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WOW TBC Classic PHASE 2 IS ACTUALLY SO CRAZY! - The Most Important Things in Classic TBC Phase 2

9/1/2021 5:01:06 PM

WOW Classic TBC phase 2 will start on September 15th, the PTR server already launched Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern and other things, and in their nerf state, added guild banks, LFG tools, Ogri'la and Sha'Tari SkyGuard prestige, increased arena points distribution, etc. This guide mainly introduces the things you need to know in WOW TBC Classic Phase 2. 

Here are Detailed Things You Need to Know in WOW TBC Classic Phase 2 

Arena Points  

An increase in arena points distribution at the end of each week, don’t have the details of how big of an increase, this will be but this should help people who haven't finished their PvP set yet or are looking at getting some PvP pieces to raid with like enhancement shaman. For example, this should help get that done ahead of time of wow tbc classic season 2 and wow classic tbc phase 2. 

Cheaper Season 1 Gear

Another change that will be coming very soon is a decrease in the cost of Arena and Honor gear prior to the end of wow classic tbc season 1, but don't have a specific timeframe for this, but Holly Longdale mentioned they're planning on applying this change ahead of wow tbc classic season 2 with enough time for people to farm their PvP sets ahead of time, so this should be coming sooner rather than later, and again this is one more reason to get into Arena now.

Arena Points Reset 

If you still have some things to buy with arena points. Then at the end of wow tbc classic season 1, your arena points will all be converted into Honor Points, the approximate number was given is about 10 honor points per 1 arena point, so make sure you spend your arena points ahead of time.

If you want some wow tbc season 1 gear because your points will be carrying over. Not sure whether season 1 gear will still cost arena points in season 2, but I would guess it still will but the rating requirement will be removed from shoulders and weapons. 

Outland Faction PvP Gear 

Outland faction PvP gear will be coming ahead of time, originally released in the Sunwell Plateau patch, this should be coming very soon as a catchup mechanic for players who want to get into PvP, if you don't know what Outland faction PVP gear is, each reputation quartermaster in Outland was given a blue PvP piece of gear to sell at the end of TBC, in Sunwell patch, this was a good way to get into PvP if your character just hit 70 and you had to face against those full resilience geared PvPers. 

That gear only required Honored with the given reputation, you could grab shoulders from the Sha'tar rep, the head from Lower City, the gloves from Thrallmar, and so on, and honor is very easy to obtain, in fact, you probably should be honored once you hit 70 in wow tbc classic unless you just grinded mobs in the open world all day.

So once this is added go around Outland and grab those PvP pieces, this should not only be a for PvP in wow tbc classic phase 2, of course, but it should also be some quite good gear for PvE even.

Phase2 PTR Testing & Same-Faction BG Feedback 

Blizzard also mentioned the same faction battleground testing in wow tbc classic phase 2 and that they're gonna keep running it for a bit and also that they're looking for as much feedback on that as they can.

Moving on now to the juicy stuff wow tbc classic phase 2, so phase 2 will be coming to the public test realm servers starting next week and will get to test Serpent Shrine Cavern and Tempest Keep on their Prenerf state, this means that Lady Vashj and Kael'thas will both be insane to do, well depending of course how crazy Blizzard decides to go about it. 

Lady Vashj for example had an ability called Persuasion that she would use on a bunch of random players, this basically made the players affected one-shot machines, and you had to keep them CCed at all costs, the worst part is this could also land on a tank or healer, so you can imagine how much RNG was involved with killing this boss. 

Blizzard completely scratched this ability in patch 2.1.  It's gonna be interesting to see how this plays out in wow tbc classic phase 2 this time around and whether Blizzard will kinda fix this ability to not have it target tanks or healers. 

As for Kael'thas, the reason why it was so hard was mainly that the fight was extremely over tuned and also very buggy, for example, you had the weapons that you'd fight in phase 3 never despawning if you wiped on that phase, and obviously, the fight was incredibly overtuned, in patch 2.3 Blizzard reduced all the advisors and summoned weapons health by 10%. But yeah Kael’thas was undefeated for a very long time in TBC, and even after all the nerfs, it was still an extremely hard fight, it's gonna be very interesting. 

