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How To Catch-Up Fast In WoW TBC Classic 2022 - Phase 4 Gearing Guide Classic TBC

3/30/2022 10:38:43 AM

Since phase 4 dropped in Classic WoW & Classic TBC Burning Crusade, it’s now easier to catch up with everyone on gear. In this guide, we are going to be covering the best methods to catch up fast in Classic TBC phase 4.

How To Catch Up Fast In WoW TBC Classic 2022 - Phase 4 Gearing Guide

So you just managed to get your character freshly to level 70 today, or maybe you came back to a character you haven’t touched for a while, whether you’re a new or returning player, or just someone who leveled a new character recently, your goal now is to catch up on gear for phase 4 in WoW TBC Classic, so you can finally get invited to those new raids, do arena, get ready for Wrath or anything really, today, we got you covered. 

With phase 4 freshly released, it’s now easier than ever to catch up to everyone on gear. Thanks to Classic WoW Curios, we’ll look at the fastest way you can make your character stronger, from freshly hitting level 70 to getting into Black Temple and Mount Hyjal and topping the meters. We’ll go from the easiest to the hardest avenues of gearing so you’re caught up in no time. Now let’s check how to catch up on gear for phase 4 in TBC Classic.

1. Reputations

You just hit level 70 and you want to get some basic gear to at least start doing some damage, well you’re in luck because while you were leveling and doing quests, you probably managed to reach friendly or honored with many different factions, and that’s gonna be your first easy source of gear. Look at your reputation list and check what you’re honored or maybe even revered with, and head to those factions’ quartermasters, there’s some decent gear to grab from here, but most importantly what you’re after is the PvP set, in phase 2 we got the PvP faction gear, it’s those pieces, for example for hunters here it’s called Stalker’s Chain Battlegear, but it has a different name for every class. You only need honored to buy this set and you can grab one piece from each one of the different 5 factions. This is a solid starter set, also make sure to look around too for other pieces on the quartermasters, depending on your reputation standing you can grab boots, bracers, rings or even weapons. 

2. Quests 

Your next step is to start looking for some decent quest gear, there’s quests all over outland that give some very solid pre-raid bis items, for example, one that you might have skipped takes place in Hellfire Peninsula, and it has you kill Arazzius the Cruel, it’s a group quest but you can probably solo it by now and it will reward you with a very solid trinket, trinkets are rare, especially early on and this one is an easy one to get. There’s quests with solid gear like that all over Outland, the advice for you to find them is to go on wowhead and look at your classes’ pre-raid best in slot guide, then look at every slot and see if there isn’t anything that comes from a quest, most of those quests will require you to be in a group, but people do those around the clock in TBC, especially on larger servers, so do those first. At this stage, we’re still on the pre raid best in slot gear level, if this isn’t your first character and you have a lot of WoW Classic gold to spear, you could just skip this step and start buying crafted or BoE gear right away.

3. Normal Dungeons

Your next step would be to get started on doing a few normal dungeons. You can start with the Caverns of Time dungeons and most importantly, doing their questline, which just has you clear Durnholde and Black Morass once will get you to honored with Keepers of Time right away, so that’s back to tip number 1, to buy the reputation gear and PvP faction gear from that faction. And also because you want to reach honored with this faction anyways to unluck the heroic version of those dungeons. Do the Caverns of Time normal dungeons, then do a couple of runs of Mechanaar or Botanica, same reason to reach honored with the Sha’tar faction this time. 

4. Heroic Dungeons

The next step is getting into heroic dungeons, so this is the first catch up mechanic added with phase 4, it used to be that you needed to be revered with a faction to access the heroic dungeons associated with that faction, revered was quite long and tedious to reach, but now it’s lowered to honored, if you made it to level 70, you should be honored with most of the 5 big factions in TBC already. So, go and buy any heroic key that you have unlocked and start doing those heroic dungeons, you can do each dungeon once every day on heroic, but that’s way too much work and hassle, so what we suggest is first do the heroic daily dungeon. The heroic daily is this quest that you can grab here near the Tavern in Shattrath, and that’s gonna ask you to kill the last boss of a random dungeon everyday, and that will reward you with 3 Badges of Justice. That dungeon will be on high demand that day so you’ll have way more luck getting into it than any of the other ones, so start with that first. Then look at your pre bis list and look what you’re after that drops from heroic dungeons, remember that any of the normal loot drops in both heroic and normal, so if you have some normal gear to grab from a normal dungeon, you’re better off grabbing it from heroic, also, remember to always loot the bosses yourself after you kill them, each one drops one badge of justice on heroic, again more on those later. 

5. Cheap BoEs

At this stage, you should have enough gold to buy some very basic BoE gear, there’s a lot of bind on equipping blue pieces of gear that are pre-raid bis for many classes, for example for hunter’s there’s Valanos Longbow since the game has been out for so long, this bow is going for dirt cheap. But there’s a lot of quite solid BoEs like that that go for very cheap on the Auction house, again, look at your pre-bis list and buy those out whenever you see them. 

