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D2R MF Breakpoints Guide - Magic Find Breakpoints for Uniques in Diablo 2 Resurrected 2.5

11/27/2022 8:00:46 PM

In this D2R 2.5 MF Breakpoint guide, we're going to be covering some of the top questions we get about the Magic Find and most importantly the MF breakpoints in Diablo 2 Resurrected.

Diablo 2 Resurrected MF Breakpoint Guide

Let's break down the D2R MF breakpoints by figuring out these FAQs about Magic Find in Diablo 2 Resurrected:

How Much MF Should I Get or When Should I Stop Adding MF?

It really depends, you want to have fairly high MF but you don't want to sacrifice kill speed, you want to kill the most amount of monsters in the least amount of time possible, and more monsters killed equals more chance to drop items. For example, you don't want to take 10 minutes to do a player 7 pit run with 800 MF, when you could be running a much lower MF killing many more monsters. Also, you get to make conscious choices about where you're farming, what D2R gear you want to wear how much MF you want. A general rule in the Diablo 2 community is to get around 200 to 300 MF and then work on your kill speed. At that point when you have decent clear speed, you would start adding a little bit more MF, it's about being efficient with your time but also having as much magic find as you possibly can have while keeping that kill speed.

Does Magic Find Effect Rune Drops in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

No, the only thing that affects rune drops is the player setting for example player 1 compared to player 7 and killing certain types of monsters that have higher rune drop rates. For example, normal ghosts or souls can't drop items, the only things that they can drop are charms, gems, jewelry, and runes which gives them a higher chance to drop Diablo 2 runes when compared to other monsters.

Are There Magic Find Breakpoints and If So What Are They?

Yes, there are MF Breakpoints in Diablo 2 Resurrected, but not really in the traditional sense of breakpoints when you think of FCR and FHR that are based on frames. For example, the higher and higher breakpoints you hit, the fewer frames it takes to perform that action. Now Magic Find obviously doesn't have anything to do with frames but the idea behind it is the same. For example, if you have a druid and you have 99 FCR, you're at that breakpoint, and you add on another 20 FCR  giving you 119 you're still effectively only at 99 FCR because the next breakpoint is until 163.

The idea behind this is also kind of how NF works, there are going to be certain points where you're adding just a little bit of MF but it's not actually giving you any benefit.

How To Calculate The Magic Find Breakpoint in Diablo 2 Resurrected?

We can see this by actually taking a look at the formula and understanding how your effective magic find is actually calculated, so let's jump in alright.

D2R Magic Find Breakpoint Formula 

This is the formula that is used to calculate your effective magic find in the game's code:

  • X = (MF x Y) / (MF + Y)

  • X = Effective Magic Find (this is one of the numbers that the game uses in the item drop process to determine the rarity of the item that's being dropped)

  • MF = Magic Find from all gear and charms (your actual magic find the magic find added up from all of your gear)

  • Y = Items Factor (Uniques = 250, Sets = 500, Rares = 600)

For magic items, effective magic find is equal to the magic find added up from all of your gear

Now let's do some sample calculations to help clarify this a little bit further:

Example 1:

Let's say, we have 445 MF, this is the MF added up from all our gear and charms, this goes in the place of MF in the formula:

MF (MF from gear/charms) = 445

Y (Item Factor) = 250

X = (445 X 250) / (445 + 250)

X = 160.7

After Truncation X = 160

The item factor for unique items is 250, this goes in place of Y, solve for X and we get 160.7 Effective Magic Find Once this number is calculated, the game will truncate the trailing numbers after the decimal point - truncate means to cut off, so we'll be left with a total of 160 EMF.

Example 2:

Now let's do this for a different magic find amount, let's say we have 453 magic prime from all our gear and charms this time this will go in place of Effective Magic Find once again. We will still be searching for unique items so the item factor is still 250, perform the calculation and we get 161.09., just like the previous example the .09 is truncated and we get a total Effective Magic Find of 161.

MF (MF from gear/charms) = 453

Y (Item Factor) = 250

X = (453 X 250) / (453 + 250)

X = 161.09

After Truncation X = 161

Some of you maybe already see why these magic find breakpoints are created and it's because of the truncation after the decimal points. Since we can only add magic find in whole numbers like adding five or six or seven MF at a time, we were as close to having the Effective Magic Find be a whole number as possible. In example 1, 160.07 is as close to 160 as we can get while adding multiples of one magic find at a time, the same goes for the second example. 

Example 3:

To make this a little clearer if we used 444.5 MF which is only half an MF less than the first example, our EMF value would be 160.00 before it's truncated. Like we stated earlier, we can only add values of one magic find at a time so having 444.5 mf is not possible. Therefore we can have either 444 and 445 MF in the first case or 452 and 453 MF in the second case.

