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New World Expertise System & Update | Fastest Way to Farm Expertise in New World

2/3/2022 4:45:59 PM

The New World Expertise system has been improved after the Patch, it will not only affect your highest drops but also the gear effectiveness. Then how to speed up the increase of your Expertise in the game? Now, we’ll get into the probably fastest way to farm Expertise in New World and tips for Expertise solo farming. 

What is Expertise in New World? - New World Expertise Update After Patch

Expertise is a Progression system in New World, when your character reaches level 60 firstly, the Expertise system can be unlocked, and the max Gear Score you can get is 500, it can make you progress up to 600 Gear Score. Since early 2022, the update makes Expertise also govern the effectiveness of your gear, which may result in a temporary reduction in power. The dropped gear type with a Gear Score will be equal to the new Expertise level.

Having maxed Expertise is important, firstly it allows to drop items with a high Gear Score, then it is mandatory for people who are willing to get the best in-slot legendary items from expeditions, and most importantly, if you do not have a maxed Expertise, your gear will downscale after the New World Patch in early 2022. To increase your Expertise, you can craft Gypsum Cast, which is turned by Gypsum Orbs. Opening a Gypsum Cast will guarantee an Expertise bump and reward players with a random piece of gear.

Fastest Way to Farm & Increase Expertise in New World

The majority of players were originally focused on doing elite chest runs and completing daily tasks to obtain Gypsum Orbs, but both of these activities have a long cooldown, which makes it impossible to grind them constantly. It was possible to do the Stockpile runs, but the chance of getting an Expertise bump by doing this now has been significantly decreased after the 1.2 Patch, so what else you can do to increase the Expertise level fast? FLANKER represented a new method for New World Expertise farm, this may be not the cheapest or easiest way to farm Expertise, but the fastest possible way to grind it.

There is a very good option, it requires a couple of preparation steps on having some NW gold on hands, but it is not complicated at all. Defeating any Arena boss gives a guaranteed Expertise bump, while Tuning Orbs are one-time-use keys used to access Arenas. It is much easier to craft Tuning Orbs. now they no longer require corrupted fragments, you can craft 5 keys for each of 3 Arenas per week, which is 15 Arena Tuning Orbs in total. So the best possible scenario to your Expertise in the fastest possible way is to have four other players may be your friends or company members who will do the same thing and then share the Tuning Orbs with each other. As a result, you will have 75 Arena Keys in total, keep in mind that you get around 200 gold every time you defeat a boss, and this will compensate the expenses to craft your Tuning Orbs almost in full.

Tips for New World Expertise Solo Farm

If you are a solo player, you can still use your Arena Keys cooldowns and sell slots in group for a number of New World coins easily, other players will buy the slots in group to obtain their Gypsum, it's not going to be a problem for anyone to pay, because all group members get around 200 gold after defeating the Arena Boss. Using your daily Runestone cooldown and farming modes for energy cores may significantly decrease your expenses. You can get the majority of the cost back after completing all runs. 

A small tip, make sure to stay away from the gates because coming too close to the gates might lead to getting kicked out of Arena. Last but not least keep in mind that farming Arena bosses is a great way to increase Expertise for weapons and armor, but unfortunately the reward that you get do not contain any jewelry in the drop list, therefore it might be a good idea to spend your Gypsum orbs for jewelry and farm everything else.

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