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WOW TBC Classic Guide - 24 Tips For New Players In WOW Classic TBC

7/28/2022 2:57:57 PM

There's a huge demographic of new players joining the WOW TBC Classic every day, but there are also a lot of players that return to WoW after a long hiatus every day too, and you might be in one camp or the other.  If you're a new or returning player to Classic TBC, here are 25 tips for you.

WOW TBC Classic Guide - 24 Tips For New Players In WOW Classic TBC 

1. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Serve type 

Alright to start off, the first thing you're going to be presented with as a new player is the server list, unlike in Shadowlands, or newer expansions, picking the right server is important, so first off whatever you do always pick a server that says high or full on the population tab, and second, choose the right type of server for you, Normal, PvP, or RP. A normal server means you can't get attacked by players of the opposite faction unless you intentionally turn on PvP or step in a zone of the opposite faction, Stormwind if you're horde or Orgrimmar if you're alliance. A PvP server means that, outside of your faction zones, you're prone to get attacked by the opposite faction at any moment's notice, choose this type if you like PvP a lot and you want to add a layer of danger to the game. And finally, RP servers are the same as normal servers but with added roleplaying rules and stricter character naming enforcement, basically servers to RP in, there's also an RP PvP server. If you already started leveling in a server and you didn't know about these server types and you want to change now, you can always buy a server transfer if you want or wait for Blizzard to make them available for free for limited periods, or obviously, you can make a new character altogether. 

2. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Character boosts 

Speaking of microtransactions, Classic TBC introduced character boosts, if you want to skip leveling from 1 to 58 you can buy one character boost for one character only on your account, this will put you at level 58, ready to get into Outland, give you a full green set of gear and a slow mount to ride with. Personally recommend not buying a boost right away, get to level 10 first, have a feel for your class, make sure it's the class you want to spend the boost on and then buy it if you want. 

3. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Authenticator for bag slots 

Authenticators, put one on your account as soon as possible, not only is that gonna make your account more secure, but it's also going to give you 4 free bag slots, which is an incredibly useful thing to have, especially at lower levels, to put an authenticator on your account go to your account settings, enable the feature then download the app on your phone, link it and you're set. 

4. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Important setting 

There are a lot of settings in World of Warcraft, the most important ones that you should turn on or change from their default state. Auto loot, Instant Quest Text, Target of Target and Max camera distance are all straightforward settings that you should always have on to save time and make your gameplay a little bit smoother. Once you start running out of real estate for putting spells and wow tbc classic items on your action bar, you can enable more action bars in the settings too.

5. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Enemy nameplates

Another very important option to turn on, which isn't actually on the settings menu is enemy nameplates, this will allow you to see enemies through walls if you're close enough or target them more easily if there's a lot around you, the default key to enable this is V, so make sure it's turned on, and then also very important, make sure the nameplate distance slider in the settings of the game is turned all the way, that way you'll see nameplates from way further. 

6. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Grey nameplates

Speaking of nameplates, if the nameplate of an enemy is grey, this means that that enemy has been attacked, or what is commonly called tagged, by another player which isn't in your group.

So this means any items that the enemy drops will by looted by the player that tagged it, and this also means any quest credit associated with that mob will also go to the player that tagged it, so you have no incentive to kill a mob that has a grey nameplate really unless you want to help another player.

7. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Move portraits 

By default, your portrait and the enemy's portrait are at the top left of the screen, this isn't always the best place to have portraits tho, especially with how big modern monitors are nowadays, so you can unlock your portrait and the enemy's portrait and move them somewhere closer to your action bars and on the middle of your screen, this will make it way easier on you to keep track of your health and your enemy's. 

8. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Abilities and spells 

As you level up you'll unlock new spells, to learn these new spells you need to run to your class trained, you unlock new spells every other level, so level 10, 12, 14 ect. Just remember to always put newer ranks of spells on your bar as you learn them, for some classes like a warrior this is done automatically, but for warlocks or paladins for example it's not, so always update your bar with the newer rank of the spell. 

9. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Weapons skills 

Similar to spells, you have weapon skills, generally, at level 10, you'll have unlocked all the weapon skills you can learn, but you still have to learn them manually by running to a weapon trainer, those can be found in each capital city and different weapon trainers train different weapon skills, you don't need to learn everything at once as that can be costly, but when you get a new weapon type that's red, have a look on Wowhead for example and see if your class can learn that weapon skill and from which city, if it can go and learn it to be able to use that weapon. 

10. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Leveling Addon 

Speaking of Leveling, leveling in Classic or TBC is very different from leveling in retail, nothing is linear and you very much have to search for quests, for this reason, using a leveling guide addon whenever you're leveling, the most popular one players use is Questie, this is very simple, it shows every quest around your level on the map and you just pick them, do them, rince and repeat, but there are some paid leveling addons with additional features out there if you want but they're not necessary, Questie will do the trick. 

11. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Keep things at your level 

To stay on the topic of leveling, when leveling always try to keep the mobs, you're fighting or the quests, you're doing at or around your level, fighting too high-level mobs or doing too high-level quests can be very punishing because of how melee hit and spell hit works in this game, and on the other hand, fighting too low-level mobs or quests is gonna give you too little XP, so try to avoid green or red mobs or quests and always aim for yellow.

12. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Commands

Wow tbc classic has a lot of what call slash commands, just like in any MMO, you do those by typing slash followed by the command of your choice in the chat, and there's a plethora of commands in the game, some more useful than others, but probably the most useful command in the /target command. With this, if you know the name of a mob, you can target it, given it's in your vicinity, even if you can't see it around, this saved me hours worth of hassle and I suggest you use and abuse this as much as possible. 

13. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Macros

Then very much linked to commands are macros, you can access macros by typing the command /macro, and what a macro allows you to do is it lets run a bunch of commands at once by pressing that macro, for example, you can do a /target macro, that way instead of copy-pasting the /target command every time you can just press the macro you made and that will have the same effect, but macros have way more advanced uses that you'll get more familiar with as you become more familiar with the game.

14. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Learn Riding ASAP 

The moment you hit level 30 in TBC, make sure to go to your race's capital city and get your first mount, this mount will increase your running speed by 60% and it's crucial to get it as soon as you can to make your levelling go faster and run away from mobs more easily, although, remember that you can only mount up when out of combat and if you get hit from the back using a mount you're likely to get dismounted and dazed, so always face an enemy if you pull one by mistake or otherwise. 

15. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Meeting stones

Meeting stones in TBC can be found around all dungeon entrances and they can be used to summon other players to you, the only other way to summon other players in the game is to have a warlock that's level 20 or above in your group, which you're not always going to have, so make sure to use summoning stones not only to get your dungeon started quicker but also to summon your friends across to map or to get summoned yourself too. 

16. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Log off in inns 

When you're done for the day with playing WoW, make sure to always log off in an Inn if you can, logging off in inns is important because it fills up what's called rested XP, the longer you stay logged off in an inn the more you build rested XP, and when killing enemies while rested you'll receive twice the amount of XP you would normally get, so always log off in an inn when you're about to go off for the day, also logging off in inns is instead compared to having to wait 30 seconds, which is a plus.

17. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Buy new food and drinks 

Always try to keep your food up to date, in the game, there are new types of food at levels 5, 15, 25, 35 etc, you get it, every 10 levels, so make sure to buy the newer types of food as you reach these milestones. Also remember that you can both eat and drink at the same time, so refill your health and mana at once if you're a mana-using class. 

18. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Professions

Professions, WoW tbc classic offers two types of professions, primary and secondary professions, you can only learn 2 primary professions at once but you can learn all the secondary ones, but there are only three, fishing, cooking and first aid. Don't recommend you bother leveling a profession as you're leveling because that will cost a lot of gold generally unless it's a gathering profession, but I do suggest grabbing first aid, as that's gonna give you a cheap way to heal yourself even in combat. 

19. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Save your gold 

Speaking of wow tbc classic gold, try to avoid spending tbc classic gold as much as possible while leveling, obviously you want to buy your new spells or weapon skills, but even then, try to only buy necessary spells, the reason for this is because you want to save for your mount skills at levels 30, 60 and 70, those are necessary to have as soon as possible and you don't want to be out of wow tbc classic gold once you hit these milestones, so save your wow tbc classic gold as much as possible. 

20. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Talent  tree

Once you hit level 10, you'll unlock the talent tree, talents are important both whiles leveling and at max level, look for a leveling guide for your class and follow the talent tree there, you unlock one talent point every time you level so make sure to spend it asap. 

21. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Flying 

Once you hit max level, make sure to buy flying as soon as possible, if you followed my previous tip you should have more than enough wow tbc classic gold to buy expert riding which costs 1000 gold, and having a flying mount is not only useful to move around but it's also necessary to unlock more content, like certain dungeons only accessible by flying. Also remember that expert flying only goes at 60% speed, so unless there's an obstacle on the way, it's generally faster to use your ground mount which goes at 100%.

22. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Finish all quests 

Also once you hit max level, make sure to finish off all the quests that you haven't done, questie should make it very obvious which ones you skipped, the reason for this is because you get an insane amount of wow tbc classic gold from doing quests at max level, and you'll need wow tbc classic gold once you hit level 70, not only to buy epic flying but also to buy gear pieces and level up your professions, which you should get started on by the way now. And finishing off the quests you haven't done is an easy way to give you a head start on wow tbc classic gold. 

23. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Pre-raid Bis 

Your next goal once you're level 70 is to start chasing your pre-raid bis gear, pre-raid bis or pre-raid best in a slot are the items, outside of raids, that are the strongest for your character, so generally the easiest ones to obtain, so go on Wowhead, search for pre-raid bis list for your class and start doing the easiest things first then move up the list until you have to do heroic dungeons for example.

24. WOW TBC Classic Beginner Tip - Heroic dungeons

Speaking of heroic dungeons, you have normal dungeons and you have heroic versions of those same dungeons, those heroic dungeons will always be tuned for level 70 players and will have harder-hitting mobs and bosses inside, to unlock heroic dungeons you first need to hit revered with the faction associated with that dungeon, but in the future that will be lowered to honored which is way easier to reach. Once you're revered you can buy a key from the quartermaster, and that will allow you to zone into the heroic version of the dungeons associated with that faction.

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