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Season of Discovery Rune Locations & Farm Spots | WoW Classic SoD Rune Farming Guide

12/1/2023 10:16:31 AM

Where to find the specific rune for your class and spec in WoW Classic Season of Discovery? Let's update the rune locations with this WoW SoD Rune Farming Guide!

WoW Classic Season of Discovery Rune Locations & Farming Guide

In the WoW Season of Discovery, each class receives new class-specific runes that grant unique abilities. These runes are obtained through the Rune Engraving system, which allows players to collect, learn, and use these new abilities. By the end of the season, players will have a total of 12 new runes or abilities. These runes can be found hidden throughout Azeroth, and some may require teamwork to access them.

Here is the full list of all runes and their locations (farming spots):

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WoW SoD Rogue Rune Locations & Farming Spots
RuneLocation (Farming Spot)
Deadly Brew (Chest)

All Races - Once you reach Level 20, you will receive a letter in the mail titled "An Offer". You'll need to go to Pyrewood Village in Silverpine Forest.

Just A Flesh Wound (Chest)TBD
Quick Draw (Chest)
Undead - Loot or pickpocket Treasure Map Fragments from Rot Hide Gnolls North of Brill, Murlocs on the Northern coast, Scarlet humans to the West, and Human Farmers to the West. Create a  Tirisfal Treasure Map. You can then use the  Tirisfal Treasure Map to reveal the treasure under the bridge in Tirisfal Glades (52.9, 54.0) 

Human - Loot or pickpocket Treasure Map Fragments to create an Elwynn Treasure Map. You can then use the  Elwynn Treasure Map to reveal the treasure at (/way 89, 79).

Orc and Troll - Pickpocket pieces of the treasure map from Kultirans in Tirisgarde Keep, Burning Blade Cultists, Quilboar, and Trolls in Echo Isles. Combine the pieces to create Durotar Treasure Map, which has you dig up treasure in the Southern most Echo Isles.

Night Elf - Loot or pickpocket Treasure Map Fragments to create a Teldrassil Treasure Map. You can then use the  Teldrassil Treasure Map to reveal the treasure in the hollow stump behind the building in Rutheran Village.

Dwarf - Pickpocket Treasure Map Fragments from Troggs, Leper Gnomes, Trolls, and Dark Iron Spies to create the  Dun Morogh Treasure Map.

Slaughter From The Shadows (Chest)

Orc & Troll - Found inside a chest in Durotar at Drygulch Ravine.

Night Elf - Kill Furbolgs inside Banethil until you receive a key - the chest is located randomly inside the Barrows.

Forsaken - Found inside a chest in Tirisfal Glades at Agamand Family Crypt; Agamand Relic Coffer Key can be looted from nearby mobs.

Human: - Just north of Goldshrine Inn there is a house, use the crates to climb on the roof, there will be a chest on the roof.
Dwarf/Gnome - There is a chest atop the Kharanos Inn - go around the left side of the building (facing it) and go up the mountain to get there.
Blade Dance (Leg)

Human - Pickpocket the Defias in Westfall until you receive an envelope. Inside the envelope should be a note and a key. The note will show your next destination, and the key will unlock a chest at this location. The Rune will be found within this chest

 Night Elf - Kill Naga at Cliffspring River Cave until they drop a key. At the end of the cave, there will be a ledge with the three mob pack and a chest that contains the Rune.
Orc & Troll - Pickpocket Southsea Cannoneer south of Ratchet to loot  Buccaneer's Matchbox.
Then up on the hill is a wooden camp area. There is a gunpowder bucket at 61.78, 45.80. Click it to blow it up, and then you can open a chest and receive Blade Dance.
Between the Eyes (Leg)

Human - Found in Cutthroat Alley in Stormwind. Go to the end of the alley and into the house. Upstairs next to the bed, there is a chest, open it and 2 level 10 enemies will spawn. Dispatch them and you receive this rune

Undead - Found in a chest underwater near 65.9, 25.6. Pickpocket the key from any murloc in the area.

Dwarf - Loot the Rune from the Dusty Crate, which is located right outside of the Rogue trainer area in the Forlorn Cavern in Ironforge, to the right of the stairs in an alcove. Upon looting the chest, two Level 10 Cutthroats will spawn and attack you.
Night Elf - Acquire the Gnarlpine Stash Key from killing or pickpocketing any Gnarlpine enemies in Teldrassil. Then use the key to open Gnarlpine Stash at around (37.9, 82.5).
Envenom (Leg)
At Durnholde Keep in Hillsbrad Foothills, behind the building with Tog'thar there is a vendor. The vendor sells an item called  Hot Tip. After purchasing it for 75 silver, you can open it, and it contains a map and a  Safe Combination. The map tells you to "Follow the river North; past the Alterac Mountains. What you seek lies beneath the falling rapids." Follow the river North until you reach the Plaguelands. You'll see a waterfall with a chest at the bottom that contains this Rune.
Main Gauche (Gloves)TBD
Mutilate (Gloves)Human - Pickpocket Garrick Padfoot, then deliver the note to Cutty who is stealthed on the south side of the wall, just up the river from Crystal Lake, just south of Northshire.
Dwarf/Gnome - Kill Dark Iron Dwarves just south of Helm's Bed Lake in Dun Morogh until you receive  Blackrat's Note. Blackrat can be found in stealth at Misty Pine Refuge on a boat near the frozen lake.
Night Elf - This rune drops off of Lord Melenas in the cave north of Dolanaar.
Forsaken - Pickpocket Captain Perrine, then take his signet ring to the Brill town hall to create a forged document. Take this document to Jamie Nore to receive the rune.
Orc & Troll - Mutilate rune you get from the stealth troll, Ba'so at 51,58 in Durotar. Pickpocket the Burning Blade thugs above Razor Hill at around 55,36 and you will get a note. Go to the troll and turn it in. 
Saber Slash (Gloves)

