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New World Summer July Updates & Changes - Game Modes Updates Coming To New World Summer 2022

6/28/2022 7:47:42 PM

Today we bring you a guide covering the update on the game mode changes that we are going to be seeing with the brand new summer update in New World. Massive game mode updates, changes, quality of life improvements which all help to make all these modes much cleaner and more fun to play. 

New World Summer July Updates & Changes 2022 - Game Mode Changes To New World Summer

1. Summer War Updates

- Fort gates now upgrade outside of wars. So basically here what was happening is sometimes they were upgrading during the course of the war and that was causing problems for a whole host of reasons, so that's now fixed. 

- They've also fixed the bug with the siege supply generators not working properly in wars and invasions although this is in the war tab obviously it's framed agents as well. So actually you should be able to correctly repair and upgrade your siege still efficiently important if you're on the attacking side upgrading your siege of course.

- They've done is essentially where you could gain influence at a previous push or a previous iteration of the influence push, so maybe there's been two wars ago where you push towards it to try and get a role on that war. And then three wars later somebody else does it, but you can still roll and declare for that war. That should no longer be the case, this is something we thought was taking out a couple of patches ago but turns out it was still in there for some tiny fuse instances.

2. Summer Invasion Changes

- They fixed an issue causing invasion brutes to stutter when attacking the invasion claim. So now they should properly work so you can actually kill them a little bit easier because the stutter was making them come out of grave walls that sort of thing, so that should be better.

- They've also fixed up some boss AI where they sometimes have their animations stuck when attacking the invasion claim as well. So making this a little bit more consistentand more predictable which is perfect.

- An issue that caused the priest minibus to sometimes spawn facing sideways. A little random thing but now he should spawn the right way. 

3. Outpost Rush Summer Changes

- They've changed the mesh on the protection ward. The ward should now be much more difficult to hit from the outside the fort walls. So essentially they'll have to get inside there in order to be able to hit that.

- Fixed the bug where the gate structures could have separated interact options when destroyed in the middle of an upgrade. So that won't get stuck there for you.

- Fixed the bug where protection was would prevent a capture point’s capture percentage and would return back to zero when built in the middle of a capture. So you could reset the progress from time to time of people's capture points if you then fully built that. So that now has been taken out, so you won't be able to reset people's progress which is good.

- They've also increased the width of most fort stares in the forts and fixed collision issues on the ramparts. Fort should now be smoother to navigate, so essentially the clipping issues that people are having sometimes getting stuck in the stairs or stuck in running animations trying to go up and down them. Particularly when you get hit by cc, that should now be fixed. So these will be a much nicer area to play in as well as this they have nerf the repeaters meaning that they heat up a little bit faster, so you'll have to take a bit more time in between shots and slightly less long bursts of bullets. 

- They've reduced the time that players must wait, prior to repeater, it's losing heat by 10%, so they'll cool down a little bit quicker but you will need to stop shooting a little bit quicker as well because they're going to heat up faster. So the kind of a nerf makes them more bursty rather than just one continuous line of fire and then waiting and then a big long line, it's going to be more burst which is better for the overall flow of the game mode.

- They have sped up the building time off buildables. The minimum build time is now 4s across the board, with the exception of azoth contribution to the corruption portal which remains at 10s. So you can get structures up a little bit quicker and they are leaning towards people using structures a little bit more in outpost rush. 

4. PvP Arenas Summer Updates

This is the newest addition to the gamemodes in Aeternum and a one that a lot of us have had some ups and downs with change the pvp xp, and this is probably one of the most fun modes. What they've done is reworked how consumables work. So the first most important thing is now that you are able to bring in your own consumables into the arena, previously you were given those little blue ones so health part it'd be a regen pot and a mana pot and then you would also get your stat boosting foods and a hearing stone, but the stat boosting foods were only for straight strength, straight constitution and no duels that will splits that food. What they've done now is change it, so you can bring in your own and players are able to use them as they wish without worrying about the costs associated with the consumable. So basically you bring it in, you put it in the hotbar slot which fixes the issue of having to put it in every time which was slightly tedious after you played more than 20 or so matches a day. But you can put those in regularly.

- For example, you come in with 60 health pots, every help but you use during the course of that arena match will not be counted, it just counts it as an infinite one so you'll still be on 60 when you come out of that match. It's the same for all of the consumables whether it's stat boosting food holding stones persians whatever nothing gets used up, it's like an infinite one whilst you are inside that arena.

There's not going to be a limit on how many consumables that you can use or how many types of consumables you can use. Provided that you are in the pvp arena, as long as you have that type of consumable, you'll be able to use it as many times as you want provided that the cool down is up.

With the 3v3 arenas, they've also done some fixes:

- You get the invites from the game world rather than blank players. So it makes it a little bit clearer.

- Passive ability perks are now no longer applied for any player who has died in the arena. So mostly for the healing and the buff ones for things like the fire staff, it means it's a much fairer fight where even when somebody dies.

- Bag perks will now continue to be functional when watching the remainder of the round from the spectator box, so players are not temporarily encumbered yet you see you sometimes get overweight before, now that won't happen when this update comes in. 

- Status effects supplied by consumables within the open world are now saved when entering the arena and restored upon exiting. However, whilst in the arena match, players won’t receive the benefits of these status effects. 

- They've also fixed issues where players would not receive the special arena only consumables if their inventory had too many items. Obviously, that's not going to be a problem now because you're just taking your own.

- They've also made it so that players cannot use any abilities that results in extra survivability to reduce damage from the Arena Ring of Fire.

- Fixed an issue where the “moving to spectator box” message displayed for the last player killed on an enemy team during pvp arenas. If you're the last one up and you die, the team loses.

- Fixed an issue where the pvp arena death notifications didn't state that the ring of fire killed the player. So if you get killed by the ring of fire, you will actually be told that now.

- They fixed various messages that incorrectly referred to wars when trying to leave pvp arenas. Just a nice little cleanup of the ui the interface to make this game mode a lot better.

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