In this frost build guide, we are going to be showing you the frost night build in Elden Ring which is a tanky warrior build that takes place at level 100, can cast a few spells and does incredible damage in melee and at range.
Elden Ring Frost Build Guide: How To Build A Frost Knight (Level 50)
How To Make Frost Knight Build Work in Elden Ring
The weapon for this build is Clayman's Cold Harpoon and there are a couple of reasons for that. It does both physical and magic damage and we need lots of magic damage for this build because we have things that buff magic damage. Additionally, you can slot whatever ash of war you want on it, this might be the only or one of the only weapons in the game that has physical and magic damage on it that allows you to change the ash of war. If you don't choose either cold or magic damage, you can also buff this with something like scholars armaments if that's something you want to do as well, further increasing the magic damage.
Ash of War
The ash of war for this frost knight build is Ice Beer and that's because it does incredible magic damage at range, and it helps build up the frostbite status effect and it simply outperforms glenstone ice crag. This ash of war actually outperforms that spell so much, there became no need to ever use that spell. Additionally, you can set the cold or magic affinities when you use this to further increase magic damage and also provide frost buildup when you're attacking with it regularly or doing jump attacks or something like that, or you can put it on like heavy scaling it has pretty good strength scaling, if you go that route and then you can buff it with scholars armaments, you can go any of those three directions.
The shield for this build is the Carian Knight’s and that's because it has an intelligence requirement so it fits this build nicely, it doesn't have very high strength dexterity requirements and has excellent magic damage mitigation. One of the things with this build is that we actually buff our shield to further give us more resistances and you can get near 100% magic damage mitigation with this shield meaning you could just block magic attacks like they are nothing. Additionally, if you outfit this thing with carrying and retaliation, it hits like an absolute freight train, so if you want to do that you absolutely can.
The staff for this build is the Carian Glintbade staff and that's because we use magic Glintbade and great bleed failings with this build, this staff can be whatever you want, whatever spells you want to go at with this build you can use a staff that will benefit that type, it's not super important for this build because you don't use magic a ton except to really buff yourself, because this is more of a melee build that uses ice spirit range instead of spells.
Use the Haima Glintstone Crown for this build for the helmet, that's in order to get a couple strength and a couple of intelligence cost some fp. If you're using the brass shield and this will help you meet those requirements, but the strength also contributes to your melee damage as well as well as your ability damage, so that's good and obviously intelligence does the same and contributes to spell damage if you're using spells. The rest of the pieces are the Cuckoo Knight set.
The four talismans for this build are Magic Scorpion Charm, Carian Filigreed Crest, Greatshield Talisman, and Curved Sword Talisman. The magic scorpion charm simply increases your damage, your magic damage by about 10% in exchange for taking more damage. We deal a lot of magic damage with this build and your weapon is mostly magic damage so it benefits greatly from this as well as your spells.
Frost Knight Gameplay
- The only two spells you need for this build are scholar shield and terra magica. Scholar shield increases the resistances of your shield as well as adds guard boost to it, so it's a really good replacement for barricade shield, it has a very long cast time so it's very situational, you'll obviously use this before going into a boss fight. But it might be hard to pull off again during a boss fight.
- Terra Magica is also very situational. You can cast this outside of a boss fog and then walk through and stand there and spam ice beer for extra damage. Or your regular attacks will deal extra damage while you're standing in it works better in co-op where you can put it down in the middle of a boss fight and just hang out there.
One of the great things about this build is that you are really tanky when you have scholars shield up on your shield, so you should be able to stay inside that area and fight a boss like if you're just like blocking his attacks because you have so much guard boost and you're just attacking him staying in that area, you're gonna boost your damage significantly because most of your weapon damage is magic damage.
- Also use magic glintblade for this build, this gives a staple ranged option that has a bit more range than ice spear, ice sphere's range is a like mid-tier, so it's not going to hit something like really far away and magic blade does that.
