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New World PTR Leaderboards Guide: Leaderboard System, Rewards, Categories & More Tips

11/9/2022 11:39:53 AM

In this New World guide, we could take a break from the return to a tournament event and Brimstone Sands, return for a few minutes to the PTR and have a look at some of the exciting things that they are working on that are to come. Today, the new feature we wanted to look at is the Leaderboards. On the PTR, they have added Leaderboards in New World. 


New World PTR Leaderboards Guide: Leaderboard System, Rewards, Categories & More Tips

Leaderboards are finally hitting the PTR in New World. This is sort of a test run of this as they say in the PTR patch notes. Please be aware that this is a very large feature that is still in development. There will be a placeholder taxed and unintended bugs. These are some of the more noteworthy bugs and polish items that are not yet resolved within the PTR build but should be fixed fairly soon. Basically what we are looking at in the New World PTR Leaderboard is a very rough framework of the possible potential this system brings and not the final product. But nonetheless, we want to have a look at it so we can begin to understand what to expect from it in the short term as well as the long term.


New World Leaderboard Issues

- Some Leaderboards from Wars 3v3 Arenas invasions and opr, outside of score will not be functional (war heals, opr resources gathered).

- There is a 3v3 Arena Score Leaderboard that will be removed at launch. 

- Resources, ammo, consumables or tier 5 recipes count towards trade skill legendaries and will be removed for launch. 

- Players are not shown in their personal stat box at the bottom of the Leaderboard unless they are looking at the page they are listed on.

- Rewards are not finalized and will not be functional during the PTR.

- Leaderboards do not go past page five.

- It is possible certain Leaderboards will be added, changed, or removed before launch.


How To Enter Leaderboards In New World PTR

When you go into your modes menu, you will see a new tab, and this tab is called the Leaderboards. When you enter this tab, you will be greeted by a Leaderboard category screen. So the categories they are showing on the PTR at the moment seem to be the framework for where we are starting. 


How Do Leaderboards Work In New World PTR

With this new feature our Mutated Expeditions, Faction War, Player versus Environment, Player versus Player, and Trade Skills. So a pretty comprehensive start covering basically all the things we do in the game. Another thing to note is on each category states the reward cycle and what's kind of cool about this is it appears that they are going to have different reward cycles with different categories. For example with Mutations, certain mutations only last one week, so are they going to do this by mutation or simply combine the mutations over the month? it looks like they will be breaking it down by mutation to start.


Alternatively, trade skills, take time to prep for. Most good crafters work in a cycle of gathering materials or storing them, then a big crafting session. So one week wouldn't be a fair measure but it looks like crafting will be a quarterly measure. The reason why this was an important thing to notice was if they would truly put thought into how the different categories operate to get a fair measure and it would seem that they have.


New World PTR Leaderboards Rewards

They haven't really put much info in terms of rewards well because there are no rewards being awarded during the PTR but we can see some of them. We will be awarded skin sets and titles for most of the categories. It allows players to show off the prestige associated with the achievement. 


New World PTR Leaderboards Category

Mutated Expeditions

For mutations, it looks like this is quite simple. It's got one ladder for the highest score and another for clear time.



Champion of Starstone Barrows

Earned by placing 1st on the Starstone Barrows Difficulty 10 Score Weekly Leaderboard.

Rewards: Title “Starstone Victor”


Conqueror of the Starstone Barrows (Armor Skin)

Given to glorious conquerors for crushing a dangerous expedition.


Hero of the Starstone Barrows

Earned by placing Top 10 on the Starstone Barrows Difficulty 10 Score Weekly Leaderboard.

Rewards: Title “Starstone Medalist”


Hero of the Starstone Barrows (Armor Skin)

Given to imposing heros for crushing a dangerous expedition.


Faction War

This one is broken down into a few subcategories at the moment. Also, this category is not an individual player Leaderboard but rather a company Leaderboard. It looks like every member of the company will receive the reward or potentially the reward will be unique crests and things like that for the company. 


