It's crucial to have a balanced team in World of Warcraft Dragonflight 3v3 Arena since not all classes complement one another. What are the best Dragonflight season 1 3v3 comps for the Shadow Priest? In this WOW Dragonflight 3v3 comp tier list 2023, we’re going to go over the 5 best 3v3 Arena compositions. Explain why the comp seems good and why we would recommend playing it.
Dragonflight 3v3 Comp Tier List & Ranking - Best 3v3 Arena Comps In WoW Dragonflight
When playing 3v3 in Dragonflight, one of your main objectives should be to put pressure on the other side. You should prioritize playing compositions that aim to win the game quickly, ideally ones that have specialties with CC. For a composition to succeed in the Arena, it is customary to either have to keep the pressure on the other team by combining your strong damage output with Slaughterhouse Icon Slaughterhouse with CC. Combined with specializations that have the Death icon Since it is more reliable than the Slaughterhouse Icon, Mortal Wounds is sometimes preferred. Now, let’s check these WoW Dragonflight 3v3 Comp rankings for season 1.
1. Dragonflight Best 3v3 Comp - RPS
-Shadow Priest
-Assassination Rogue
-Restoration Shaman/Holy Paladin/Evoker
Our first Dragonflight best Arena comp 3v3 is going to be RPS, probably not a surprise for most people out there who are playing. Because people know how strong Assassination Rogue is and people know how strong Shadow Priest is. There were some nerfs to everybody all around which makes us even stronger in this comp. That's the reason why it's in this WOW Dragonflight 3v3 tier list as well is that passive healing across the board has gone down, which means with the proper cross CC in this comp, people can't recover on their own as much anymore. So that makes the Assassination Rogues bleed and the Shadow Priest damages overwhelming and the MS stacks with siphoning. We also do recommend playing with mainly a Holy Paladin or an Evoker for sustainability. Having a Shaman variant is fine, especially into certain comps like Druids and Evokers that are going to be prevalent, that's why Shaman's on.
2. Best 3v3 Comps Dragonflight - WPS
-Shadow Priest
-Fury/Arms Warrior
-Holy Paladin/Evoker
Fury can just run in bash, Arm can run in bash to target, and the Shadow Priest kites if all game. If they change the Shadow Priest, you have the Pally on your team, you have freedoms, you have the Sprints from your Shield, you have your own fade, you have MD on your side, and you have bop and sack from the Pally. So you can essentially keep the Shadow Priest alive while the Warrior is killing somebody, you run an all-in, no casted AOE spec with the Shadow Priest, so he never has to cast, he's just running and killing everybody while he's being trained. So the damage is still there and then you just set up your three two one. There are a lot of mechanics with the Evoker that keeps this comp in its longevity.
3. Best WOW Dragonflight 3v3 Arena Comp - FPX
-Shadow Priest
-Evoker/Holy Paladin
This is a great Arena comp 3v3 Dragonfligh WoW that’s going to melt face. People are not going to be able to handle the pressure early on and so that's why we think this comp is good for especially starting players. Feral Druids have to know what they're doing in this comp, it really relies on the Feral knowing how to kite to make FPS work.
4. Dragonflight Best 3v3 Composition - Godcomp
-Shadow Priest
-Evoker/Restoration Druid
This comp just destroy everyone in Dragonflight. Whoever they go in this comp, the other person is one-shotting the team. It's actually insane how strong this comp's going to be. If you go to Shadow Priest, Arcane Mage is going to melt the team. If you go to the Arcane Mage, he's going to kite, Shadow Priest is going to clave your team. It's definitely going to be one of the best 3V3 comps Dragonflight Season 1 even after everything that's been changing. Essentially everyone's a kill target in this comp and we recommend picking it up so that you have all the CC in the world.
5. Best Dragonflight Season 1 Comp 3v3 - Shadowplay
-Shadow Priest
-Affliction/Demo Warlock
-Mistweaver Monk/Evoker/Restoration Druid
Everyone should know this 3v3 comp in WoW Dragonflight Shadowplay. This is going to be the most oppressive comp in the game of all the comps not just for Shadow Priest. Shadowplay is going to run people over especially the Demo Lock variant even though they got nerfed, but they didn't nerf their damage. So Demo Lock damage is actually just insane. A good Demo Lock will just run people over, you put that with a good Shadow Priest with all the CC and the cleave on top of that, you're really just going to be going out of cooldowns without any cooldowns being popped on the Shadowplay side. You want to have dampening healers when you're playing Shadowplay because you're going to play longevity matches. This comp is just going to be so oppressive, whoever they hit is going to end up dying.
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