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Madden NFL 21 Blitz Promo - Release Date, Offers, Blitz Bolts, Prepation & Investment Tips

11/23/2020 6:17:46 PM

Madden 21 Blitz Promo is here! What to expect and how to prepare for the big event? In this guide, we will explain more details and tips for it.

Madden 21 Blitz Promo Guide

In this Madden 21 guide, we will tell you what the Blitz Promo actually is because it's important that you have a general understanding of the promo before we can start to talk about preparation and stuff you can actually be doing in the promo to take advantage.

What the Blitz Promo IsIn Madden NFL 21?

It's a way for Madden to offer players a bunch of exclusive offers throughout the day, which give you some really good cards and really good packs in the game. There are going to pack that you can get for cheap and new blitz players that you can earn from solos or from using blitz bolts which is a currency that we already have in the game.  Essentially all these packs and players are going to be associated with limited-time offers so they're only available in the store or available within the settings screen for a couple of hours at a time, so you need to be on the bowl when it comes to preparation.

When Will The Madden 21 Blitz Promo Release?

The promo starts at 8 O'Clock, November 26th (Eastern Time) and going to end on the night of November 29th. It should run for about three days.

What Is Madden 21 Blitz Bolts?

Unlike Madden 21 Coins and Points, Blitz Blots is a special main currency used for this limited-time event - Blitz Promo. You will need Blitz Blots for buying players who then give you Master Tickets, which can be used to acquire the Lamar Jackson and Chris Johnson Masters. 

How To Get Blitz Bolts in Madden NFL 21?

There are a variety of ways to earn Boltz in the game:

1. Collect Boltzs by completing Solos (950 Boltz and 25K MUT coins)

2. Play Online House Rules to earn Boltzs, 25 Boltz for a win and none for a loss

3. Get Boltz by simply checking in every 8 hours to trade 500 coins for 100 Boltz

4. Buy the packs (only can buy with points) which include Boltzs

5. Get as a reward by simply logging in to the game every so often throughout the day

How To Prepare For The Blizte Promo In Madden 21?

1. Get As Many Blitz Bolts As Many As You Can By Knocking Out The Solo Challenges

Knock out your turkey bowl solo challenges to get a free 820 blitz bolts. Now as you can see, for getting up to the final tier, tier number nine of the solo challenges, you are able to earn 820 blitz bolts absolutely free. These bolts are going to allow you to interact with the promo when it does release because blitz bolts are the main currency you're going to be using when it comes to buying these exclusive store offers for packs or for players that are coming into the game. So knock out these solos! You don't have to get all the way up to tier number nine although we would recommend it, because when you do get all the way up there, you do end up getting those 200 blitz bolts absolutely free. But if you can only get up to tier number eight or tier number seven that's going to give you a pretty solid head start when it comes to the promo.

2. Sell Off All The Cards In Your Binder

Let's talk about the market ramifications of the promo, this is probably the most interesting aspect of the blitz promo. Unlike the thanksgiving or the most feared promo where we get a lot of cards you can grind for and solo challenges as well assets,  this is a very pack and market heavy-based promo, so what we're going to be getting is a lot of different special offers in here with blitz bolts and with points. Now for the points offers, these are usually going to be some really good packs like 50 packs or pro fantasy packs or really just some of the most popular packs in Madden 21 Ultimate Team for a discounted price. Instead of seeing the prices of these packs at like 15 for a legend fantasy, these would go down to like one dollar and fifty cents, but each person will only be able to open up one per services.

And when that happens, that is gonna tank the price of legend cards and just cards in general. So expect a pretty solid market zip when it comes to this blitz promo but unlike other promos in the past or unlike when packs get refreshed in the store, this is going to be a short-term market dip because it's only going to be a thing for a few days. So you want to sell off your players now, if you have any straggler cards or just players that you've pulled and haven't yet sold off, sell off your cards now. 

We are expecting a pretty sizable dip when it comes to this promo, similar to what we get when we get a series changeover where pack arts are refreshed. It's the same type of thing people are opening up a lot of packs because they're cheap, really good value. And when the series refresh happens, people open up a lot of packs because they're good value, the odds go up, the prices don't change and that makes the packs better value. This time the opposite is happening the prices are changing and the odds are staying the same which increases the value of the packs, people are going to be ripping a lot of packs and sell off your cards now to prepare. 

3. Plan What To Buy Accordingly With Your Blitz Bolts

Generally what happens and what we saw last year is EA will list out all the offers that are coming into the game and what you can do is save your blitz bolts until the offer that you want to select is available in the store. Because each offer is usually going to be available for a couple of hours, but it's going to be shown as upcoming until the time that it pops into the store. So save your blitz bolts for an offer you like, don't just buy the first offer if it's like all pro fantasy packs for like 200 blitz bolts. Save it for the offer that you want the most if there's a player you want. 

Sometimes it's going to cost you like 1.5 or 2 000 blitz bolts, but you can get a player that's like a 92 or 93 overall and it's going to be a really good card by using those bolts. Plan accordingly, write down how many bolts you think you're going be able to have.

4. Look At Investing When It Comes To Blitz Promo

Investing during the promo is a really interesting option because all the packs and all the players we're going to be getting are limited-time players. Let's talk about the players for example, and how this could work as an investment tip. When the special offer for let's say one Tyler Lockett is available in the store, there's only going to be a four-hour window where people can get the card, it's kind of like an LCD where you can only get it for four hours. In that time period, the market is likely going to go down and down for that player because people are undercutting each other over and over again. The sweet spot for when the cards would probably the cheapest is three-quarters of the time the players are available. So let's say, for example, there was a  Tyler Lockett, he was available for four hours, we would expect that around the two to three-hour mark of the car being in the game is probably when he'd be the cheapest, and at that time you could potentially make an investment. You could purchase the player and hold on to him because there's not going to be any more supply of the card, no one else is going to be able to open up the special offer pack after the time expires. Ideally what would happen is you purchase the card when it's really cheap and there's a lot of supply in the market you hold on to it and wait until that supply evaporates everyone who wants the card has purchased it and there are no more opportunities for people to get the card from pax. What would happen in that situation is after the promo ends, maybe like a day later or two days later, the price of the cards starts to increase and that's when you sell it off and make your MUT 21 coins profit.

That's definitely an interesting proposition, it's something you couldn't do with the players as well as the packs. Because obviously with the packs if we get a 50 player pack, you could potentially purchase one of the most wanted 50 cards, let's say for example Dante Culpepper or mays one of the most popular cards you could purchase him hold on to him wait for his value to go up in price and then potentially make a profit by selling them off in a couple of days.

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