In this guide, we could take a closer look at the new PVP reward track system, how it works and what New World gold you can get for participating in it, and just overall become more familiar with it so that you will not miss out or be left behind by others who have been testing it on the PTR.
Related Read: New World May Update Guide: Avoid These Mistakes Before May Update
What is the new PVP reward track
The PVP reward track currently on the PTR is a new system that will be added to the game on live in a coming couple of weeks in the may update, this system is meant to incentivize players to engage in all PVP activities by awarding them with rank title gear remotes and other various PVP related rewards, the more that you participate in these PVP activities the more rewards you will receive.
What rewards we can get and how we can get them
You can see the tracks are broken down into a tiered ranking system, you will begin at bronze, but upon completing your first reward track, you will be bumped up to steel where at steel you will be awarded one vial of salt which contains one thousand eighths of salt and works the same as the vial of azoth currently works and an additional 750 eso salt, these two items will be awarded to you for each track you complete within this tier, you will also notice here that at the bottom it says plus emotes, this means that some of the PVP exclusive emotes are now from this tier forward added to your checkpoint reward loop bucket pool.
Bronze tier at five tracks, you will receive one vial of asa assault and one thousand aza salt, per track completed in this range and now named equipment are added to your loop pool, and more currency is added to this checkpoint pool and by currency, it means coin and PVP faction token rewards from checkpoints.
Next up is the silver tier at 20 tracks, completed from moving forward at this point, you will receive one azo assault vial and 1500 Aiza assault per track completed, and now you have prestige gear added to your reward checkpoint pools, prestige gear are the new PVP pieces that can be upgraded to legendary 600 and have some very nice new PVP perks, you will also now have more of the PVP exclusive emotes and salt file packs added to your checkpoint pools.
Gold at 50 tracks, you will now be awarded one vial of vasa assault and 2 000 Azoth assault per track completed in this range, and now you will have gypsum orbs, additional currencies, and larger packets of umbral shards, all added to your checkpoint reward pools.
You will hit at 100 tracks complete once again, you will be awarded one vial of vaso assault and 2500 azo salt per track, completed within this range at this stage, you will add even more PVP exclusive emotes and larger still umbral shard packs to your reward pools moving forward.
Star Metal
The star metal rank at 200 tracks, when you unlock this rank, you will receive 750 as assault and no vial per track, complete the reason for this is because you will be here at your final rank forever, you will finish up your reward pools here unlocking the remaining emotes largest currency packs and all additional items, this rank is not the end of the road, however, you won't want to stop doing these tracks when you reach star metal, this is much like gathering star, metal rank is the objective here once you hit this rank, you have maximized your total potential in your rewards per checkpoint, and now you can farm the best potential rewards the system has to offer.
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