Among the essential elements for your progress in LA, The Astray is probably one of the ships that you will covet sooner or later. We help you understand how to get this extremely fast boat in the blink of an eye.
After reaching level 50 in LA, one of your basic activities will be to perform many activities in power quests. To achieve this, you will need to unlock access to certain items, including the most powerful and efficient ships. The Astray is one of them: it is among the fastest and most resistant in the game!
Obtaining solitaire is among the most challenging in LA since it will take you nearly a month of Una Tasks to achieve the creation of your ship. The objective is rather simple: you have to obtain certain very precise LA items, sometimes in large quantities, in order to be able to manufacture the boat from Belrod at Blackfang's Den.
Here is the exact list of required components:
1x Astray Construction Blueprint
1x Astray Operation Manual
1x Certificate of Pirate
570x Timber
375x Uncommon Ship Parts Material
We detail below how to proceed to obtain each of these components with the exception of Wood which comes naturally from the Felling of trees of all kinds. You can work on getting several of these components at once, so don't waste time doing just one at a time!
The Solitaire Blueprint is a legendary component that can be obtained as a reward from Una's Task called She Drifts, Sea Gifts. This takes place at regular intervals according to your Procyon Compass schedule and requires you to complete a co-op quest with other players in the seas of Arkesia in LA.
Depending on your item level, several are available:
Co-op Sailing: Anich (Item Level 302)
Co-op Sailing: Bern (Item Level 302)
Co-op Sailing: Artheline (Item Level 302)
Co-op Sailing: Rohendel (Item Level 460)
Co-op Sailing: Yorn (Item Level 802)
Co-op Sailing: Punika (Item Level 1302)
You will need to complete this quest 12 times to access the ultimate reputation rewards, including the Astray Construction Blueprint. This Una's Task can be done once per day: don't miss it!
The Astray Operation Manual is arguably one of the most complex parts to obtain. You will need to spend a total of no less than 300,000 Pirate Coins with Navigator Rosa at Blackfang's Den by purchasing the Pirate Star: Astray with LA gold. Once this very expensive acquisition has been made, you can interact with the item you have just purchased to start the eponymous quest Pirate Star: Astray.
You will need a total of 78,100 Affinity experiences from Blacktooth herself to complete this quest. In addition, you will need to have 110 Courage, 110 Charisma, 100 Generosity, and 80 Wisdom to be able to access all Affinity interactions with this NPC. If you don't offer Blackfang's Den the slightest gift and you do all the chants and emotes available for her every day, then the quest will be valid 53 days after you start your farm!
The Certificate of Pirate is by far the easiest part of creating this ship since it only requires you to complete one Una's Task in Blacktooth's Den on a loop. Like almost all of Una's Tasks, it can only be accessed once per day. To access it, you must first have completed the Blacktooth Residence quest on the same island.
The task you covet is called Pest Control and needs to be completed 8 times to reach your final goal: the Certificate of Pirate. You will also get a Vitality Potion along the way!
Last but not least, the last components required to create your ship are Uncommon Ship Parts Materials. These are relatively easy to obtain and require you to obtain components from Slaughtering and Excavation which you then craft into one of the capitals in the game.
Here are the components required to craft the 375 Uncommon Ship Parts Materials you covet (it's important to note that each Uncommon Ship Parts Material crafting process actually creates 15 of these items at once) :
Softwood x200
Solid Wood x75
Heavy Iron Ore x200
Resilient Iron Ore x75
No specific area is recommended for farming these components outside of the Nahun's Domain, accessible through an Entrance Ticket: Platinum Deposit.
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