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WOW TBC Classic phases 2 - 7 UNEXPECTED Changes in Classic TBC's Phase 2

8/18/2021 5:06:24 PM

WOW TBC Classic phases 2 is finally up on the PTR servers for a few days now actually, experience all the content that this new phase has to offer, including guild banks, the LFG tool, Sha’tari skyguard, and of course SSC and Tempest Keep, but surprisingly enough players discovered more unexpected things on the wow tbc PTR, things that were supposed to be added later on in the game, but that is available right away. 

Today, the main talk is about the things Blizzard didn't talk about on the wow tbc PTR, from /spit being removed, Druid fast-flying forms, Illidare, Engineering Goggles, etc in WOW TBC Classic phases 2.

Here are 7 unexpected changes discovered on WOW TBC Classic phases 2


The Druid swift flight form questline is available right now. On WOW TBC Classic currently, Druids only have access to the slow flight form, which only goes at a speed of 60%, this is a highly undesired way to fly for a lot of druids, and many of them defaulted to buying a fast flying mount for 200 gold. Well, it turns out that the fast flight form is coming sooner rather than later in WOW TBC Classic.

Indeed, the swift flight form for Druid was only added in patch 2.1, the Black Temple patch, so it was a pleasant surprise for everyone to see this available from now. So to get this you'll have to go to moon glade, after reaching level 70 and buying the fast flight skill for 5000 gold of course. 

This quest is available from the NPC Loganaar, Morthis Whisperwing, which will lead you down a long quest chain that ends in Sethekk Halls heroic, where you’ll have to summon and defeat Anzu, the infamous boss that drops Reins of the Raven Lord, which means that this mount is now available for farming as a byproduct.

As a reminder, the swift flight form is one of the best and fastest ways to farm gold through gathering, not only because going in flight form is instant and doesn't require the usually 2.5 seconds cast time to summon a regular mount, but also because you can gather herbs while flying, making Druid real money-making machines, so go get this as soon as it's available and enjoy your new instant and fast flight form as a Druid. 


The LFG tool being unchanged, Blizzard mentioned in their announcement that an LFG tool would be coming to Classic WOW TBC to make forming pugs easier and more organized than the mess that the Looking for group channel currently is, and if you remember back in BlizzconLine a developer hinted at this LFG tool being added to the wow classic burning crusade, but maybe modernized to make it more used than it originally was in its first iteration in 2007 in WOW TBC. 

They didn't change anything to it, the LFG tool present right now on the WOW TBC Classic PTR is the same one that was widely unused back in 2007 and 2008, the reason why this was widely unused are many,  but even though today on the WOW TBC Classic PTR, people prefer spamming the LFG channel than using this tool, if you look at how many people are even listing themselves here the numbers are extremely low compared to how many players are present on the WOW PTR. 

So the question is: Should players be educated more on the presence of this tool and pushed and incentivized to use it more to make it more useful for everyone, or does the issue lie in the fact that this first iteration of the LFG tool is just very limited? 

 If Blizzard was to just copy-paste the LFG tool from retail to wow tbc, this would be a way better system than what we have on the PTR today. 

And as a reminder, before you bring out your torches and forks, the LFG tool from retail does NOT automatically match you with a random group and automatically teleport you to the dungeon, that's what the dungeon finder is, that should stay in retail, but rather the big difference that makes the LFG tool from retail superior from the one on the PTR currently is the fact that it's kinda flipped on its head, with the WOW TBC PTR LFG tool right now it's the group leaders that need to search for members, in retail, the people looking for a group that looks for one, and that makes it a way better tool.

Do you think this tool will be used and useful on the live servers or do you think it's gonna be just like it was in 2007 and it is on the PTR right now, a forgotten feature, and more importantly, do you agree that Blizzard should add the LFG tool from retail?


Something else that is surprisingly on the wow tbc PTR right now is the Marks of the Illidari, this is an item obtainable from trash mobs inside the raids SSC and Tempest Keep, and Black Temple and Hyjal in the future. And with this, you can buy flasks identical to the current flasks in WOW TBC, but with the caveat that you can only use them inside tier 5 content raids and beyond, so not in Kara, Gruul, or Magtheridon.

