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WOTLK Classic Latest News - Stopping Botting, Changing Raid Lockouts, Removing Dungeon & More!

6/1/2022 4:58:32 PM

Today, taking a look at Wrath of the Lich King Classic News, an interview with Brian Birmingham from the Classic WoW Team where they talked about really interesting topics regarding Wrath Classic, answering many questions. The community has for Wrath, exactly what's happening will probably become more and more clear throughout the Wrath Classic Beta, but at least these questions & answers give us an indication of what they want to do and which direction they want to go. 

WOTLK Classic Latest News - Stopping Botting, Changing Raid Lockouts, Removing Dungeon & More! 

WOTLK Classic - Stopping Botting

Question: Death Knights being able to be created without requiring a level 55 character, unfortunately, means bot accounts will be able to start at level 55 and can make the botting issue worse. 

Is the team aware of this possibility? 

Are there any measures to crack down on botting in Wrath Classic? 

Brian Birmingham's answer: We are, and it's one of the reasons you can only make one Death Knight without the restrictions. To create a situation where you suddenly have an army of farming alts on realms all over the region. 

- Player reports of botters seen in the world are one of the things that help us track them down, and an improving right-click reporting system going into modern World of Warcraft now, which will be in Wrath of the Lich King Classic as well. 

- The new system is intended to standardize the categories you report people for, so it’s easier to track a report of botting versus cheating of a different kind. It’ll capture some additional information automatically as well that’s meant for helping us to work on it at the scale that the problem occurs. 

WOTLK Classic - Dungeon Farming Bots

Dungeon Farming Bots are and always have been a problem and cannot really be reported by people as you cannot right-click report them in many cases, with modern methods of logging out, you can even reset the instance from inside the instance. You never have to exit the instance, making bots incredibly difficult to find, unless you actively look for them and literally track them over time. Hire more active game masters to actively monitor and moderate their game, as well as have some active monitoring on players who purchase boosts, and most botters are buying those boosts. 

It's in their best economical interest to do as little as possible when it comes to the botting situation, it costs money to hire people and fix the issue, and they are literally losing subscription revenue from those bots, so they are spending money to lose money. 

Question: It was mentioned in a Tweet that Dual Talent Specialization will be in Wrath Classic, but with restrictions.

Can you elaborate on these restrictions and why does the team feel it needs to be restricted? 

Brian Birmingham's Answer: No longer considering any new restrictions beyond what was originally part of the feature. You won’t be able to change specs in combat, or during a battleground or arena match, and it’ll have a cast time and empty your resources so that it’s not something you do on a whim. 

WOTLK Classic - Changing Raid Lockouts

The next topic, Changing Raid Lockouts in Wrath of the Lich King Classic! 

Question: The team talked about possibly changing the raid lockout to reduce the amount of times players feel obligated to run the same raid instance in a given week. The issue with this is the available loot across the different raid difficulties/sizes is vastly different, how will the team address this? 

Brian Birmingham's Answer: The idea of changing the raid lockout came out of some negative memories of running Trial of the Crusader four times a week, and that’s where the problem is most apparent. It meant that players stopped running Ulduar prematurely, replacing it entirely with various configurations of Trial of the Crusader. 

That was caused both by having access to all four difficulties each week, and the fact that even the 10-person Normal gear from Trial of the Crusader was better than almost anything from Ulduar. The dramatic acceleration of gear in Trial of the Crusader also led directly to some of the problems described by developers at the time, such as “Chill of the Throne” in Icecrown. 

At a minimum, to have normal and heroic modes share a lockout, but heroic modes don’t exist until Trial of the Crusader. Try to make them activatable hard-modes like Ulduar was, that would inherently make them share a lock-out as they did in Ulduar. 

Hearing feedback on the topic. Having multiple difficulties with the same raid was new in Wrath of the Lich King, and as a result, tried lots of things with raid lockouts throughout the course of the expansion and the ones that followed. It to be the same system, throughout instead of having it change patch-to-patch like it did in the original release.

Question: One of the most exciting aspects of the upcoming TBC Phase 5 is the pre-nerf boss encounters in the Sunwell Plateau. 

Is this a trend that will carry on to Wrath of the Lich King Classic and can players expect pre-nerf encounters for each raid? 

Brian Birmingham's Answer: In Burning Crusade, a lot of the encounters, especially in the early part of the game, was launched in an incredibly difficult state, and then later nerfed deliberately to allow players to catch up. 

The pre-nerf difficulties, it would have felt like a big miss for that expansion to skip the harder versions of the bosses. That wasn’t the case as much with Wrath of the Lich King. There just weren't as many “catch-up” nerfs outside of a few outliers,  such as health nerfs in Naxxramas and direct skips to Sapphiron and Kel’Thuzad. 

To review those outliers and see if it makes sense to ship those in their original state, but it’s not something we plan to build a pre/post system around this time, since there aren’t as many noteworthy changes as there were in Burning Crusade. On the other hand, looking forward to the original progressive nerf-aura that got stronger each week in Icecrown Citadel. 

You were originally able to talk to an NPC to remove the progressive nerf aura entirely, and one thing to consider is making the number of stacks selectable, so if your group wants to try it with a little less of a nerf each week, you can tune it down a bit at a time until it reaches its most powerful form. 

WOTLK Classic Removing Dungeon 

Question: One of the hot buttons issues amongst the community is the removal of dungeon finder. One of the central pieces of the conversation is what happens to Emblems if Dungeon Finder is removed, what type of system is the team considering to help with LFG Chat, and lastly, would Dungeon Finder be okay if it wasn't cross-realm? Can you share any information on the topic? 

Brian Birmingham's Answer: First, to emphasize that goal is to provide a tool that makes it easy to find groups, without sacrificing human-to-human interaction. World of Warcraft has had numerous versions of the group finding tools over the years, and there are lessons that can learn from all of them, including Random Dungeon Finder. 

Looking at the modern World of Warcraft's Premade Group Finder and Burning Crusade Classic's Looking For Group tool for inspiration and ideas. 

Looking first at the modern tools, the inviting and streamlined UI flow that helps you find the activity you're looking for. It makes sense to declare your role in the group, it's clear which roles you already have and what you’re still looking for, and probably borrow those ideas. 

But as you alluded to, cross-realm grouping is one of the concerns with modern tools. When you’re unlikely to see your groupmates again, it can make your interaction feel more transactional, which can inadvertently encourage other negative social behaviours. With the Burning Crusade Classic tool, one thing is that you can advertise your availability without signing up to organize the group. Some players really like engaging with the grouping tool that way, so to support that behaviour as well. The biggest problem with Burning Crusade’s tool is just that it’s not widely used, to make it more enticing by streamlining its interface or adding an incentive to try it. 

WOTLK Classic Emblems

It's important to remember that Emblems dropped from bosses in both dungeons and raids throughout Wrath of the Lich King. Prior to the introduction of Dungeon Finder in patch 3.3, there was also a daily quest targeting a specific dungeon that awarded bonus emblems, which is what the Random Dungeon Finder bonus replaced. Currently planning to restore that daily quest bonus. 

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