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Diablo 2 Resurrected Guide for All Level 85 Areas & Zones | New LVL 85 Areas in D2R 2.4

4/15/2022 5:12:04 PM

There is no more exciting news than the official drop of Patch 2.4 is finally here for Diablo 2 Resurrected players now. In this article, we’ll go through each of the Diablo 2 Resurrected level 85 areas and zones in the game, featuring the D2R 2.4 new lvl 85 areas added through the Patch, with the immunities, locations, items, advantages, drawbacks, and more details. 

Guide to All Diablo 2 Resurrected Level 85 Areas & Zones - New LVL 85 Areas in D2R 2.4

Once the D2R 2.4 goes alive, are you looking for the best high-level areas to farm for magic find or valuable drops in Diablo 2? Poolnoodlex explained each level 85 spot in the game, with D2R new lvl 85 areas included on the list. Check out them by different acts and choose the area to farm in 2.4 Patch and Ladder depending on your requirements. 

Diablo 2 Act 1 Level 85 Areas

1. Mausoleum

The first level 85 area can be found on the Burial Grounds next to the Blood Raven via the Cold Plains waypoint, it takes about 44 seconds to get there on foot and 15 seconds to get there with teleport. The only Immune that can be in this place is Lightning, so almost anyone can farm here. 

2. Pits

The Pits are very popular and it resides in the Tamoe Highland just outside the Outer Cloister waypoint, it takes about 27 seconds to get there on foot and 10 seconds to get there with teleport. The Pits can have the fire, light, and cold immunes, which is why some popular classes farm this, such as Barbarian and Paladin.

3. Underground Passage 2 (New)

It needs to take 1 minute and 6 seconds to get there on foot and 24 seconds to get there with teleport, the immunities in this zone are fire, cold, lightning, and poison. With how long it takes to get here and the somewhat lack of density, the zone is probably not worth going to.  

Diablo 2 Act 2 Level 85 Areas

1. Stony Tombs (New)

Moving on to lvl 85 area for D2 Act 2, the Stony Tombs is a new level 85 zone in 2.4 Patch, it is just outside in the Rocky Waste, it generally takes about 1 minute and 15 seconds to get here on foot and 50 seconds teleport, but that's with about 15 seconds of running through town and searching a pretty wide area. For this one, the immunities here can include lightning, poison, and a super unique monster that's cold, they can drop two Diablo 2 items instead of one and they should always be there every time you run it. Overall, this is a great level 85 area, plus its map in a decent size and adequate density. 

2. Maggot Lair 3

It took between four to five minutes to get here on foot and about one minute and 32 seconds with teleport, the immunities that can be here are physical, lightning, poison, and the big super unique, Maggot boss are always cold, fire characters thrive more in here. And this is not a good place to farm.  

3. Ancient Tunnels

This one resides in the Lost City and is generally in a cluster of buildings, on average it took 42 seconds to get here on foot and 25 seconds with teleport. The immunities for this one can be magic, fire, lightning, and poison, traditionally speaking, this place has always been one of the best spots to farm as a cold Sorc if that is your play style. 

Diablo 2 Act 3 Level 85 Areas

1. Arachnid Lair (New)

This is probably the easiest place to get to as you simply waypoint to the Spider Forest and walk about seven steps, the average time to get here both on foot and teleport is roughly equivalent, the immunities that can spawn here are fire, lightning, and poison. It is a pretty quick zone and an easy super chest to snag, so it's not a bad idea to run it.

2. Swampy Pits (New)

Similar to Arachnid Lair, Swampy Pits is another new LVL 85 area where you can get there in just a few seconds from its respective Flayer Jungle waypoint, the immunities here can be fire, lightning, and poison. However, this place is relatively dangerous as you can spawn souls and stygian on the same map. 

3. Sewers (New)

There are a few entrances to this one that reside both in Kurast Bazaar or Upper Kurast, it takes about 26 seconds to get here on foot and 11 seconds with teleport. The immunities here can include magic, lightning, poison, and cold, as well as a super unique cold. It is pretty big and there is a lot of farming that can be done here, but the real treasure literally lies in Sewers too, you can do super chest hunting here. 

4. Temples (3 New)

Next are Act 3 six temples put together, they are The Ruined Temple and Disused Fane located in the Kurast Bazaar, Forgotten Temple and Forgotten Reliquary located in Upper Kurast, Disused Reliquary and Ruined Fane located in Kurast Causeway. They all take about 35 seconds to get there on foot and about 12 seconds with teleport, for immunities, the Ruined Temple can have fire, cold, and magic, as well as a cold immune super, and the Disused Fane can have every immunity out there. The Forgotten Temple can have fire, cold, and lightning, while the Forgotten Reliquary can have the fire, cold, and magic. Finally, the Disused Reliquary and the Ruined Fane can both have fire, cold, and lightning. 

Diablo 2 Act 4 Level 85 Areas

1. River of Flame/Chaos Sanctuary

They are both level 85, you can cross through one to get to the other one, their immunes are fire, light, and cold. The River of Flame actually has a poison, Chaos Sanctuary is popular due to its high density, and you get to kill Diablo at the end of it, it does take some good gear to farm here, but that is worthwhile. 

Diablo 2 Act 5 Level 85 Areas

1. Abaddon (New)

This is located in the Frigid Highlands, it takes 53 seconds to get here on foot and 18 seconds with teleport, the monster immunities here are physical, fire, lightning, cold, and poison. There's definitely a healthy amount of density as well as a golden chest at the end.

2. Pit of Acheron (New)

It is located in Arreat Plateau and it takes about 56 seconds to get here on foot and 28 seconds with teleport, it can have physical, fire, cold, poison, and magic, like the other red portal, there is no super unique here, but there's a healthy amount of density as well as a golden chest to retrieve 

3. Infernal Pits (New)

Another red portal is located in the Frozen Tundra, it needs about one minute and 25 seconds to get here on foot and 21 seconds with teleport and this spot can spawn fire, lightning, cold, and poison. Similar to the other red portals, there are no super uniques but a healthy amount of density as well as a juicy gold chest at the very end. They all have a high amount of immunes, which makes them be hard to recommend.

4. Drifter Cavern (New)

This one is located in the Glacial Trail, requiring about 41 seconds to get here on foot and 23 seconds with teleport, immunes that can spawn here are fire, lightning, cold, poison, and physical. This zone is an actual nightmare of Moon Lords and Succubi, but it's pretty dense and has a beautiful golden chest at the end. 

5. Icy Cellar (New)

You can find Icy Cellar in the Ancients' Way, it takes about one minute and three seconds to get here on foot and 14 seconds with teleport. Immunes are physical, lightning, cold, poison and there is a super unique that's always cold immune. The density in this zone is nice and it does have a super unique as well as a golden chest. 

6. Worldstone Keep

Worldstone Keep is the last area, protected by three Ancients, if you have a dual element build, you can farm pretty much all of it. 

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