You can buy these from a vendor in either the Scryers or Aldor bank, but the vendor only starts selling you these if you're exalted with all of Cenarion Expedition, Aldor, and Sha’tar. Now you might be wondering why this is on this list, well it's because this was added with patch 2.1 originally, the Black temple patch, before that this vendor didn't exist, and the trash inside SSC and TK did not drop those. 

Without any caveat in having those in wow classic burning crusade phases 2, other than the fact that regular flask prices may be affected, for better or for worse, since you can trade and sell those Marks on the auction house. 

With tier 4 content getting nerfed and not being on progression anymore for a lot of guilds, there's gonna be very little incentive to make regular flasks anymore, meaning that alchemists will lose a gold making option, given that alchemy is probably the profession with the most gold making option but still, it feels bad for anyone who made flasks to make WOW classic TBC gold. Again this might be an oversight and this could be removed from the trash in SSC and TK the moment someone at Blizzard notices it


The spit emote getting removed, well not removed but not usable on players anymore. This came out of nowhere, and we're still not sure whether this is a bug or if it's intended, but doing /spit on a player, * laugh* or NPC surprisingly, just does nothing, you can only spit on the ground now.

Players speculate that this is a change to combat toxicity and harassment in the game. But anyways this is a change and this is a change that sees the light of day on wow classic burning crusade first before retail. 


Something else players discovered on the WOW PTR is the epic engineering goggles. This came as a surprise because those were only added in patch 2.1 again, the Black Temple patch, but Blizzard decided to add them right now in phase 2 ahead of time. 

What are epic engineering goggles? why do you need them and how do you craft them? First, you can obtain these very easily by talking to the grandmaster engineering trainer at either Thrallmar or Honor Hold, you'll then be able to craft them. Now they are a bit pricy to make but nothing crazy to be honest, they all share the same reagents with the exception that some require orange gems, some require red gems, some require green gems, etc, feels bad if your best one requires Living Ruby. 

But the reason why this is such a big deal is that those are good, best in the slot for some classes until Sunwell even, some classes don't replace them in Sunwell.

And where there's power there's an incentive, a lot of players will be dropping whatever profession they have to go engineering now to get these goggles, it's a best-in slot piece of gear that’s decently cheap to make.  So a rise in popularity for engineering now, because up until now there was very little incentive to go engineering for a lot of classes, but will single-handedly change that. 


Once you get disconnected for any reason, your internet drops, you move out of WIFI range, your dog trips on the wire, any reason really, you're now put on the login screen again but this time you have this big reconnect button, and if you press it after your connection is reestablished, of course, you'll automatically be put on the character selection screen again. Super neat feature, no longer do you have to type in your password again or close the game entirely and launch it from the battle net again, just press this button and you'll automatically be put in the game again. This feature isn't even on retail right now, it could be a PTR thing only but hope it's added to the live servers too, this is too good of a quality of game life feature.


The last unexpected thing on the WOW PTR is that the PvP faction gear, which was announced a couple of days ago to be added, is NOT on the PTR currently.

If you don't know what the PvP faction gear is, next, show you: in patch 2.4, the Sunwell patch, quartermasters for each faction across Outland were given a specific PvP piece of gear to sell, this was a catch-up mechanic for players who wanted to get into PvP and didn’t want to have the super resilience decked players in the Arena in patch 2.4. 

Blizzard announced this a couple of days ago to be added, here are their exact words:  Plays the clip. As you can see, Holly Longdale here did NOT specifically mention that this would be coming with phase 2, and she also called it the "Outland Faction Gear".

Now there are a few reasons why this isn't on the wow tbc PTR currently, first they may just have forgotten to add it for now and it's gonna be added eventually, this is the most plausible explanation, to be honest, 

Blizzard didn't say that it's coming in wow classic burning crusade phase 2 and they also called it the "Outland Faction Gear" which could mean anything, of course, this is in the context of a phase 2 announcement and they did mention Sunwell, which was the patch the PvP gear, so both of those reasons are less likely.

But those are a few of the reasons why the wow tbc PvP gear isn't in the PTR yet, the most plausible reason is probably that they forgot to add it yet, maybe they plan on doing a PvP test on the PTR with season 2 available, and make this gear available.

The wow TBC phase 2 classic PTR is running right now and there's a ton of players playing it around the clock, so if you want to test these things for yourselves or do the new tbc raids, you can do it so. You're even given a free character to gear up with all the gear in the game, so join in on the fun if you want to now.   

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