Tier 4 Content Nerf

Holly Longdale also mentioned that once wow tbc classic phase 2 drops, tier 4 content will be going to the post nerf state, so if your guild is still struggling on Magtheridon or Nightbane every night, this should help out a lot, Magtheridon will probably no longer require perfect coordination, as the time on the debuff will probably be reduced, so you’ll only need a handful of groups to handle the cubes, and Nightbane's ads may also stop doing that crazy aura they do, the rain of bones should stop following targets and so on.  Those are the two bosses that people have the most issues with one but there should be more nerfs across some other bosses too.

Guild Banks 

Another thing that will be coming with wow tbc classic phase 2 is the Guild Banks, this is a feature that was highly requested by a lot of players since WOW TBC was added to the beta a long time ago.

Unfortunately, close to the release of the game, Blizzard announced that guild banks will not be coming at launch, a lot of players speculated that they might be coming with wow tbc classic phase 3 or 4, then since Guild banks were added in patch 2.3 originally, but thankfully it seems like they're coming in WOW TBC Classic phase 2. 

So what this means is that not only will your guild master be 10 times happier now, not having to sort through tens of alts, but it also means that you really need to create your own personal guild asap, guild banks are one of the cheapest ways to have a ton of inventory space at your disposal, the first tab of the guild bank only costs 100 tbc gold and gives you 98 item slots, that's very cheap for so much inventory space, then if you want you can buy more tabs but they do cost more and more, up to 5000 for the last tab.

Guild banks also allow you to store tbc gold if you want, and repair using those stored funds if you're running low on WOW gold TBC on your alts, instead of having to send  WOW gold classic over every time. 

To create a guild bank,  however, remember that you'll have to find 9 different players in wow tbc classic phase 2, that 9 players with 9 different services, you can't just ask someone to make a bunch of alts unfortunately, so guild signups will be a good way to make some tbc classic gold in the near future, just ask random players around to sign your guild charter in exchange for a tbc classic gold or two. 

But once you do that head to your city's bank and click on the big guild vaults that should appear in wow tbc classic phase 2 and purchase your first guild tab.

LFG Tool

Something else coming with wow tbc classic phase 2 is the LFG tool, Blizzard almost instantly emphasized here that this is not a tool that will automatically find groups for you, all this will do is it will allow for a more organized way to form and join groups as opposed to the mess that the LFG channel is nowadays in large servers.

You can think of it like the addon LFG Bulletin Board but even better with a graphical interface. You still need to reach out and talk to the group leader to join, and if you are a group leader, you'll probably still need to reach out to players to ask them their spec and whatnot, but we'll have to wait and see how this actually looks like on the PTR. 

This is a very welcome change in wow tbc classic phase 2, the Looking for group channel is a complete mess on most large servers, most of the time you post a message and it disappears in a couple of seconds, which creates a vicious cycle where people start spamming, and then because there's more spam you have to spam even faster and so on, it's just a horrible system that doesn't really work, so this simple LFG tool should fix that whilst keeping the authenticity of having to actually talk to someone to join their group. 

Ogri'la and Sha'tari Skyguard

Next up are Ogri'la and Sha'tari Skyguard reputations, those will be coming in wow tbc classic phase 2 as expected. Do you want to know the fastest way to level them? But out of the two, the one you'd most be interested in is Sha'tari Skyguard, this rewards the first flying mount model that isn't a gryphon or a wyvern, and this reputation is actually quite fast to level if you know what you're doing.

Then Ogri'la is, unfortunately, a reputation that is both really annoying to level and extremely underwhelming, there's next to no rewards for it, most players that do this do it for the tabard, there's only a couple of really annoying daily quests and that's the only way to level this reputation every day, suggest skipping this if you're not a completionist if you're looking to level it. 

Arena Teams Ladder 

And finally, Blizzard announced that starting from wow tbc classic phase 2, players will be able to look at the arena team rankings for the top 5000 teams as well as the cutoffs for end-of-season rewards. This is an extremely welcome addition, back in the day in WOW TBC, the good old website that showed this, but nowadays in WOW Classic TBC, don't know how hard to push our arena rating to receive the gladiator rewards. 

But thanks to this everyone should have an easy and clear way to know how the top teams are doing and plan accordingly. Blizzard did not mention exactly if this will be an in-game feature or web-based, it might be both, to be honest, but either way, every arena player will rejoice to hear this for sure. 

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