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WoW SoD Phase 3 Leveling Guide: Fast 40-50 Prequest & Dungeon Leveling in Season of Discovery

3/27/2024 9:35:51 AM

As SoD Phase 3 approaches, players are preparing for the 40-50 leveling sprint and the game changes significantly during this bracket. Here's a comprehensive guide to ensure you're well-equipped to tackle the new challenges and expedite your journey through these levels. In this WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 40-50 Leveling Guide, we break down the fastest ways and XP farming spots to reach 50 levels in SoD!

WoW SoD Phase 3 Fast 40-50 Leveling Guide (Prequest & Dungeon Leveling)

In the upcoming Phase 3, leveling is being improved through permanent XP buffs, with 100% buff up to level 39 and an additional 50% from 40-49. Repeatable turn-in quests will be removed to prevent spam leveling, the changes prevent some methods of quick leveling like stockpiling turn-ins but still allow preparing via pre-questing. New ways to gain XP include Nerum raid bosses granting XP boosts under level 40, Nightmare Incursions granting XP and rep above level 25, and faster leveling rates overall to motivate playing alts. With that leveling buffs and nerfs in mind, we present this WoW SoD Phase 3 40-50 leveling guide for you, which will cover the fastest dungeon and quest leveling methods for you!

1. SoD Phase 3 40-50 Leveling Prequests

Unlike the earlier leveling segments for Season of Discovery, the focus for speedrunning the 40-50 section is to dungeon grind rather than complete quests. For Alliance players, especially, dungeon grinding takes precedence over questing due to a scarcity of available quests. Horde players also benefit from this approach. Keep completed quests from the outside world in your questlog, ready to be turned in while you dungeon grind. This strategy helps you move swiftly through the levels, capitalizing on both dungeon and quest XP.

So first of all, let's list the quests you need to prepare before the P3 launch, including some of the chains you should have ready to go to pick them up at launch at the appropriate time:

WoW SoD 40-50 Leveling Prequests
QuestRequired ItemsLocationNotesQuestlog
StinglasherStinglasher's GlandsFeralas - Camp MojacheZukk'ash Infestation to also be completed beforehandYes
Natural Materials2 Splintered Logs, 6 Encrusted Minerals, 20 Resilent Sinew, 40 Metallic FragmentsFeralas - Camp Mojache
Mountain Giant Musiek7 Mountain Giant Musiek, Mountain Giant Musiek VesselFeralas - Camp Mojache
A Grim Discovery20 Grimtotem HornFeralas - Camp Mojache
Overlord Mok-Morokk's ConcernMok'Morokk's Snuff, Grog and StrongboxZukk'ash Infestation to also be completed beforehand
The Brood of Onyxia 35 Egg of Onyxia DestroyedZukk'ash Infestation to also be completed beforehand
Rise of the SilithidInsect Analysis ReportOrgrimmar
Saving YennikuFilled Soul GemSTV - Gromgol
Mok'Thardin's Enchantment 4Holy Spring WaterSTV - Gromgol
Big Game HunterHead of BangalashSTV - Nesingwary
Facing NegolashSmott's CutlassBooty Bay
Rescue OOX-22/FE!
Booty Bay
Stranglethorn FeverHeart of MokkBooty Bay

The Bloodsail Buccaneers (5)Kill the ship CaptainsBooty Bay
Cracking Maury's FootMaury's KeyBooty Bay
Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog12 Pupellyverbos PortBooty Bay
Set Them Ablaze!Torch of RetributionSearing Gorge
Broken AlliancesBlacklash's Bindings, Chains of Hematus, Sign of the Earth (provided)Badlands - Kargath
Tooga's Quest
Tanaris - Steamwheedle Port
WANTED: Caliph ScorpidstingCaliph Scorpidsting's HeadGadgetzan
The Gordunni OrbGordunni Orb
have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
Report to ZorJeweled Pendant
have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
Rumors for Kravel

have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
This is Going to be Hard 1-3Lotwil's Shackles of Elemental Binding
have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
News for Fizzle

have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
ZUL'FARRAK: The Prophecy of Mosh'aru

have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
Slake that Thirst5 Wastewander Water Pouch
have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
Tiara of the DeepTiara of the Deep
have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
GahzrillaGahz'rilla's Electrified ScaleShimmering FlatsGet mallet
Necklace RecoveryShattered NecklaceOrgrimmarfarm item and hold in bag
Perfect Yeti HidePerfect Yeti HideFeralas - Camp Mojachefarm item and hold in bag
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IPages 1,4,6,8STV - Nesingwaryfarm item and hold in bag
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IIPages 10,11,14,16STV - Nesingwaryfarm item and hold in bag
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IIIPages 18,20,21,24STV - Nesingwaryfarm item and hold in bag
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IVPages 25,26,27STV - Nesingwaryfarm item and hold in bag
Curious Dalaran Relic