6. Easy Raids

By now, you’re ready to step into raids, very basic raids that is, I don’t think you’re ready for Zul’Aman yet, although if your guild or friends are willing to invite you go for it, but Karazhan, Gruul or Magtheridon should be very accessible to you at this stage of the game. We would start with Kara because it’s a long raid with a lot of bosses and a lot of loot to grab and it’s also 10 man only and very easy. Most pug raids are soft reserve nowadays, which means that you have to quote soft reserve one or two pieces of loot at the start of the raid, and once that drops only people who soft reserved it get to roll on it, if no one soft reserved something everyone gets to roll for it, depending on your loot rules. So have a look at your bis list from phase 1 or phase 2 before stepping in a soft reserve raid to know what you should soft reserve in advance.

7. Badge of Justice

At this stage you should have quite a few of them to spare. Badges already drop from every boss in heroic dungeons and in raids up to and including SSC and Tempest Keep, Black Temple and Hyjal don’t drop them. What you can do with those is buy some very solid gear. In phase 4 Blizzard added newer and better gear to the badge of justice vendor, most of this is on par with current content raids, if not even better in some cases. So as soon as you have enough badges to spare, start spending it on the badge vendor, now some pieces are definitely higher prio than others. To know which ones you should go for, first look at your current phase 4 best in slot list and see what badge gear is on there, going for any of that, especially if it’s up there on the list, should be an easy choice that you’ll not be replacing for a long time. So remember to do your heroic daily, heroic dungeons in general, clear your Karazhans every week, and you’ll have a solid amount of badges in no time. 

8. Zul'Aman

By now you should be more than ready to step into Zul’Aman, if you can manage to squeeze into one earlier, go for it, because ZA is an insane raid for catching up on gear. Bosses here drop gear that’s best in slot currently for many classes. This raid on a 3-day lockout, unlike all the other raids in the game that are on a 7-day lockout, so not only do you get some insane gear from here, not only does it drop 13 badges of justice per run, not only is it an easy 10 man raid, but you also get to do it once every 3 days. Now there is one issue with Zul’Aman unfortunately, it’s the fact that it can be quite toxic, the reason for this is because when you start the raid there’s a timer, and if you manage to kill the first 4 bosses before the end of that timer, you get a mount, a lot of people are after that mount, unfortunately, to do the raid fast enough to get that, you’ll have to have a solid group. So what you’ll see happening very often is people will join, see that the group isn’t gonna make the timer, and leave mid-way through, this is quite rare tho because people do get saved at the end of the day and prefer to at least clear the raid instead of just leaving, but it happen a lot of times, and when you have a healer or tank leaving midway though, it’s hard to convince someone to join for half a ZA run, but that’s a risk to take, unfortunately. Anyways, moving on, so you did your normal dungeons, you did your heroic dungeons, you cleared your Karas, your ZAs, and maybe even your SSCs and TKs, what should you focus on next? Well, it’s time to start spending some WoW Classic gold, some big gold. 

9. Crafted Gear

Crafted gear is some of the strongest gear you can get, sometimes it’s best in slot for a lot of classes, and you’ll probably see that on your best in slot gear list. Here’s one relevant example, as a fury warrior, you have Dragonstrike, a very solid mace, since phase 4, you can now equip two of them. Outside of having Warglaives or some season 3 arena gear, having two Dragonstrikes as a fury warrior is going to be your best combination of weapons, that’s just an example with warriors, but a lot of classes have some very solid crafted gear like that in TBC. Unfortunately, you’ll have to spend a lot of gold on it, or farm for it quite a lot, probably a mix of the two. Finally, now all that’s left for you to do is to step into current raids, Black Temple and Hyjal, for this you’ll probably have to get yourself a guild, or farm enough gear to be accepted into good pugs, either way, you’re now all caught up with everyone else.

10. World Bosses

World bosses have had a couple of changes in phase 4, they now drop badges of justice and they also drop BoE gear, gear that you could find on the auction house. Now that gear is outdated by now for many classes but you should still have a look at it and see if you can’t grab it for cheap. When it comes to doing world bosses yourself unless you’re in guild that’s dominating world bosses on your server, it’s unlikely you’ll get to even see one spawning, let alone get to kill it, world bosses are some of the most exclusive pieces of content in Classic and TBC, and they’re usually camped 24/7 on most servers. 

11. PVP 

PvP is not everyone’s cup of tea, but you can get some quite solid pieces of gear for just doing some basic BGs and getting a bit of honor. Go to your capital city, go in your PvP hall, and look at this vendor, you’ll see from here that you can get some solid neck or ring pieces for a couple 10s of thousands of honor. If you’re someone that likes PvP, doing some BGs can be an easy way get some solid pieces, also, since phase 3, you can exchange the tier 4 and tier 5 tokens that drop from raid bosses for the equivalent PvP set, the season 1 set in exchange for tier 4 tokens, and season 2 set in exchange for tier 5 tokens, a nice and easy way to get some solid PvP gear quite fast without setting foot in arena.

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