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WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Guide: Release Date, Classes, Guardian Raids, Events, Rewards & More

2/4/2023 6:55:18 PM

Patch 10.0.7 is coming to World of Warcraft Dragonflight. What this patch is going to include? The ret paladin class spec has been reworked and received a new set of large boosts as of patch 10.0.7. In patch 10.0.7, not only can we transfer primordial chaos to our alts, but we also get our first peek at new features and content! Now, let’s go over the Dragonflight patch 10.0.7 update and changes.


Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Update & Release Date - 9 Changes Coming In WOW Dragonflight 10.0.7

So far we have some big class changes including up to 35% damage increases with some classes and specs. There is a big spec rework coming for your favorite holy Crusaders, there are some new gems that look suspiciously like shots of domination we have a new scenario style vault to explore new dragon riding abilities to learn, and much more. Then there are also some class changes coming for live servers so we won't have to wait quite as long for those. Let's break it all down and see how patch 10.0.7 in Dragonflight looks.


Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Release Date

The most probable release date is going to be March 21 for patch 10.0.7.


1. Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Class Changes Buffs & Nerfs

Brand new class changes coming our way all of these are tied to the new Dragonflight patch 10.0.7 PTR and there are some massive changes for certain classes we even have a complete class rework or overhaul.

Death Knights: will see quite a few changes to their Unholy spec. Some talents have moved around some talents have been buffed, some extra functionality was thrown into a few. Then Commander of the Dead will now be an aura around the Death Knight. The current iteration isn't all too reliable from what the Dev note says. They did also note that Unholy specifically will see more quality-of-life changes later on in WOW Dragonflight 10.0.7 update.


Druids: there is a quick buff to protect of the pack up to 400% for non-Resto specs and 300% for Resto, up from 240% for everyone. So you should be able to save up a lot more healing in that talent but we'll have to wait and see if it's enough. Resto Druid will see quite a few changes by the looks of things, there are a few new talents, a lot of talents are getting some additional functionality to improve their effectiveness and quite a lot of talents are being shifted around. So they're going to be in different places when this patch goes live. This actually includes some talents being combined together in a Choice Talent.


Evokers: have some odd changes there are some changes to how chosen identity works. So you res in your Visage form, and there's a new dragon riding ability that works just like ariel halt, this will make more sense later on but you can reduce your velocity while in the air. There are some small but to talents, some talents have been redesigned and then roar of exhilaration has actually been removed, verdant embrace healing was also booked for devastation evokers specifically.


Monks: only have one change so far and it's for Mistweaver. Thunder Focus Tea now causes enveloping Mist to become instant cast in addition to its current effect.


Paladins: don't have too much going on in this Dragonflight WoW 10.0.7 patch, a few bursts and changes to Protection, and a note on Retribution that a big rework is underway and we'll see more changes in future PTR builds. You do have a lot of things to look forward to if you are a Ret Paladin.


Priests: only have one quick change for Discipline and it's a bug fix for expiation dealing too much damage and not the kind of bug fix you really look forward to hearing about. This one's actually going to be a nerf.


Shamans: this is where things really start ramping up for this build specifically. We have a lot of general changes like changing how earth elemental works with aggro astral. Shift is getting buffed as well as talents relating to that ability. There are damage increases, talent changes, talents have been removed, talents are moving position in the class tree, so its kind of like a mini rework is happening for the Shaman class tree.


Restoration: has a lot of specific changes too. Lightning bolt and chain lightning damage have increased by 35%. While spring healing was reduced by 30% and then there are also a lot of talent changes. Talents have been removed, new talents are added in, talents have been buffed and a lot of talents are moving around in that talent tree.


2. Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Guardian Druid Buffs

Guardian Druids will see some huge Buffs in the Dragonflight 10.0.7 PTR. The armor from ironfur has been increased by 20%, reinforced fur now boosts iron fur and bark skin damage reduction even further, ursoc’s fury grants a shield based on 50% of damage dealt by thrash and Maul up from 30%. Reinvigorations frenzied regen cooldown was reduced even further layered main chance to proc was doubled and lunar beam healing was increased by 130% and the cooldown was also reduced to 1 minute, lots of buffs in there which should hopefully help Guardian after the changes they got in 10.0.5.


3. Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Events

In this patch 10.0.7 WoW Dragonflight, we will be returning to the Forbidden Reach to learn all about the dracthyr history and uncover some new secrets of the Dragon Isles. There will be a whole bunch of new rares to go after and kill the rewards for these rares aren't fully implemented yet, so we're not sure what kind of game will be offered.


