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WoW Dragonflight 10.2 M+ Affix Tier List - Ranking Best Mythic+ Affixes In Dragonflight Season 3

10/1/2023 8:11:48 PM

World of Warcraft Dragonflight has reworked Affixes recently. Today, in our Dragonflight 10.2 M+ Affixes tier list, we’re going to talk about the new Affixes and rank them. The problem is almost every single Affix is horrible except a few, so we’re starting from F tier all the way to J tier for this Dragonflight 10.2 M+ Affixes ranking!


WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Best M+ Affix - Dragonflight Season 3 Best Mythic+ Affixes Tier List

Affixes are modifiers that are added to enemies in group dungeons and raids in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. They make the enemies more difficult to defeat but also increase the quality of loot dropped. These Affixes will rotate each week on Mythic+ dungeons. Higher level keys will have more difficult combinations of Affixes that challenge coordinated group play. Meeting the weekly Affixes and timer is required to progress to higher Mythic+ levels for better rewards. Without further ado, let’s dive into our WoW Dragonflight 10.2 Mythic+ Affixes tier list!


Entangling (F Tier)

Most people are positive about this going into the season. If you look at the way the Classen can get rid of it. Almost all melee have an instant way to get rid of their roots as well and most tanks have a way to instantly get rid of their roots. For tanking, it's arguably seemed like potentially the worst one because sometimes you're in a position where you want to keep mobs still and you have to move out of it worst case scenario. But people like this Affix because it's easy. It would even potentially be good enough to go higher than F.

Volcanic (G Tier)

Volcanic is literally the opposite of Spiteful. As a Caster, this is arguably one of the worst Affixes, and it's supremely bad. Moreover, it's pretty bad when you're constantly having to cancel the cast. It is less bad for range than spiteful is for melee. It does affect your group more this season because your group is more arranged this season than it is melee. It is a less impactful affix overall and it's not a great affix. For the longest time, Volcanic was the easiest affix on the schedule which made people like it because it was easy but it's not super fun. Whatever it is, it's above Spiteful for sure on this Dragonflight 10.2 M+ Affixes tier list!

Bursting (G Tier)

People's opinion of this would totally change in Mythic+ if Priests were not in the comp and were able to master spells this season. Even with Priests going forward, having a master spell on a two-minute cooldown, certainly you you probably pull big around your two minutes anyway. For massive target counts, you'll have this but that's one class in the game that can deal with this. Lower-end players are going to hate this, but this has to be the best Dragonflight season 3 Affix. This affix doesn't really even have any special requirements. Bursting gets frustrating in pugs because people don't care about it but it's fine. It’s a high G on this Dragonflight Mythic+ rankings 10.2.

Spiteful (H Tier)

Spiteful is supposed to be fun. The problem is for melees specifically it is supremely bad. It doesn't really affect range as much for the tanks and healers unless you're a Holy Paladin. It totally depends on your perspective if you're a tank or a healer, this is a bad affix. If you're a melee, this is absolutely horrible. Therefore, this is a solid H tier!


Afflicted (H Tier)

Afflicted is the new Affix alongside Incorporeal and Entangled and they removed some very annoying Affixes that people did not like playing. As a tank who takes your cursive spell for a key and slams one of those, if some classes can deal with it really easily in a pug scenario, it seemed not that bad but other roles hate this. There are some frustrating points about this as well for example it sort of punishes the classes that already don't have a lot of M+ utility. Hunters, DKs, and Warriors are classes that you think about as needing some help in M+, and Afflicted showing up on your keys is not helpful. The nice thing about Afflicted is your healer can just solo it if they're good. It'll be similar to Spiteful because it accounts for difficulty on a high key, that’s why we put it in the H tier too.

Incorporeal (H)

This was way worse than PTR testing because it wasn't capped and they could have an infinite amount of them. Similar problems with this as with Afflicted where there are some polls requiring you to use a resource that you might already be spread thin on and there are some classes and specs that have good ways of handling this and there are some that are a lot worse.

Storming (H Tier)

As a melee and a tank player, this is the most annoying affix but it's easy. It's way worse for tanks than just for melee. In comparison to these other Affixes in a similar way where Spiteful only really affects melee, Storming affects melee a little bit and tanks a lot. It's not that bad for much of the group, it exists on a lot of good weeks, and a lot of people can have fun because they're not affected by this affix. It's about the same level of annoyance as Spiteful but it's clearly easier. We’re going to put Storming on the H tier for the Dragonflight WoW 10.2 M+ Affixes tier list.


Raging (I Tier)

Raging’s damage got nerfed down to 75 and then 50. Instead of increasing their damage at all, it just makes them unable to be cc mobs. It makes deadly things extra deadly. We’ll put this on the I tier for this Dragonflight 10.2 M+ Affix tier list because it’s worse now! If you lost Raging when CC tried to get applied to you and it just took away your Raging instead, that would be such a good Affix. 


Sanguine (J)

Sanguine this is the worst, unequivocally bad all around. The only positive thing about Sanguine is it’s really hard to deal with well. In the context of MBI and TGP, it separates. Especially in the MBI, it really separates the top teams from even the good teams and that was a positive aspect. But if you were to ask those teams even the ones that were really good at it, they just didn't like doing it. The fact that it's only gotten worse since it used to be a lot easier in Legion. Sometimes you can feel you really owned as a tank if you get a nice zero sanguine healing key but the process of doing that is so effort intensive. It feels arbitrary sometimes whether a mob decides to cast or not or your DPS decides to kill it when it's about to cast.


Bolstering (I)

Reworked bolstering no longer gives massive amounts of health when they get stacks of bolstering but they do extra damage. We thought people would like this a lot more because the health part was so annoying but that really goes to show how bad Bolstering is because people still hate this thing. By far the worst part of it was removed. This has to be one of the Affixes that doesn't affect the lower end as much but affects the higher end more. Because in the lower end, this scales with the size of your poles. The bigger you're pulling, the closer you are to them already being dangerous enemies, the more this Affix is felt. If you're doing a weekly no-lever, it's not going to matter that much. We put Bolstering in the I tier since Sanguine is definitely the worst!

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