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WOTLK Classic Best Arena Comps - Wrath of the Lich King 2v2 & 3v3 Arena Tier List

7/1/2022 9:51:18 AM

What do you think will be the best arena comp in Wrath of the Lich King? Today we talk about the best WOTLK Classic arena comps in 2v2 and 3v3. So that you should have a great idea of which team comps will be the strongest in Wrath of the Lich King. 


WOTLK Classic Best Arena Comps - Wrath of the Lich King 2v2 & 3v3 Arena Tier List

The beauty of Wrath is that everybody got buffed and anything can work. If you have a comp that you're really passionate about and you know inside and out, you can probably beat even the meta arena comps on our Wrath of the Lich King arena rankings. Don't overthink this, just play what you want to play and have as much fun as possible. Now, let’s check Wotlk arena comp tier list for both 2v2 and 3v3.

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WOTLK 2v2 Arena Tier List

No. 5 Warlock Wotlk + Shaman

In Wrath, shamans get some very solid buffs which make them much stronger in arenas. Wind shear is a crazy strong range interrupt on a 6-second cooldown and you get hex which is a strong polymorph type effect plus resto shaman goes perfect with affliction warlock. You have completely insane damage to go with great control and so many interrupts. Plus you have all your totems like tremor totem and grounding totem to counter spell cast. You're always only one cc chain away from a win. 


No. 4 Ret Paladins + Any Class

Ret paladins are the perfect DPS support class in WOTLK. Therefore they can pair with everything. Ret paladin is really broken in Wrath, they have so much utility with things like hand-up protection and blessing of freedom, plus they have the new talent art of war for instant offios. Don't forget those sacrifices and magic and poison dispels too. Rets go amazingly well with hunters, they go great with rogues, they pump with mages, and they pair fine with any healer. If you can think of a class to pair well with ret paladin, it's probably going to win more often than not.


No.3 Disc Priest + Feral

This is one of the best Wrath of the Lich King arena comps PVP that has an incredible ability to stay on target with infected wounds. You also get predatory strikes which give you instant cast cyclones for near-constant crowd control. This is a tanky defensive comp with every annoying spell you can think of. Don't forget that the priest has dispells and mana burns which he'll happily be using on cooldown. In TBC, this comp was rarely played. But now expect to see a lot of very annoying druid priest teams.


No.2 Shadow Priest + Rouge

If you hated playing against shadow priest rogue and TBC, this is a whole new animal. Shadow priests are a lot stronger now and pair even better with rogue than they did in TBC. This Classic Wotlk arena comp has some of the highest burst damage in the game since it's essentially double DPS. But the shadow priest is also a lot tankier now. You have dispersion which is a very strong 90% damage reduction ability for 6 seconds every 2 minutes. Meanwhile, psychic horror is a great new shadow priest ability that causes the target to drop their weapon for 10 seconds. Perfect for extending the game and keeping your team alive or preventing some enemy peels, so you can end the game quickly.


No.1 Holy Paladin + Warrior

Arms warrior plus holy paladin is the unstoppable killing machine and the best arena comps 2v2 in Wrath of the Lich King. This will be at least 30% of the latter in Wrath Classic. You take buffed warriors with every quality of life change they can dream of and then you add in holy paladins at their peak most overpowered state. Keeping the warriors free to hit anything and everything. Speaking of holy paladins, holy paladin is unbelievably buffed in Wrath. Beacon of light duplicates heals on the target while the sacred shield is a ridiculous buff that absorbs 500 damage every time the target is hit and scales with spell power. This ability alone makes it so difficult for teams without purges to deal with paladins. Meanwhile, divine plea gives you a mini innervate similar to druids with 25% total mana for 15 seconds every minute. 


WOTLK 3v3 Arena Tier List

No.5 Ret Paladin + Hunter + Priest

You get all the amazing damage utility and off healing from the paladin. Meanwhile the hunter now basically has freedom in the form of a master's call and of course instant mortal strike from aimed shot and the disc priest gets to enjoy a relaxing game of dispelling targets and mana burning anybody he wants to. With so much cc from the hunter and overall high comp utility, this comp will never be easy to play against.


No.4 Shadow Priest + Mage + Shaman

This comp has completely insane burst damage plus very high utility. You get all of the new shaman toys like hex and wind shear plus psychic horror adds additional defensiveness. Plus you have multiple offensive purges from the priest and the shaman to keep targets clean. And the mage can even slow down those pesky warriors that you'll be seeing practically every game. This is a very high-skill comp that can beat anybody, but it'll be reliant on a top top-notch mage and shaman.


No.3 Warlock + Shaman + Druid

This comp has ridiculous single target bursts from the shaman and the warlock. The cc chains are horrifying with fears, hexes, cyclones, and entangling roots. It's just the worst. Why isn't this comp rank number one you might ask, well it has a very high skill ceiling, so definitely expect some rank one versions to pop up on the ladder. But at lower mmrs, this comp will be farmed by the high damage easy-to-play comps.


No.2 Warrior + Death Knight + Holy Paladin

This comp has the highest damage of any of the comps on single targets. Plus this comp will be far and away from the most popular in most mmr brackets. This comp is relatively easy to pick up and play. You just stick on a target and kill them in a matter of seconds. If you want a solid comparison to this comp, imagine the threes comps of TBC with shamans, paladins, and warriors. Now imagine a team with more damage, more utility, and 3 plate wearers instead of that squishy enhancement shaman.


No.1 Warrior + Ele Shaman + Paladin

Warrior and the holy paladin are already part of the strongest two's comp. So throw in an ele shaman for control, huge range damage, and constantly interrupts. The warrior will be doing whatever he wants all game, while the shaman will be pumping insane damage and interrupting a spell every 6 seconds. Not to mention the ridiculous utility of the holy paladin and the shaman. This is the strongest 3v3 arena comp in Wrath of the Lich King. But that doesn't mean other comps aren't viable and couldn't beat this comp. 


By now you should know the best 2v2 and 3v3 arena comps for Wrath of the Lich King Classic. If you are interested in buying cheap Classic WotLK gold, you can head over to!

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