Alliance Shaman - On the hill behind the Sentinel Hill Inn, there is an Elite Defias Scout with an Escape Plan buff, which will cause them to flee if they sense danger. Use Stealth to avoid detection and Pickpocket Defias Scout.

Horde (Barrens) - Head to Northwatch Hold in the Barrens, As you pass the main gate look to your left, you'll see a stable with a chest on the roof. Go up and around to the right and jump down onto the wall behind the stable. Once there you can jump to the roof and loot the chest for the ability  Saber Slash. You need lockpicking (80) to open this chest.
Horde (Silverpine Forest) - Go to the entrance of Shadowfang Keep and use Sprint to jump to this small platform at 45.3, 67.3. A movement speed bonus like Sprint is required to make the jump. 
Shadowstrike (Gloves)

Orc and Troll Rogue - Reward from the quest Atop the Cliffs, which requires you to open a chest from the nearby cliffs. It is directly adjacent to the spawning point inside the Valley of Trials.

Human - Found in a chest by the outhouses near the vineyard in Northshire.

Night Elf: On "the lowest roof", location unconfirmed.

Shiv (Gloves)TBD

WoW SoD Warlock Rune Locations & Farming Spots
RuneLocation (Farming Spot)
Demonic TacticsHuman - Go near Jasperlode Mine and loot the Dead Acolyte near 56.8, 57.0. Take the artifact to the warlock trainer in Goldshire, then go back to the Dead Acolyte. Using Powerless Artifact on the spot will give you  Blood Offering.
You have 10 minutes to go to Gakin the Darkbinder in Stormwind. He will take your debuff and give you the rune.
Undead - Go to near Scarlet Monastery and loot the Dead Acolyte near 76.6, 44.4. Take the artifact to the Warlock Trainer in Brill, then go back to Dead Acolyte. Using Powerless Artifact on the spot will give you Blood Offering. You have 10 minutes to go to Carendin Halgar in Undercity. He will take your debuff and give you the rune.
Lake of FireTBD
Master Channeler

Dwarf & Gnome - Buy Malevolent Pie from Greishan Ironstove in Loch Modan (27.3, 61.9). Eat it and he will give you the rune.

Human (Unconfirmed) - Also drops from Dark Strand Fanatic in Darkshore.
Orc - Siphon your own health away with Health Funnel while standing on the Altar of Thorns in the Barrens. Upon reaching 0 health, the player will be healed to full and granted the rune.
Undead - Cast Curse of Recklessness on and defeat the Level 19 Sadistic Fiend inside a cave at 56,45 in eastern Silverpine Forest.
Soul Siphon
Human - Drain a critter with Drain Soul to obtain [Innocent Shard]. Drain Hogger to obtain [Wanted Shard]. Trade both Shards to Damien Kane, found at the basement of Goldshire Inn.
Orc & Troll - Drain a critter with Drain Soul to obtain [Innocent Shard]. Drain Gazz'uz to obtain [Wanted Shard]. Trade both Shards to Darmak Bloodhowl in Razor Hill.
Undead - Drain a critter with Drain Soul to obtain [Pure Shard]. Drain Maggot Eye to obtain [Wanted Shard]. Trade both Shards to Denton Bleakway in Undercity.
Gnome - Drain a critter with Drain Soul to obtain [Pure Shard]. Drain [?] to obtain [Wanted Shard]. Trade both Shards to Gaklik Voidtwist in Kharanos. 
Demonic Grace

Undead - Obtain Ominous Tome, The summoning circle is in the Sewers location in Undercity - up where the flight path usually flies you over. Summon a demon with a bunch of health - but easily killed with fear + dots + haunt. Ominous tome - dropped by Skeletons in Agaman's Mill. Gnome Blood - dropped by any Gnoll in Garren's Haunt. Wolf Jawbone - dropped by any Darkhound in Tirisfal Glades.

Human - Go to near Jasperlode Mine and loot the Dead Acolyte near 56.8, 57.0. Take the artifact to the warlock trainer in Goldshire, then go back to the Dead Acolyte. Use Powerless Artifact on the spot, will give you Blood Offering. You have 10 minutes to go to Gakin the Darkbinder in Stormwind. He will take your debuff and give you the rune. 