Curious Dalaran Relic

Creepy Dalaran Relic

Glittering Dalaran Relic

Odd Dalaran Relic

Slippery Dalaran Relic

Whirring Dalaran Relic

Heavy Dalaran Relic

Dalaran Agentfarm item and hold in bag
Coolant Heads PrevailFrost OilBadlands - Lotwilfarm item and hold in bag
Gyro... what?GyrochronatomBadlands - Lotwilfarm item and hold in bag
Liquid StoneHealing Potion, Lesser Invisibility PotionBadlands - Lotwilfarm item and hold in bag
Stone is Better than ClothPatterned Bronze BracersBadlands - Lotwilfarm item and hold in bag
Barbecued Buzzard Wings4 Buzzard WingsBadlands - Rigglefuzzfarm item and hold in bag
Pearl Diving9 Blue PearlsBadlands - Rigglefuzzfarm item and hold in bag
Ship SchedulesShip ScheduleTanaris - Steamwheedle Portfarm item and hold in bag
The Mad KingThermaplugg's Engineering NotesOrgrimmarfarm item and hold in bag
Grime-Encrusted Ring > Nogg's Ring RedoGrime-Encrusted Ring > 1 Silver Bar, 1 Moss Agate, and the ringGnomeregan > Orgrimmarfarm item and hold in bag
A Donation of Silk60 Silk ClothOrgrimmar, Undercity, Thunder Bluff

A Donation of Mageweave60 Mageweave ClothOrgrimmar, Undercity, Thunder Bluff

Horde Bonus Quests 40-50 Leveling
QuestRequired ItemsNotesLocation
The Super Egg-O-MaticHippogryph Eggfarm item and hold in bagGadgetzan
First Aid 225Arathi Highlands
Show Your Work (Goblin)20 Big Iron Bombs, 20 Solid Dynamite, 5 Explosive SheepEngineering 225 Goblin Engineer specialisationGadgetzan
Show Your Work (Gnome)6 Mithril Tubes, Accurate Scope, 3 Advanced Target DummyEngineering 225 Gnome Engineer specialisationBooty Bay
> Clamlette Surprise12 Giant Eggs, 10 Zesty Clam Meat, 20 Alterac SwissCooking 225Gadgetzan
Elemental Leatherworking2 Heart of Fire, 2 Globe of Water, 2 Core of Earth, 2 Breath of WindLeatherworking 225 specialisationArathi Highlands
Tribal LeatherworkingWild Leather Vest, Wild Leather HelmetLeatherworking 225 specialisationSTV - Grom'Gol
Dragonscale Leatherworking2 Tough Scorpid Breastplate, 2 Tough Scorpid Glove, 10 Worn DragonscaleLeatherworking 225 specialisationBadlands

WoW SoD P3 Alliance 40-50 Leveling Pre-Quests
QuestRequired ItemsNotesLocation
Tooga's Quest

Tanaris - Steamwheedle Port
WANTED: Andre Firebeard

Tanaris - Steamwheedle Port
The Scrimshank RedemptionScrimshank's Surveying Gear


WANTED: Caliph ScorpidstingCaliph Scorpidsting's Head


Freed from the Hive

Feathermoon Stronghold
Doling JusticeJer'kai's Signet Ring
Prayer to ElunePrayer to Elune
Facing NegolashSmott's Cutlass
Booty Bay
Stranglethorn FeverHeart of Mokk
Booty Bay
Cracking Maury's FootMaury's Key
Booty Bay
Big Game HunterHead of Bangalash
STV - Nesingwary
Bring the Light
Dungeon: Razorfen DownsStormwind
Rise, Obsidion!Head of Lathoric the Black, Heart of Obsidion
Thorium Point
Set Them Ablaze!Torch of Retribution
Searing Gorge
Summoning the PrincessEldritch Shackles
Attack on the TowerTrelane's Phylactery, Terlane's Orb, Trelane's ember agate
Wanted! Marez Cowl

Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest

Tremors of the EarthBlacklash's Bindings, Chains of Hematus, Sign of the Earth
Fiery Blaze EnchantmentsBlack Drake's Heart
Keeping Pace
have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
A Sign of Hope
have chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
This is Going to be Hard 1-3Lotwil's Shackles of Elemental Bindinghave chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
The Prophecy of Mosh'aruFirst and Second Tabletshave chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
Tiara of the DeepTiara of the Deephave chain complete to this point so you can pickup later
GahzrillaGahz'rilla's Electrified ScaleGet the MalletShimmering Flats
Water pouch bounty5 Wastewander Water Pouchfarm items and hold in bag
Ship SchedulesShip Schedulefarm items and hold in bagTanaris - Steamwheedle Port
Pristine Yeti HidePristine Yeti Hidefarm items and hold in bagFeathermoon Stronghold
Thalanaar DeliveryUndelivered Parcelcomplete quest chain to this item and hold in bagThalanaar
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IPages 1,4,6,8farm items and hold in bagSTV - Nesingwary
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IIPages 10,11,14,16farm items and hold in bagSTV - Nesingwary
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IIIPages 18,20,21,24farm items and hold in bagSTV - Nesingwary
Green Hills of Stranglethorn IVPages 25,26,27farm items and hold in bagSTV - Nesingwary
Curious Dalaran Relic

Curious Dalaran Relic

Creepy Dalaran Relic

Glittering Dalaran Relic

Odd Dalaran Relic

Slippery Dalaran Relic

Whirring Dalaran Relic

Heavy Dalaran Relic

farm items and hold in bagDalaran Agent
The Horn of the BeastMargol's Gigantic Hornfarm items and hold in bagLoch Modan - Pebblebitty

Grime-Encrusted Ring
> Nogg's Ring Redo

Grime-Encrusted Ring

> 1 Silver Bar, 1 Moss Agate, and the ring

farm items and hold in bag
> Hold collectable items for turn in

> Ironforge

The Mad KingThermaplugg's Engineering Notesfarm items and hold in bagIronforge

The Shattered Necklace
> Lore for a Price

Shattered Necklacre
> 5 Silver Bars

farm items and hold in bag
>Hold collectable items for turn in

Coolant Heads PrevailFrost Oilfarm items and hold in bagBadlands - Lotwil
Gyro... what?Gyrochronatomfarm items and hold in bagBadlands - Lotwil
Liquid StoneHealing Potion, Lesser Invisibility Potionfarm items and hold in bagBadlands - Lotwil
Stone is Better than ClothPatterned Bronze Bracersfarm items and hold in bagBadlands - Lotwil
Barbecued Buzzard Wings4 Buzzard Wingsfarm items and hold in bagBadlands - Rigglefuzz
Pearl Diving9 Blue Pearlsfarm items and hold in bagBadlands - Rigglefuzz
A Donation of Silk60 Silk Cloth
Stormwind, Darnassus, Ironforge - Dwarves
A Donation of Mageweave60 Mageweave Cloth
Stormwind, Darnassus, Ironforge - Dwarves
Alliance Bonus Quests 40-50 Leveling

The Super Egg-O-MaticHippogryph Eggfarm item and hold in bagGadgetzan
First Aid 225Theramore
Show Your Work (Goblin)20 Big Iron Bombs, 20 Solid Dynamite, 5 Explosive SheepEngineering 225 Goblin Engineer specialisationGadgetzan
Show Your Work (Gnome)6 Mithril Tubes, Accurate Scope, 3 Advanced Target DummyEngineering 225 Gnome Engineer specialisationBooty Bay
> Clamlette Surprise12 Giant Eggs, 10 Zesty Clam Meat, 20 Alterac SwissCooking 225Gadgetzan
Elemental Leatherworking2 Heart of Fire, 2 Globe of Water, 2 Core of Earth, 2 Breath of WindLeatherworking 225 specialisationSearing Gorge
Tribal LeatherworkingWild Leather Vest, Wild Leather HelmetLeatherworking 225 specialisationFeralas - Caryssia
Dragonscale Leatherworking2 Tough Scorpid Breastplate, 2 Tough Scorpid Glove, 10 Worn DragonscaleLeatherworking 225 specialisationAzshara

2. SoD Phase 3 Dungeon Leveling

So you have done the prequests and get ready to run Dungeons, let's break down the most effective leveling route for you step by step:

Horde 40-50 Dungeon Leveling & Quest Routes

Start with quest turn-ins at Thunder Bluff and move through zones like Feralas, Dustwallow Marsh, and Stranglethorn Vale, ensuring you pick up subsequent quests in the chain:

Level 41 - Scarlet Monastery Cathedral Dungeon (To 40 Level, Total 137,680 XP)

  • 1. Take a summons, port (Mage) or take the zeppelin to Orgrimmar and fly to Thunder Bluff.

