Through the loot drop of the Open World Agriculture System in New World, you can increase the watermark, allowing you to get 600 items of equipment points in the dungeon/expedition. Before speculating that the production equipment is best in the slot (BIS) because it is possible to select some statistics and randomize other statistics. The sinking of the material in this area is quite high, and some new information has appeared!
The developers stated that the material costs for making the keys are too high and they will reduce the cost sometime in November. In addition to some dungeon gears with pre-determined rolls of the best statistics in the slot, there will be a more reliable way to get the best NW items through multiple dungeon runs. Raising the watermark by farming monsters above level 65 and elite treasure chests in the open world may be the way to go!
New World High Watermark vs Crafting High Gear Score Loot!
1. Crafted Gear Info
A lot of the best in slot items are coming from crafted gear which is going to be this thing like ori calcum musket or axe or hammer whatever that may be right someone's crafting this new world item and they're rolling that 595 to 600 dice with perfect trophies and they're eventually hitting the 600 mark and getting a 600 gear score level weapon.
However that weapon is going to have random stats as you can see here, it rolled with con and intelligence on a musket which is not ideal, it did get some decent things like crit chance and you know empowered, but then you have this weird accuracy thing and you know this may not be what you want the right end of the day.
So you can control one of these variables with crafted gear and that's going to be done through the charms, you can basically add these little things in that will guarantee a specific bonus of an attribute or guarantee a certain perk on the new world item.
Usually, people roll like crit chance right, because that seems to be very important right now, and they try to you know roll an item like that they want to roll a high gear score item, this is an interesting thing because right now in new world dungeons, that is quite high, in the garden and pick up several items like this 587 spear, these are all getting close to the crafted items that are on the auction house very close, actually, as you can see it rolled crit chance, it even rolled a spear skill, on the actual spear which is very strong as well, and some of the new world items like this hammer right here, that comes from Lazarus instrumentality have preset values on them that are guaranteed.
So this hammer comes with vicious and keen all the time, it also comes with pure strength and a socket, and if this hammer hits up to 600 gear score or later on when your watermark increases, it will basically convert itself to legendary and gain a bonus perk that is already predetermined. It's the 15 damage bonus when you critically hit, so if that is your ideal stat line, then it makes a lot more sense to grind watermark in dungeons and in the open world.
2. Dungeon Gear Info
Specifically, before you go into the new world dungeons to kind of aim towards, these free auto-generated perfect stat weapons, another great example would be this earring right here, so this one comes with 20 strength and a socket is already an onyx.
It's a tier 5 gym in it and it has refreshing toast and regenerating, the best perks that you can get on earring earrings do not come with the critical hit they come with different more defensive stats, so being able to regenerate your health and getting your potions back 25 faster makes this particular earring best in the slot for strength users, since it's going to come with strength attribute.
This will also be able to be converted up to legendary just like the hammer before gaining an additional stat and that stat can also be something that you want the last one, you're after would be like stamina region or something like that, because it will give you a nice offensive and defensive utility , and it saves you a lot of time instead of rolling like crafted NW items with relatively nothing on them.
3. Rolling Items Vs Preset
Look at earrings in the auction house, and then sort from all settlements and take a look, and see that some people are crafting earrings, this one has to regenerate on it, but it rolled with the stat of plus five minimum armor crafted quality which is decent like you do want that but it's not a very good combat earring right, this one generates you more threat and has a little bit of health regen, but as you can see the variance is so high that your odds of hitting this.
It's gonna be very hard to obtain perfect gear and it may be much more likely for you to enter a dungeon, and get a guaranteed upgrade from the dungeon, a guaranteed boss drop perhaps that gives you the weapon that you want and right now the choke point for that would be the fragments or the keys the arena keys to enter these dungeons.
4. November Update Changes
However in November, the developers stated that they will be releasing a patch that adjusts the quantity of the NW items needed to create these tuning orbs, it's going to reduce that cost. So you're going to be able to get into there for a cheaper amount of material, start stockpiling, and holding off for that this is going to be something that you're going to be able to do consistently in the future. So you're going to be able to run this dungeon, runs a lot more than previously thought with that developer post saying that in November sometime in November.
