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WOTLK Pre Patch Guide - Release Date & 10 Things You Should Do Before WOTLK Classic Start

8/18/2022 9:52:54 AM

WoW Wrath of the Lich King Pre Patch could happen any second. Today going to give you 10 cheeky tips on how to prepare for the WOTLK Pre Patch today.  We are going to be covering some of the best gold investments to make you a truckload of gold with Pre Patch drops by doing nothing other than just buying stuff off the auction house or selling it for an instant profit, tips to save you hours and hours of time and then some really strange and underrated tips which very weirdly will help you raiding in Wrath of the Lich King Classic.


WOTLK Pre Patch Guide - Release Date & 10 Things You Should Do Before WOTLK Classic Start

Blizzard finally announced the WOTLK Classic Pre Patch, we finally have the actual date when you can start leveling your death knights, when you can start getting prepared for Northrend, and when you can do an inscription. The official WOW WOTLK Pre Patch date is going to August 30. This gives slightly under an entire month until Wrath of the Lich King comes out because Wrath comes out on September 26. But this gives us three weeks to prepare.  Next, we are going to show you 10 things you should do on the WOTLK pre patch release date.

1. Gold Investment

People are obviously going to be re-rolling their professions when Wrath King launches and probably going to be doing it in the pre-patch. This means the price of leveling materials will increase just as it did in the TBC Classic pre-patch. Many people are going to be re-rolling inscriptions, jewel crafting, and engineering. When it comes to doing Wotlk gold investments, we'd always recommend being diverse. Don't just buy 2 000 gems, buy a little here, buy a little there and everywhere. Buy little amounts of different resources and then when the pre-patch drops at least wait like one to three weeks for everything to fully sell. Make sure you don't over-post on the auction house because then you're going to flood the market and drop the price.


Best Things To Buy When WOTLK Pre Patch Drops

-When it comes to the inscription, herbs are required for every single pigment that is required obviously to create inks which is required to level up your inscription skill. The best thing you can do is to buy herbs for all of the different pigments. Every single type of cloth is obviously going to bump up in the pre-patch too. -You probably only want to buy like mageweave, runecloth and silk cloth. But all of these are actually required for leveling many different professions and obviously tailoring and obviously, people always need bags.

-Mote of fire will probably bump up a little bit too because it's needed for leveling engineering and people will be wanting certain crafted gear pieces for their boosted characters.

-Remember all of our different gems will also bump up too. So anything from a low level like shadowgem, star ruby, and then obviously the cheap outland gems like the golden draenite and then all the different colors. All of the raw ores and smelted bars will go up too, so buy a mixture of them especially silver bars because they're required for jewel crafting and engineering. 

- And obviously stones although they are quite cheap normally. You can probably get a little bit of a profit from just buying the stones.


2. Burn Your Badges For Gold

If you're still raiding right now or just doing bits and bobs in the game and getting obviously your badges of justice and you have absolutely nothing to spend them on when it comes to gear. Then you want to be buying gems and selling them. Every day we get closer to Wrath, they are going to get cheaper and cheaper. This is because fewer and fewer guilds are raiding somewhere because obviously, it's too hard for them. There's less demand for these gems, so get these badges turned into gems and turn into gold as soon as possible.

Closer to the pre-patch, we never vortexes will probably bump up. Because people will want to make aoe gear for the boosted characters of their death knights. However, this is a little bit of a risky investment because it relies on a small percentage of a player base who players who will go forever effort of gearing up their death knights and boosted characters with purchasable gear. Whenever you have badges enough badges to buy a gem, get it bought, get it sold.


3. Get Titles

When Classic Wrath of the Lich King Pre Patch event drops, there are a number of things that just going to totally be deleted from the game. For instance all of the raiding titles in TBC. These titles are rewarded for completing the raid achievement quest lines, you can still go and get these titles by completing the quest lines even though you don't technically need to do that anymore to get attuned. But they will be removed when that patch 3.0 drops, so get them while you can because you won't be able to ever get them ever again.


4. Get Amani War Bear

Another one to mention is the Amani War Bear. This totally gets removed as well in Wrath of the Lich King. So get that mount while you can.


5. Get A Set For Particular Class From Naxxramas

Probably this is one of the most underrated things in the WOTLK prepatch. Obviously right now on the ptr, we know for an absolute fact for the old Naxxramas you can't even get into it anymore. Now the two-piece for the druid has a chance to regenerate on your rejuvenates when it's on a target 60 mana, 8 energy, or 2 rage of a target. Now the manual regeneration is obviously crap. But the 8 energy and 2 rage is actually pretty decent to put onto a rogue, warrior, or other druids.

This is a very try-hard min max tip, it's not absolutely essential that you do this. But it goes very well with a new resto druid talent called revitalize. This causes your rejuvenation wild growth to have a 15% chance to restore 8 energy, 4 rages or 1% mana or 16 runic power, etc. So these effects obviously start quite well and when you're at a point where you don't really need healing gear anymore to progress through the red. You can just go sweaty DPS mode sinking all of your time and resources into getting better passes for your raid, then it's not a bad tip.


6. Honor Farming

There are not many people who realize this, but you can farm level 80 PVP gear. If you've got nothing else to do, then you may as well do it. Or however you have in TBC class, it will be carried over all the way even up to a level 80 plus marks of honor can be converted into more honor during the pre-patch after you hit that cap. Because obviously the cap is 75k, but then you can get an extra 74k with these bg marks and that's a total of 149 000 honor. By level 80, you will easily get a good PVP weapon which will even be useful probably for PvE if you don't pick up something lucky from heroic dungeons. If you have a PVP gear, then you probably get half a gear found before you even level 80. That means you'll save a few bob because you won't have to buy saronite PVP gear pieces. 

