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New World Gold guide- 4 Tips to MAKE BIG GOLD In New Coming PTR Upgrade PATCH 1.3

1/10/2022 4:03:48 PM
Tag: New World

The new PTR of the new world is live, and patch 1.3 will be live in the new world soon. Mutation dungeons in the new world have new information, and usually, when something like this happens and there's a big update like this, there's a lot of NW gold to craft. This guide will walk you through how to make some really good New World gold based on the upcoming update and mutation dungeons.

New World Gold guide- 4 Tips to MAKE BIG GOLD In New Upgrade PATCH 1.3 

1. Mutated expedition tuning orbs

The first thing is a very obvious one, the mutated expedition tuning orbs.

There's a couple of ingredients: 

-Corrupted Lodestone

-Asmodeum Chisel


-Energy Core

-Powerful gemstone

This is actually selling on the server, because people are trying to stock up on it, to create this genesis.

How do you actually create those powerful gemstone dust well? 

- Upgrade this crafting skill, create this dust, so you want to do it in jewelry making, when you hit level 170, it's gonna be very important to get your skills up before this thing comes out. Make the powerful gemstone dust by simply having uncut gems and in this case pristine gems, so you're going to want to stock up on these as much as you can. 

- Doing elite chess runs and things like that you can buy them on your marketplace, and then in return also you can make a lot of gold-selling, these because people are going to be trying to make the powerful gemstone dust.

2. Gemstone cutting

Now the next one is gemstone cutting, which can be sold for 500 New world gold a piece on the server.

That is cut pristine elemental gems like: 

-Cut Pristine Jasper

-Cut Pristine Ruby

-Cut PristineSapphire

The reason is that he's going to be using the mutations and stuff, and these are just becoming very popular now because people are more focused on trying to get theirs, you know damage upon specific types of enemies and things like that, so you want to be going and checking your marketplace right now.

Checking the price of cut pristine prestige jaspers ruby sapphires pretty much anything. If you want to try and get your gemstone cutting, or your stone cutting up to 150 at least, so you can actually cut some of this stuff because you can make extremely good New world coins with it right now.   

3. Creating

Now another one to make money is creating the basic one. 

-Minor Corrupted Trophy

-Minor Angry Earth Combat Trophy

-Minor Ancient Trophy

You just need these materials above, so it's ancient corrupted and angry earth these are very simple to create.

let's look at one for example and that's going to be the angry earth basic combat trophy.

Now the reason sticking with the basic is that minor and basic is pretty easy to craft, the materials are not that expensive and they and they drop especially for the basic they drop a lot more frequently than the major and the major obviously you need to be level 200 furnishing.

Crafted by: Basic Angry Earth Combat Trophy (Furnishing)


-Wyrdwood Planks 25x

-Star Metal 20x

-Oak Stain 1x

- Bark Flesh 1x

You can farm this stuff, this is quite important you want to craft at least a minor combat trophy for these ones and of course a basic one as well if you can sell basic trophies right now for about 1 100  new world gold coins, so there's a lot of NW coins to be made, crafting these specific items right now. 

4. Coating

The next one you need to do the coatings

- Infused Corrupted Coating

- Infused Ancient Coating

- Infused Angry Earth Coating

These are the main ones that are popping off on the server right now, you probably don't want to do common, you probably want to try and do the infused ones or the powerful ones, but these are going to be money makers by the money makers right now, and they're going to be huge moneymakers.

Once the update comes out, you want to focus on the corrupted coatings people buy these anyway because when they do elite runs and stuff elite chest runs. The ancient and angry earth, so especially angry earth when the new update comes out.

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