra buttons, Vengeance has definitely been more fun than before, 3.9/5. 


Opening up holes with winds and divine soul is still one of the most satisfying feelings as a tank. But defensives are also a lot of fun to play with. Avengers shield not generating holy power anymore, has received a lot of negativity. The only one fun part about Paladin right now are the globals attached to word of glory and consecrate. Consecration in general real bad and never really been a fan of it, 4.3/5. 


This is one of the most fun tanks, the only fun part about Brewmaster is Celestial Brew and expel harm being on a gcd, 4.4/5. 

Difficulty Ranking


Bear has always been the easiest tank, rotation has almost no interactive mechanic and there is no mitigation to manage. They are a tiny bit more difficult compared to before, just because Encore no longer makes you completely immune to damage. You will also need to be spreading your moon fires and spending Gore procs instead of only thrashing. Very easy to get into hard to play incorrectly, 1.2/5. 

Death Knight 

Blood DK can be a bit daunting to get into with all the different resources, staying in dd all the time and tracking icy talons. But it's pretty simple when you get to the flow of pressing your buttons, it is a lot less punishing than old DK with the larger absorbs and smaller Windows of randomly getting one shot. With higher resource generation, there's not as much thought process behind the death striking, you can just hit it every few levels or so, 3.6/5. 


Even though it has a lot more buttons than it before, it is the most forgiving tank right now and it's hard to mess up your medication. It also doesn't hurt to overcap ignore pain because of the high rage generation and importance of spending rage for Anger Management. There is also no longer a struggle to deal with magic or bleed damage, 2.1/5. 

Demon Hunter

This is extremely quick and simple to pick up, but has a bit more finesse with resource spending. With Frailty Stacks, Spirit Bomb and Soul Cleave, you will have to think about your globals a little bit. This is also the only tank left that has mitigation management and it can be a bit daunting to play if you don't fully utilize your soul healing. Definitely less punishing compared to Shadowlands, but a lot more interactive, 3.9/5. 


Prop Paladin is simple to pick up, but harder to play well compared to before. When misplayed, it can feel very squishy or undertuned, your reliance on staying in your consecrate keeping shield righteous up managing blessing of dusk and dawn and more importantly, playing your rotation well with avenger shield no longer generating holy power. Paladin globals are also a lot tighter with of extra charge of judgment and blessed hammer. Paladins also have a ton of utility to make good use of, notably locking down multiple targets with faint shield divine resonance, focus avenger shields, short Fist of Justice, Blinding Light and their multiple blessings. With 5 different defensive cooldowns and a 45 second Guardian cheat proc, paladins have to play very defensives pretty well to survive. This is definitely a high effort, high reward tank that can be hard carry for pug groups, 1.2/5. 


Brewmaster is the hardest tank to make up right now with the biggest rotational button density and multiple different cooldowns. Keeping up rushing jadewind charred passions and fitting in rotational buttons require a lot more effort than over tanks. Brew also requires the most encounter knowledge to know when to use defensive CDs. Particularly, the fuse magic since it's a powerful magic only damage reduction and the debuff deflection. Purified timings are also more important than before. This could just be a tuning thing, but brewmaster feels like the complete opposite of warrior where you are heavily punished and can easily die when misplayed. Brewmaster can still do the highest content when played well, 0.7/5. 

Overall Tanking For Dragonflight Pre-Patch

- Warrior 

- Bear 

- Demon Hunter

- Paladin

- Blood Death Knight

- Brewmaster

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