Gnome - Obtain Ominous Tome from Frostmane Shadowcaster in Troll cave west of Brewnall Village. Loot Wendigo Blood from Wendigo mobs. Loot Wolf Jawbone from Wolf mobs (Coldridge Valley is a good location). Use the reagents on Shimmer Ridge and kill the summoned demon.

Orc & Troll - Obtain  Ominous Tome from Voodoo Trolls in Echo Isles. Loot Makrura Leg from Makrura mobs. Loot Kul Tiran Skull from Kul Tiran mobs in Tiragarde Keep. Use the reagents on the summoning circle near Zalazane and kill the summoned demon. 
Demonic PactTBD
Everlasting AfflictionTBD
IncinerateAlliance - Drops from the level 23 elite orc Incinerator Gar'im in the Redridge Mountains. Located within a south eastern cave around 77, 85.

Orc - Complete the level 2 quest "Stolen Power". Grab the quest from Nartok, run north to the Burning Blade Coven, You will find the rune in a Waterlogged Stashbox under the water at the end of the cave (42.9 X, 54.4 Y). Click to use the rune and return to Nartok to unlock the ability.

Undead - Complete the level 2 quest "The Lost Rune". Grab the quest from Maximillion, run north to the spider cave, you will find the rune in a Lost Stash halfway through the cave below the upper level (24.6 X, 59.4 Y) Use the rune and return to Maximillion to unlock the ability.

Human - Complete the level 2 quest.

Gnome - Complete the level 2 quest.

Chaos Bolt

Undead - In Tirisfal glades, on the Northwest side of the great lake (66.3 X, 40.0 Y) there is a frozen murloc, you need to spam fire abilities and thaw the murloc out. Once you completely thaw the murloc it will drop this rune.

Orc/Troll - In Durotar you can find Frozen Makrura at 58.8, 45.6. Have 2+ Warlocks and pets spamming Immolate until the ice breaks.

Human - in Elwynn Forest you can find Frozen Murloc at Stonecairn Lake. Have 2+ Warlocks and pets spamming Immolate until the ice breaks.

Gnome - in Dun Morogh you can find Frozen Trogg at Gol'bolar Quarry. Have 2+ Warlocks and pets spamming Immolate until the ice breaks.

Shadow Bolt Volley

Alliance (Darkshore) - Drops from Delmanis the Hated outside of the Tower of Althalaxx in Darkshore.

Alliance (Loch Modan) - Kill Demonic Remains with a shadow spell in Loch Modan at the ruins to the east around 72,69. This will spawn Graix that drops the Rune.
Horde (The Barrens) - Use Drain Soul on Supervisor Lugwizzle at The Sludge Fen in the Northern Barrens, and you will receive  Soul of Greed. Proceed to 57.08, 9.73, where you will find Hungry Idol. Use  Soul of Greed on the Hungry Idol to receive this Rune.
Horde (Silverpine Forest) - Kill enemies at Beren's Peril until you loot a  Tortured Soul. Use  Life Tap, and then the item to summon a Level 20 enemy. Kill it to receive this Rune.

WoW SoD Druid Rune Locations & Farming Spots
RuneLocation (Farming Spot)
Fury of Stormrage

Tauren - Requires level 4: Loot the Chest in Brambleblade Ravine (X61, Y76) for Lunar Idol. Use this item and defeat 6 creatures affected by your Moonfire, then use this item once more to unlock the ability

Night Elf - Requires Level 4 to get the quest from the druid trainer in the starting area and kill Grell that are also needed for the moss quest. will get a Lunar Idol drop. Equip it in the relic slot and follow its instructions (Kill 6 enemies while affected by Moonfire) then click it. It will change into the Fury of Stormrage.

Living Seed

Tauren - Loot 3 Prairie Flowers and combine them into a Prairie Crown. Find the Spirit of the Plains and use the crown on it. Defeating those Level 7 Elite mobs to grant the rune.

Night Elf - Loot 3 Glade Flowers and combine them into a Flower Crown. Find the Wooden Idol mob and use the crown on it. Defeating those Level 7 Elite mobs to grant the rune.

Survival of the FittestTBD
Wild StrikesAlliance and Horde: Drops from level 14-15 Grimtotem Tauren NPCs, such as Grimtotem Ruffian and Grimtotem Sorcerer at the south eastern entrance of Stonetalon Mountains, around 80, 88.

Night Elf - On the North side of Teldrassil there is a Skeleton on the floor where the Harpies are. (33,35) You need to click it and then a Summon will occur where another player in a group must help summon like lock ports. A spirit will spawn that gives you the rune.