Territory Control: this is broken down into how many days governed as well as the governing streak. This almost sounds like the same thing in two categories. But what this means here is how many total days during the quarterly did this company govern. Then for streak is how many days in a row, so if you lost the territory then took it back and then lost it, and then took it back during the quarterly that would count towards how many days. But if you held the territory for consecutive periods of war, then you would have the streak.


War: This measure wins, the attacker wins, and the defender wins in three different categories which are kind of cool but double dipping in a way. Because it measures wins as a category but then defending and attacking wins. They could just remove the flat winds category and leave the other two and have unique rewards for those.



This is again an individual New World Leaderboard and is broken into invasions and trials. Trials are the PVE Arenas like sirens and finally corruption breaches. Then again each of these is broken down into subcategories. 


Invasions: are very much like you would expect measuring everything from the damage done to kill ratio to the healing done. But the ones like trials and corruption breaches are much more simple, simply measuring completion.


Corruption Breaches: are a bit different though and kind of cool is that in award points are not simply for closing breaches, but for the experience gained in doing so this way people can't just spam level 25 breaches all day for points.



Invasion Champion

Earned by placing 1st on the Invasion Score Quarterly Leaderboard.

Reward: Title “Invasion Victor”


Conqueror of Invasion (Armor Skin)

Given to glorious conquerors for acting as a steadfast shield against the corrupted demons.


Hero of Invasion

Earned by placing Top 10 on the Invasion Score Quarterly Leaderboard.

Reward: Title “Invasion Medalist”


Hero of Invasion (Armor Skin)

Given to imposing heros for acting as a reliable bulwark against corrupted demons.



This category is broken down into subcategories once again. 

Open world PVP: this section measures how many control points you take part in capturing, how much influence you earn and how many PVP kills you get in the open world. 


Outpost Rush: this is broken down very much the same way as the scorecard and invasions. The interesting bit here however is there is a category for NPC kills and resources contributed this is kind of cool. Because it is rewarding those players who play outpost rush and contribute to the base improvements and not be directly in the combat.


3v3 Arenas: there's no surprise here how it is broken down into score, wins, win-loss ration, kills and kill death ration.



Outpost Rush Champion

Earned by placing 1st on the Outpost Rush Score Quarterly Leaderboard.

Reward: Title “Outpost Rush Victor”


Hero of Outpost Rush (Armor Skin)

Given to those who decimated their endless foes to wrest control of their fortifications.


Outpost Rush Hero

Earned by placing Top 10 on the Outpost Rush Score Quarterly Leaderboard.

Reward: Title “Outpost Rush Medalist”


Conqueror of Outpost Rush (Armor Skin)

Given to those who crushed their myriad foes to wrest control of their fortifications.


Trade Skills

Finally, we have the trade skill category. For the moment this build, only measures the actual crafting professions, stuff like arcana, armoring, engineering, jewel crafting, and weaponsmithing. Although it does also include fishing which is interesting. 


Legendaries: What they are measuring for this Leaderboard in this build is simply legendaries crafted. There are a couple of things here that are important to note on the New World Leader Board PTR, you are awarded credit for crafting guaranteed legendaries for testing purposes like the artifact weapons void bent and event patterns. However, they do say in the notes when this goes live this won't be the case. The only legendaries that will contribute to your score will be those you craft naturally where you have rolled legendary by chance.



That's everything we now from the New World Leaderboard system PTR. It also will stimulate the crafting system once again which will greatly increase the consumption of materials which will be nothing but good for the economy. There will be more New World coins to be made gathering, more people running mutations who didn't before, so then more consumables being used or demand for everything really. This could very well lead to a sort of Renaissance in New World that will see everyone enjoying their time in the game once again earning coins, gathering with purpose, and communities farming in order to achieve and earn these titles and skins.




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