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Rocket League Bronze-Supersonic Legend Progression Guide - How To Rank Up Fast In RL

3/7/2022 4:23:29 PM

How to rank up fast from bronze to supersonic legend in Rocket League? A look at the ranks of players as they advance through seasons and seasons of Rocket League's increasingly repetitious new content may tell us a lot about how the player-base is responding. In this Rocket League rank progression guide shares the most important skills and tips you need to know for climbing the ranks of the Rocket League. Starting from bronze and finishing at supersonic legend, you'll have a really strong grasp of how you should visualize the game as you climb the ranked ladder.


Rocket League Bronze Progression Guide

Basically, if you're bronze you just need to play the game and have fun with it. The only excuse you have to be bronze is that you're new. But even then most new players get placed directly into silver anyway. So if you're bronze, just put in some hours getting used to the controls. Rocket League is a unique game, so don't feel bad if you're struggling at first. Everyone struggles at the start but we all get used to it eventually. Just let the fun miss be the motivation to keep playing when you're bronze the only thing we’d suggest at this rank is to get used to using only ball cam if you're not already. You'll be thanking yourself later on.


Rocket League Silver Progression Guide

Rocket League is about scoring more goals than your opponent. This is a true statement. But in silver having this mentality will do much more harm than good. Instead of that mentality try having this one Rocket League is about getting scored on less than your opponent. Out of all the ranks silvers have the worst offense to defense ratio. It's important to realize when you're the team's last line of defense, you should only push up if you 100% know you can score it. Otherwise, you're causing a huge risk of over-committing.


The key to winning in silver is not by outplaying your opponents. There's no need to outplay them if they're constantly making mistakes that you can capitalize on. It's all about waiting for them to mess up and then taking advantage when safe to do so. The defense should be your number one priority. If you treat it like that you'll be ranking up out of silver in no time. 


On a more mechanical level in silver, we'd recommend getting used to your turning radius at max speed. Lots of silvers tend to play very slow and make small turns, so by the time they hit the ball, there's no power. But if you hit the ball less often but with more power, you'll be much more productive than everyone else. Just wait for your moment where you have a free touch and then slam it into their goal. 


The best way to get used to this is by just holding down boost in free play and doing big wide turns to hit the ball. Instead of just trying to make micro-adjustments. When you're turning you should be pointing your left stick all the way to each side on your turns that's the key to efficient and controlled turning.


Rocket League Gold Progression Guide

When you reach gold, this is the point where you should start thinking about some specific skills you want to improve. Up until this point, you should have just been getting used to how your car moves and reacts to your inputs and just the general physics of the game. But once you reach gold and have a decent idea of how the physics work, you should start to work on the specifics, such as power hits, low aerials, and controlled touches.


The last thing you want is to just play the game without actually trying to learn anything. Find something specific to learn that isn't considered an advanced mechanic like air dribbles or ceiling shots and grind it out until you can do it consistently in-game. Silver is definitely still present in gold, so still, focus on trying to get scored on less than your opponents rather than actively trying to score more than them.


Related specifically to the rotation this is also about the time you should start learning back post rotations on defense. Back post is seriously the single most important rotational concept you can learn in Rocket League. Once you understand it and it becomes part of your normal gameplay. The offense will be forced to outplay you in order to score.


The single most important mechanic to learn in gold it's definitely power clears. The simple ability to launch the ball all the way to the opponent's half consistently can carry you to platinum immediately and it's super easy to learn too. When the ball is rolling flat on the ground, you want to just drive into it without jumping. This will chip the ball in the air so your opponents can't reach it since people can't aerial very well in gold and it'll land somewhere on their half. If the ball is bouncing instead, try to time it so you flip right in the middle of it just after that bounce on the ground. 

This will send the ball flying even further than a chip shot. These clears are the perfect way to take advantage of them without even needing to do anything risky or difficult. Your opponents can't reach it while it's in the air, so they have to wait for it to hit the ground and by the time does hit the ground, it's way over on their half. So you can put on a ton of offensive pressure. Learn how to clear the ball consistently and you'll be scoring off a ton of counterattacks.