Tauren - Speak to the corpse at 60, 33 to begin a ritual. Other party members can activate the ritual, and the Druid will still receive the rune. (/way 60, 33)

Skull BashTBD
Alliance - A dwarf inside a cave at around 35,14 in the Wetlands gives players a Marshroom, which will allow players to speak to a Frog sitting on a stump in a pond at 31,18, who will then give them the rune. 
Savage Roar
Night Elf - The Ferocious Idol is dropped by Den Mother in Darkshore. After equipping this Idol, players will need to deal 20 instances of bleeding damage to humanoids, then use this idol to learn Savage Roar.
Tauren - The Ferocious Idol can be found by opening Kolkar's Booty Chests in The Barrens. After equipping this Idol, players will need to deal 20 instances of bleeding damage to humanoids, then use this idol to learn Savage Roar. 

Night Elf - Feed bait from Furlbogs to Crabs in Darkshore

Tauren - Take the eggs at 44, 22 to 48, 40. You will take the eggs between two ponds.

Obtain the  Idol of Ursine Rage: 
Tauren - Drops from Flatland Prowler in Mulgore.
Night Elf - Drops from Rageclaw in Teldrassil.
Once you do that, remain over 50 rage for at least 60 seconds to learn the new engrave. 

Tauren - Around 35.72, 69.61 in Mulgore you will see three white Lunar Stones. Cast Moonfire on each stone. A chest will appear then containing the Sunfire Rune inside. 
Night Elf - Around 63.2, 64.2 in Teldrassil you will see three white Lunar Stones. Cast Moonfire on each stone. A chest will appear then containing the Sunfire Rune inside.

Wild Growth
Night Elf/Tauren - Three Owl Symbols are required to unlock this Rune. Symbol of the First Owl can be found in Northeast Ashenvale at around (89, 41), where you have to defeat three waves of level 25 enemies, with two enemies in each wave. Symbol of the Second Owl can be found in Duskwood. Head to the Northeast part of The Twilight Grove at around (50, 35), to pick up the buff. Continue East of the grove to the Worgen area and look for a level 25 boar named Agon. Finally, Symbol of the Third Owl can be found in Hillsbrad, and requires you to swim between two islands at around (36, 76) and (54, 82) in less than 2 minutes using your aquatic form (click each statue). When all three Owl Symbols have been obtained, return to the Druid trainer in Moonglade and hand in the quest to get Wild Growth.

WoW SoD Hunter Rune Locations & Farming Spots
RuneLocation (Farming Spot)
Aspect of the Lion (Chest)

Dwarf - Kill the level 25 Elite Carrodin at 42.2, 64.1 in the spider cave in the Wetlands.

Lone Wolf (Chest)TBD
Master Marksman (Chest)

Night elf - There is a targetable bush in Teldressil (46.6 X, 46.3 Y), use hunter's mark on the bush and it will spawn a mob for you to kill. This mob drops Rune of Marksmanship.

Dwarf - Look for a Rustling Bush at (/way 29,49) in Dun Morogh. Use  Hunter's Mark on the bush and kill the mob that spawns.Orc/Troll - Look for a Rustling Bush west of Razor Hill (/way 38, 52). Use  Hunter's Mark on the bush and kill the mob that spawns.

Tauren - Look for a Rustling Bush at (/way 59.02, 54.38) in Mulgore. Use  Hunter's Mark on the bush and kill the mob that spawns. 

 Orc/Troll - Look for a Rustling Bush west of Razor Hill (/way 38, 52). Use Hunter's Mark on the bush and kill the mob that spawns. 

Cobra Strikes (Chest)TBD
Carve (Glove)Dwarf - Use Rabbit Musk to tame a Rabbit. Once you've tamped it, speak to Toby at Amberstill Ranch.
Night Elf - Use Deer Musk to tame a Deer. Once you've tamed it, speak to the NPC next to the Hunter trainer in Darnassus.
Tauren - Use Prairie Dog Musk to tame a Prairie Dog. Once you've tamed it, speak to Takoda Sunmane in Bloodhoof Village (/way 46.2, 60.3)

Orc/Troll - Use Adder Pheromone to tame an Adder. Once you've tamed it, speak to the Snake Charmer in Razor Hill.

Kill Command (Legs)TBD
Chimera Shot (Glove)
Starting rune for Hunters, each quest requests a drop from a different mob, listed below:
Orc - Hunt for the Rune -> Scorpid Worker
Troll - Rugged Terrain -> Scorpid Worker
Tauren - A Hunter's Strength -> Bristleback Battleboar
Night Elf - A Hunter's Strength -> Githyiss the Vile
Dwarf - Trek Through the Caves -> Frostmane Troll 
Beast Mastery (Glove)

Alliance - Loot Goretusk Haunch from Goretusk mobs in the zone. Use this bait at a Coyote Dwelling near the coast to spawn Silverspur, then kill it for the rune.

Horde (The Barrens) - Just North of Camp Taurajo, there is a Patrolling Cheetah that has a speed buff. To remove this buff, you must drop a trap on his path. Once the buff has been removed, you can kill it and loot the Rune.

Horde (Silverpine Forest) - Kill Ferocious Grizzled Bear in Silverpine Forest until the Level 16 Elite Grizzled Protector is summoned. Kill him and loot the Rune.