One very important fact to know is that epic flying is actually cheaper in the pre-patch and this should be based on your frauma or honor hold reputation when you are exalted you get a total of 20% discount. So it goes down to 4k and also the amounts are dramatically cheaper too. If you're exalted with honor hold on frauma and don't have it epic mountain yet, then just wait for the pre-patch because it's going to be like 1k cheaper. Anyone thinking of buying runecloth to get their boosted character or death knight exalted to reduce the cost, obviously might be taking a risk because they might change it.

You’d better wait until pre-patch hits and then farm the cloth, since it's so easy to farm runecloth and then you'll make some gold while you're farming the runecloth too. If you want to take the risk, then go ahead and get the runecloth all bolted up. To get your death knight or your booster character exalted straight away to save a little bit of gold on your epic flying. But obviously depending on server economies, you might not actually save any gold. So make sure to calculate that properly now.


7. Prepare For your Death Knight

You can prepare items for your death knight so that it can instantly turn in quests because certain quests don't actually require quest items. This is because certain quests require items that you can farm in the open world to very simply buy at a free auction house. When you are level 58, the XP is totally nerfed from these quests because they technically are low-level 50 quests. Most people actually going to leave the starting area at level 59 in the pre-patch because XP buff. By then if you turn the Leopold quest, you'll get like free XP, it really isn't worth doing. Since most optimal brews would recommend for you to go to blasted lands later, you could even be like level 60 low 61. At that point, they actually won't give an XP, so it's not going to work.

When XP buff isn't active then, you can go and get those items. If you get that level 58, you can still get 12k experience, but requests at light tote chapel are much juicier for like over 50k unbuffed and you can easily lock them by getting friendly with the argent dawn. All you have to do is a couple of quests like the Cauldron quests. Another thing to do that is definitely worth it, it gives a truckload of XP is the cloth turnings at every single major city. Only really worth doing though if you haven't managed to port you around. If you want to go even sweatier, you can go to silla first. Because you can get loads of free quest turnings there when you unlock scenario expedition at friendly reputation. However, it's not really worth doing unless you get someone to summon you there.


8. Engineering Tips

Since Jeeves shouldn't be available at launch, the TBC repair box will still be pretty useful. What you can do is kill two birds with one stone. When you're at level 375, you can continue to craft repair bots all the way to 380 and then get 25 repair bots along the way. Rather than spending extra gold on Northrend materials, so then you can use any northern materials that you acquire while leveling later on in your engineering leveling journey. Because you're essentially getting 5 skill-ups for free with TBC materials. Now you can work on unlocking certain achievements right now before a pre-patch even happens. One thing to remember guys is loot in your bags equals achievements. Some people have been complaining on the beta that their characters didn't get certain classic raid achievements, even though they know for a fact they killed the last boss in that particular raid ages ago in Classic Wow. To prevent any issues like this from happening, do not delete any epic gear that you got from the last boss of a raid. That will secure your achievement of defeating that raid.

The same goes for any other achievements that aren't related to raids. Remember they are normally tied to a particular item. If you know there's an item that's going to give you an achievement, keep that item for when the pre-patch drops. Obviously, apart from that, there are titles you can farm. The exalted is 40 exalted repetitions or you can even farm the 50 mounts for the Albino Drake achievement. On your main character, check your character screen, you don't have all your weapon skills leveled up all the way to max level. Because your base and slot weapons for the whole x-back were the exact same type of weapon.


9. Leveling in Wrath of the Lick King

When you're leveling or you're farming heroics, you'll likely pick up upgrades or very different many weapon types. It's going to be really bad if you still have your axis skill for instance lower than 100 because then you can't really take advantage of that upgrade until you've got your weapon score leveled up. If you're still leveling, then you have to spend like ages getting your weapon skill leveled up or doing crappy noodle damage for like an hour or two getting that weapon skill ground. This is how you level weapon skills ridiculously fast in the game. First of all, you get the fastest weapon that you can possibly can. 

Then stack intellect gear, cheap intellect gear like green gear. Getting to let food get scrolls of intellect because this speeds up the rate that your weapon skills actually increase. When you start getting closer to that cap, it takes ages and ages for the last few skill points to go up. But when you stack intellect gear, they will absolutely fly by. Also, it's worth doing is save you a truckload of time and then get any buffs that speed up your attack speed. Get a death knight in a party or a shaman in the party for ice talons or wind fury obviously use slice and dice. Don't just sit there auto-attacking your rogue, actually keep slice and dice up, and then obviously you can do things like bloodlust. 

Then go to blasted lands and attack the Servant of Servant at dreadmore hold. This guy will not die, so you can just grind your weapon skill on it pretty simply. Then don't just leave your character to auto attack you should be spamming cheap to use abilities like sinister strike or even hamstring because every other melee attack will count as another melee swing. So we will grind up that skill faster. For the warrior, the more your hamstring, you might go to proc effects like a warrior's flurry which is a little buffer that increases your attack speed.


10. Use Abilities That Will Keep You Alive

Because then you have to reset or what you can do is get a tank to just like sit there and tank it and you shouldn't really take any damage. The collection tab will also be here in a pre-patch. This means you don't have to keep your pets in your bag anymore because you just click them and then they become bound to your character and then they'll appear on your collection screen. But achievements and stuff aren't account-wide. So if you want to collect loads of pets on a single character to get certain achievements, but obviously you want to pull all of the non-soul bound pets onto one character. As a little bonus, there is actually a pet that only drops in a pre-patch event for Wrath of the Lich King from the boss in karazhan. So you obviously want to get that while you can.

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