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New World Blunderbuss Guide: How To Level Up Blunderbuss Fast In New World & Best Locations

3/24/2022 10:23:06 AM

In this NW blunderbuss guide, we are going to show you the best abilities to use to level up your blunderbuss in New World and the best locations to level up blunderbuss fast in New World. 

How To Level Up Blunderbuss Fast In New World - Best Abilities & Locations For Blunderbuss Leveling

One thing to note is that there's going to be a double XP weekend which is actually going to apply to your weapon experience, so you might want to take advantage of that. However, that does mean that a lot of the locations presented below probably going to be quite full. So let's first jump into this New World blunderbuss leveling guide! We show you the best abilities and the best locations to level up blunderbuss in New World.

Best abilities to level up blunderbuss in NW:

There are 3 or 4 abilities that you really want to possibly use and they are obviously in the blunderbuss tree. We don’t rate the net shot and the claw shot because they are not really going to do aoe damage. And then obviously you've got three out of four of the rest of the abilities. We can have azoth shrapnel blast, have the mortar charge and blast shot which will knock falls down. The one that you can use which is a little bit awkward to use is the splitting grenade probably because if you're like getting a large group of people, then it's quite hard to get them all to run over the grenade, but that's just like a completely optional thing. Click here to know more details about the best abilities for leveling in New World. 

Best locations to level up blunderbuss in NW:

1. Excavation

This is in great cleave and it's just west of the Eastbourne outpost and it's basically a mine. Outside of the mines, you will find scattered enemies, but inside you'll generally be able to get like two or three semi-decent pulls that you'll relatively easily be able to aoe down. The reason we're picking here is because the blunderbuss is thrust damaged basically, so it's going to be quite good against corrupted mobs. There are some decent pulls that you can do here, it's corrupted, it might not be as popular as some of the other areas, so it might be one place to check out. 

You might be thinking in the same area that there are these little like forts and stuff like that, but the problem with those areas when they come to the corrupted is that they have like arches and stuff like that, so you can't aoe them down. So you are recommended anywhere else here in great cleave, you can go a little bit south to the frozen claims, but the problem that you get there is that the mobs are all spread out.

2. Ramos Fort

There is another possibility which is to combine your leveling of your weapon with some farming like rawhide. So when we go down up into cutlass keys and we go to the classic farming spot where the dogs are, we can get rawhide which is in the fort ramos area. These dogs will die to one shot, you can round them up, kill them all, skin them, get the rawhide and you're basically combining two for one, you're basically getting a little bit of weapon experience but you're also getting more hide. So it's like a combination of the two, but that's not going to be very quick at leveling up your weapon. 

3. Boarsholm

If you're familiar with leveling up your weapons, you'll know that there are classically two areas in wrestlers shore, bars home in wrestlers short is still an absolute classic place to level up and you get hide, it's not rawhide, it's like a thick hide and it's actually quite worth. If you ever manage to get there with your blunderbuss on your own, it will be a very easy good place to level up and you'll get the hide. However, once the wonderbus comes out, you're unlikely to get this place on your own, it might be swarming, if you can get a group, that's fine because you're going to be killing a lot more mobs so it's probably worth.

4. Pirate Camps

Next to ball's home in Messel shore, we have two pirate camps, one is called channel view post and the other is called ocean view post. The mobs here are the lost, so you're not going to get any bonuses but it's such a great spot that it won't really matter. All you do is you go to the first one, you round up in a big circle get as many mobs as you can, you weave them down, then you run to the next one and you do the exact same thing and you literally just run to and fro wiping them all out. Though these spots are probably going to be heavily contested once the blunderbuss goes live, but depending on when you're watching this or maybe if you can play it like a really off-peak time, this would be a really good spot. These are probably the two best spots but they're probably going to be the most contested spots.

5. Faction Quests

Go ahead and do the faction quests in the shattered mountain. Traction quests are getting a bonus because you're gonna get five times the amount of tokens, so if you're in no rush to level up the blunderbuss, you might be better just coming into shattered mountain doing your three quests per day and leveling up your blunderbuss as you do those. The reason is a lot of the mobs are corrupted, what you want to do in the four areas like if you have a questor or if you're just running past there, you want to go in kill everything, take the chest and basically you'll level up your blunderbuss doing that. There will be archers and that kind of stuff in them and musketeers, you don't worry about it, you've got a bit of range and shoot them.

6. Bonus Areas

Any area where you can level up any weapon is probably going to be suitable, generally what you're looking for is a large group of mobs that you can like aoe down, but that's not always the case like for example there are some areas like some farms where you can literally just go there and just try and pick any mob off that you see, and you obviously will level up your weapon, you might not get a shed ton of XP per like kill, but they're so easy to kill that you'll just blast through them very easily. The one thing to note is that the blunderbuss if you go to like a farm and you're planning on just standing in one spot, shooting them all, you're not going to be able to achieve that because the blunderbuss is really short-range like it's something like 10 to 15 meters, it's not very far. But any place that you know of where it's good to level up your weapons is still going to be viable, the problem is once the blunderbuss actually goes live, it's going to be very popular, all the areas that are good are going to be taken. So we would look at great cleave try that mine and then maybe just run around killing the corrupted it's probably going to be your best bet unless you can get a group and do balls home or the two pirate camps on the beach. 

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