Flanking Strike (Leg)Orc & Troll - Drops off Raluk in Durotar. Summon it at 68.7, 71.4 by using [tem=207590] found near that spot.

Night Elf - Drops off Mowgh. Summon it at 48.3, 31.4 by using [tem=208608] found near that spot.

Tauren - Summon the NPC at (/way 36, 57) in Mulgore using Mulgore Bird Meat found on nearby Swoops.

Dwarf - Drops from the elite bear Jorul in Dun Morogh, which can be spawned by placing  Dun Morogh Pig Meat inside a cave at 38.5, 43.4. 
Explosive Shot (Gloves)

Orc and Troll Hunters - Drops from Sarkoth, which rewards the Rune.

Dwarf - Drops from Egan the Howler, rare spawn in Dun Morogh

Tauren - Drops from Arra'chea, rare spawn in Mulgore (/way 50, 15) 
Night Elf - Dropped by Rageclaw at the bottom of Ban'ethil Burrow in Teldrassil.

Serpent Spread (Legs)TBD
Sniper Training (Legs)

Horde - Head to Ratchet and talks to Kilxx by the docks. Purchase a  Fishing Harpoon and head into the bay and find Bruuz circling a boat at the bottom. Use the harpoon to lower the shark's health and kill him to receive this Rune. 

Alliance (Westfall): Drops from the Level 17 Elite Defias Scout.

Dwarf: Drops from an elite crocolisk named Kackle around 54,54 in Loch Modan.

Night Elf: Find a harpoon nearby one of the beached sea turtle skulls along the shore in Darkshore. Use it against the elite thresher Paxnozz around 48, 15 and defeat it to loot the rune.

WoW SoD Mage Rune Locations & Farming Spots
RuneLocation (Farming Spot)
Human - Random critters in Elwynn Forest will have a "Wild Polymorph" debuff. Cast Polymorph on 6 of them and loot the  Azora Apprentice Notes to create the rune.
Undead - Solliden Farmstead in Tirisfal has odd melons spawning in it. You must polymorph 6 of them and loot sorcerers' notes they leave behind. 

Dwarf & Gnome - Drops off the Frozen Trogg at 69.4 58.3 (middle of Gol'Bolar Quarry) in Gnome starting area after attacking it with Fire spells. (/way #1426 69.4 58.3 Frozen Trogg)

Human - Drops off the Frozen Murloc east of Stone Carin Lake in Elwynn Forest after attacking it with Fire spells.

Troll - Drops from Frozen Makrura in a hut to the right of Razor Hill, around 58,44, by attacking with Fire spells.

Undead - Drops from Frozen Murloc around 58,44 in Tirisfal Glade, by attacking with Fire spells.


Human - Dropped by Defias Pillager in Westfall.

Gnome - Found in a hut on the northern island in Loch Modan (South Hut on top island look for stack of books).

Horde - Can be looted from the Kolkar's Booty chests in The Barrens.

Undead - Dropped from Dalaran Apprentice in Silverpine Forest.

Fingers of Frost

Dwarf & Gnome - Drops off Timber in Iceflow Lake (Unconfirmed)

Troll - Kill Zalazane and loot this rune.
Human - Dropped from Hogger.

Arcane SurgeTBD
Mass RegenerationTBD
Living Flame

Gnome - Kill Frostmane Shadowcaster and Frostmane Seer at (/way 24.83, 50.32)

Forsaken - Kill Scarlet Warrior in Tirisfal Glades.

Human - Kill Kobold Geomancer in and around Jasperlode Mine.

Horde - Kill Burning Blade Fanatic in Skull Rock in Durotar.

Icy VeinsTBD
Arcane Blast
In the Zoram Strand, kill Wrathtail Naga until they drop  Naga Manuscript. The riddle in the book will require you to find three crystals along the Zoram Strand, and at each Crystal cast  Arcane Explosion. Once completed, use the book to learn Arcane Blast 
Rewind TimeTBD
Ice Lance
Initial rune for mages, obtained at their respective class trainers at level two: 
Gnome - Spell Research: Troggs' camp
Undead -  Spell Research: Scarlet Crusade initates
Human - Spell Research: Defias agents
Troll - Spell Research: Notes drop from Burning Blade Familiars
Living Bomb

Alliance - Dropped from Stonesplinter Seer in Loch Modan.

Horde - Complete the  Wand to Bethor Questline. To begin this quest line, go to Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forest and kill Rot Hides until they drop A Talking Head. Interact with a grave on the right-hand side of the courtyard to receive the second quest, The Hidden Niche. Fight your way up to the top left tower in the castle on the island and interact with Dusty Shelf to complete the quest, which will lead to the final quest in the chain, Wand to Bethor.

