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New World PTR Testing Guide-Opening Aptitude Crates For Smelter Set

2/8/2022 2:36:09 PM
Tag: New World

Today we share the results of the PTR test, which shows the rarity of the smelter set. Of course, AGS, in its infinite wisdom, does not give any process area to test what is in the various bags.

As a result, in order to produce a sizable number of smelter aptitude crates, one has to run around collecting flux. As a rule, what New World players are looking for is flux, so they get almost everything and get 99% of everything else, got everything but the flux.

New World PTR Testing Guide-Opening Aptitude Crates For Smelter Set

The smelter set

The smelter set described in the patch notes can be found in the smelting aptitude crates. The smelter aptitude crates are not normal but are found in the three-star crates. These crates are the bonus level you get when you reach three ticks per aptitude, so you will get one roll for a piece of smelter gear per aptitude level.

Sell Ore calcium

Ore calcium is now very expensive. Producing more while smelting, as a bonus, is a very desirable outcome. Especially because every dam or calcium node on every server is camped like crazy. So in general, it is forced to buy ore to maximize potential profits.

Aur calcum ingot has no value

When testing first starting to work, in this test out of conditioned reflex, would head to Reekwater or Shattered Mountain to get started. It took about an hour to realize that Aur calcum ingots have no value if they are not on the server on-site, and here are the things to look out for.

Collect Crate

Need to smelt in order to complete the aptitude to immediately run a few PVP missions here to gain faction reputation, a gladiator, and then buy 52 normal material converters and start collecting in low-level areas where they can be collected.

Collected crates for a few hours while respawning, then got everything converted to sand flux and set about the task of smelting or calcum, trying to get a fair amount of crates, the smelter set is a five-piece set.

A large number of crates are needed here, and you can proceed to prepare to reach a smelting aptitude of 20, which should be a good sample set to open to see what it looks like. In the test, it was shown that 20 crates were collected and two pairs of gloves could be successfully received, which is not a very rewarding result.

Rare items

There is no market or trade here, everything is self-farmed. Rare stuff is desirable so it has some value, being depleted of valuable stuff that can be farmed and sold on-site, and since people play and farm in the New World every day, this little test means that this set will have some rarer items so that there is some trade value.

The upside is that it does prove to be in the crate and one can start collecting it on site very quickly, although it may take some time to get every item in it, even the gloves that get are more bonus aura calcum and asmodium, the effort can be rewarded and that's just a positive aspect.

Collect items

All of the rare materials can be completely replaced with their replacement by weaving, tanning, smelting, etc. Laced with sets of perks artifacts and other things, just like this gathering will once again become a profitable and exciting thing, which will bring the value of rare items back to the value of trophies. The value of collecting lucky food, the value of collecting deluxe sets and tools, and the importance of giving the purpose back to the lot so they will play again.

The most disruptive changes

The most disruptive change they made to the game was killing the rarity of rare items. A lot of people like to log into the game, get rare items on the farm and sell them, and that's the whole game to them. That's the whole game to them, they're the gatherers playing together, providing people with rare resources to do their daily cooldown and crafting stuff, and that's what the game really needs.

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