MF (MF from gear/charms) = 444.5

Y (Item Factor) = 250

X = 444.5 X 250) / 444.5 + 250)

X = 160.00, before truncation

Some of you may already see how these breakpoints are created and it is because of this truncation after the decimal point.

Example 4:

This time let's use 452 MF and sub in for all the variables again and we get 160.96 EMF:

MF (MF from gear/charms) = 452

Y (Item Factor) = 250

X = 452 X 250) / 452 + 250)

X = 160.96

After Truncation X = 160

You may be thinking well it's so close to 161, it just rounds up right? No, what you were taught in elementary school does not apply to Diablo like in previous calculations, this one is no different the 0.96 is truncated and our resulting EMF is only 160.

Now, what can we take away from doing all these calculations, well even though in the previous case we were running at 452 MF, we concluded that we are actually hitting the same emf value as if we were only running with 445 magic find?  To put it simply, adding an additional seven magic finds to our character will still result in the same EMF of 160.

Diablo 2 Resurrected Magic Find Breakpoints

Unique EMF (MF Breakpoint)  /  Magic Find (From Gear)

0 / 0

1 / 2

2 / 3

3 / 4

4 / 5

5 / 6

6 / 7

7 / 8

8 / 9

9 / 10

10 / 11

11 / 12

12 / 13

13 / 14

14 / 15

15 / 16

16 / 18

17 / 19

18 / 20

19 / 21

20 / 22

21 / 23

22 / 25

23 / 26

24 / 27

25 / 28

26 / 30

27 / 31

28 / 32

29 / 33

30 / 35

31 / 36

32 / 37

33 / 39

34 / 40

35 / 41

36 / 43

37 / 44

38 / 45

39 / 47

40 / 48

41 / 50

42 / 51

43 / 52

44 / 54

45 / 55

46 / 57

47 / 58

48 / 60

49 / 61

50 / 63

51 / 65

52 / 66

53 / 68

54 / 69

55 / 71

56 / 73

57 / 74

58 / 76

59 / 78

60 / 79

61 / 81

62 / 83

63 / 85

64 / 87

65 / 88

66 / 90

67 / 92

68 / 94

69 / 96

70 / 98

71 / 100

72 / 102

73 / 104

74 / 106

75 / 108

76 / 110

77 / 112

78 / 114

79 / 116

80 / 118

81 / 120

82 / 123

83 / 125

84 / 127

85 / 129

86 / 132

87 / 134

88 / 136

89 / 139

90 / 141

91 / 144

92 / 146

93 / 149

94 / 151

95 / 154

96 / 156

97 / 159

98 / 162

99 / 164

100 / 167

101 / 170

102 / 173

103 / 176

104 / 179

105 / 182

106 / 185

107 / 188

108 / 191

109 / 194

110 / 197

111 / 200

112 / 203

113 / 207

114 / 210

115 / 213

116 / 217

117 / 220

118 / 224

119 / 228

120 / 231

121 / 235

122 / 239

123 / 243

124 / 247

125 / 250

126 / 255

127 / 259

128 / 263

129 / 267

130 / 271

131 / 276

132 / 280

133 / 285

134 / 289

135 / 294

136 / 299

137 / 304

138 / 309

139 / 314

140 / 319

141 / 324

142 / 329

143 / 335

144 / 340

145 / 346

146 / 351

147 / 357

148 / 363

149 / 369

150 / 375

151 / 382

152 / 388

153 / 395

154 / 402

155 / 408

156 / 415

157 / 423

158 / 430

159 / 437

160 / 445

161 / 453

162 / 461

163 / 469

164 / 477

165 / 486

166 / 495

167 / 504

168 / 513

169 / 522

170 / 532

171 / 542

172 / 552

173 / 562

174 / 573

175 / 584

176 / 595

177 / 607

178 / 619

179 / 631

180 / 643

181 / 656

182 / 670

183 / 683

184 / 697

185 / 712

186 / 727

187 / 743

188 / 759

189 / 775

190 / 792

191 / 810

192 / 828

193 / 847

194 / 867

195 / 887

196 / 908

197 / 930

198 / 952

199 / 976

200 / 1000

201 / 1026

202 / 1053

203 / 1080

204 / 1109

205 / 1139

206 / 1171

When people talk about magic find breakpoints, this is what they're talking about. In some cases like what we just saw you can add 6 or 7 MF small charm and it won't actually give you any benefit, this may seem trivial but when we're talking about really optimizing a build, this stuff does matter. That 7 MF small charm could be an rs charm or a max damage ar charm instead, it all comes down to getting the most out of your build as possible.

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