Rocket League Platinum Progression Guide

This is where people really branch off into different directions of Rocket League. Some players find rotations boring, so they completely disregard it and only focus on mechanics whereas others do the opposite and only focus on rotations. Neither of these extremes is a good choice. If you want to improve the fastest, it's important to focus on both. Because it doesn't matter if you can score an air dribble double tap if you can't rotate on defense properly. It doesn't matter if you're always in the right spot if you can't actually hit the ball where you want. When you're climbing through platinum, you're going to get the urge to focus entirely on one of these two aspects. But just do your best to fight that urge to put all your skill in one bucket instead of just balance it out between the two, you'll rank up a lot faster that way.


At platinum, back post rotations are just as important as they are in gold. So don't disregard them just because you ranked up. The only difference in how they work between these ranks is obviously that the pace of the game increases. The rotation will be moving a little bit faster than it was in gold. A good way to help these rotations move faster is by recovering quicker after your push. One method for recovering faster is by holding down the power slide when you land awkwardly. While it isn't possible to keep all your momentum when you land awkwardly, it's much better to keep at least some of it by holding powerslide.


Another method for recovering faster is when you land on a wall from an aerial. Whenever you land on a wall the fastest way to recover is by pointing your nose directly down when you land on it. This allows you to already start off with momentum and instantly recover instead of having to turn all the way around. 


The last thing about platinum is that power on your touches becomes more and more important. The best time to hit the ball in order to get the most power is the last moment before you touch the ball. If you flip just after your touch on the ball it isn't supplying any extra power. You may as well just be single jumping into it because your flip isn't making it go any faster. But on the other side flipping way before you touch the ball also isn't going to get you much power. When taking power shots try to flip at the exact moment just before your touch to get the most power on it.


Rocket League Diamond Progression Guide

If you're diamond, the best way to rank up is by working almost entirely on that aspect of your game that's lacking. Even if you think your skills are balanced, they probably aren't. So look over some of your own replays if you have to. For rotation, most diamonds seem to have pretty similar problems to the plots. The whole near post-rotation issue is still very much prevalent. The quickest path to your destination does not equal the best path. They should rotate around the play instead of directly through it. That way no matter where they decide to cut in and clear it, they'll always have a good angle on it their ultimate destination is to reach the back post, but they take a route around the play, so they're close enough so that they can still be productive and cut in at any point. But they're far enough so they could do so without getting in the way.


If you ever don't feel comfortable going for the ball, especially in threes, you can just rotate around and get out of the way. Chances are if your team is rotating correctly, you'll usually have someone behind you that can back you up if you're in a bad spot. There's a good chance they're in a better spot to go for it than you are if you don't feel comfortable.


Lastly for diamond, this rank is a really pivotal moment for what type of player you become, a solo queuer or a team player. The truth is you'll enjoy the game a lot more if you play as a team most people. If you plan on finding a team to play with in the future, we'd recommend getting started now. If you want a head start on team play, so you can use all its aspects to your advantage against solo queuers


Rocket League Champion Progression Guide

Champion is where your gameplay should hopefully become much more diverse. It's okay to have a playstyle but you can't continue to progress unless you're capable of doing all the fundamentals, such as dribbling, flicks, fast aerials, double taps, air, dribbles. You can't neglect any of the basics or you'll get stuck here because you should have a grasp on all the basics. The only skills left to learn are things that take a really long time to learn or you just need to perfect things that you already know. Because of this, you need to be super patient when training or learning something new. Because the days of learning something that immediately brings you up a full rank are over. 


By this time, there are no more big secrets or shortcuts. On top of that, you start looking at rotation a little differently instead of viewing it as the first player goes, then the second player goes, then the third player goes. You're looking at it as just filling threatening gaps that the opponents could take advantage of. You should be using this same vision to help prevent overlapping coverage so you're covering as much ground as possible. To help keep these rotations quick and constantly stay in the play, it's also really helpful to truly study the mini pads. Relying on muscle memory from in-game experience isn't enough for the mini pads. You'll need to spend at least 10 minutes before each session actually going over the mini pads in free play.


