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The War Within 11.0.7 Solo Shuffle Tier List (DPS, Healer, PvP)

11/5/2024 5:47:05 PM
Tag: WoW TWW

In The War Within 11.0.5, having a strong solo class and spec is essential due to the demands of solo PvP scenarios like Solo Shuffle and 1v1 duels.  Read our TWW 11.0.5 Solo Shuffle tier list that breaks down the current state of Solo Shuffle across all roles, examining why certain specs are thriving while others struggle to find their footing in the evolving meta.


The War Within 11.0.5 Solo Shufle Tier List - Best Solo DPS, Healer & PvP Specs Ranked In TWW

In the War Within, solo modes require classes to survive without dedicated support from teammates, making self-healing, damage mitigation, and mobility critical. Specs that lack these qualities, such as Holy Priest or Frost Death Knight, are vulnerable to aggressive classes that can quickly capitalize on weaknesses. Strong solo classes like Feral Druid and Havoc Demon Hunter excel here by combining high damage output with self-sustain and durability. Good solo specs can adapt to a variety of opponents and combat styles. Without further ado, let’s dive into the War Within 11.0.5 Solo ranged, melee DPS, healer and pvp tier list and ranking!


TWW 11.0.5 Solo Ranged DPS Tier List

S Tier

  • Beast Mastery Hunter: Currently considered the best TWW 11.0.5 DPS overall. Consistently strong performance and versatility makes it stand out above all other ranged specs.

A Tier

  • Devastation Evoker: Strong damage output with decent CC capabilities.

  • Demonology/Affliction Warlock: Both specs performing well in current caster-heavy meta.

  • Shadow Priest: Strong overall performance in current meta.

  • Frost Mage: Still strong but struggles against Shamans and BM Hunters.

  • Elemental Shaman: Recently nerfed but remains strong, especially against other casters.

B Tier

  • Balance Druid: Potentially underrated, high "First Blood" rate but requires high skill to perform well.

  • Destruction Warlock: Can perform well but vulnerable to training and dies more often.

  • Marksmanship Hunter: Falling off but still brings useful utility with CC and Mortal Strike.

  • Arcane Mage: Underrepresented but has strong burst potential, though vulnerable to lockdowns.

C Tier

  • Fire Mage: Not necessarily weak but suffers from slow damage ramp-up. Lacks the burst potential of other specs and relies on sustained damage, which is less effective in current meta.


TWW 11.0.5 Solo Melee DPS Tier List

S Tier

  • Feral Druid: Considered the best Solo Shuffle melee DPS in the War Within 11.0.5.

A Tier

  • Fury/Arms Warrior: Both specs are strong but lobby-dependent; struggle in Paladin/double-caster compositions.

  • Enhancement Shaman: High damage potential, strong utility, comparable to "walking Affliction Warlock".

  • Retribution Paladin: Underrated in Solo Shuffle, good team utility and damage.

  • Survival Hunter: Solid performer, better than Marksmanship but not as strong as Beast Mastery.

B Tier

  • Windwalker Monk: Performs better than Demon Hunter but not quite at Warrior level.

  • Havoc Demon Hunter: Good damage but susceptible to dying quickly.

  • All Rogue specs (Outlaw, Subtlety, Assassination): Decent performance but have fallen off from previous strength. Outlaw potentially strongest of the three.

C Tier

  • Unholy Death Knight: Struggling in current meta but performs slightly better than Frost.

D Tier

  • Frost Death Knight: Currently considered the weakest melee spec. Lacks Mortal Strike effect which significantly impacts its viability. Can occasionally win through burst damage but generally underperforms.


TWW 11.0.5 Solo Healer Tier List

S Tier

  • Holy Paladin: Currently the best the War Within 11.0.5 healer in Solo Shuffle. Has strong mitigation and throughput, with versatile toolkit making them effective in most team compositions. Despite recent slight nerfs, maintains top position due to damage mitigation abilities and consistent performance.

A Tier

  • Discipline Priest: Strong overall performance with good balance of damage and healing.

  • Mistweaver Monk: Recently improved with changes to Crackling Jade Lightning and Rising Wind Kick, offering extra offensive pressure alongside healing.

  • Preservation Evoker: Performs well in current meta, especially with fewer rogues/mages. Good offensive capabilities, though can be vulnerable in stuns.

D Tier

  • Holy Priest: Currently the weakest healer on this the War Within 11.0.5 solo healer ranking, lacking damage mitigation which is crucial in the current meta. Struggles in dampening and has insufficient CC. Recent buffs didn't address core issues. Only healer specialization without any 2400+ rated players in Solo Shuffle, highlighting its current struggles.


TWW 11.0.5 Solo PvP Tier List

S Tier

  • Havoc Demon Hunter: Feral Druid excels as the best 1v1 spec with strong self-healing, shapeshifting versatility, and enhanced durability in 11.0.5. Their stealth and consistent damage output makes them self-sufficient fighters.

  • Feral Druid: Feral Druid excels as the best 1v1 spec with strong self-healing, shapeshifting versatility, and enhanced durability in 11.0.5. Their stealth and consistent damage output makes them self-sufficient fighters.

  • Beast Mastery Hunter/Survival Hunter/Marksmanship Hunter: All Hunter specs shine in different ways - Beast Mastery with constant mobile damage, Survival with melee pressure and traps, and Marksmanship with ranged burst. Their kiting abilities and disengage make them lethal solo.

  • Frost Mage: Frost Mage controls fights with double Ice Block, constant slows, and Ice Wall. Their burst damage and Cold Snap resets provide both offensive and defensive strength.

  • Windwalker Monk: Windwalker Monk combines high mobility with strong defensive cooldowns like Fortifying Brew and Touch of Karma. Their self-healing and burst damage make them versatile solo fighters.

  • Assassination Rogue/Subtlety Rogue: Rogues (Assassination and Subtlety) control engagements through stealth, strong crowd control, and burst damage. Multiple vanish charges and fight reset abilities make them the best TWW 11.0.5 solo PvP specs.

A Tier

  • Unholy Death Knight: Strong burst with pets and diseases, but vulnerable to kiting. Good sustained pressure and self-healing, though lacks reliable escape options.

  • Devastation Evoker: High mobility with flying and decent burst damage. However, predictable damage windows and limited defensive options make them vulnerable.

  • Arcane Mage: Good burst potential but less reliable than Frost. Lacks consistent control tools and more vulnerable during cooldowns.

  • Retribution Paladin: Strong burst windows and good healing, but struggles with mobility. Predictable damage patterns make them easier to counter.

  • Shadow Priest: Decent sustained damage and self-healing but lacks strong escape tools. Vulnerable to melee pressure and interrupts.

  • Enhancement Shaman: High burst damage but squishy. Relies heavily on cooldowns and struggles against mobile classes.

  • All Warlock specs (Affliction, Destruction, Demonology): Strong sustained damage and pet utility, but limited mobility makes them vulnerable to focused pressure. Each spec offers different strengths but shares common mobility weakness.

  • Arms/Fury Warriors: Strong damage and decent mobility, but predictable engagement patterns. Lacks reliable self-healing and can be kited effectively.

B Tier

  • Elemental Shaman: Good ranged pressure but struggles with consistent mobility. Can be vulnerable when caught without cooldowns.

  • Frost Death Knight: Strong control and burst, but like Unholy, can be kited. Limited gap closers hurt their effectiveness.

  • Fire Mage: Powerful burst but more cooldown dependent than Frost. Less consistent control tools and survivability.

  • Balance Druid: Good range and utility but lacks the consistent pressure of Feral. More vulnerable when focused and harder to secure kills.

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