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Diablo 4 Release Date - When Will Diablo 4 Season 1, Pre Order, Open Beta Start?

11/11/2022 11:44:54 AM

Have you ever heard about the latest Diablo 4 release date rumor leak? In this guide, we're going to talk about the Diablo 4 launch date, and the root of that leak the original source. Bring some greater context to how this leak fits in with all the things that we know all the patterns we've been observing and our own predictions of when D4 will launch.


Diablo 4 Start Date - When Will Diablo 4 Be Released?

It all started on November 4th, during the live streaming of the XBOX 2 podcast in which Jess Gordon, the managing editor of Windows Central dropped the little tidbit. He was alluding to finding out the Diablo 4 start date soon enough, must be the game awards. The game awards are taking place on December 8th and we had a leaked release in the summer with a product slate or a release slate for Blizzard with a number of different dates for different events for different properties. All the predictions have come true so far.


Numerous World of Warcraft dates matched up exactly with the leaked slate. It was August and that leak said that on December 8th at the game awards we were getting the pre-order reveal for Diablo 4. Now what we didn't get confirmed was that we would get a release date, then it is not uncommon to have released dates revealed when you have pre-orders come up. But sometimes instead of a date, they give a window that's something that blizzard has done before. So this would be new information that we would be getting a release date for Diablo 4 on December 8th at the game awards if this information is true.


We already know Diablo 4 is coming in the first six months of next year which was pretty much confirmed because when we got the release date reveal, it was stated that all games were revealed during the presentation. We're going to be releasing within the next 12 months which gives us the first 6 months of 2023 as a potential release window for Diablo 4. Jess Gordon claiming he knows the planned release date for Diablo 4 confirming that March, April, and May in that ballpark is roughly correct. He said he has seen proof was some document leaked to him, so around April this corroborates but no exact date is yet set in stone.


The first season will launch before 2023 is up especially given the recent IGN interview in which they confirmed that they're already working on season 1 and they want to have that ready for lunch not too long after the game launches itself. The most interesting part of the league is that with pre-orders come access to the beta in February, so that is a pretty specific thing to say in a rumor. Blizzard said early next year without specifying when early next year, there will be a public beta they did not however explain whether it's an open beta or how to gain access to said beta. This new information as part of this leak is very specific and it's not just operating upon already-known information.


Diablo 4 could be launching in April 2023 with pre-orders going Live in December. A rumor over the summer suggested that the Apple 4 may be getting revealed at the game awards in December.


Things You Should Now About Diablo 4

Diablo 4 World Tiers

World Tiers are essentially a difficulty setting that will affect the entirety of the World and content in Diablo 4, making all enemies more difficult but also giving you more and better Loot. World Tiers are going to be Diablo 4's version of Torment levels from Diablo 3, but they seem to be much more interesting and more substantial. Now there are going to be five different World Tiers on the launch of Diablo 4 and World Tier 1 and World Tier 2 are going to be available for you once you start the game. 


Word Tier 1

World Tier 1 is primarily for newer players or people that just want to focus on consuming the story and don't want to be dying a bunch in between following along with the story.


Word Tier 2

World Tier 2 is going to be for people that want much more of a challenge while leveling up throughout the game. Now we don't know if there are going to be any experience differences between these first two World Tiers. So if there's nothing that changes the actual experience gained, you could also see a lot more experienced players still playing on World Tier 1 just to level up as quickly as possible but World Tier 2 may also have an increase in the amount of XP you earn. just like it'll be an increase to the quality of loot you're getting and those are the only two World Tiers you're going to have access to until you get later into the game and it was specifically mentioned as probably a round-level 50 plus. 


Word Tier 3

Pretty much the time you're starting into the end game and right around the same time that you're going to be done with the main campaign. Getting to that point, you will then unlock World Tier 3 which is what's considered to be the first End Game World Tier. Again every new World Tier level you go up, everything's going to be more difficult but you're going to be getting more Loot and in all the other Diablo games like this, you're also getting more gold and usually more experience.  Getting up to World Tier 3 you're not going to have to do anything besides just level up. But after you get into World Tier 3, you're going to actually have to do additional pieces of content to unlock the higher World Tiers. This comes in the form of a new boss at the end of every World Tier.