If there's one particular concept that really takes a step up at this level, it's forcing. Forcing is basically a fake challenge that causes the opponents to send away possession. The idea is simple, the opponents have the ball and you don't want them to have the ball. So you drive up to them, threatening to challenge. Most of the time they'll see you drive up and send it away because obviously, they don't want to get dumped. The ball goes directly to your teammate and your team gets possession. The best part is you don't even have to commit, you just drove up to them and then they got scared and sent it away. Now you're open for a pass-up field, but let's say they didn't send it away when you were forcing. In that case, it's just an easy dunk for you that's why it's called forcing. You're forcing the opponent to send it away and if they don't, you get a free dunk.


This concept wouldn't always work at lower ranks, because when a player has possession, sometimes they're just completely blind and they don't see the obvious person pushing right on their screen. So you might as well just challenge them normally. At champ, people really start reading their opponents. So you can do a lot more complex mind games like that.


Rocket League Grand Champion Progression Guide

Grand champion is nearly impossible to get through if you don't do it right. There are a lot of little things that you need to improve at that, depend on the player you are. But there are three main keys that you absolutely need in order to get through the grand champion.



Throughout the previous ranks, teamplay is something that definitely helps you rank up but you can definitely get away without worrying about it too much. But at gc, you absolutely need to be supportive of your teammates. Forcing is op because there isn't usually someone supporting an attack. So when you force, they have no choice but to either get dunked or send away the ball to the opponents. But at gc, you'll often see a guy ahead of the play. So when someone forces, the guy with the ball doesn't actually have to send it to the opponent. He can send it to his teammate, that's supporting the play. This obviously makes defense for the other team a whole lot more complicated. You need to have someone forcing someone back behind them and someone covering the pass. Everyone has to be doing their job. If one of those jobs isn't covered that leaves a vulnerability for an attack. Option coverage becomes super important at grand champion. So make sure you're thinking about the play from everyone's perspective.


Controlled Touches

At champion, lots of players tend to have a style of either keeping it close all the time or sending it away all the time. At grand champion, you can't get away with that. Mixing it up depending on the situation is key. Specifically getting a single controlled touch and then immediately sending it away to a teammate or a shot on net is really hard to read. You can do this on walls and on the ground, it basically forces the opponents to push you. Every time you're given space, you use it until you don't have that space anymore. This forces the opponents to come to you every single time and use one of their players. So no matter what, you're breaking down the defense at least a little bit. Two touch plays are crucial and they're a lot harder than they look since you have to soften the ball to have complete control over it and then immediately get a ton of power on it. When you send it away so get to experimenting with those. Because it'll definitely take some practice.



The final key to ranking up through grand champion is simply the grind. No one has reached ssl without needing to dedicate tons of hours every single day to reach it. When you do something for a long time and then later that night you're passively thinking about it without even realizing it, that's what happens when you grind something. Your brain is constantly in that mode of fast thinking to accomplish that specific task. Everything that can be automatic is automatic, which makes it easy for you to make the manual choices. Your brain usually only gets in this mode when you do something for multiple hours a day on multiple days in a row. So when you take a break from the game for a few days, it takes a few days of grinding to get back into that mode again.  Grinding the game is just as helpful at the lower ranks too.


Rocket League Supersonic Legend Progression

At supersonic legend, you need to have more patience now than ever. On an individual level progress with improvement will feel very slow. So it's important to understand what keeps you motivated to keep playing. If you haven't set any goals outside of the ranked ladder, be sure to do so. In order to stay in SSL, you need to keep up that grind. It's easy to take a break immediately after reaching your goal of hitting the top rank, but unless you're okay with immediately dropping out of it right after, taking a break is a bad idea. At this point the only way to improve at all is by grinding. And if you stop grinding, you won't just remain stagnant in skill from where you left off. You'll probably lose progress. For ssls, the biggest factor holding most players back is team play as a whole. Being able to solo queue up to ssl is one thing, but working together to improve as a team with the same players in the long term is an entirely different skill. At this point, finding a dedicated coach is extremely helpful to have an outside point of view.


Other perspectives on your gameplay are key to keeping yourself in check. Because you've probably played so many games by now that you feel like your personal style is nearly solidified. But when someone else looks at your gameplay, it brings new ideas that you might not have even thought of before. So if you haven't found a team to work with already, this is definitely the time when you need to.

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