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PoE 3.22 Best SSF Builds - Top 10 Solo Self Found Builds in Path of Exile Ancestors

9/5/2023 4:56:39 PM

In this guide, we take a look at the Solo Self Found meta in Path of Exile 3.22 Trial of the Ancestors - What build is doing particularly well in SSF? What SSF build is particularly popular in this league? Find out the answers with PoE 3.22 Best SSF Build Tier List!

PoE 3.22 Solo Self Found Meta Changes

Vengeant Cascade was gutted really hard in 3.22, however, this has had minimal impact on the meta. Bow builds are still good enough that if you want to play a bow build you still play it even without Vengeance Cascade. Bow's use is down slightly from 30% to 28% and of course, Vengeant Cascade use has completely disappeared because a new Vengeant Cascade just isn't very good. other than that the main changes aren't really a result of balance changes but changing player preferences, there's a very large number of builds that are viable at this point in Path of Exile and a lot of people will have a couple of favorites they might play semi-regularly, they also want to try playing around with a variety of different things as well and as a result, you do see some shifting even when there's no major Buffs or no major Nerfs. The top skills are largely the same as last League although there are a couple of little changes, and the new Guardian ascendency has made a splash but that's really about it in terms of major changes.

What's more, the trade changes are not reflected in the SSF Mtea, tattoos have less impact in SSF than in trade, the Guardian Ascendancy is overperforming while Chieftain is underperforming in Solo Self Found, and the new Support Gems have the impact of some SSF builds.

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PoE 3.22 Best SSF Build Tier List - Top 10 Solo Self Found Builds in Ancestors

So bearing the above changes in mind, let's sort out the Top 10 Best SSF Builds in Path of Exile Trail of the Ancestors now!

1. Boneshatter Build

70% of people are playing Juggernaut, 28% are playing Slayer, and there's a small number playing other ascendancies. Boneshatter has an 11% meta share at the moment, almost universally people who are running this build start out with Sinvicta's medal if they own it, but then they migrate quickly to a well-rolled two-handed rare axe. On the Juggernaut version, Tanu Ahi is an incredibly good set of gloves - this is quite a common unique item and as a result, it grants a huge amount of power to the Juggernaut who can use it better than the Slayer can, Slayer can't really use Tanu Ahi well at all. Carnage Heart on the other hand is great on both builds and it's even better on the Slayer version again Carnage Heart is one of the most common uniques in the game now. Divergent Boneshatter is great in trade but it's really hard to make it work in Solo Self Found, there are not many people running Divergent Boneshatter in SSF right now at all. Boneshatter is still number one down slightly in popularity in the Crucible league but it is still more dominant than any skill is in the trade league. And this is what we're talking about with how Solo Self Found tends to have less skill diversity and usually has less diversity in ascendancies as well, this league is a bit unusual in that, the ascendency balance is a bit closer in SSF but the skill balance is definitely less so, and Boneshatter is Head and Shoulders above everything else.

2. Summon Raging Spirits (SRS) Build

In second place at 8% of meta share, we have Summon Raging Spirits, this is a build that's been very popular at various points in the game's history and had a real resurgence in 3.20 Sanctum League. Now the Necromancer version of SRS is often built around poison, but it's the Guardian version that's been popular in this league. This is the one with a surge in popularity in SSF and the guardian version generally does elemental upfront damage, none of this dot stuff, just have your minions do the damage right now instead. There is a very good target farmable unique item that comes from Abyss content - the Darkness Enthroned unique belt is very popular on this build for Solo Self Found. For both versions, both the poison version which is usually a necromancer and the elemental upfront damage version which is usually a Guardian.

3. Righteous Fire Build

Righteous Fire takes third place in the most popular SSF build at the moment. There's more experimentation with the Chieftain ascendency in Solo Self  Found than there is in trade, although it's solidly Inquisitor first, Juggernaut second, and Chieftain third. Elementalist is way less popular in Solo Self Found for Righteous Fire and a big part of this is that you're somewhat locked out of the unique items that give the Elementalist Righteous Fire builds their tremendous damage projection. For Righteous Fire to feel really good with an Elementalist, you generally need either Orth's End or a large number of tattoos of the Ngamahu Warmonger, neither of these is a small ask and as a result the expect the Elementalist to continue to be the least popular ascendency that sees some play for Righteous Fire.

