If you want to try big AOE builds in Path of Exile Necropolis League, read our PoE 3.24 AOE build guide, we'll break down ascendancies, gear, and skills for the best AoE builds.
A good Area of Effect (AoE) build is essential in many games, especially in Path of Exile, because it allows players to efficiently deal with groups of enemies. AoE skills can damage multiple enemies at once, making it much faster to clear large groups of monsters compared to single-target skills. This increases the overall efficiency of combat, helping players progress through content more quickly. Many AoE mechanics not only deal damage but also apply effects such as slowing, stunning, or debuffing enemies. This can be crucial for managing large groups of enemies and reducing the incoming damage or threat to the player. Next, we'll bring you top 3 best PoE 3.24 Necropolis AoE builds.
Class: Duelist
Instead of many small hits like Cyclone Sweep, do a few big hits with an immense out-of-effect with Ultimate Sweep. This best PoE 3.24 build has insane boss damage and is capable of killing Guardians with only four or five spins of your sword which is going to make you feel like a boss. This build also has a great clear speed because of the huge arrow effect that almost covers the whole screen. The downside is its survivability because you need to stay still and very close to enemies. We recommend you always stay a few levels higher than the maps you're in and invest in your survivability.
Brutal Fervour
Bane of Legends
Weapon: Starforge
Helm: Starkonja Head
Armor: Belly of the Beast
Boots: Atziri Step
Divine Life Flask
Quicksilver Flask
Diamond Flask
Jade Flask
Lion's Roar
Class: Templar
This build stacks as much mana as possible to take advantage of the Arcane Surge support gem that grants up to 19% of your mana as extra lightning damage. The skill of choice was the transfigure gem, Ice Nova of Frost Bolts that deals a lot more damage when cast near a Frost Bolt. To make things smoother, we use the Kitava's Thirst to automatically cast the Frost Bolts for us. The pros of this build are its boss damage. All of those overlapping Ice Novas on countless Frost Bolts cause bosses to die like simple monsters. The clear speed is awesome as well. With the help of Frostblink of Wintry Blast, we can zoom through maps very fast while casting Ice Novas in all directions. However, this build isn't cheap, it needs a few Divine Orbs to work properly. Another issue is that you must have extra mana in all pieces of equipment and that might make the gearing process a little harder.
Conviction of power
Divine Guidance
Sanctuary of Thought
Arcane blessing
Weapon: Wand
Helm: Kitava's Thirst
Armor: Loreweave
Ring: Anathema
Divine Life Flask
Quicksilver Flask
Diamond Flask
Granite Flask
Silver Flask
Class: Duelist
The last Path of Exuke expansion brought the transfer gems with it. This means an alternative version of active to gems. The cyclon skill got the Circlone of Tumult, it is a cyclon wider and more powerful. But with the downside of being a lot slower, however, we can simply have a cyclon with 33% more damage and 40% more error effects. The pro of this build is its clear speed. it's just amazing to be always moving and messing with all the poor enemies on the way. The boss's damage is also incredible. Once the build is done, we are going to kill even the big bosses in just a matter of seconds. Above all of that, this build is very simple and easy to put together! This build has great survivability once it's done, but when you're leveling your character, you need to face your progression because you're always very close to enemies. If you're not prepared, you are going to die, so take the extra time to pick up a few more levels before progressing to a high-tier content. Another useful tip about your survivability is how to deal with stunts. On this build, you get a stun immunity with closer jewels, but not everyone can afford them right away
Brutal Fervour
Bane of Legends
Weapon: Starforge
Helm: Starkonja Head
Armor: Carcass Jack
Boots: The Stampede
Ring: Praxis
Divine Life Flask
Basalt Flask
Diamond Flask
Jade Flask
Lion's Roar
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