WoW SoD Shaman Rune Locations & Farming Spots
RuneLocation (Farming Spot)
Healing RainTBD
Dual Wield SpecTauren - In the Lower Rise of Thunder Bluff, find the Bag Vendor. Behind this vendor you'll find a Tauren Rogue - complete three quests for this Rogue (Finding explosives in the Venture Co. Mine, Gathering Pinecones form the Harpies, and Filleting a Small Brilliant Fish) to receive the Rune.
Shield Mastery

Tauren - Players will find a glowing totem at the border of Mulgore near the Barrens. They will then need to kill 10 enemies with Lightning Bolt.

Orc/Troll - Players will find a glowing totem at (/way 52.07, 62.5) in Durotar. They will then need to kill 10 enemies with Lightning Bolt.

Earth ShieldTBD

Troll - At Level 2 accept  Icons of Power from Shikrik. Go kill Scorpid Worker until you get  Dyadic Icon. Equip your  Dyadic Icon, you now need to find a source of nature damage, the most obvious source is to continue fighting Dyadic Icon but you could also get nature damage by dueling a Shaman with Lightning Bolt and  Earth Shock or a Hunter with Serpent Sting

Once you have taken nature damage 10 times you will receive the  Inspired buff. Now use the  Dyadic Icon from your equipped items and you can turn in the quest to Shikrik.

Way of Earth
The Barrens - Use  Purge on a Desert Mirage at around 59, 37 in The Barrens.
Silverpine Forest - Dropped by Rot Hide Mystic in Silverpine Forest. 

Ancestral Guidance

Orc - There is a tree in the Valley of Centaurs with a corpse of an adventurer NPC located on the ground behind it. Channel this corpse and you will unlock the rune.

Troll - There is a tree in the Valley of Centaurs with a corpse of an adventurer NPC located on the ground behind it. Channel this corpse and you will unlock the rune.
Tauren - Find an adventurer's corpse in Mulgore on an overlook at 60,33; you have to go through the Venture Co. Mine to reach it. Talk to the corpse to start a ritual and then click the portal.

Shamanistic RageSouth of the Charred Vale, near the entrance to Desolace in the Stonetalon Mountains, there is an Elite enemy called Primordial Anomaly. This Elemental will shift between fire, frost, & earth, and you will need to use the mob's elemental weaknesses to kill it.
Lava BurstTBD
Lava LashTauren - In the Lower Rise of Thunder Bluff, find the Bag Vendor. Behind this Vendor, you'll find a Tauren Rogue - complete three quests for this Rogue (Finding explosives in the Venture Co. Mine, Gathering Pinecones form the Harpies, and Filleting a Small Brilliant Fish) to receive the Rune.
Molten Blast

Orc/Troll - East of Razor Hill is a crab trapped in ice inside a small hut. Use Fire spells to stack a Fire Damage debuff five times, then the rune can be looted.

Tauren - Looted from Artifact Storage at the Bael'Dun Digsite west of Thunder Bluff in Mulgore.  Artifact Storage Key can be looted from nearby Dwarves.

Water Shield
The Barrens - Can be found by looting the Kolkar's Booty chests in the Barrens.
Silverpine Forest - Tempest Icon can be looted from Grimson the Pale within the Deep Elem Mine in Silverpine Forest. Once acquired, players will need to hit 10 non-player enemies with 3 different elements (Nature, Frost, Fire) to receive this Rune. 

WoW SoD Paladin Rune Location & Farming Spots
RuneLocation (Farming Spot)
Divine StormTBD

Human - Use Cleanse at the paladin at the end of Jasperload Mines, a new section with spiders. Must be level 8 to learn Cleanse.

Dwarf - In front of the gates of Gnomeregan, west of Dun Morogh, you will find an NPC called Wounded Adventurer. Use the spell Purify and talk to him.

Horn of LordaeronDwarf - Loch Modan Tavern in one of the rooms downstairs on the table there will be a libram that gives a quest to buff 5 different ppl.
Seal of Martyrdom

Human - Talk to NPC in Stormwind Cathedral, then pick up a note in the Cathedral Catacombs. Kill a lady on an island between Westfall and Elywnn Forest.

Crusader StrikeHuman Paladin - A quest to recover a stolen Libram from the Defias in Elwynn Forest, across the river. It's a chance drop and meant to be done along with gathering bandanas. You find the Libram, equip it, then judge enemies 10 times - becoming Inspired (buff). Use the equipped Libram and it teaches you Crusader Strike. Requires level 4 for learning Judgment.
Hand of Reckoning
Go to Stonesplinter Valley in Loch Modan. Inside the cave, there is a Sunken Reliquary which contains a  Libram of Justice. Players will then need to kill 10 enemies while they are stunned by Hammer of Justice.
Beacon of LightTBD
In Duskwood,  Libram of Banishment Will drop off of Worgen, possibly zone-wide drop. You must then  Turn Undead 5 enemies, and slay them with  Exorcism. After completing this task, you will be rewarded with the  Exorcist ability.
RebukeSpeak to the Bartender in the Park in Stormwind. She will let you know business is poor due to a local drunk - talk to him nearby and defeat him for the rune.
Inspiration Exemplar

Human - Found east of the hill just east of Jerod's Landing. There is an Adventurer's Remains on the ground. Right-click to summon a portal and have a second paladin (or priest) right-click to summon an Adventurer's Spirit. The mob will die, and you can both loot the rune and learn it.

