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Rocket League Momentum Guide - How To Keep Your Momentum Up Effectively?

8/19/2021 11:13:02 AM

This is our quickfire guide to keep your car moving from point A to point B in a speedy manner in Rocket League. Keeping momentum is very important in 2v2 and 3v3 games, as there's only one player to cover rotating back and moving into position as soon as is humanly possible, perhaps even sooner is of paramount importance. Fortunately, there are surefire steps you can take to make your trek back smooth and speedy. A lot of you clever Rocket League boffins up there, probably heard of most of these moves, but it's worth going over them again in the context of 2v2, and if you do have any blind spots you'll be amazed how much utilizing these small tips can help you. 

Tip 1 - The Wavedash

The key momentum keeper is the wavedash - one of those moves you're going to find yourself doing all the time pretty much, instinctively once you know how it's done. To do your bog-standard wavedash:

  • 1. Jump off the wall and tilt your car back ever so slightly

  • 2. As soon as your back wheels, first touch the floor, dodge forwards

  • 3. As long as you dodge before your front wheels touch the ground, your car will slam into the ground with the energy of a thousand suns, propelling It forwards as it lands and giving you a nifty little speed bonus. 

This bonus results in you going supersonic with just a single dodge forwards or you can reach max speed using way less , there is more per person in twos admittedly but a little extra gas in the tank is never a bad thing. 

Wavedashes are useful in all game modes but particularly so in 2v2, we're covering as much of the pitch as you can, in as little time as possible is the difference between winning and losing. Finally we've only describe the basic wavedash like seemingly everything in Rocket League, there's a whole host of different techniques to learn. 

Tip 2 - The Half Flip

Another useful little move for keeping momentum is the half flip, this saves you a few precious seconds when turning around, super useful if you're the sort of player who prefers making saves to concede in goals. The half flip is useful whenever you find your back to the ball. As dribbling is so important in the 2v2 game, half flipping into the ball and dribbling it away so neat ace to have up your sleeve hole in times of need. 

To do the move, you simply follow these 2 steps:

  • 1. Just dodge backwards of your stick held a couple of degrees to the left or right of directly down

  • 2. When your car's upside down, flick the stick directly upwards and your car will flip round in midair

  • This happens because of your own blind faith and apparently also proposed flicking your stick up cancels the backflip while leaving the side flip unaffected.

Tip 3 - Fast Aerials

Fast launch aerials get you in the air quicker and allow you to fly higher using less , sounds like a pretty powerful move. You essentially forfeit your ability to compete in the air at certain levels. If two people challenge for the bull, the player who's fast launch aerial will get their first 100% of the time, while you'll float to the floor like a pointless discarded. The most instinctive form of a parcel jereal is double jumping before , so welcome to bronze two if you aren't already doing that. 

After that there are two types of fast launch aerial - before enduring your first jump and after it:

  • 1. before enduring your first jump is ideal when the ball is about 45 degrees in front of you, and you want to aerial with a flatish angle

  • 2. from the ground and then double jump, holding down the entire way, make sure you aim your car when it's on the ground as opposed to jumping ASAP and then relying on your aerial skills to maneuver you in the air, a flat fast launch aerial pretty much bullets your car forward. 

So if you don't align your car beforehand you won't be able to affect your trajectory, as much as you're probably used to, this is more advanced stuff than that feather your rubbish, so there'll be two part off if, it takes a little bit of practice in free play to master:

  • 1. It's possible to dodge into a all after a fast launch aerial as well. Just hold , align your car, single jump while holding then dodge at the end of your aerial like normal.

  • 2. If the ball above your head, the fast launch aerial technique is slightly different, what you got to do is jump immediately angry your car upwards then hold as you perform your second jump, you'll then fire up directly into the sky. Going for a ball above your head is risky though you should only be done when no one's around, such as when you've been lobs and you need to make a save. 

  • 3. If you're directly underneath the ball in the center of the pitch, just rotate back to your opponent's, and teammates are probably in a better position to hit the ball than you are. 

Here are the 3 tips and moves you can try to keep your momentum up effectively in Rocket League 2v2 or 3v3 macthes, hope this guide will help you win more games, and if you need cheap Rocket League items, welcome to check the best offer on AOEAH.COM!

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