In addition to that, we have new treasures to collect, a new Invasion event, or Primal Storm to take part in and there's a new storm-bound chest marked on the mini-map which could mean another event like the waterbound chest and the inaran planes which could also mean some very shiny loot.


4. Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Dragonriding

There are also new dragon glyphs scattered around the zone in high and hard to reach places with some new abilities to pick up in the dragon riding talent tree. Ariel Holt will give us some air brakes kind of significantly reducing your forward velocity to let you make a softer landing, this should also make it much easier to land in a Pinpoint location instead of having to circle around and around to try and get that perfect landing. Ariel Holt also does not cost any vigor, so you can use it whenever you want.

Then airborne recovery grants you a vigor point when you use aerial halt at high speed. So that's a nice bonus to quickly shift direction or just make sure you have some extra vigor when you next take off. I'm kind of surprised that we're seeing new dragon-riding glyphs, talents, and abilities, already being added into the Dragonflight patch 2.7 PTR.


5. Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Dragonriding

The most interesting addition so far on the 10.0.7 PTR WoW Dragonflight is a new scenario-style piece of content Zskera vault. The general idea seems to be quite simple. As you progress through the vault, you will find locked doors, each door requires one vault key to unlock. The quest that starts you off on this adventure provides you with quite a few keys, but past that, we are going to have to find more for ourselves. So you can unlock doors if you have keys and inside those doors will be a variety of treasures typically being guarded by a nasty monster. Kill the monster and collect the loot that seems to be more or less it. There do seem to be special dolls with items or unlocks to progress further up this vault specifically and there are many levels up above here. Progressing through this vault will let you go higher and unlock doors further up.


6. Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Rewards

The rewards are still placeholder, so we're not entirely sure what this will look like when it's finished and whether it will reward lots of gold, maybe primal chaos, or some other currencies, but there are a few things in place. There is a placeholder currency, so we know we'll be gathering something new to probably buy things. There are special Neltharion Gift Tokens, then it also seems like you will randomly come upon a new type of gem primordial stones. These stones vary widely in the effects they offer from extra shields, extra stats, some extra damage, or even interacting with how other stones behave and perform and adding extra effects onto other stones' effects.


There also seems to be a brand new type of socket to accommodate these stones, primordial sockets and we only know of one item so far that could have these sockets, a brand-new ring. Onyx annulet is a ring and has 3 primordial sockets attached to it. So if this is our only way to use primordial stones, it looks like we could be limited to just three at a time. So journeying through this vault and opening as many doors as you can be the only way to acquire these new primordial stones to take advantage of their new powers and effects. But to do that you're going to need more keys.


7. Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Gameplay Loop

It seems like one major gameplay loop for the Forbidden Isles is going to be collecting these keys opening more rooms in the vault and climbing higher and higher or maybe delving deeper and deeper into these vaults to claim all-new rewards. Killing rares at least has a chance to reward you with vault keys, so that's going to be one reason to kill as many rounds per day as you can. But the keys will most likely be rewarded from other sources too like daily quests and maybe even treasures. This also seems to be just one of many vaults when you do the little intro one of the NPCs says, there are many more vaults to explore and they all seem to be named or numbered in code.


8. Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Trading Post Activities

Dragonflight 10.0.7 also brought us the Trading Post. After a shaky start and some extended maintenance, the training post is finally open for business. So be sure to pop by the Trading Post to pick up your box of traders tender, complete the little intro quest to earn even more traders tender and then you can start working on the monthly travelers log. For the most part, completing the traveler's log should be easy and straightforward with a wide variety of activities to choose from to earn progress.


9. Trade Primal Chaos To Alt In Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7

There is also a nice quality of life change for live servers that just went through. You can now trade your primal chaos to any of your old characters but there is a catch. If you pop by the artisans consortium reputation vendor and the volpira right next to the crafting order clerks in Valdrakken, they will now sell satchels of coalescing chaos. They cost 80 primal chaos and will give you 60 primal chaos when used. So you do lose 20 primal chaos in this transaction which definitely isn't ideal. 

Because these items are bound on account, you can send them to any of your alts to trade 80 primal chaos from your main to 60 primal chaos on an alt. So that's going to be very useful if you have run out of things to use your primal chaos on your main or you just have way too much and can't use it all. Primal chaos can help your alts gear up by using sparks of Ingenuity to get your craft in and then you can also use primal chaos to further upgrade that crafted gear as long as you have the other focus materials.



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