  • 2. Fly to Camp Mojache in Feralas to begin prequest turn-ins. Make sure you pick up marked follow up quests: Stinglasher, Mountain Giant Musiek, and A Grim Discovery for additional turn ins.

  • 3. Fly to Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh, and do the quests: Overlord Mok-Morokk's Concern and The Brood of Onyxia 3.

  • 4. Take a summons or portal, port (Mage) or fly to Orgrimmar, then finish the quests: A Grim Discovery 2, Zukk'ash Report, Report to Zor, Necklace Recovery, etc.

  • 5. Take a summons to Grom'gol, or else take the zeppelin to Grom'Gol, Stranglethorn Vale

  • Note: If you don't have Dark Rider relics, ride back to Grom'Gol and fly to Booty Bay. If you have Dark Rider relics to turn in, ride up into Duskwood and to Deadwind Pass to the Dalaran Agent, turn them in, then ride to Stonard and fly to Booty Bay.

Level 43 - Gnomeregan Dungeon (1 Run, Total 40,620 XP)

  • 1. A Fine Mess and The Mad King quests are all picked up in the raid, apart from Rig Wars. Take the portal in Booty Bay to Gnomeregan. Complete available quests in Gnomer, and hold Booty Bay/Orgrimmar turn ins for later as you go.

  • 2. Hearth to Kargath, Badlands at the end of Gnomeregan. Fly to Searing Gorge, and do the quest Set Them Ablaze!

  • 3. Fly back to Kargath, finish quest Broken Alliances and pickup quest in Kargath for Uldaman

  • 4. Pickup ULDAMAN: Power Stones quest at Rigglefuzz in Badlands for Uldaman

  • 5. Pickup ULDAMAN: Solution to Doom quest at Theldurin in Badlands for Uldaman

  • 6. At this point if you choose to omit Uldaman and go directly to Zul'Farrak, grab a summons to Gadgetzan, portal to Orgrimmar and fly to Gadgetzan, or port (Mage) to Thunder Bluff and fly to Gadgetzan. 2 runs of Uldaman will provide 73,000xp in quests.

Level 43 - Uldaman Dungeon (2 runs, Total 41,850 x 2 XP)

  • 1. First Run Uldaman, do quests: Necklace Recovery, Take 2, Solution to Doom, Power Stones, and Uldaman Reagent Run. Pickup quest - News for Fizzle for later turn in, have chain complete to this point.

  • 2. Second Run Uldaman. Quest xp gains from running Uldaman a second time is limited to 20,750xp in additional turn ins. If you prefer to omit a second run, Find the Gems, Deliver the Gems, Necklace Recovery are skipped below.

  • 3. Once your Uldaman run(s) are complete, take a summon or portal to Undercity, port to Undercity (Mage) or Hearth to Kargath and fly to Undercity. Then pick up the quests Reclaimed Treasures, A Donation of Silk, and A Donation of Mageweave.

  • 4. Take a summon or portal to Orgrimmar, or take the zeppelin to Orgrimmar. If you only did one run of Uldaman, you can go directly to Thunder Bluff instead. Finish the quest - Deliver the Gems at Orgrimmar and pick up the Gnomeregan turn ins quests: The Mad King and Rig Wars.

  • 5. Fly to Thunder Bluff, and pick up quest chain: The Platinum Discs

  • 6. If your hearth is down, you may consider skipping a return to Badlands for additional turnins. In this case, from Thunder Bluff make your way to Gadgetzan, and Zul'Farrak

  • 7. Travel to Gadgetzan, and ride out to Steamwheedle Port on the coast to do turn ins: Tooga's Quest, Ship Schedules, Stoley's Debt. Pickup ZUL'FARRAK: The Prophecy of Mosh'aru quest for later turn in, have chain complete to this point.

  • 8. Ride back to Gadgetzan, make sure you are repaired and prepared for a long grinding session to 50 in Zul'Farrak. Then do quests: Caliph Scorpidsting and Slake that Thirst.

  • 9. Pickup ZUL'FARRAK: Gahz'rilla quest in Shimmering Flats for Zul'Farrak, and finish quests: Rumors for Kravel and News for Fizzle.

