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New World Level 60+ Endgame Guide: What to Do at Max Level

11/10/2022 5:42:11 PM
Tag: New World

Fresh Start servers have been around in the world for about one week now, and as a result we think a bunch of you have probably hit that level 60 Milestone or you're getting very close to it, and what we're going to do in today's guide is talk about what you can do when you hit Level 60, so the end game experience in New World, and sort of the general best practices and tips and tricks that you can do for your level 60 character. If you need the best New World gold to level up fast, we can provide it for you.


Brimstone Sands

Number one recommendation when you hit Level 60 is get yourself into the brimstone sand, so this is the new expansion area on the map, if you want to do this you are going to have to do the main storyline, so if you hit J for your journal and go to objectives and go to main story, The Heart of The Tempest, Scourge of Aeon Madness, and more, but you want to be looking for your like level 60 or your highest level Quest chain that if you haven't done, it already will lead you up to the heart of the tempest, now you don't have to do this part of the quest line, but it is recommended that you get up to this point, because without it you won't be able to get the quests that are offered in the various regions, and also you won't have your tier 5 as doth staff which is going to be important for like content later on in the game, so assuming that you've done your quest up until the heart of the Tempest, if you are Syndicate, you're going to get a quest in Shattered Mountain, if you are Covenant, you'll get a quest in great cleave, if you're Marauder, you're going to get a quest in ebonscale, and you'll be looking for the symbol of like the main story quest line, so it's similar to the one that we've got in windsworth here, so it'll have the little star symbol behind it, and it will be called The Strider of the Sands, so you want to be looking for the Australia of the Sands quest in Shattered Mountain, great Cleaver evanscale, and this is effectively going to allow you to make sunblock, so that you can actually walk into the brimstone Sands region without burning alive, if you don't do this, you won't be able to get into brimstone and, so do bear that in mind now once you get into Brimstone, our best recommendation is just to follow the main storyline, but also most of the side quests here as well have been slowly working our way through like taking off all of the side quests in here, and the reason behind this is there is a ton of like great weapons that you can get that really high gear scores, so we've got the hand, Discerning Eye, staff for path, and more.

Gypsum System

Whilst you're working through your Brimstone Sands quest line, you also want to make sure that you're not neglecting to do your gypsum as well, the gypsum Kiln is a powerful tool, because you can take gypsum which you can get in the game turn it into gypsum orbs, and then the gypsum orbs you can turn into gypsum cast, any cast that you make can increase the expertise of an item, and do our Rapier here why not we'll go ahead, and do the Rapier we'll make a cast, and then we'll pop this open, and our Rapier expertise according to the weapon Mastery here should be probably pretty low where is it at there we go 541, actually, it's not that bad and if we pop this open we should hopefully get a nice little bump here, going up by plus five, but it can go up to we think plus 10 which is pretty nice if you get lucky there, the reason why you want to increase your expertise is because it sort of dictates what items get as you drop, and it's also very important because you can't upgrade items with umbral shots until you get to 600 expertise, going back to the gypsum Kiln, obviously, there's a lot of different options here for things that you can do to make gypsum, but which are the easiest ones to farm especially as a solo player well, our recommendation is to go for obsidian, Emerald gypsum, Diamond gypsum, and topaz gypsum.

Genesis and Lazarus

Looking into the future of what we want to do in this character and things that we recommend you do as well after you've done your Brimstone quests and you've sort of got your gypsum Farm on the go, you're getting fairly high in gear scores, some items are getting like 520 or higher, you want to start hitting up some runs of Garden of Genesis, so if you can find a group for it, our server is pretty dead at this hour, because it's really early in the morning there is one lobby going here, and then also we have Lazarus, but you can run that one as well and again those are going to be a great source of gear score and expertise, and just sort of allow you to fly through these numbers really quickly, they can be a little bit stressful the first time you're doing it, and maybe if you want to go into a Lobby, you might want to make your own Lobby, it could be a bit daunting the first time you do it, but I think you'll find it worthwhile for the expertise bumps you get, this is what like a MMO end game is all about if it was all super easy, it just wouldn't be challenging, so once you've got your gypsum Farm on the go, you've done your Brimstone Quest, you've got some Genesis and Lazarus runs on your belt, you're going to be getting towards that sort of 580 gear skull mark on your armor and hopefully on your weapons as well well those are going to be higher if you've done the brimstone quests.

Tempest's Heart/Tempestuous Gear

At this point, we recommend that you do go ahead and do that the sort of main storyline for the heart of the Tempest, the recommended gear score for tempest heart is 580 or 570 or something like that, and there's also going to be a quest that you get called The Tempest's Soul (Expedition), and all of these quests are very worthwhile, because they allow you to get this sort of tempestuous cache here as a quest reward, and from here you get some really good items that can sort of set you on your track for farming difficulty 10 or you know difficulty one it gets you onto your mutated grind for dungeons, because they contain corrupted Ward Elemental aversion and refreshing evasion, and there's one for like pretty much every stat line, so you've got your strength intelligence as we can see here Focus and dexterity, now one thing that we do want to stress is if you are going to go ahead, and open up this tempestuous cache, please make sure that your expertise on the items that you care about is probably at 600, because if it's lower then you're going to get a lower gear score item, and you will not be able to upgrade it, if it's not at least 590 something has to be 590 gear skull or higher to be upgraded with Emerald shots, and then you can bump it up to Legendary, and get that Elemental aversion which is a very handy perk to have for mutated Expeditions, so  get yourself into 10 get these Tempest Jewish cash rewards, one of the thing that's also great about tempest is there is a ton of armor in here as well so compared to Genesis and Lazarus, they are pretty light on Armor, but there's a full set of armor for pretty much every role here from the nicer tens gear to the wise and gear for Mages sagacious stuff for  healers, we've got the tacticians gear for and Raiders for like bow and dexterity builds just in general a lot of good stuff that you can get from 10 percent, That's not including the weapons as well, so  once you get yourself to the 580 gear score sort of range, look to pick up the quest, look to do the main storyline, get those tempestuous caches, open them up when you are 600 expertise, and then with those equipped to your character, you can start looking to do mutated Expeditions and continue your Grind from there.

Which Gypsum to Target

One thing that we do want to mention as well with the gypsum that we didn't cover is the priority of what you should go for, so in our opinion, the jewelry slots do level up the slowest in terms of expertise, so we would always focus on making sure that you get an amulet cast, an earring cast, and also a ring cast every day, that would be the number one priority, because  jewelry goes at the slowest in terms of expertise it seems to drop the least, after that go for the two weapons that you're most interested in playing with, it's the life staff, and the void Gauntlet, and then if you still have some gypsum mobs left over maybe go for some secondary weapons that you're looking at, that would be the ice Gauntlet and the fire staff, and then lastly you can look to do your armor whichever one is the slowest though the lowest one that you've got, that is the legs, and Then followed by boots just work from like the bottom up things that are obviously doing really well, you just let them just kind of keep progressing themselves but amulet weapons, and then your lowest armor slots would be our recommendation for using gypsum.

Extra Stuff

When it comes to the tempestuous armor, one thing that you do have to bear in mind is it is corrupted Ward armor, so it is only going to be effective at doing corrupted mutations, so we're talking Dynasty Shipyard, The Depths, when it's mutated and also Tempest haunt that being said that does cover a good chunk of the dungeons probably one of those will be available on rotation every week, so there's going to be at least one mutated Expedition you can get yourself in there and start getting on that mutated Expedition grind.



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