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Best Addons For WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.0.5 - Top 10 Powerful WoW Addons To Use 2023

2/4/2023 11:16:57 AM

Dragonflight patch 10.0.5 is here with bringing some new rewards, buffs, big improvements for classes, and more. Now is time for installing and tracking best addons to help you progress through all forms of content with this new patch. Today we feature some powerful addons to help you make resource farming more efficient and make the most valuable crafts, farming gold fast, as well as improve your gaming experience.

Best Addons For Dragonflight 2023 Patch 10.0.5 - Top 10 Powerful WoW Addons To Use 2023 

Addons are essential to any World of Warcraft gamer. At their most basic, addons are different ways to present game information. The best WoW addons can make everyday activities like questing and trading much easier. However, with so many options, it’s difficult to determine which WoW addons are worth installing. We’ve dug deep and tracked down the best of a lot for general, all-purpose use in one of the best PC games of all time. Definitely check out the below list of must have addons for Dragonflight 2023 patch 10.0.5 that you should download and add to your game. Each addon will greatly improve your World of Warcraft experience, whether you’re a raider, tradesman, or just want to level up quickly.

Best Dragonflight Addon for 10.0.5 - New openables 

This is a newly revived add-on, it displays an icon whenever you have a loot box available to open up. You can easily move this UI around to your most convenient spot or click to open it and make it go away all together. 

Powerful Addon For Dragonflight Patch 10.0.5 - Minimap Line Copy Flightline

Some folks might have a hard time telling their orientation in game and that's where these two add-ons come in. Copy Flightline and Minimap Line. Minimap Line addon will display an obvious looking line to guide which direction you're going in. Copy Flightline does the same thing, but for the world map and it only activates when you're flying. So it's not too obnoxious.

Best WoW Addon 2023 - Better Ice Fishing

It's a fantastic add-on that allows one button fishing. If you have better fishing installed, we suggest configuring better ice fishing to use the same hotkey. That can be done through the add-on settings with just a click. For those who know ice fishing isn't as friendly as regular fishing as you normally need to click to fish from these holes. Better ice fishing allows the use of a hotkey, however your mouse cursor needs to be hovering over the fishing hole when casting the line. So this is for folks who want a one button key instead of one button click. 

Patch 10.0.5 Dragonflight Addon for Making Profits - CraftSim

Craftsim is a very powerful add-on that does a lot to help one plan for crafting in Dragonflight. At the box, it looks really intimidating with a bunch of windows open that can be hard to understand. And you also need auction add-ons like trade skill master to fetch prices. Windows can be toggled above the profession pane, the top gear window tells you if there's an opportunity to swap out profession gear to increase potential profits, depending on the recipe that you have currently selected. Specialization info tells you where you put your points into and what sorts of bonuses have been provided per recipe. The average profit down there tells you how viable crafting this recipe is based on current pricing. Even better recipe scan lets you just hit a button and the add-on will show you what you can make at a profit with the provided data. This is great for players with pretty complete recipe lists and for selling on the auction house. 

Best WoW Dragonflight Addon for Making Epic Gear - Craftality

When it comes to making epic gear, using a very simple add-on called craftility, it has a simulation mode that's activated with just a click and you can see what your skill results will be if you use rank 1, 2 or 3 materials, just click the buttons and watch your skill results on the right change to new values. Below it'll also tell you what final quality will be after an inspiration proc. Craftability also lets you look at the recraft version of a recipe to do the same thing. Other add-ons like craftsim can also do this, but this craftility add-on is really simple. 

Most Powerful WoW Dragonflight Addon 2023 - Minimap Alert

This is a very useful add-on for gatherers. Pro Gathering folk know that there's no way to differentiate different herb and ore nodes on the minimap, which can be a bit frustrating if you're trying to target certain materials. What minimap does is really unique, it forces the minimap to very quickly appear right under the mouse cursor although it's not. The Minimap Alert add-on will then read whether a targeted node is visible and then sends out an alert if a match is found.

How to configure and run Minimap Alert addon in WoW Dragonflight 10.0.5?

Going to the game options to add-ons and select minimap alert. Start building a tracking list of what the add-on should be looking for. Hit add item and then type in the partial name of what it is that you're looking for. You will then see that already made a bunch and what then trying to do is look for the more lucrative nodes. While making your list, make sure to check the box to resume tracking after looting otherwise the add-on will stop after locating this item.

best wow addons for dragonflight 2023 patch 1

To actually run the add-on, type slash Mini map alerts all one word and this little thing here will pop up. Click Start and it'll begin working. Meanwhile, the minimap will blink in and out as you're moving which is super obnoxious, all you have to do now is just travel around looking for nodes. 

Note: The add-on depends on the mouse cursor, that means when you click drag to move your camera or orientation, the add-on cannot track because technically when doing that your cursor can't read things that it's messing over. So ensure it while gathering, try to limit how much you're holding down the mouse buttons, configured correctly this add-on works great. It'll let you ignore unwanted nodes and when the add-on does alert you, that's when you want to finally check your minimap and mouse over for yourself exactly where the nodes are that you should be going for. 

WoW Dragonflight Best Addons for Gold Farming


TSM is perhaps the single best addon for making gold in WoW Dragonflight. It reimagines and improves the in-game Auction House experience. It is one of the largest addons for World of Warcraft out there. So, expect it to take more power out of your PC than the average addon.

Rematch and TSM Pet Values

Rematch reinvents the way the Pets tab looks in World of Warcraft. Firstly, it will categorize every Pet you own according to their type. It will then help you understand every Pet, what are its strong sides, its counter picks, and so on. The rarest and most valuable Pets can be displayed prominently, making this a helpful WoW addon for making gold. This way, you can keep track of how much you can profit if you’re farming rare pets to sell.

World Quest Tracker

World Quest Tracker is a very simple addon. It can be used to refine the representation of world quests in the game's world map. It shows every world quest in the area, along with the rewards for completing that quest. If you have more than one alt, you can view their world quests as well. World Quests can also be an excellent source of WoW gold, especially in Shadowlands.


LootAppraiser is the perfect gold farming addon in WoW Dragonflight 2023. Its purpose is to list the costs and prices of everything you have in stock. LootAppraiser displays an item's Auction House price, gold per hour farm profit, and gold per hour profit potential whenever you hover over it in your bags.

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