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Elden Ring 1.06 Fastest Rune Farm: Best Glitches & Locations To Farm Million Runes After Patch

8/18/2022 5:13:54 PM

In this Elden Ring 1.06 Rune Farm Guide, we go over the fastest rune farming methods (including glitches, exploits, and spots) after patch 1.06!

Elden Ring 1.06 Run Farm Guide: Top 5 Glitches & Exploits To Farm Million of Runes in 30s

After the Elden Ring 1.06 update, now we have a bunch of new awesome rune farms which will get you rich quite quickly and allow you to just level up incredibly quickly without the house of having to kill stuff. If you are wondering what are the best methods to farm Elden Ring runes excluding going into the region, this Elden Ring 1.06 Rune Farming Guide is for you, featuring the best glitches and exploits to farm millions of runes in seconds!

1. Early Rune Farm Spot: South of Mistwood Ruins (East of Lingrave)

This is one of the earlier rune experts you can actually go ahead and take advantage of and it being near Mistwood Runis in the east of Lingrave, you have to first kill the big horse-boss Starscourge Radahn to unlock this area, because the Metro is going to hit the ground here and make these floating rocks here.

  • - Come to this location and make your way down into the crater, there's going to be a bunch of platforms you have to jump on, but you're going to be jumping just on the first one 

  • - As you are on the first one, you're going to turn around and then run it towards this waterfall here

  • - Go proceed to do a single jump and then a double jump into the waterfall, you're going to land on some invisible rocks 

  • - When you are in this spot here you're going to run to the wood in this direction, but be careful because you can't really see much and you have to guess the way you're going

  • - Go right to the edge of this cliff here and proceed to do a single jump then a double jump off of the cliff starts doing your sword

  • - Within like 30 to 40 seconds, you are going to receive a bunch of runes

Now you aren't going to be gaining like hundreds of thousands of runes purely because you are in sort of like one of the first areas in the game, so the enemies here are usually quite easy to kill, so therefore you won't be gaining that many rules, but still it is a useful method if you are early on in the game. After you get those runes you can just simply open up your map and teleport back to the original rest point and rinse and repeat this.

2. Boulder Rune Farm Exploit Spot: Lenne's Rise

Now moving on to a second rune farm, we are going to be checking out the boulder method which still works the same way it used to work, you know it never got tweaked and never got changed. This is more of a farm rather than an exploit, but it is a very simply rune farm glitch, all we have to do is as follows:

  • - Heading over to the Lenne's Rise location in the upper world red zone, it is that will church here.

  • - Once you get here, you want to make sure that you activate this rest point because it's very important.

  • - Jump on your horse or run down a little like hill here, you're going to get the soul and then there's going to be a bonus point you're going to just quickly jump to the side and miss the boulder it's going to fall off the cliff at Greyoll's Dragonbarrow. 

  • - As a reward depending on your playthrough, you're going to be getting between 1500 to 5 000 runes.

Now again this is a legit farm and not an exploit, so you are going to be able to do this very early on in the game. It is very simple, you can just teleport back to the top of the hill and then run back down, the rock is going to respawn and you can form this. And also make sure you're doing it at night because you can't get that magical rock with the eyeballs that glow that spawns in and that's going to give you.

3. Jump Cliff Rune Farm Spot: Giant's Gravepost

Here now we are going to be heading over into the snow area - sort of like where the chain bridge is the massive chain that we usually go across:

  • - Progress through the game but you're going to come to this rest point at Flame Peak

  • - Then simply just going to run to the right side over the edge 

  • - Jump on top of this rock here and then proceed to do a single jump

  • - Now this time you have to do a delayed jump because you have to jump a little bit further with the first jump

  • - After like 1 second or 1.5 seconds, proceed to do the second double jump

  • - Then simply stop swinging your sword after little wire 

  • - Once again you are going to get a bunch of runes 

Now, this spot here because it's sort of like the higher tier area, you are going to be gaining upwards of a hundred thousand runes per jump, and of course, don't forget to have a golden pick with foot equipped and the golden sky because bonus runes always benefit you. But you have to just simply open up your map after you receive the runes, teleport back to the rest point and then rinse and repeat that. It's a repeating process that happens whenever you do any of these jumps off a cliff and start swinging your sword type of farm, you are going to teleport back to the original rest point.

4. Bird Rune Farm Spot: Mohgwyn Palace

Let's start off by arriving at the Bird Rune Farm Spot:

  • - From there head towards the north. If you have the teleporter unlocked at the mountaintops, feel free to use that to arrive here. Or if you already have the metal unlocked then you can use that to transport here as well. It's all up to you because of course you are limited if you are a new player and you have not reached the mountaintops, so you most likely want to head over towards the Rose Church and grab that medal. 

  • - Now anyways what you are going to do is we are going to go to the left side because the glitch is actually right here directly on the right side, but first let

  • - Once you are up here claim that Lost Grace, once it has been claimed you will then be at the Dynasty Mausoleum, head towards the north and we are going to then proceed again towards these enemies try to avoid them. 

  • - Once you do get over towards this spot right here so here we are now you'll just want to jump up the cliffs (do not sprint with the horse just jump normally). 

  • - You'll jump from one ledge to the other, just directly jump down one time (do not double jump) and then slash right after you do jump with your mount. 

  • - After 30 to 40 seconds go by, you will then receive the runes, and you can then use additional stuff like the golden foot foul and the golden scarab to just grab more runes.

4. Out of Bounds Rune Farm Spot: Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum

This is an out-of-bounds glitch that's really cool to do, what we want to do is:

  • - Head over towards the boss which is Mohg right here at the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum Location

  • - You'll need Melania's weapon and use the Ashes of War, try to use it twice mid-air so that you land right here on this barrier

  • - Go towards the left then right here, jump on top and then jump on top right here 

  • - Use the ashes of war once more and now you're completely out of bounds 

Now there's a little bit to explore because you get to see certain parts and the map kind of unloads as well, if you look down below there's the cave system that is located right underneath the Mohg boss room. From here you can actually use the offhand swap glitch to proceed forward and go just a little bit more. 

Here you go, you can get right on top of here and explore, there's absolutely a way to get downwards onto the cave system. But once you get up to here, it will look like you know there's nothing you can walk on because the map sort of unloaded but you still can explore quite a lot. Here's the area that is an open space.

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