Lower the cost on, so that's gonna change the way that you get your best in slot gear. so right now everyone thinks that it's crafted gear, they're spending tons of materials like modium, these 24-hour cooldowns phoenix weave all to try to craft some piece right that they're gonna roll and hope that they get the best stats on, but it may or may not end up in their favor and they might be able to sell some of these things right now because it's high gear score, but when everybody hits the dungeons and you're getting 591 consistent pieces.
5. 591 Gear Score Barrier
Once you get all 591, you're going to break the barrier the 591 barrier that's kind of in a place like this soft cap. So to say and the dungeon will have to forcibly give you an upgrade and that's when it's going to have to give you something above 591 and the moment that it has to do that's when you can start aiming towards, these 600 gear score versions of this hammer called fury which you'll be able to have a chance to get something.
That's already rolled with the best stats in the game slapped on it, and you don't have to pay a dime for it, all you have to do is simply farm a few portals, and right now the amount of fragments required to get in is very high, but it will be lower.
So this may be the best way to get your best in slot gear coming in the future very soon, just wanted to make a quick announcement based on that because a lot of people selling these items for like 20 30k crazy numbers, and you know trying to craft all this gear, and while these people are getting ahead, for now, the best thing you can do in the game is to increase your watermark, once you're getting consistent 591 armor pieces and 591 weapons that is the perfect time for you to hit the dungeons hard.
6. Before You Dungeon
How you're going to do that and that's going to be through what people kind of know as like chess runs here within the game, so people will start and they'll do mirror guard because the level of the enemies will increase the chances for you to get high drops.
So if you're killing monsters in like 64 65 areas even 66 going to see consistently high gear score increases as well as the elite chess which will give you gear score increases coming from the high-level zones, the best zones is going to be scorch mines because, in this area, there's a lot of 64 65 elites and the deep part of the mines, the next area is going to be mirgaard, all this place is flooded with 64 65 elites even some 66 tons of bosses and high-level monsters and high-level chess here.
Another decent area actually is going to be malevolence as there are quite a few high-level mobs in the top part of malevolence you will see high level 65 plus dryad creatures with dry angry earth, whatever they're called and then in wreak water you will see several high enemies in the eternal pools, this is a very high-level zone and with high-level chess and also in the siren strand which is the four castle drift leading up to the spire of melopomine that's a butcher, that one the place where the siren queen is right and so these are gonna be your ideal zones the last spot would be this eternal imperial palace because over here in the north shrine palace and specifically on the top the highest level, there are level 65 monsters in Eden scale or in Edens grove which will give you a lot of good drops, so this would be another alternative source to get high-level elite chess, as well as a high-level monster, kills like 65 plus.
So that's what you're after right that at the end of the day, those are the things that you are aiming for and you need to be able to sort of farm these new world items so that you can creep that gear score up so that you can eventually hit all 591s and then you will be able to see big returns from the dungeons, the biggest choke point for everyone is going to be earrings rings and amulets because it's going to take quite a while for you to farm this up the game will naturally catch you up in new world dungeons because it's going to need to give you an upgrade and if everything else you have is 5.91.
7. Jewelry Stall Point
It's probably going to choose jewelry and then it's going to start upgrading you from there, so if you're finding 510 515 505 520 jewelry, it means you need to get your jewelry watermark up and the best way to do that is expeditions, but also high level named monsters like this area right here the congregation, there's a bear level 62 here called Meyer paul and he will drop you earrings that will increase your watermark, there are several other named monsters that have jewelry pieces as their upgrades you can kind of search on like new world database or some other equivalent website that would allow you to see where these monster drops are coming from and you would be able to farm jewelry pieces.
Another one is Baines who's at the top of malevolence bridge here, he's like in this area, he's a giant monster like level 62 or 63 elite, something like that but he drops jewelry as well, you can increase your jewelry watermark from these sources also, so hopefully that will help everyone identify where a lot of these best in slot items.
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