Dwarf - Found west of Kharanos, inside the wendigo cave. There is an Adventurer's Remains on the ground. Right-click to summon a portal and have a second paladin (or priest) right-click to summon an Adventurer's Spirit. The mob will die, and you can both loot the rune and learn it.


Avenger’s ShieldAlliance - Kill the rare spawn orc in Northern Blackrock Orc cave of Redridge Mountains
Divine SacrificeTBD
Path of ArthasTBD

WoW SoD Priest Rune Locations & Farming Spots
RuneLocation (Farming Spot)
Void Plague

Troll - Drop from Kul Tiras Sailor in Durotar

Night Elf - Found all the way at the bottom of the Ban'ethil Barrow Den (Furbolg Cave) where you get the last of the 4 boxes.

Human -  Drops off Goldtooth, Elywynn Forest.

Dwarf - From Leper Gnomes outside Gnomeragan or can be looted from a cache near Gibblewilt.

Undead - Drops from an Elite Murloc found far west in Tirisfal Glades (25, 48).

Strength of SoulAny race - Acquire  Primal Insight from any Thistlefur mob in Ashenvale, then climb up the tree at (38, 29) past the cave entrance and use the item next to the dreamcatcher. To learn it, you need to have two different Meditation buffs active at once. 
Twisted Faith

Dwarf - Inside the cave filled with Kobolds in Loch Modan, kill Kobolds until you receive an Offering Coin as a drop. Taking the first left inside the cave, you should see a well - throw the coin in to receive the Rune.

Troll - Get [Helping Hands] from Razormane mobs in Barrens. You need to Resurrection someone for the hand to open to loot the rune from it.

Human - Drops from the Undying Laborer Elite found in the Gold Coast Quarry in Westfall.

Night Elf - Obtain  Shatterspear Offering from Naga mobs in the northeast of Darkshore, then drop into the pit of the Ruins of Mathystra and use the offering on a statue underwater.
Undead - Drops from Wailing Spirit at (60, 74) in Silverpine Forest. 

Dwarf - This rune is acquired by completing the level 2 quest Meditation on the Light, you will be required to loot a chest between the tents at the nearby troggs and kneel near the Altar of the Light.

Human - This rune is acquired by completing the level 2 quest Meditation on the Light, you will be required to slay Kobolds in Echo Ridge Mine to receive a memory. Kneel within Northshire Abbey to meditate on the light and use the memory in your inventory.

Night Elf - Finish quest Meditation on Elune. Kneel at the Moonwell to meditate on Elune, then use the memory to learn a new ability.

Undead - Finish quest Meditation on Undeath. Kneel in the graveyard to meditate on undeath, then use the rune to learn a new ability.

Troll - Finish quest Wisdom of the Loa. Kneel at the Loa Altar in Sen'jin Village. Commune with the Loa spirit, then use the memory to learn a new ability.

Mind SearTBD
Circle of Healing
Obtain Prophecy of a Thousand Lights.
Alliance - Dark Insight drops from Defias Night Runner and Defias Enchanter in Duskwood. The secluded grave you have to bring it to is located at roughly (90, 30), northeast of Darkshire.
To learn it, you need to have two different Meditation buffs active at once. 
Shadow Word: Death
Obtain Prophecy of a King's Demise.
Human - Drops off Leprithus in Westfall.
Dwarf - Drops from Mo'grosh Enforcer in Loch Modan.
Night Elf - Interact with a glowing orb on a small island at (30.5, 47.5) near the Darkshore docks.
Undead - Loot a scroll on the table near Thule Ravenclaw in the top of the tower on Fenris Isle in Silverpine Forest.
Troll - Dispel the Desert Mirage in the Barrens, West of Ratchet (57.4 X, 37.8 Y). It will instantly die and drop the rune.
To learn it, you need to have two different Meditation buffs active at once. 
Power Word: BarrierObtain Prophecy of a City Enthralled.
Alliance - Drops from the Orc Elites in the Stonewatch area of Redridge Mountains.
To learn it, you need to have two different Meditation buffs active at once. 
Shared Pain

Undead - Drops off Tirisfal Farmer.

Human: Drop from Kobold Miner in Jasperlode Mine.

Dwarf: Drops from Troggs in Gol'Balar (Not confirmed).

Night Elf: Drops from Lord Melenas, a demon found in a cave near Dolanaar.

Troll: Drops from Makasgar or Gazz'uz in Durotar.


Obtain Prophecy of a Desecrated Citadel. Different ways to obtain per race:

Troll - Voodoo Troll near Zalazane.

Night Elf - Monsters near Dolanaar

Dwarf - Monsters near Shimmer Ridge

Undead - Scarlet Warrior near Solliden Farmstead. After that, you need to meditate on Spiritual Mysteries on Azeroth. Seem to be any two graveyards.