Word Tier 4

 It sounds like they're going to continue to be going off of levels, so maybe you have to get to like level 60 or 70 or something to be able to go into World Tier 4. We are not exactly sure how that's going to work but you're also going to have to defeat that World Tier's end boss to unlock the next World Tier. So depending on how it works you do whatever you need to do to then get to that World Tier's end boss, then you have to kill that World Tier and boss, and that will unlock the next World Tier. These bosses are said to be pretty difficult, they're essentially a challenge to show that you're ready for that next World Tier.


Word Tier 5

It makes you think a little bit more about creating your build because that build is not only going to have to be good at playing the general content of the game and most likely be somewhat efficient at clearing out tons of enemies, but you're both also going to need to be able to defeat a very difficult boss so you're going to have to defeat the boss at the end of World Tier 3 and at the end of World Tier 4 to get into the highest World Tier launch which is going to be World Tier 5.


Diablo 4 Level 100 Bosses

World Tier 5 is going to take you to level 100 but there is also going to be a level 100 boss at the end of World Tier 5 which sounds like it's going to be the absolute Pinnacle hardest challenge in Diablo 4 on launch. They also mentioned that this boss is going to be extremely difficult probably even much more difficult than the previous bosses you had to defeat. Since it's level 100 this is probably going to require that you have optimized gear for your level 100, so you're going to have all your skill points all of your Paragon points and you're going to need a very well-put-together build to go defeat this boss.


Diablo 4 World Bosses

In the launch of Diablo 4, it has been announced that there will be 3 World bosses. w have seen two of these World bosses in officially released footage and these World bosses are massive open-world bosses that once you come across you'll need a group of players to actually kill. You don't have to group up because you will see other players just out in the open World, so most likely players will start just showing up to do the boss with everybody else that's there. These bosses are actually so big that it actually pulls your camera back to be able to fight it more effectively and all of these World bosses do seem to be lower-level bosses or at least are able to be fought at lower levels. with World Tiers scaling up the entirety of the World, these World bosses will be scaled up as well. 


Diablo 4 Rewards & Loots

Let’s say you're in World Tier 5, you will be facing this big World boss that could potentially drop just tons of loot, but you're also going to be getting Luke Goblin spawns during that fight. And if you're in World Tier 5 that would be giving some pretty good loot now progressing through these World Tiers is actually going to give more than just giving you more gold, more Loot, and higher quality loot. It's actually going to start unlocking new content and new item types. 


Diablo 4 Helltides

There is an endgame system called Helltides and you unlock these in World Tier 3, these will take over an entire region of the game when they're active and it's essentially Lilith's Army invading this region, buffing up all creatures in this area, spawning a ton of our strongest soldiers so there's most likely going to be a bunch of bosses running around, hordes hover armies running around and running around in this Helltide is going to give you an additional currency that's used on specific Helltide chests in that region when the hell tide is active.


Diablo 4 Item Tiers

There is probably going to be additional content later down the road in New Seasons or new Expansions that are also specifically unlocked from being in higher World Tiers. Now going up through these higher World Tiers is also going to be very important for gearing. Primarily because you're actually going to unlock the ability to earn item Tiers called sacred and ancestral items getting into the higher World Tiers. We don't know exactly which World Tiers you unlock the ability to get these, we are assuming at World Tier 3 you get sacred and in World Tier 4, you get ancestral, then in World Tier 5, you just get higher chances to get these. But we will be getting these new item Tiers.


It is now officially revealed that these are going to be things we will be earning in the end game, but we don't know actually what these are now. There are a few different theories these could be similar to items in Diablo 3 where they're essentially just upgraded versions of legendary items, one can roll with higher stats, and then the next one is guaranteed max rolled stats. But because of how they talked about it in this developer interview, these are actually going to be a little bit more than that. Because they specifically mentioned these as giving you new exciting features or new exciting powers. 


These are probably going to add some end-game-specific powers to them or maybe some additional affix roles. But it seems like these are going to be a bit more than just additional stats on items we already have. Building on top of that there is actually specific items themselves that can only drop into higher World Tiers. A lot of other RPG games do this as well where once you get into the highest difficulties of the game, there are some very rare unique, or legendary items so you can only get in higher World Tiers. Probably once you get in World Tier 3, 4, and 5, you are going to unlock some additional legendary and unique items that can only be obtained in those higher World Tiers and are probably going to be much rarer and probably very sought-after items to go and chase.


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