The first WOW Dragonflight 10.0.7 PTR with its kind of a whole new Zone, story, and fun, new minigame gameplay Loop thing which some people have referred to as tour gas 2.0, and its rewards which some people have referred to as domination shards 2.0.
WOW Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 - Trading Post Disaster, 10.0.7 PTR New Conetent
The Trading Post Disaster in WOW Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7
Now the grand opening of The Trading Post, the new sub-retention system which will form a core component of the game forever, if everything goes according to plan where players get rewarded for logging in every month, and completing mostly passive challenges for Traders tender which can then be exchanged for Transmoggy mount Petty goodies and which once you've filled your traveler's log little challenge bar thing all the way up gives you a free item every month February's rather Splendid offering being the harbinger of Dawn's spectral tiger Mount.
Since the only other content in WOW Dragonflight 10.5 is basically more Primal storms, but in the future, now as you can imagine people were very excited about this going live on February the 1st and what happens next might shock you or it might not there were a couple of issues, but issue one the Tendys the account-wide, you will get no more than 1500 of these on your entire account across the month, usually, it's a thousand, but there was an extra bonus 500 out for the launch of the feature for those who own Dragonflight.
WOW Dragonflight 10.0.7 PTR
Now for the real main story of the day, the 10.0.7 PTR and in particular that new power progression system, this new WOW Dragonflight PTR dropped what felt like minutes after the trading post was eventually sort of operational, and the flow of content in dragonfly, so far means that unusually currently have two different retail PTRs on the launcher, and the main purpose of this build seems to be just to put the new phase of forbidden reach out there with a bunch of rares and Elites and quests dragon races with the absolute better minimum of explanation, and see what players do with it.
Here's what got the Forbidden reach, it feels like a whole new Zone legitimately, most players have spent some time here, since it's the Drakthia starting area, but few of us will have spent any time, exploring it beyond the pretty linear route that the leveling experience guides us through, and never with dragon riding, and as a result flying around it.
When you remember that there's another full new Zone coming to the patch after this in WOW Dragonflight patch 10.1. The Zone has eight new dragon-riding glyphs to find which unlock two new dragon-riding abilities, a break function that essentially stops your flight dead in mid-air, making it easier to land on smaller targets like herbs.
Ability Airborne recovery in WOW Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7
Another ability is Airborne recovery which means if you use your breakability while blue swirly Thrill of the Skies is active, it will automatically replenish one point of vigor something that you'd imagine, it's gonna be extremely useful for questing and farming where you're regularly landing, and then taking off again soon after that second ability wasn't actually implement entered in the game, even if it's not the hover button that everyone really wants and you get plenty of chances to test it out too.
WOW Dragonflight New Dragon riding races & rares
Here are also New Dragon riding races throughout the zone and rares, absolutely loads of rares, because it turns out and you might not have noticed this before, but the Forbidden reach is full of caves like seriously, there are more holes in this island than Sonic's backpack and each one in this new iteration appears to have an enemy tucked away inside which in many cases was a fight consisting of multiple phases from enemies that were more than capable of absolutely kicking ass.
Of course, this is the WOW Dragonflight PTR, all of the rares and Elites are up all the time, doing that Baddie World Tour partly, just to check it out, but partly because after Vault Keys which are guaranteed to drop from them.
Just going to call it a little mini-game and progression tree for now when you arrive on the Forbidden reach and you get set up in the Tuscar island that constitutes your base, you are sent to the Zaskara Vault of which there is apparently four versions, and the first you delve into is called as a z.
WOW Dragonflight Primordial Gems - Borrowed Power
Of course, the most eye-catching part out of the vaults are the primordial stones that tell you about inside each Vault, just sitting there and clearly very important is a ring which at the moment isn't interactable with, but which is a pretty safe bet is the Onyx amulet, an item level 411 ring that Wowhead found in the data when the PTR first released which has no stats on it, but instead three primordial gem slots.
The primordial gems, finding are intended to be inserted into after some pretty laid-back low-level play over the last four days, seven Gens with various effects, such as the prodigious Sandstone which does damage to multiple enemies, if there are three enemies near you or the echoing thunderstorm which builds up charge when you move, and then has a chance of unleashing nature damage on enemies that you attack.
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