Prayer of Mending

After finding Adventurer's Remains or Adventurer's Spirit in one of the locations listed below, you will have to team up with another healer of any class to start the ritual. This will summon a mob, which will drop a rune for every player involved when defeated. However, the mob will despawn for some time after somebody finishes it, meaning it's harder to complete in popular zones.

Human - Located to the east of a hill in southern Elwynn Forest (52, 84.5).

Dwarf - Located in the Grizzled Den (43.0, 49.6).

Troll - Located in an area south of the Valley of Trials (48.0, 79.6).

Night Elf - Located near Oracle Glade at (33.6, 35.6)

WoW SoD Warrior Rune Locations & Farming Spots
RuneLocation (Farming Spot)
Blood Frenzy

Dwarf & Gnome - Drops off rares in Dun Morogh. Confirmed by Wandering Swordsman.

Human: Challenge the Wandering Swordsman in Elwynn Forest (one can be found between Stonefield Farm and Fargodeep Mine)

Night Elf - Challenge the Wandering Swordsman in Teldrassil (/way 62.7, 71.9)

Forsaken: Challenge the Wandering Swordsman in Tirisfal Glades (unconfirmed)

Orc & Troll - Challenge the Wandering Swordsman in Durotar (one can be found around /way 38, 48)

Tauren - Challenge the Wandering Swordsman in Mulgore (unconfirmed)

Raging BlowTBD
Victory Rush

Orc and Troll Warriors - Obtained from a Chest that requires a small jumping puzzle directly next to the spawn point inside the Valley of Trials.

Human - Looted from a chest in the back of the Echo Ridge Mine.

Dwarf players - Obtained from a quest called Simple Rune from Stet Stoutarm in Coldridge Valley. He will send you to Thran Khorman, the Warrior Trainer in Anvilmar. He will then give you the Lost Rune quest, which requires you to kill trolls in the nearby cave until the Victory Rush rune drops, which you will then be able to equip immediately.

Endless Rage
Alliance (Darkshore) - Find Lady Sedorax in Darkshore, near Cliffspring River. She is surrounded by Twilight Cultists. Killing her will reward the Endless Rage Rune.
Alliance (Westfall) - Drops from Old Murk-Eye.
Horde (The Barrens) - Find the  Horde Warbanner in the Crossroads and take it to Northwatch Hold. There will be an Alliance banner at the top of the hill. Replace it and a mob that has a Fear ability will be summoned. Defeat him for the Rune.
Horde (Silverpine Forest) - Head to the Skittering Dark Cave and kill the Web Wrap inside. Lost Adventurer will be released and start fighting you. Once killed, he drops the Rune. 

Human - Monster hunter kill quests in Old Town (Stormwind) near LW/Skinning trainer, requires you to obtain Murloc and Kobold heads.

Dwarf & Gnome - Monster hunter kill quest in Kharanos Wendigo Paw

Orc & Troll - Monster hunter kill quest in Razor Hill, must obtain Centaur, Harpy, and Quillboar heads.

Single-Minded FuryTBD
Quick Strike

Dwarf - Quick Strike is gained by looting Trogs in Loch Modan (41.54, 72.48), opened by "Stonesplitter Skullthumper" (found in the back of the camps) - They cast a knowdown that opens the skull in your inventory which drops the rune to learn the spell.

Night Elf - In Darkshore, loot the  Gnarled Harpoon at around 47.8, 16.0. Use this item to weaken the level 20 Elite Paxnozz and kill it for this Rune.
Horde - Head to Ratchet and talk to Kilxx by the docks. Purchase a  Fishing Harpoon and head into the bay and find Bruuz circling around a boat at the bottom. Use the harpoon to lower the shark's health and kill him to receive this Rune.
Human - Kill Defias to obtain  Gillsbane, which can then be used to kill murlocs to acquire a  Soul of the Sea. Interact with the Medusa statue at 25,68 to spawn a level 20 non-elite mob which will drop the rune. 
Furious Thunder

Human - Kill Goldtooth in Elwynn Forest.

Night Elf - Obtained inside Gnarlpine Cache in the barrow den

Dwarf/Gnome - Dropped from Fyodi in Dun Morogh - 28.0, 42.2

Orc and Troll - Kill Sarkoth in in the Valley of Trials. Possibly also drops from Zalazane

Tauren - Drops from Mazzranache and Arra'chea in Mulgore.

Consumed by RageDropped by Carrodin at Thelgen Rock in the Wetlands.
Frenzied Assault

Forsaken - Speak to Penny Hawkins in the Inn in Brill. She'll ask that you remove Blueheart from the basement - head downstairs and defeat him to earn the rune.

Orc - Speak to Zamja in Orgrimmar. She'll ask you to kill Gru'ark outside of the cooking hut. Defeat him to earn the rune.

Dwarf - Talk to the Innkeeper, Bruuk Barleybeard in Ironforge. He'll ask you to kill Bruart, who is between the door and the staircase. Defeat him to earn the rune.

We will keep updating the locations and farming spots for all runes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, remember to check back for more timely info!

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