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WOTLK Best 2v2 Comps - Wrath of The Lich King 2v2 Arena Comp Tier List

8/1/2022 9:23:51 AM

What are the best 2v2 arena comps in Wrath of the Lich King Classic? In this WOTLK 2v2 arena tier list, we are going to find out the best arena comps. We're going to assume that there is no PvE gear involved, just arena gear, honor gear, aoes, and then just a couple of badge pieces. We're going to be covering most of the viable plus specs in Wrath of the Lich King for twos. If you don't see your comp here, it doesn't mean that's not viable.


Wrath of the Lich King Best Arena Comps - WOTLK Classic Arena Tier List 2v2

The arena in Wrath is much more difficult than it is in the Burning Crusade. The most obvious reason why the difficulty increases for Wrath of the Lich King PVP is the fact that every class gets very strong new abilities. This forces you to understand how they function as well as how to counter them directly. On top of that, it adds a lot of depth to the game giving each class more chances to actually survive and generate pressure. Thanks to Apex Analysis, we have the WOLTK best 2v2 comps rankings. It’s great for players who don’t have time or desire to raid or choose alts.


S Tier On Wotlk 2v2 Tier List

Shadow Priest/Frost Mage

This comp is extremely powerful. Shadow with a mage in Wrath has some of the best synergies if not the best synergy in the game. Shadow priests are really short of the weaknesses of mages. The mage can reset ms with the ice blocks and then the cc chains with psychic scream and polymorph. Then you can cover everything with silence. So the mage or priest can go silent and get a full poly or easily get fear out of a root silence or deep freeze. It's just gross synergy and we'll be putting this as the Wotlk best arena comps without any PvE gear.



They're both somewhat gear dependent but not a ton. They will be hurt a bit. However, this comp has such strong synergy even without a mortal strike. It's very powerful even early in the game. They would really like to have the PvE weapon, especially the paladin if they're playing preg. But you can still do well. It’s one of the best Wrath of the Lich King 2v2 comps.


Resto Druid/Lock

This comps very good without gear and neither one is really affected at all. This comp especially at the beginning of Wrath is very strong, it's a little weaker at the end. But is it still the best arena comp in Wrath of the Lich King. Because it's very strong early and without PvE gear, this can do quite well. As retro/locks are insane with their burst. The cc chains you can get with seduction, shadowfairy, fear, death coil, and cyclone are pretty scary.


Resto Sham/Lock

The lock can play either spec. Resto druid/lock variation, the lock pretty much has to be destroyed, they can't do affliction still. But this one you can play either spec and the damage with lust is insane. Neither spec is really hurt by not having PvE gear. This spec is the best WOTLK arena comp for a resto shaman or a warlock in 2v2.



This needs a lot of damage from the hunter during cc chains to execute the kills. The hunter is very good dependent and without that gear, it'll be much harder to get your kills and you're scattered for your traps. However, you do have a lot of ccs. Mana's brain is very powerful. This Classic Wrath of the King 2v2 arena comp is still great.


Shadow Priest/Rogue

This one is not affected a ton by the missing PvE gear, especially the shadow priests. However, their combined synergy as well as the fact that the row can dismantle a dk to prevent death strikes, and do it on a warrior to prevent shield wall will allow them to finish off the heavy plate wearers. As the shadow priest damage is kind of insane and then you also have wound poison and then maybe they're cleaning it, but you still have the 20% ms that comes off the shadow priest's mind blast. This comp is still very good.


A Tier On Wotlk Arena Tier List 2v2


This is still quite strong as the DK needs some PvE gear. But he's nowhere near as hurt by others. Then discipline doesn't really need any PvE gear.


Holy Paladin/DK

Holy paladin/dk has the same story as the disc priest dk. Holy paladin doesn't need much PvE gear. The dk wants it but it doesn't hurt him that much. So we'll be playing this one a little higher than the disc variant on this Classic WOTLK 2v2 arena tier list. Both of them are very good. Although this variant actually will be better later in the game versus the holy value will be a little better early.



This comps is quite powerful and can run over a lot of things. However, the pally is quite your dependent, especially the rogue version. But you can still do very well. However, they will be lacking a lot of the damage needed because they are using no mortal strike. When their damage is lowered, we make it much harder to get that critical mass to finish people. But it's quite strong as dks, in general, are very strong with the pali support.



Enhanced dk this one's quite strong without PvE gear. This was actually a little better than the ret dk variant and can function a little better as purging lets you get through a lot of the issues of not having damage to break-through shields.