4. Explosive Arrow Ballista Build

Explosive Arrow Ballista comes in the fourth popular SSF build in the Trail of the Ancestors league, this is a tried and tested performer, it's been good for many leagues and it's the top of the bow builds but by our slightest of margins. This build plays very differently from other bow builds, it has a long delay between player action and monster death and that can be very awkward when it comes to looting, but it makes up for this weakness by being incredibly safe. The critical gear that this build needs to get going is very target farmable, you can target farm porcupine Divination Cards, and you can target farm Shrieking Essences of Dread that is all you need in order, to begin with this build. And the champion is the top ascendency for this build in Solo Self Found but there's plenty of diversity there.

5. Lightning Arrow Build

Lightning Arrow comes in next, only a tiny sliver behind the Explosive Arrow Ballista build. This is the best of the bow builds, it's overwhelmingly played on Deadeye for a very good reason - Deadeye is incredibly good right now. And this build usually makes up for its poor single-target damage by using artillery ballista which then deals with the bosses for you so that you don't have to yourself.

6. Ignite Detonate Dead Elementalist Build

Ignite Detonate Dead Elementalist just does a lot of damage on complete trash gear, this makes it excellent at killing bosses. And because it's Ignite, it has reasonably good damage proliferation as well, especially once you get your hands on the unique wand Obliteration which is also one of the most common unique items in the game. This build is very accessible and that helps make this a really solid starter choice.

7. Tornado Shot Build

Tornado Shot is a popular bow skill in Path of Exile that has been around for a long time. It is known for its high clear speed and single-target damage, making it an excellent choice for both mapping and bossing. In the 3.22 league, Tornado Shot is still a strong choice for SSF builds, because it offers excellent clear speed and single-target damage. It is versatile and can be scaled to high levels of damage with the right gear and passive tree choices. A Dex Stacking Tornado Shot build can dish out massive damage with the right items, which can do all content fast and destroy all Uber bosses.

8. Hexblast Mine Build

Hexblast Mine is a popular build in Path of Exile 3.22 League, especially for Solo Self-Found (SSF) players. It is a Saboteur-based build that utilizes Hexblast and Mine mechanics to deal high damage and clear maps quickly. Hexblast is a spell that deals chaos damage to enemies and applies curses to them. The damage dealt by Hexblast increases with the number of curses on the enemy. Mines are throwable objects that can be detonated remotely, dealing area damage to enemies.  The build is considered good for SSF because it does not require any specific unique items to function effectively. It can be played with rare items that can be found while playing the game.

9. Toxic Rain Build

Toxic Rain is a great SSF build because it is a cheap and effective build that can be used to progress through the game's content without relying on expensive gear 1. It is also a flexible build that can be played as a Trickster or Raider.  It is a bow attack skill that fires multiple arrows in the air, which land and drop spore pods, dealing chaos damage over time and slowing enemy movement speed for their duration. The Toxic Rain Pathfinder is a popular choice for SSF builds. It requires a quick bow to fully unleash its potential and can bring players through an amazing start to every league. The Toxic Rain Ballista Pathfinder is also a great option for SSF builds. It abuses clever game mechanics coupled with absurdly strong unique flasks to form the ultimate league start all-rounder.

10. Frost Blades Build

Frost Blades is a versatile and powerful choice for SSF gameplay. It offers solid clear speed, good single-target damage, and flexibility in scaling damage through various weapon types. It has a good balance between melee and projectile damage, allowing you to clear packs of enemies quickly and deal significant damage to bosses. Frost Blades also has built-in freezing and shattering mechanics, which provide crowd control and additional damage. The build is flexible and doesn't require any core items or specific niche synergy between inconspicuous game mechanics.

The Cold DOT archetype, Impending Doom, Skeleton Mages, and Self-Cast Spark Inquisitor round out the rest of the standout performers. All these are quite a bit lower than the ones that we mentioned separately but they're all worth considering as well.

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