For everyone who doesn't know playing Tornado Shot in Path Of Exile, over the last few days and comes to a very disturbing conclusion which is that a lot of people are actually using the wrong Path Of Exile helmet, and definitely see why a lot of people go on Poe ninja, they start by the DPS and they don't see that heat shipper is actually the best helmet instead they see that unfortunately, you get a build where black Sun Crest is the highest DPS helmet.
Black Sun Crest is a helmet that has stood the test of time, it's been used a lot, it gives you around 45 attributes at its Max role, it's relatively cheap, it fixture resists, it gives you a lot of Elemental penetration, you might be wondering how could a helmet actually beat out black Sun crash black Suncrest, just on paper seems absolutely batshit bananas.
Tornado shot is kind of an interesting state, it wasn't that popular at POE 3.19, but got a little bit more popular towards the end of The League, however in POE 3.20 is experienced, the Renaissance purely, because Path Of Exile sanctum tornado shot is one of the best builds in the game for doing sanctum, you can do no hit runs really easily, you can do the runs with the very low gear you off-screen.
PoE 3.20 Sanctum Guide - Path Of Exile Doubles Damage Of The Tornado Shot
- Path Of Exile Helmet Choices
To help with choices for a tornado shot in Path Of Exile, because there are actually a few of them, and this is actually one of the nice Parts about tornado shot is that it is a very solved build, like everyone knows you want two large clusters and you want a threat of Hope massive, but the Path Of Exile helmet does have a lot of different options.
Now the black Sun Crest gives you a lot of Omni, a lot of Res, a lot of Elemental penetration, and then you have the more well-rounded option with the rare helmet which gives you a lot of Live 105 life or so it gives you roughly 22 reservation efficiency which is almost enough to run half of a 50 Aura.
It reduces the Mana cost of your attacks freeing up whatever flasks for mage blood instead of using the reduced beta cost of attacks it. lets you fill out your suppression, and basically, it's a very good well-rounded option, if you want to make a more well-rounded build and have determination for your build, now back in the day a lot of people also use Asinaf chant, this allows you to trigger a soccer to spell when you attack with a bow and technically right now.
If you're able to get an Omni with an implicit corruption with the additional curse, it is very possible to ask nav's champ does count and it won't get counted as the trigger, because it still counts, casting the spell and it won't have the curse penalty applied for what you use like a curse on hit ring and most people used it for doing tornado or procking hydrosphere for some what is that thing called when you have the penetration exposure, and then for the extra curse, so this used to be one of the most viable setups and that's what most people ended up using was astronauts champ, but nowadays everyone uses black Suncrest or the rare helmet in Path Of Exile.
- Path Of Exile Actual Best Helmet
Now the actual best Path Of Exile helmet in the game is heat shiver and the reason it's so good, and it actually doubles the damage for most of the Poe profiles is it, because it gives you 100 of cold damage as extra fire damage as Frozen enemies and most people don't know, but with four tornado shot, almost all of your damage is cold damage, like ever all of your damage is code damage, all of the Fizz gets converted to cold damage, and then you gain extra cold damage of hatred and that's all you do, all you have is cold damage, when you gain 100 of the cold damage is extra fire damage, you are doubling your base damage, and then also gain 30 percent of cold damages extra fire damage, 30 chill effect on enemies, basically getting 130 percent extra base damage on top, and this base damage that gets is also penned, because use omniscience, so because of omniscience is able to penetrate all of the fire damage, the fire damage is pretty much the same thing as cold damage, and there's actually a Sanctified Relic that makes this even crazier.
This definitely benefits from hatred scaling, because all of the cold damage, then gets converted and the Fizz damage gets converted to cold damage or you get business extra cold, and all of the cold damage is multiplied by the more cold damage multiplier, and then all that cold damage then gets converted to the fire damage, so you can see really fast how to drastically increase DPS.
Now the easiest way to see how this works is just by taking a profile and just checking out the damage, these people have 66 million DPS right, you might be like, this people's damage must be absolutely crazy.
- How to Freeze Uber Bosses In Path Of Exile?
Now you might be wondering how does freeze, actually work how do you actually freeze the Uber bosses, if you freeze the Uber bosses shouldn't the boss be unable to move in Path Of Exile.
Now test this, if you put in Trinity, now freeze duration is based on the monster's maximum life, in order to freeze the boss for every one percent of the boss's life you do, you will freeze the boss for 0.6 seconds, now freezes with a duration smaller than 0.3 seconds are discarded, so that means you need to have a hit that does around five percent of the boss's HP in order to freeze the mob.
It's kind of challenging, if you go look at the damage of this build, the average damage for the build is around 8.5 million, you will definitely not have that much trouble in freezing the boss, and you will be able to get a lot more damage, because you can see here, a lot of people use double damage on pressure points quick getaway and that leads to a situation where your average damage or you will be able to attack a lot of times, you'll do double damage, and you'll reach that freeze threshold really easily.
However there's another thing that is super important, now freeze duration can be increased by freeze and ailment duration modifier, so it's constantly kind of a weird thing, you might think like nodes, like this increase the effect of non-damaging ailments, this thing does not actually help you out with getting the freeze threshold to be lower, this helps out with getting your chill effect higher or your shock effect higher, if you want to make it, you're more likely to freeze the boss, you have to take this one code Mastery 60 increased freeze duration on enemies that this makes it, so that your damage you no longer need to have to do five percent of the boss's HP.
You need to do like two percent or something like that, and then you'll be able to freeze the boss or maybe a little bit more, some basic math right there, you do like 60 more of your actual damage when you have the 60 duration, there are also some other cold Jewels,
you can roll like 15 on a jewel, there are definitely ways that you can get around it, and you can definitely freeze the boss, as long as you have really good gear, and it's not even that bad, actually done a budget setup before with heat shiver, actually able to freeze the boss, and the bow usually shows you the bow, using right here.
Just using stuff like this, and this is pretty much, it's like a 580 or 600 PDPs bow, and it's a heat stripper, using yoke of suffering two tapings and this is the budget tornado shot build, that using and able to freeze the bosses without a problem, and this is with Uber bosses and the Uber bosses having like crazy-ass mods, it is 100 doable and the numbers pretty much speak for itself. Once you look at the actual numbers that you deal with, having a double damage, definitely helps out a little bit.
What hypothermia actually does?
Hypothermia might also help out, the hypothermia has a 20 chance to freeze well that doesn't really help out.
Like you basically cold damage can freeze and critical strikes have 100 chance to freeze, if you already have a hundred percent crit chance that means you already have a hundred percent chance to freeze with the hit, and all it depends on is how big that hit with the coal damage is in relation to the boss's HP, now you might be wondering why does no one use heat shipper at all, if it's such a good option.
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