This comes very well in general. However losing the armor pin on Farrell's side, he's going to have a lot more trouble killing during cc chains, especially on the plate where you go up against holy paladin warrior, holy paladin dK, ret dk, maybe even shaman dk. It's hard to damage when you don't have those 13 000 bytes, they're going to be much lower. The comp is still great though. As any DPS paired with the healer that's gear-dependent, it's going to suffer a lot in this best Wotlk arena comp list.


Discipline/Frost Mage

This one is not really hurt almost at all. By not having the PvE gear, the mage just hurt just a tiny bit, but this one's very good. It can out cc a holy paladin dk, a disc dk with some good play-around grips, and then take out one of them probably the dk. So that's great as dk is one of the more resilient ones.



Retributions are pretty decently gear dependent. This is going to hurt the comp a bit but it's still good. We'll probably be putting it on the lower end of a tier.


Holy Paladin/Arms Warrior

This comp could be the no.1 on this WOTLK best arena comp tier list. But this hurts massively by not having the PvE gear. Any healer variation where the main DPS is very PvE gear reliant is going to be hurt massively. So we will put it at the tier instead of s tier. Because with no PvE gear, the warriors hit the hardest pretty much in the entire game, or at least maybe the top three specs hit the hardest would be an arms warrior.


Retribution/MM Hunter

These are both very gear independent and a very scary Wrath comp for 2v2. They're going to be hurt quite a bit by not having all the PvE gear. But the added resilience they'll get will help a little bit as they'll be able to do more cc chains without the PvE gear. So still a very good comp, it would probably be losing though to these dks. They could maybe kill the priests variant but the mage can kite a lot. So we put it on the a tier on this WOTLK arena comp rankings.


Arms Warrior/Discipline

Warrior/discipline is actually quite strong. That's the second strongest of the warrior variations. We will be putting the warrior disc a little bit behind the warrior paladin, as the paladin version is much stronger. But the pre-story version is still very good and can do better against some comps that the warrior h pal cannot.


B Tier On Arena Comp Tier List


Ret rogue or pre rogue are both very gear-dependent, a decent comp though. We'll probably put it on the b tier. But definitely strong.



Rogues are extremely gear-dependent. Most of the rogues of priests will be playing sub but they can play assassination. Sub is very geared up in it though. So this one's going to hurt a lot against especially heavy plate wearers. It's also not the strongest comp. However, at the beginning of the game, it is much stronger than it is at the end of Wrath.


C Tier On WOTLK Arena Comps 2V2

C - Ele/Discipline

Ele is not too gear-dependent and neither is discipline. But ele in twos is just not the greatest. We've tried everything to try and get high-rated in twos, but it's just very difficult. Ele does not shine in twos whatsoever, they're also not the best duelers. But in threes and fives battlegrounds, they're amazing. So don't think ele is bad because of this, it's just twos is not their bracket. Finally, this one needs more PvE gear as playing with a healer.



This is not the best Wrath of the Lick King Classic comb in the first place, but it's not terrible.



We will be putting it at the bottom of this WITLK 2V2 arena tier list. Both are pretty gear-dependent. If you don't have an armor pin, it's going to be really hard to kill anyone with plate. Wrath is basically a Wrath of the plate king, so you're going to be doing the plate all the time.


Rogue/Destro Lock

This lock has to be destroyed for this to work. Without the rogue's air p gear, it'll hurt a bit. It's not the best comp in the first place, so we'll be putting it on a lower rank.



Mage/rogue nowhere near as powerful as Burning Crusade. If you have not played Wrath but you're playing this comp in Burning Crusade or playing against it. This comp is significantly worse, it is nothing like it is in Burning Crusade. Their cc drs a lot with each other unlike in Burning Crusade where it's absolutely broken. So this comp we'll be putting quite low as well.


Rogue/Resto Druid

Rogue/ resto druid is a very good comp in TBC Classic. But once again in Wrath is not the greatest. This comps quite bad actually and we'd be putting it at the bottom of the tier list.


Arms Warrior/Resto Druid

This comp is not the best anyway. It can do okay but the warrior missing dispel is huge, so we are going to be placing this one very low. Definitely ahead of the rogue druid variant though. It is nothing like it is in BC, especially where he doesn't have the PV gear.


Arms Warrior/Retribution

This one's not bad, it isn't the greatest though. As dk synergy is much better at the paladin and the warriors typically want to be playing with the healer. So we'll be playing this one on the lower end. They're both hurt by not having the PvE gear.


Arms Warrior/Resto Shaman

This is one of the worst variations for warriors. It's still viable, you can still do okay with it, but it's not like BC. You don't may stun, you don't have a crazy win for your bronx when very just a haze buff now. Huge nerf for warriors. We'll be putting this one pretty low.


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