Level 44 - Zul' Farrak Dungeon (From Level 44 onwards, Total 36,250 XP)

  • Complete the quests: Divinomatic Rod, Scarab Shells, Troll Temper, The Prophecy of Mosh'aru, Gahzrilla, and Tiara of the Deep

Alliance 40-50 Dungeon Leveling & Pre-Quests

For Alliance players, especially, dungeon grinding takes precedence over questing due to a scarcity of available quests. Do the following quests to get started:

Level 41 - Prequest Runs for Gnomeregan

  • 1. Have your hearth set to Booty Bay. Start at Steamwheedle Port, Tanaris, and pick up quests: Tooga's Quest, Andre Firebeard, and Ship Schedules. Pick up The Prophecy of Mosh'aru quest in Steamwheedle for Zul'Farrak.

  • 2. Head to Gadgetzan, and pick up quests: The Scrimshank Redemption, Caliph Scorpidsting, and Water Pouch Bounty

  • 3. Pickup Gahz'rilla quest in Shimmering Flats for Zul'Farrak. Do the Keeping Pace quest, complete the quest chain to this point, pickup and turn in.

  • 4. Ride back to Gadgetzan and Fly to Thalanaar, Feralas, finish Thalanaar Delivery quest

  • 5. Fly to Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas, pick up Freed from the Hive and Pristine Yeti Hide

  • 6. Ideally get a port to Darnassus at this point, else fly there and take a break. Pick up quests: Doling Justice, Prayer to Elune, A Donation of Silk, A Donation of Mageweave.

  • 7. Hearth to Booty Bay, pick up quests: Facing Negolash, Stranglethorn Fever, Cracking Maury's Foot. Then pickup A Fine Mess quest in Booty Bay for Gnomeregan.

  • 8. If you have Green Hills to turn in, ride to Nesingwary and complete hand-ins. If not, you should pick another quest to complete for handin instead of Big Game Hunter and skip this turn-in section. If you have Dalaran Relics to turn into Dalaran Agent, fly or ride to Darkshire and ride into Deadwind Pass to turn them in as below. If not, you should skip this turn-in section.

  • 9. Fly to Stormwind, do quests: Bring the Light, A Donation of Silk, A Donation of Mageweave, and Gyromatic Excavationers for Gnomeregan

  • 10. Fly to Searing Gorge, pick up quests: Rise, Obsidion!, Set Them Ablaze!

  • 11. Fly to Loch Modan, pick up the quest: The Horn of the Beast

  • 12. Fly to Arathi Highlands, pick up the quest: Summoning the Princess, Attack on the Tower, Wanted! Marez Cowl, Wanted! Otto and Falconcrest

  • 13. Fly to Ironforge and set Hearth, finish quests: Proof of Deed, A Donation of Silk, A Donation of Mageweave. Then pick up quests: GNOMER: Data Rescue/Essential Artificials/Save Techbot's Brain!/The Grand Betrayal in Ironforge for Gnomeregan.

  • 14. Check you set your Hearth, then ride out of IF to Kharanos. Pickup GNOMER: Gnogaine quest in Kharanos for Gnomeregan.

Level 42 - Gnomeregan Dungeon (1 Run, Total 40,620 XP)

  • 1. During Gnomeregan at safe area turn in the following: Grime-Encrusted Ring

  • 2. After Gnomer is complete hearth to IF, do these quests: Data Rescue, Essential Artificials, Save Techbot's Brain!, The Grand Betrayal, The Mad King, The Shattered Necklace.

  • 3. Pickup ULDAMAN: Reclaimed Treasures quest in Ironforge for Uldaman

  • 4. Ride out of IF to Kharanos, pick up Gnogaine quest

  • 5. Fly to Loch Modan, pickup ULDAMAN: Uldaman Reagent Run quest in Thelsamar for Uldaman

  • 6. Ride into Badlands, do quests: Tremors of the Earth, Fiery Blaze Enchantments, A Sign of Hope (Complete quest chain to here), Coolant Heads Prevail, Gyro... what?, Liquid Stone, Stone is Better than Cloth, This is Going to be Hard 1-3 (Complete the Study of the Elements chain beforehand, then at launch turn in the the above quests which unlocks This is Going to be Hard. Kill the level 45 elemental to complete), Barbecued Buzzard Wings, and Pearl Diving (Precollect for turnin if you haven't already done this)

  • 7. Pickup ULDAMAN: Power Stones quest at Rigglefuzz in Badlands for Uldaman

Level 43 - Uldaman Dungeon (1 run, Total XP)

  • 1. During Uldaman complete/continue and turn in the following quests: Back to Uldaman, Find the Gems, The Lost Dwarves, The Platinum Discs

  • 2. After Uldaman is complete, ride back out into Badlands, finish quest Power Stones

  • 3. If you completed the reagent run, ride to Loch Modan to turn-in, and finish the Uldaman Reagent Run quest.

