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2022 Best Solo Player Builds In New World For PVP & PVE - Top 4 Weapon Combos For 2022

1/10/2022 4:26:05 PM

What builds are you using for 2022 New World? Still looking to find the ideal build for your character? Here we list the top 4 best solo player builds for PVE and PVE in New World 2022, with explanation of attributes, weapon masteries, gear & perks, gems for each build. We also show you the gameplay for different weapons and tell what abilities to use on your enemies. Whether you are a PvP player or a PvE one, this guide will have an appropriate build for you.

Top 4 Best Solo Player Builds In New World 2022 For PVP & PVE

1. Bow and Hatchet Build

- Main Weapon: Bow

- Secondary Weapon: Hatchet

- Attributes: Strength (5), Dexterity (300), Intelligence (5), Focus (5), Constitution (150)

Gear recommended:

Go with the light category and the best setup is to have medium chess piece and then the wrist light equipment.

The Bow abilities we recommend are:

Evade shot: When using makes your character leap back five meters while shooting one arrow.

Poison shot: It gives you the ability to shoot an arrow and when it reaches a target, the arrow will explode and create a green poison smoke, an enemy standing in that smoke will be taking damage every second.

Penetrating shot: It deals a lot of damage and the arrow itself can go through multiple players which makes the spell very useful in pve and pvp as well.

The Hatchet abilities we recommend are:

- Berserk: It will give you self-healing and movement speed, so you can use it to run away or run towards an enemy.

- Feral Rush: To deal with melee enemies who are closing in on you. You jump forward and hit them twice. If you’re playing with a group - specifically a tank who can pull aggro from you - this can also be substituted for Rending Throw, which reduces enemies’ damage absorption for ten seconds.

- Raging Torrent: It deals four fast attacks at 90% weapon damage each, to burst down foes who get close

The best way to play this New World best solo player build 2022:

So the best way to attack a player is at the start, always try to have a distance between you and the enemy. So no matter if you are farming mobs in pve or doing solo pvp, the same principle and role supply. So, from distance, use the bow and the way to do it is shoot one normal attack and then shoot one poison shot and then use the penetrating shot and this will poison the enemy and make him take damage every second. Then always try to keep on using your dodge rolls and swapping your weapon and this will activate your perks on the bow which will give you the ability to get haste and damage increase. So far as long as you keep your distance, keep using the bow. But when the enemy comes close to you or you to him, switch to the hatchet and activate berserk mode and use the rnf ability whenever they get off cooldown. Lastly, create even more distance, switch to the bow and by using the evade shot and normal attacks you should be able to finish off the enemy. The last thing is dodge rolling and swapping your weapon back and forth. 

Conclusions for this build: This bow and hatchet weapon combination right now is one of the best solo builds for pvp and pve, you have to consider that to play this build it will be a lot harder and take more time to practice aiming especially at moving targets because it may seem easy to hit a standing target with a bow, but in reality, it's actually quite hard.

Gems recommended for this New World solo player build 2022:

- Bow and hatchet: Output gem 

- All of your gear: Onyx gem 

2. New World Void Gauntlet And Ice Gauntlet Build

- Main Weapon: Void Gauntlet

- Secondary Weapon: Ice Gauntlet

- Attributes: Strength (5), Dexterity (5), Intelligence (300), Focus (5), Constitution (150)

Gear recommended:

Go with the medium category and the best gear setup is to have heavy helmet, heavy chest armor, medium gloves, light pants and medium boots and this will give you 22.9 kilogram weight which is exactly just below the heavyweight category.

The Void Gauntlet abilities we recommend:

- Oblivion: It creates a circle around you and your teammates inside the circle will be getting 20 damage increase, but on the other hand, your enemy standing in the circle will be taking void damage every second and a really nice thing to do is while standing in the circle, do a bunch of medium jumps.

- Petrifying scream: Which when using will unleash a void scream and this will stagger and root enemies in front of you.

- Orb of decay: You can fire this orb which can go through your targets and each enemy that it hits, it will deal with decent observation and then later that orb will come back and heal you for few seconds.

The Ice Gauntlet abilities we recommend:

- Ice spikes: When activating creates this trail of spikes in a straight line which deals damage in aoe range and if the target is below 30 health a lot of times you can one shot him and the way it works that if you are too close to the enemy when you're using the ability, the ice spikes won't explode with the highest damage to the enemy. So using the spell and you see that the player is one second away from getting hit, then press the right mouse button and this will detonate the spike which will deal very high damage. 

- Ice storm: All enemies standing in it will get damaged and slowed and the more enemies you hit, the higher damage you will get.

- Ice shower: When using will create an ice wall and if players go through it, it will stun them and this ability is very useful in chopping your targets.