- Also have Greatblade Phalanx, this is not super useful because it costs so much fp, you'll probably use this more at the end game, but what it's really good for is stagger if you can throw this up before fighting an enemy and then ice spear them and hit them with this at the same time. You almost always stagger them or if you hit them with one ice spirit immediately afterward you'll stagger them, it's really there to build up stagger faster in scenarios where you have time to prep like you see a tough enemy coming or you're going to run into him a second, you can buff up that and then cast ice beer and hit with it at exactly the same time to deal incredible stagger damage.
Any other spells you want for this build are completely up to you, the glenstone ice crag just didn't do anything compared to the ice spear, the Abdullah's moonlight blade is another one you can add to this build to have some sort of aoe. So generally the way this build works is that you're going to run around the landscaper in dungeons etc using ice spirits of one-shot most enemies. Difficult enemies you're gonna soften them up with ice spear and then when they get to you, you're gonna block counter to stagger them or finish them off.
In order to do this effectively, keep no skill in offhand on your shield, but you can use carrying retaliation if you want because when an enemy casts a projectile at you if you parry it and catch it, the damage from this is absolutely staggering like you can one-shot bosses if you can step grab their projectile and fling it back at them. It's probably gonna be nerfed because the damage is so high. Additionally, one of the things that you can do is use a wraith calling bell to create a projectile and then use carrying retaliation instantly in order to throw up the projectiles over you and then just walk towards a boss and hit them for staggering damage.
Frost Knight Attributes
- Vigor: 40
- Mind: 25
- Endurance: 17
- Strength: 14
- Dexterity: 12
- Intelligence: 52
- Faith: 14
- Arcane: 9
40 vigor is there because you are in melee range constantly with this build and you're gonna get hit especially when you're using your ice spear in close range sometimes in order to just spam it, and you can probably get away with 35 here because you do have a tanky setup. 25 mind is there because you're going to spam ice spear you also lose a little bit fp because of that helmet that we're using and it's just a good amount, you don't cast a lot of spells with this build, so it's just ice beer most of the time and it's only 12 fps usually a one-shot per cast. If you want to take out 5 points from vigor and put them in mind, then that wouldn't hurt you could probably do that. 17 endurance is there because that's the exact quip load that we need in order to stay under the 70% threshold for a medium roll for this build. So if you want to use this exact setup for armor and weapons, then 17 endurance is all you need. 14 strength is mostly there because of the class that we chose at the end of the game and two points are from the helmet, this doesn't need to be this high, however, if you do get it to 16 strength you can use the brash shield for this build which does have better guard boost just has worse magic protection. 12 dexterity is just because of the class we don't need dexterity for this build. 72 intelligence is there in order to increase the damage we do with our weapon as well as ice sphere because it scales off intelligence. And also because it increases spell damage so any spells that we deal are going to increase because of intelligence. So the more, the merrier.
If you do end up going for the cold affinity with this build, you'll notice that you get sea scaling and intelligence and sea scaling and strength, so eventually the damage from intelligence will probably drop off and you'll want to increase strength in order to increase your physical damage, that also increases ice spears damage as well. So if you're advancing this build forward, you'll probably start putting points into strength in order to help increase your damage and that should allow you to swap over to a better shield as well. If you don't want to use carrying retaliation, you could get a great shield with better strength, that'll help you get that guard boost even higher, you might even get up to 100 guard boost making it so that you don't take any stamina damage while blocking while you have scholars shield up. 14 faith is simply there because of the class that you don't really need faith at all and the same goes for arcane, so disregard those numbers. If you pick a more magic-oriented class at the beginning of the game, your stat spread will look a lot better than mind does.
Elden Ring Frost Knight Build Tips
If you're going to be going into a boss fight or a tough area, use your flask of wonders physique and use the magic shrouding tier there to increase your magic damage as well as the stone barbed cracked, because this is going to increase your posture damage and ice sphere does incredible posture damage and it can actually reduce the amount of hits, it needs with ice spear to stagger a boss from like three to two or four to three which is significant, so make sure you use these and it'll make boss fights a lot easier for you.
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