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Season of Discovery Phase 2 Fishing Guide: Best Fish, Fishing Spots & Goldmaking Tips

1/1/2024 3:59:48 PM

Fishing is brilliant for gold in Seasonal of Discovery. Phase 2 fishing focuses on getting better gear, accessing new zones, and fishing valuable fish and containers for recipes, materials, and actionable items. The tournament also provides high-end fishing rewards. Read our WoW SoD Phase 2 fishing guide, we’ll talk about the best fish, locations, and preparations for fishing.


Season of Discovery Phase 2 Best Fish Farm - WoW Sod Phase 2 Fishing Guide

Fishing doesn't require combat and with the use of lods, you can fish in areas that are higher than the standard 150 that every other profession's currently at. You don't just get fish you also get boxes that contain green items, mithril bound, rune cloth, potions and recipes. They are an absolute WOW SoD gold mine! The skill cap for professions will be raised to 225, or Expert level in Phase 2. This will allow for better fishing poles and higher catch rates. The Big Iron Fishing Pole, requiring skill 225, will be more obtainable. Angler's Extreme pole from the tournament is also available. That is why you’ll need our WoW Classic Season of Discovery phase 2 fishing guide.


How to Start Finishing in Season of Discovery

To start fishing, you need to visit your nearest trainer. You're going to find one in Stormwind if you're a alliance or Orgrimmar if you’re a horde. Next to the trainer, there should be a vendor selling trade goods including a basic fishing rod and a selection of lods. Picking up a bunch of bubbles and night crawlers just to start with. There are some plus 100 lods that you require when you get further on though. 

To get from 0 to 75 fishing, just stand in one place by your trainer and then once you're level 50, you can train once and not have to worry about that again until the next phase begins. If you'll have trouble doing the no-click fishing in the city that's because you need your bobber to be the nearest interactable thing to you, so you'll need to find yourself a nice quiet spot.


How to Fish in Season of Discovery?

Mouse-Free Fishing:

  1. Install BetterFishing addon and customize sound alerts.

  2. Use console commands to increase interaction arc and range:

    /console soft target interact Arc 2

    /console soft target interact range 30

  3. Bind casting/catching to a key in BetterFishing, like pressing B.

  4. When bobber is out of range, jump or cancel cast before recasting.

  5. Find a quiet fishing spot away from other interactables.

  6. Press your cast/catch keybind hands-free without mouse. Use sound alerts to know when a fish is caught.

Controller Fishing:

  • Follow all steps for mouse-free fishing above.

  • Enable controller support with:

    /console gamepad enable 1

  • In keybindings, set your cast/catch to a controller button like A or X.

  • Play with controller instead of mouse and keyboard.

  • When done, disable controller with:

    /console gamepad enable 0

  • Other than input device, controller fishing works the same as mouse-free - press cast/catch button and listen for sound alerts. No staring at screen required.


Season of Discovery Phase 2 Best Fish to Farm

Deviate Fish - Can be turned in for Savory Deviate Delight (cooking) and is used in Elixir of Giant Growth (alchemy). Found in pools in The Barrens.

Raw Greater Sagefish - Used to make Sagefish Delight (cooking). Found in rivers in Stranglethorn Vale and coast of Alterac Mountains.

Firefin Snapper - Used to make Fire Oil (alchemy). Found along the coast of Stranglethorn Vale.

Oily Blackmouth - Used to make Blackmouth Oil (alchemy). Also found along the coast of Stranglethorn Vale.

Rumsey Rum varieties (Black Label, Dark, Light) - Valuable consumables. Locations depend on rum type.

Stranglekelp - Used in a variety of alchemy elixirs and potions like Elixir of Defense. Can be fished anywhere.

Crates/containers - Have a chance to contain BoEs, crafting materials like runecloth. Best caught in Southern Stranglethorn, Azshara coast.

Season of Discovery Phase 2 Best Locations for Fishing

The Barrens - For Deviate Fish pools. A reliable source of Savory Deviate Delight ingredients.

Stranglethorn Vale coast - Firefin Snapper and Oily Blackmouth spawn here in abundance. Also container spawns.

Stranglethorn Vale river banks - Farm Raw Greater Sagefish along with containers.

Coast of Alterac Mountains - Another spot for Greater Sagefish with less competition than STV.

Azshara coast - Higher level zone, but reliable crates/containers and fish like Snapper.

Wetlands/Hillsbrad Foothills - Consistent places to fish Rumsey Rum varieties.

Anywhere open water - Stranglekelp is widely available almost anywhere.

Tanaris coast near Steamwheedle Port - Variety of fish, crates, clams and Rum all in one spot.

Lakes in Desolace - Big Iron Fishing Pole shells nearby, otherwise competes with skinning.


Season of Discovery Phase 2 Preparation With Fishing

Farming Ironbound and Mealbound trunks is one of the most profitable ways to prepare for phase 2. These trunks contain crafting materials, potions, Bind on Pickup items, and recipes that can sell very well when more is available. Potions like Mana and Greater Healing sell steadily now for 60s to 1 gold each on the auction house. Materials will be in high demand when professions expand. It's best to focus on areas with many trunk spawns, such as Stranglethorn Vale, and use addons or layering to avoid competition over spawns.

Investing in top-tier fishing poles and lures can boost your fishing skill and catch rates, paying off with more loot overall. The Big Iron Fishing Pole is a good option. Stockpiling crafting materials like bolts of runecloth or mageweave now means you'll have what's needed when professions advance. Green and blue Bind on Equip gear and recipes found may not sell now but often increase in value later on. Be sure to check stats before disenchanting, as suitable armor or weapons can sell instead of being disenchanted.

Outside of trunks and crates, fishing for items like Seekers Scales or Essence of Water provides steady income from turn-ins and potential alchemy procs. Valuable fish skins like Golden Scale and Savage Fishing also make for additional profit when skinned. Doing multiple runs of 100 boxes or trunks gives a larger sample size of valuable BoP and BoE drops overall. As Phase 2 nears, fishing will remain one of the top gold-making activities to prepare your character's professions and bankroll.


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