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6 New Changes announced for WoW Classic Fresh Season of Mastery

11/1/2021 2:24:30 PM

World of Warcraft TBC classic season of mastery updates that Blizzard just announced pretty much like October 28t, recently one of the ones that are really most exciting.

6 New Changes announced for WoW Classic Fresh Season of Mastery

Specifically targeted at bots

All you are like number one thing is bots crackdown in the box and really this latest update. Specifically targeted at bots, Blizzard has made a new debuff called thief, this basically happens when you've pickpocketed way too many monsters in a row or creatures or humanoids right, if you do it like 10 or more times.

Pickpocketing like crazy you know on the template character in the season of mastery beta eventually got this thief debuff and every time pickpocketed after had this debuff. This thing is called pocket lint which vendors for exactly two copper, this is super useless compared to the alternatives now.

This debuff can't be dispelled, it can't be cleansed, it can't be removed even by death it's got the red border on it it's crazy. So this is awesome, this is gonna severely cut down on this form of gold farming, specifically being exploited though mainly by bots, you know tons of bots in brd right just pick pocking like crazy.

Maybe they'll try something else, this is a great move but you know you might think to yourself you know blizzard why don't you just ban the bots why do you gotta take away this farming method for those of us rogues who want to farm like this you know and aren't bots well fair argument, maybe blizzard just doesn't trust their ability to detect and report or ban bots at scale or maybe they don't want to because they're such a large portion of the subscriber base. 

So it's income that they don't want to get rid of, that's the reason but the second point hints that perhaps Blizzard is making more of a targeted effort and getting rid of bots hackers and cheaters blizzard has stated that the latest test versions of world of warcraft

Now include new code and new data related to forthcoming improvements to methods and systems for handling player misbehavior. Now, this is kind of vague, it's not entirely clear what player misbehavior actually is could, but the first thing is cheating and hacking botting player misbehavior.

Totally revamped emojis

Totally revamped emojis, you can't emote spit or laugh or poke you,  can't harm any other players with any of your emotes that could potentially be hinting at a more rigorous system that blizzard is using in order to crack down on some of these bots cheaters hackers, etc,  but don't really know when used to go and report bots really nothing would happen, it only happened once where would report a bot and get a letter in the mail from blizzard saying.

Release date and the name reservation date

Now the biggest announcement of all probably is number three, which is the release date and the name reservation date has been announced by blizzard as of October 28th, on November 11th you can create one character per services and get that name reserved for yourself.

So that is pretty exciting mark can't mark your calendars, because November 11th it's a big day get one of those really good names that you know it's just like one word, it's actually a normal name before you gotta resort to some crazy names you know stuff like that so that's super exciting and then also the season of mastery classic plus really the new WOW fresh has been announced to be November 16th at 3 p.m pst. 

Atlantis launch 

Launches are honestly the most fun out of anything, Atlantis launch for TBC was crazy, the coolest thing ever,  position yourself where a mob was going to spawn and just spam auto-attack.

Tag one monster where you can't tag anything, there are people everywhere. So November 16th at 3 p.m pst, look forward to the seasonal mastery launch, and then also have more changes announced for molten corn and nyxia.

Blizzard hinted that they were going to do this, it should be live in the beta, there was some data-mined information that could potentially be linked to some of these changes, got a spell called armageddon,  got call meteor charge that's not really new, maybe they just gave charge to more monsters dark mending, so got some type of heel going to monsters or raid bosses.

Spawn spiderlings

Got to spawn spiderlings that's kind of interesting curious what boss within nyxia or molten core summons spiderlings, one dispel magic that could definitely be an interesting eruption which looks like it could be some form of charge.

Explosion fireball volley inferno living fallout magma splash, all of these sound like molten core abilities, meteor summon core hound could actually be interesting definitely, which could make molten core a little harder if some bosses could literally summon core hounds like imagine if it's summoned like multiple amounts and you had to kill them all.

Summon enyxian warder

At the same time in the midst of a boss fight that could be particularly exciting, and then also have summon enyxian warder, this is certainly a nyxia add-on potentially adding a phase where enyxia will summon these onyxian waters.

How powerful they may be, but it's some type of ad that's probably going to show up during the nyxia fight, and then of course have the teleport spawn VFX.

So that's probably just the new sort of effect when these creatures are being spawned or summoned, so a lot of cool things happening here, gonna have basically an easy time harder types of raids so far molten corn and nyxia are the only ones seeing upgraded more difficult encounters potentially.

This also happens for future raids such as perhaps zul'gurub and Karaj and knoxramus, but so far Blizzard has not announced any of those things, and then finally the last announcement that Blizzard has revealed is that many groups of guard NPCs that were removed from alterac valley in patch 1.11 have been restored for the season of mastery, this could potentially be very exciting.

Imagining you know that maybe it won't be as easy to ninja things with these additional guards perhaps, it won't even make that big of a difference because the NPCs in altaric valley weren't even that crazy unless where they were like the ones in the base that was elite and were like crazy impossible to kill, but Blizzard's making all these changes bringing some you know fresh changes to the world of warcraft,  because that was another thing that all really wanted if you look at the survey here, you can see that content was a really big thing that we all wanted to be added just want changes, want a freshened up experience.

Unfortunately, Blizzard hasn't announced anything on potential class balance changes or dual spec, it would be cool to see more meme specs be viable in the world of warcraft classic plus pretty much at this point, but you know it's going to happen and wouldn't get your hopes up because the release is pretty much less than a month away and of course based off that release date the phase cycle, so as you all know you know two months per phase which means naxxramus in August or something so pretty much, all the phases should you know, you should already know based off just looking at you know the 12-month release cycle two months per phase and they already released what's being released in each phase.

So pretty much everything's laid out it's pretty exciting because actually know more about classic plus fresh or whatever you want to call it the season of mastery than tbc classic at this point because wow TBC classic it's like when is phase two now,  it's like people haven't really been asking, but have no idea when phase three will be or phase four or phase five.

Then you know like what like a month or a few weeks before blizzard's like oh, it's going to be released in two weeks. The communication that's been going on with the season of mastery. If it's different teams that are handling the two games, the season of mastery feels like going in the right direction, Blizzard is listening to the bots tackled number one priority and it seems like that is what they are focusing on.  

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