The best way to play this build:

The best spell combination to do is place the ice storm aka the q ability on grouped up enemies, and if you see that enemy is stunned, then use the ice spike ability and do bunch of damage, or another way to set up your ice spike ability is to run into the enemy and place the ice shower spell and if the enemy touches the ice while he will get stunned. Then you can use the ice spikes and it will be easier to hit the enemy. 

Conclusions for this build: This void gauntlet and ice gauntlet weapon combination is very high damage and you have a lot of abilities to put together and it works very well in pvp and as well pve.

Gems for this 2022 New World solo player build:

- Void gauntlet: Opal gem 

- Ice gauntlet: Malachite gem 

- All of your gear, rings, amulets: Onyx gem

So, if you're looking for the best solo mage build in New World 2022, then this is the one for you.

3. New World Life Staff And Hatchet Build

- Main Weapon: Hatchet

- Secondary Weapon: Life Staff

- Attributes: Dexterity (5), Intelligence (5), Focus (300), Constitution (150)

Gear recommended:

Go with the medium category and the best gear setup is to have heavy helmet, heavy chest armor, medium gloves, light pants and medium boots. 

The Hatchet abilities recommended:

- Berserk 

- Feral rush

- Charge

The Life Staff abilities recommended:

- Sacred ground: You have to point and select the area you want to place it in and then cast it for a split.

- Beacon: You can aim and it places another huge healing circle on the ground. 

- Light’s embrace: It basically works the same way just for a single target and you can heal yourself by holding the control button and then activating the spell.

The best way to play this solo player build New World 2022:

So the way you want to attack an enemy is first of all from a distance, use your life staff, and how to attack the target then when you get closer to the enemy or he will get closer to you, then switch to the hatchet and activate your berserk mode and then keep on using auto attacks plus the rnf abilities. Whenever you get low health, switch back to the live stuff and place the beacon on the ground and then to kill yourself, use the light's embrace ability and don't forget to heal yourself. You just have to hold the control button and then activate the spell.

Conclusions for this build: This hatchet and life staff weapon combination is meant to do a bunch of damage while at the same time having the ability to survive for very long and right now it is the best build for pve and especially for .

Gems for this build:

- Life staff: Diamond gem

- Hatchet: Amber gem 

- All of your gear: Onyx gem

So if you're looking for the best and easiest PVE solo player build in New World 2022 which is easy to learn and play, then this is the build for you.

4. New World Bow And Spear Build

- Main Weapon: Bow

- Secondary Weapon: Spear

- Attributes: Dexterity (300), Intelligence (5), Focus (5), Constitution (5)

Gear recommended:

Go with the light category which means using the best setup aka one medium chess piece and then all the other light equipment.

The Bow abilities we recommend are:

- Evade shot

- Poison shot

- Penetrating shot

The Spear abilities we recommend are:

- Sweep: If you hit an enemy, make him jump down to the ground. 

- Perforate: When using it does three super fast spear attacks and if you hit the target with all them he will get stunned for extra second or two.

- Vault kick: If you land it, it will stun an enemy for 1.5 seconds. 

The best way to play this New World solo player build 2022:

So the best way to attack a player is at the start, always try to have a distance between you and the enemy. So no matter if you are farming mobs in pve or doing solo or group pvp, the same principle in role supply, so from distance, use the bow and the way to do it is shoot one normal attack and then shoot the poison shot and then use the penetrating shot and this will poison the enemy and make him take damage every second. Always try to keep on using your dodge jaws and swapping your weapon and this will activate your perks on the bow giving you the ability to get haste and damage increase. So far as long as you keep your distance, you can keep on using the bow. But then when the enemy comes close to you or you to him, switch to the spear and close the gap with one heavy attack which you can do by holding your attack button for extra second or two and then use your sweep ability and then activate your repeatability which will do 3 super fast spear attacks. When the enemy is about to get back up, use the vault kick and keep on auto-attacking. When he is finally out of all of your stuns switch back to the bow and create a distance by using the evade shot and keep on auto attacking and they should finish off the enemy. Lastly, don't forget about dodge rolling and swapping your weapons back and forth to give you extra speed from the ball perks.

Conclusions for this build: This bow and spear weapon combination right now is super strong and has one of the highest single target damages from all the weapons in the game. And with the spells we have selected, we make this build work very well in pve and pvp, you have to consider that to play this build it will be a lot harder and take more time to practice aiming especially at moving targets because it may seem easy to land an arrow on an enemy.

Gems for this PVE & PVE solo player build in New World 2022:

- Bow and spear: Opal gem

- All of your gear: Onyx gem

So if you are looking for a very good solo build that requires a bit more practice and skill but which is very strong, then this is the build for you. 

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