Added to Elden Ring on December 7th, 2022, Colosseum is a free piece of downloadable content. It allows access to the three previously inaccessible Colosseums in Limgrave, Caelid, and Leyndell. What is the best Elden Ring 1.08 builds to use for Colosseum? This guide presents you the top 3 most overpowered Elden Ring Colosseum builds for PvP. We break down the equipment, talisman, armors, and stats you need for the best Crimson Duelist, Crucible and Death Mage build after patch 1.08.
Elden Ring Best PvP Builds for Colosseum - Crimson Duelist, Crucible Knight & Death Mage in Elden Ring 1.08 Patch
Thank Fextralife who took some of PvE builds and convert them into PVP variants so that you can use them in the new Colosseum update. Now, we'll go through the 3 best Elden Ring Colosseum builds. We show you what changed about those builds and what strategies seem to work for you in the arena. Keep in mind, these are not meta builds but these builds you can take these into the arena with a couple of tweaks and still get some victories!
No. 1 Elden Ring 1.08 Best Colosseum Build - Crimson Duelist Build
This is a build that uses Rogier's Rapier to apply bleed to enemies and bosses really quickly, hitting rapidly, using the R2 attack. This build was changed up a bit here since this was nerfed a little bit Seppuku was nerfed in the last update. Check out this best Elden Ring patch 1.08 PVP build if you want a Thrusting Sword character who is good at both parrying and dealing quick damage.
Elden Ring 1.08 Crimson Duelist Build Equipment
Right Hand Armament 1 - Rogier's Rapier
Left Hand Armament 1 - Ice Crest Shield
Left Hand Armament 2 - Dragon Communion Seal
Head - Silver Tear Mask
Armor - Beast Champion Armor
Gloves - Beast Champion Gauntlets
Legs - Beast Champion Gauntlets
We set it to the bleeding affinity and we put Royal Knight’s Resolve on it. We have a shield in off hand mostly for Buffs, because the shield has some status effect resistance. You also have the Dragon Communion Seal here which you use to cast Swarm of Flies.
Elden Ring 1.08 Crimson Duelist Build Talisman
When it comes to the talisman, we've got Millicent's Prosthesis, Rotten Wing Sword Insignia, Spear Talisman, and Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman. The first two are there to increase the damages you hit rapidly. Spear Talisman is there to increase their counter damage, a lot of time to trade damage with thrust and you're going to get more damage when you do this and then the Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman is there for further protection. Swapped out into Best Champion Armor to give us more Poise because as you're attacking repeatedly, you don't want to be interrupted in order to get those hits off and build up bleed.
Elden Ring 1.08 Crimson Duelist Build Stats
Vigor - 60
Mind - 25
Endurance - 22
Strength - 9
Dexterity - 52
Intelligence - 16
Faith - 11
Arcane - 18
When it comes to stats for the best Elden Ring Colosseum PvP build after patch 1.08, the main changes here are that we have 60 vigor. This is to help you trade blows and still live. The higher you can get here, the better. Then we've switched arcane for dexterity here we have 85, because we have Millicent's Prosthesis equipped. This should probably be 80 so if you want to remove 5 points and put them somewhere else like into more Vigor that's not a bad idea or maybe more endurance. We have a little bit of faith in our arcane in order to cast Swarm of Flies but otherwise pretty much a dexterity bigger build.
No. 2 Elden Ring Best PVP Build Colosseum - Crimson Duelist Build
The Crucible Knight build is the second Elden Ring 1.08 best build for Colosseum update where we sort of cosplay the Crucible Knight. This build is not the greatest duelist build, it's not a great one-on-one build but it really does well or better in a group setting where you're 2v2 or 3v3. Because of the AOE nature of a lot of these spells and because they hit very hard. If you can get some people to focus on somebody else for a second, you can do really well with it.
Elden Ring 1.08 Crimson Duelist Build Equipment
Right Hand Ornament 1 - Ordovis's Greatsword
Left Hand Ornament 1 - Albinauric Shield
Head - Crucible Axe Helm
Armor - Crucible Axe Armor
Arms - Crucible Gauntlets
Legs - Crucible Greaves
As far as equipment goes, we are using The Crucible Knights armor, this is because it gives you Aspect of Crucible incantation damage, you get about 14% - 15% or so from wearing all the pieces has very good poisons and very good protection, and stylish. We used Ordovis's Greatsword and we use the incantations of the Aspects of the Crucible: Tail. You didn't really have to change too much for this build, because it works pretty effectively. You have plenty of pois, you have a good powerful weapon skill in Ordovis's Vortex and you have a few different spells at your disposal. You can buff with Golden Vow beginning of fights to give yourself more protection and more damage.
You have Aspect of the Crucible: Tail which is very good in like large-scale battles but otherwise very unuseful. The Aspect of Crucible: Horns can catch people off guard from behind sometimes if you're fighting multiple enemies. Aspect of Crucible's Breath is very effective with this Elden Ring 1.08 build PvP. You can just absolutely mess somebody up. What we really like about Ordovis's Vortex for PVP is the fact that it has different cast speeds depending on how long you charge this or don't charge this.
Elden Ring 1.08 Crimson Duelist Build Talisman
We have the Dragoncrest Greatshield talisman protection wins fights in these matchups. So the more protection you have, the better. Shard of Alexander obviously increases Ordovis’s Vortex damage. Godfrey Icon for charged or Ordovis’s all three of these spells are also chargeable.
