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Diablo 2 Resurrected Spirit Monarch Shield Farming - Best Way To Get The Best 4-Socket Shield

1/21/2022 1:24:45 PM

To create the powerful Spirit Shield, the main important thing to do is get the Monarch Shield you can add four sockets to hold the Spirit runeword. In this guide, we list the best places to farm the Monarch Shield and the easiest way to get 4 Socket Spirit Shield!

D2R Spirit Monarch Shield Farm Guide

With +2 to all skills, +55% Faster Hit Recovery, +25-35% Fast Cast Rate, and low strength requirement, the Spirit Monarch Shield is considered as the most popular and powerful shield for casters. To get the best Spirit Shield, you need a Spirit rune word and white Monarch Shield. 

The Spirit runeword is made with Tal, Thul, Ort, Amn runes, so creating it is actually not that difficult and Amn is the only one that you might struggle with a little bit. However, if you're going to be creating a shield, you're probably going to be doing it later game anyway, so you're almost definitely going to have the runes, if not you're probably going to have to farm a little bit of either nightmare or a little bit of hell in order to get yourself all of these items.


+2 To All Skills
+25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies)
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage 3 Second Duration (Normal)
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
7% Life Stolen Per Hit
+250 Defense Vs. Missile
+22 To Vitality
+89-112 To Mana (varies)
+3-8 Magic Absorb (varies)

+2 To All Skills
+25-35% Faster Cast Rate (varies)
+55% Faster Hit Recovery
+250 Defense Vs. Missile
+22 To Vitality
+89-112 To Mana (varies)
Cold Resist +35%
Lightning Resist +35%
Poison Resist +35%
+3-8 Magic Absorb (varies)
Attacker Takes Damage of 14

A four-socket spirit shield dropping naturally in the world is very rare, it doesn't happen very often and going to take you a really long time probably to find that, so finding a nice white spirit shield and then using the larzuk socket quest will automatically put four sockets into your shield the maximum possible. Monarch Shield is considered the best white 4 socket shield to hold the Spirit runeword with low strength requirements, though there are other 4-socket aegis and ward shields. 

Monarch[4 Sockets  & 15 ED]

Sale [4 Sockets]
Sale [15 EDef]


Ichorsting Defense: 133-148
Durability: 86
Req Strength: 156
Req level: 54
Quality level: 72
Max sockets: 4
Weight: Light
Base block: 22
Class block: Pal: 52%
Ama/Asn/Bar: 47%
Dru/Nec/Sor: 42%
Paladin smite dmg: 12-34

Then how to get the Monarch Shield? So here we give you the tips to farm it fastest and easiest:

1. Best Gear Suggestion for Farm Monarch Shield

Gear - In suggesting to particularly farm those super unique bosses for a white monarch shield, actually what you're going to want to be doing is knocking down your magic find as much as you can, because you don't want to find a magic item if you're trying to find a monarch, so you don't need the increased chance for magic items to drop. Instead, you just want to farm normal monsters wherever you can find normal monsters of low levels squishy hit points and high density. Another thing that you can try is weapon racks, do not run past all of the weapon racks tap on them whenever you can see what drops off it, you may have a little bit of luck that way as well. 

2. Best Places (Spots) To Farm Monarch Shield in Diablo 2 Resurrected

Areas - What you're probably going to want to do is find a nice area with a high monster density actually. The best place to farm the monarch shield is jumping straight into Hell, so it is a late-game activity and just making your way through the halt of enemies because it tends to be the enemies that aren't the elites and such to drop this. It is all RNG so it is down to a bit of luck. However now you know what to aim for, it's something you'll definitely keep hold of when you do come across it. There are a lot of ads so for example in Act 4 just gathering up absolutely loads of them, probably Act 5 would be really nice as well if you went to Highlands Park, or any other place where you can find a lot of ads grouped up together would definitely be a great place to try to farm this base.

ACT 2 Hell Difficulty or Higher Area

Generally speaking, any hell difficulty ACT 2 or higher area with a high monster density is going to be a good option for farming a plain white monarch shield, since most monsters have a very comparable drop rate roughly 1 in 6,000 to 1 in 9,000 depending on the monster, but they're not too far off in difference in terms of likelihood of dropping the monarch base.

Bloody Foothills

The bloody foothills is pretty good for this in and of itself most of the monsters here have about a comparable chance to drop the base monarch type shield, and they're generally pretty squishy and not too hard to take down. So the bloody foothills is actually a good choice and we suggest you take out Dak Ferran, Shenk, Overseer, Eldritch, Rectifier. Actually, this is not a bad run even still because all these creatures come with their own minions back which are of the correct type to drop the monarch shield and you actually get a nice chance of finding some other good D2R armors, amulets, rings and other items too. 

The Pit in Tamoe Highland

The pit has monsters equal to the best chance of dropping monarch shield and not really too dangerous, generally speaking, this is probably maybe the easiest of the high-level end-game areas. And you should be pretty good in dealing with this as long as you're able to get past cold immunities and lightning immunities because monsters will have those particular immunities in the pit, so that's a good run with lots of weak low hip point creatures that can drop. You can find Pit quite easily, you just head to the outer cloister and teleport down to the monastery gates, and then you basically just follow the road that has two forks, one fork will lead you off the map then in that case it was this one and the other fork will lead you to the pit.

Ancient Tunnels

You could also do something like ancient tunnels, that way when you're farming for your monarch shield, you're also farming for potentially any other great end-game item. The problem with ancient tunnels is it can be a little bit hard to find you can spend a minute or two kind of searching around for it, so if you're not geared up pretty well, ancient tunnels can be dangerous.

Chaos Sanctuary 

Chaos Sanctuary is also another good spot where monsters can drop monarch shield base, also has a nice high monster density, but it can be a little bit harder again depending on your class, build, and gear. Monsters in Chaos Sanctuary are not quite as squishy, but there are a lot of them and if you can clear it quickly this is a good spot as well.

Flayer Jungle

Flayer Jungle is also a good spot which has a lot of weak monsters in terms of having a low amount of hit points, so you can clear them pretty quick. They of course can be pretty dangerous but as long as you're able to get through cold immunity and you have something to get through cold immunity, you can clear out a lot of monsters really quickly and they have a good chance to drop the monarch shield. 

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