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Lsot AR Control Glaivier Build Guide After Post Patch - Skills, Engravings, Gears & Gameplay

7/31/2023 2:59:46 PM

Today we’re going to cover post patch Control Glaivier guide in Lsot AR and provide you with insights and recommendations to optimize your build for maximum effectiveness in battle.

Lsot AR Control Glaivier Guide After Post Patch: Skills, Engravings, Gears & Changes

The Control Glaivier in LOA is a fast and agile build capable of spamming skills in Flurry Stance. The biggest change that happened to Control Glaivier is the skills, Soul Cutter and Blue Dragon’s Claw. These two skills became really strong and some of the tripods also got some rework. Both Pinnacle and Control do similar DPS in the Trixion. In the real raid, Pinnacle does more damage since it's a bursting play style, it's considered that Pinnacle is a tier 0 and Control is tier 1. Tier 0 literally means it's one of the strongest class in Lsot AR. Tier 1 is really strong, but not as strong as tier 0 classes. So in short, both of the builds are pretty strong after the balance patch.

Gears & Stats for Control Glavier Build 

For the gears, you go for a entropy no matter what, that's because Control Glaivier runs high smoothness and her animation of the blue skills is very short. So it's easy to back attack, there's no reason not to go for entropy if you want to seek for a lot of damage. For the stats, you go full swiftness and sub crit.


- Lvl 3 Grudge

- Lvl 3 Ambush Master

- Lvl 3 Cursed Doll 

- Lvl 3 Raid Captain

- Lvl 3 Control

- Lvl 1 Adrenaline

Skills for Control Glavier Balance Post Patch

- Chain slash

- Soul cutter

- Half moon slash

- Raging dragon slash 

- Blue dragon claw

- Wheel of blades or stampeding slash

- Shackling blue dragon

You can also run stampeding slash over wheel of blade, but normally people run wheel of blade and the reason is because there are 3 reasons. Number one, wheel of blade have paralysis immunity, stampeding does not, so it gets canceled by a lot, whereas wheel of blade doesn't. Reason 2 is that wheel of blade is easy to prop the judgment because it has a lot of hits. And the last reason is that even though stampeding slash has shorter cooldown than wheel of blade, it doesn't matter that much for we will play to have longer cooldown, because if you run high level cooldown gems, then any other blue skills will have short cooldown anyways. So you're not going to have a lot of time to spam the stampeding slash.

Control Glavier Build Gems

Attack Gems:

  • Chain slash 

  • Soul cutter

  • Half moon slash

  • Raging dragon slash

  • Blue dragon claw

  • Wheel of blade

Cooldown Gems

  • Chain slash 

  • Soul cutter

  • Half moon slash

  • Raging dragon slash

  • Shackling blue dragon

LOA Control Glavier Build Rotation

Do the rotation with level 7 cooldown gem, you want to start off with shackling blue dragon that gives you a quick synergy and party synergy, and then half moon slash, proc the conviction, wheel of blade, proc judgment and then raging dragon slash and the blue dragon claw. For these two skills, chain slash and soul cutter, these two have the shoulders cooldown, among these skills is only 6 seconds with level 7 cooldown gem. So you can use it whenever the tool comes back.

So it's going to be like this: shackling half moon conviction and the wheel judgment, raging slash, blue dragon claw, soul cutter to chain slash, and then wait for whichever comes first. Soul cutter and then shackling, and same rotation. 

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