Elden Ring 1.08 Crimson Duelist Build Stats
Vigor - 55
Mind - 25
Endurance - 31
Strength - 45
Dexterity - 13
Intelligence - 16
Faith - 39
Arcane - 9
For the stats for this Elden Ring 1.08 build PvP, it really hasn't been changed much. All you need to do is take some points out of faith and put them into vigor just to keep you alive a little bit more, especially since you have the Fire Scorpion Charm. The sad spread is pretty much identical to what we're using in the PVE build. So really you can take your PvE build into PvP with this and you should be able to do just fine. It is not an easy build to use in 1v1 settings but in group play, it's fantastic.
No. 3 Elden Ring Colosseum 1.08 Best PVP Build - Death Mage
Lastly, we have the death mage build, this is a Caster build that's intelligence based although. It can use faith as well later on in NG plus that focuses on the use of death sorceries. This Elden Ring 1.08 Colosseum build works very well in PvP. Ancient death ranker tracks enemies really crazily and it was patched in 1.07 to track them even longer. You can absolutely just abuse this in combat. It's kind of cheesy but frankly, the amount of cheese is. It's going to pressure enemies to either come at you or run away from you.
Elden Ring 1.08 Death Mage Build Equipment
Right Hand Ornament 1 - Carian Regal Scepter
Left Hand Ornament 1 - Spinning Weapon
Head - Fia's Hood
Armor - Fia's Robe
Arms - Black Knight Gauntlets
Legs - Bull-Goat Greaves
If players are aggressive and they come at you this is really the best way to play against this build. So if you see someone using the strategy you should charge them, that's the best thing you can do obviously avoiding the schools. If they come at you, you really have two options you can try and trade with your Knight and Flame sword which we don't recommend usually. If they have a bigger stronger weapon than you or they're dual wielding, you're going to lose that trade, and you'll take more damage than you'll deal. Or you can do two-hand your staff real quick which is the carrying Regal scepter and use Spinning Weapon. They don't see this coming most of the time and this hits like a truck. Especially if you have something like Shard of Alexander equip, it does an absolute lot of damage when they get into it and they get staggered usually and caught in it and if you spam this like twice in a row, you usually finish them off.
Other than that we have Fia’s Mist, this is very situational. We are not going to use this all the time, you can use this against aggressive enemies. It’s better in like a group setting, you won't use it all the time. We also have Rykard's Rancor because this really good to lead with and combat a lot of times if enemies are aggressive. You'll obviously want to drop Terra Magic at the beginning of the fight if you can. This is going to buff your Ancient Death Rancor. We also have Explosive Ghostflame in here, you could use it in a group setting if you find a good situation for it.
Elden Ring 1.08 Death Mage Build Talisman
We use the Bull-Goats Talisman to make up the rest of the Poise here, that way we can tank a hit. Other than that we have the Graven-Mass Talisman to further increase our damage with spells. Shard of Alexander to increase spinning weapon and the abilities of the Sword of Night and Flame and we have Godfrey Icon in case you charge up Ancient Death Ranker that'll give it more damage. You can use something else here if you want like um Dragon Crest Greatshield Talisman's not a bad choice as well to give you a little extra defense.
Elden Ring 1.08 Death Mage Build Stats
Vigor - 60
Mind - 30
Endurance - 13
Strength - 12
Dexterity - 12
Intelligence - 75
Faith - 25
Arcane - 9
The reason we're using the Carian Regal Scepter here instead of the Prince of Death's Staff is we don't have the stats. In PvP, you have to have way more vigor than you do in PVE. We can get away with putting more stats into faith because you're not going to get hit as much in PvE. But in PvP, you're going to get hit. You also want a good amount of FP here too, these aren't expensive spells. But you don't have that many flasks so you're not going to have a lot of flasks to use unless you're doing a duel. This way we get the absolute most damage out of our spells and if you take this build much higher like 20 or 30 levels higher, you can probably use the Prince of Death's Staff.
When it comes to armor we have Fia's armor set for her helm and chest very lightweight. Then we have the Black Knight gloves and you have the Bull-Goats legs and the reason for that is people cannot see very easily beneath your road. So this way, you actually hit the 56 poise break point. When they come at you, they're not expecting you to have enough poise to withstand their attack if you catch them a spinning weapon or you catch them with an R1 and that can catch them off guard. That's a really good strategy in PvP.
so the sword of Knight in flame is just kind of your option when things get close to you and can't always just pull a spell out of your ass at the last possible second you can't always swap the spinning weapon on a moment's notice so this is a good option to just get regular melee attacks whether they're like running melee attacks or jumping melee attacks you're not going to use it that often you're primarily a cast here but it is a good alternative so that wraps up our first video showcasing how some of our builds that we've made that our PBE builds can be PVP builds with a little bit of tweaks and again I'm not claiming these are meta builds or the best builds for PVP but I just wanted to show that they are viable if you know what you're doing and you know how to make adjustments to them I also want to say that we do have more PBE builds coming and more weapon videos coming for those of you who are panicking who haven't seen a lot of Ellen ring content on the channel recently or are now that see the PVP Patcher thinking oh no it's just going to be PVP builds that's not the case I am a PVE player I'm a co-op player more than a PVP player in this game I hardly PVP at all but I do think that there is a case here to make some PVP content for those who enjoy that sort of content and also to Showcase some of the builds we have and show that they are viable in PvP so you can look forward to more PB content more weapon videos as well as a couple PvP videos here and there let me know what builds you guys are using how are you finding the Colosseum is it something you're enjoying it can be frustrating at times and other times it's a lot of fun it's kind of a mixed bag depending on what's going on what do you guys think let me know in the comments below [Music] [Music] [Music]
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