  • 4. Hearth to Ironforge, pick up quests: Restoring the Necklace, Restoring the Necklace 2, The Platinum Discs 2/3, The Hidden Chamber, Reclaimed Treasures

  • 5. Fly to Stormwind, train, clear bags, collect items as required for the next big grind at ZF, and do quest Gyrodrillmatic Excavationers.

  • 6. Fly to Booty Bay, do A Fine Mess quest, and pick up Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout quest in Booty Bay.

  • 7. Boat to Ratchet, fly to Theramore, or ride into Dustwallow to collect quest Tiara of the Deep

  • 8. Then Fly to Gadgetzan, and set Hearth. Pick up Divinomatic Rod, Scarab Shells, Troll Temper quest in Gadgetzan for Zul'Farrak.

Level 43 - Zul' Farrak Dungeon (1 run, Total XP)

  • 1. Complete these quests: Divinomatic Rod, Scarab Shells, Troll Temper, The Prophecy of Mosh'aru, Gahzrilla, Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout, Tiara of the Deep, turn them in at your convenience. Don't forget to stop and train at the right time. Safe travels to 50!

NOTE: Don't forget to use your Cosy Sleeping Bag for the XP buff (3-minute stack) and the Student Fodder. Rest for 1 minute before your 3x stack dropping off to refresh it to 3 stacks. The buff does apply to quests.

3. SoD Phase 3 Best Leveling Spots and Routes

If you still prefer the common leveling method, here are the best XP farming spots and routes for you:

40 to 42 Leveling Spot - Swamp of Sorrows

Head to the Swamp of Sorrows where you can stay from level 40 to 42. Here you'll be killing spiders, they respond quickly making them ideal targets. For Mage players, by casting regeneration on yourself then use living bomb on the mobs after pulling around four of them, cast living flame and spam Arcane explosion to finish them off.

40 to 43 Leveling Spot - Murlocs / Badlands

There are also Murlocs from level 40 to 43, we suggest being cautious with pulls if you don't have raid gear, you can stay here until Level 42 or even 43. The pulling technique remains the same as demonstrated earlier. If you have full best in slot raid gear, you can pull more Murlocs, if you need gear consider of the Eagle Gear from the auction house as it often has stamina.

Then, let's venture into the Badlands. Here, you can continue your journey until level 43. Take advantage of quest mobs for rapid respawn rates, applying the same rotation of spells for efficient clears. A quick reminder, PvP realms may pose additional challenges, so stay vigilant and scout your surroundings before engaging in combat.

43 to 50 Leveling Spot - Tanaris

Transitioning to Tanaris, you'll find a plethora of leveling opportunities from levels 43 to 45.

Levels 43 to 45: Kill humans or hyenas using AOE leveling. Pulls are best done mounted to gather around eight mobs.

Levels 45 to 48: Focus on Pirates, found on the right side of the map. They're ideal for grouped AOE killing and respawning quickly.

Levels 48 to 50: Target Ogres for grouped AOE leveling, kill any Caster Warlocks first before pulling.

4. Preparing for Phase 3

To help you reach 50 level cap in Season of Discovery Phase 3 faster, get the following things done before the update launch:

  • Professions: Max out your professions to 225 before Phase 3 hits. New epic items at level 50 will be crucial for raiding, and having your professions ready will allow you to craft or obtain these items quickly.

  • Flight Points: Collecting all necessary flight points from 40 to 50 beforehand saves precious time during the leveling rush.

  • Quest Preparation: Have 20 completed quests ready to turn in as soon as Phase 3 launches to hit level 41 rapidly. Additionally, gather materials and items for quests to turn in immediately upon picking them up.

  • Gearing Up: Obtain the best possible gear for your class whether through dungeons, professions, or PvP to make the leveling process smoother and prepare for raiding.

  • Gold Accumulation: Sell unneeded items and stock up on gold to afford materials for leveling professions from 225 to 300 swiftly.

Remember, every little edge counts, whether it's resting experience, using the right add-ons, or simply being prepared with the best gear and consumables. Follow this guide, and you'll find yourself at level 50 ready to tackle the new raid content in no time.

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